Andrea Forsyth - Journey to Empowerment

Journey to Empowerment is here to inspire, educate, challenge and encourage positive change and growth. Individual and Corporate Wellness packages available.

We work closely with both individuals and organisations creating awareness and approaches for a better way forward. Stress management tools and all areas of wellbeing are incorporated into our coaching approach. Behavioural profiling takes our coaching to the highest level and can transform both lives and workplaces through growth and development If your ready to rise up to your own 'Journey to Empowerment' and create the best possible version of YOU or your workplace, then contact me today.


This gave me goosebumps!

So beautifully articulated, for anyone needing support these words may help you know how to express what u need, for anyone wanting to help someone needing support, such a special way to offer it and understand that your role is not to ‘fix’.

My favourite line…

“Will you...
Hold my hand for a little while?
I don’t need you to save me
No need for you to fix anything
No need for you to hold my pain
But will you simply hold my hand?

I do not need your words
Your thoughts
Nor your shoulders to carry me
But will you sit here for a while with me?

Whilst my tears they stream
Whilst my heart it shatters
Whilst my mind plays tricks on me
Will you with your presence let me know that I am not alone, whilst I wander into my inner unknown?

For my darkness is mine to face
My pain is mine to feel
And my wounds are mine to heal
But will you sit with me here, while I courageously show up for it all my dear?

For I am bright because of my darkness
Beautiful because of my brokenness
And strong due to my tender heart
But will you take my hand lovingly, when I sometimes journey into the dark?

I don’t ask for you to take my darkness away
I don’t expect for you to brighten my day
And I don’t believe that you can mend my pain
But I would surely love if you could sit for a while and hold my hand, until I find my way out of my shadowland!
So will you...
Hold my hand until I return again?”
~ Zoe Johansen

Shared with 💛

🔆The Sisterhood is SHE

[Image: Patty Maher Photography]


This is powerful 🙏

Me: Hey God.

God: Hello.....

Me: I'm falling apart. Can you put me back together?

God: I would rather not.

Me: Why?

God: Because you aren't a puzzle.

Me: What about all of the pieces of my life that are falling down onto the ground?

God: Let them stay there for a while. They fell off for a reason.
Take some time and decide if you need any of those pieces back.

Me: You don't understand!
I'm breaking down!

God: No - you don't understand.
You are breaking through.
What you are feeling is just growing pains.
You are shedding the things and the people in your life that are holding you back.
You aren't falling apart.
You are falling into place.
Take some deep breaths and allow those things you don't need anymore to fall off of you.
Quit holding onto the pieces that don't fit you anymore.
Let them fall off. Let them go.

Me: Once I start doing that, what will be left of me?

God: Only the very best pieces of you.

Me: I'm scared of changing.

God: I keep telling you - YOU AREN'T CHANGING!! YOU ARE BECOMING!

Me: Becoming who?

God: Becoming who I created you to be!
A person of light and love and charity and hope and courage and joy and mercy and grace and compassion.
I made you for more than the shallow pieces you have decided adorn yourself with that you cling to with such greed and fear.
Let those things fall off of you.

I love you! Don't change! Become! Become! Become!
Become who I made you to be.
I'm going to keep telling you this until you remember it.

Me: There goes another piece.

God: Yep. Let it be.

Me: So...I'm not broken?

God: No - but you are breaking like the dawn. It's a new day.

You aren’t changing, you are becoming who I created you to be

by John Roedel


Courage is the mental or moral strength to venture and persevere fear or difficulty.

Courage only comes with ACTION though, you will never feel courageous thinking about the actions or dreaming about the actions, courage comes with TAKING THE ACTIONS...and every time you take action you are building the muscle of courage, the stronger the muscle the easier it becomes to step out of your comfort zone.

Being courageous isn’t always easy, and there are times in our lives when we have more courage than others. But remember, being courageous isn’t always about fighting a battle. It can be something as small as getting up each day and trying again when you really feel like you can't.


My mantra for shifting my mindset, whenever I’m faced with challenges is ‘this too shall pass.

This single affirmation helps ground me but also conditions my mind for accepting the things I have no control of.

Life’s challenges are often unexpected, turning things upside-down in a moment. There is rarely any opportunity to prepare or plan for these situations so your mindset around getting through them is key!

From experience, I have found taking time out to pause and take a few deep breathes before I respond has helped me immensely. Whether this pause is a day, an hour of literally 1 minute of deep breathing to ground me and think with a clearer mind takes me from 'reacting' to 'responding'.


Happy Intl Womens Day to all women out there!

I’m going to share with you some of my female mentors that I follow that have made a massive impact in my life with their message whether it be by reading their books, listening to their podcasts, movie or you tube clips or studying through their courses:

Brene Brown – What a women..Queen of vulnerability she is absolutely leading the way for others with her work around vulnerability, shame, courage and really just understanding how hiding from our true self and our true emotions is really damaging not only for ourselves but for everyone around us. The more courageous we are to be open and vulnerable the more we give permission to others to also be the same. She has a great film on Netflix now that is worth watching .

Pema Chodron- this phenomenal woman has been my go to over the past few years. I am literally reading one of her books either hardcopy or audible every single week. Her teaching around the Buddhist principles of non-attachment and surrendering, accepting the truth of what really is and her teachings in ‘bodhicitta’ have been life changing for me, learning to be able to sit with every emotion, no matter how hard or confronting it feels and allow the feelings to pass rather than suppress it.. this has been my journey to healing. Her book “When things fall apart” is my absolute ‘go to’ and lives beside my bed.

Oprah Winfrey – Oprahs strength and determination to overcome adversity and rise from such a troubled childhood to who she is today blows my mind. I have learned so much from her podcasts ‘Super Soul’ and have been introduced through her interviews to so many wonderful other woman who have inspired me. She really has been a big door opener for me into my deep dive of growth.

Shefali Tsabary – Conscious parenting expert Shefali has so beautifully brought together the Eastern and the Western worlds of parenting and has inspired and guided me immensely with parenting. I came across her through Oprahs Super Sunday Sessions and from the first interview I was drawn to her teachings and her approach helped me immensely in supporting my eldest son through his teenage years and now my younger children. She dives deep into our conditioning and how many of us raise our children through our own broken lens from our own upbringing and she guides parents to shine the light within themselves and heal all their own broken parts instead of passing them down onto our children to repeat another generational cycle of dysfunction. She has certainly helped me to break the cycle in my family in many ways..still work in progress on this one!! Here is a short snippet of her work.

My list could go on and on, but these are 4 that truly stand out to me on a more celebrity level. Ofcourse on a personal level with friends and family there is a whole other long list. I am so inspired by so many women in my circle.

I’d love for you to share in the comments who some of your female role models are also so others can look up any they may resonate with ☺


A great reminder... the important part however is that you learn from this experience and don’t keep making the same mistakes. 🦋


Unconditional love... so beautiful 🥰


Covid isolation is challenging for most,
connection is one of our 6 core needs so it’s natural we will long for it, especially those living alone.

We are so fortunate to have the technology now where we can stay connected with others in so many ways, take advantage of this and keep reaching out to those you love, especially those on their own.

Just don’t lose sight of the bigger picture as to why we are required to do this though. Whether you agree with this process or not, the bigger picture is we don’t want to lose any more lives.

Stay healthy and find ways to laugh, it’s good for the soul 💗


It is no one else’s responsibility to make u worthy enough to take time out and look after yourself.

This is our own job... we must put ourselves first and invest in healthy daily rituals, then we have so much more to give back to others when we have taken care of ourselves.

Remember.. you can’t pour from an empty cup



So beautifully worded ❤️

Every woman deserves to feel completely at peace with her man... that’s when her true feminine energy flows.

But not all men are willing or open to provide that level of trust, time, attention, love, support and protection.

Ladies... Don’t settle for any less 🙌

And if you have a man that gives you this sense of peace... make sure you acknowledge him and tell him exactly that ❤️


Sums it up perfectly!

Happy Friday everyone 😃😃


For those of you who are not aware, as well as life coaching and yoga instructing I am also an Int’l flight attendant.

Today this poster arrived and is currently blu tac’d to my office walls and I wanted to share it with you.

I’m never giving up on my happily ever after... this poster has so many meanings to me:

1. Never give up on ur dreams.

It was my childhood dream to be an Int’l flight attendant and after having a child at 21 I let this dream go. Then at 41 and 4 kids later the opportunity arose and I threw myself at it and got the job. OMG I loved every single minute of the time I got to fly until Covid hit. Don’t wait until it’s too late to back yourself and follow your dreams.

2. Spread your wings and explore the world.

There is so much to learn when you step outside your own bubble. Travelling helps you look at life differently, broadens your thinking in such a healthy way.

3. We are not trees, we do not have to stay put if we are not happy.. move!

Whether it’s your job, relationship, home.. whatever it is... don’t settle for unhappy. Make the changes needed, do the work to create the change and get on with life. There’s an abundance of happiness out there to be had, you just have to get out of your own way and be willing to commit to your happiness.

4. Set goals to travel and explore then put a plan in place to make it happen.

After every holiday I’m researching the next one, even if it’s a year away, I’m setting a saving plan and locking it in.

It gives me something to look forward to.

5. The biggest one for me, is ‘I MATTER’. Being a mum of 4 and step mum to 1 when I went for this job, I really had to overcome all the stories in my head that the rest of the family mattered more than me and I couldn’t put myself first when it came to fulfilling one of my dreams because I had children. Boy do I laugh at that story now! What I have taught my children through this process has been priceless, especially my daughters.

Every Mum matters just as much as every Dad.. no less.. ever!!

6. Lucky last and gosh so powerful for me is the saying ‘Don’t die with your song unsung’.

I hope this share has inspired you in some way 🙏

Andrea 😄


I have learned to check in with myself around emotions. When I am feeling low, negative, angry, resentment or any of those emotions that pull me down energetically I ask myself ‘what am I choosing to feel today?’

It’s one thing to be feeling a certain way around what’s going on in your day or your life, but bringing conscious awareness to it means you have to own it.

It allows you to see that you are ‘choosing’ to feel that way, as we are in charge of our emotions.

People can do things that may trigger us, hurt us, upset us etc... but it is our choice on how we choose to buy into it and let it affect us... or let it go.

Here is what I usually do to change how I’m feeling:

Close your eyes and breathe the negative emotion in to acknowledge it, then breathe it right back out and let it go... picture the negative thoughts and emotions leaving ur body on the exhale.

Take as many breathes as you need to with ‘letting go’ being your focus on the exhale until your feel the energy shift in your body.

Then breathe in the emotion you are now choosing to have (eg. Joy, happiness, grailtitude, love) and as u exhale allow a soft gentle smile on ur face... and do this for a few breathes.

My experience of this is I always feel lighter, my smile gets bigger and bigger each exhale, my shoulders drop down releasing tension and I always feel grateful for something in my life.

Give it a try 🙌

Today I’m choosing CALM as how I want to feel. What are you choosing today?


Let’s have some fun amidst the fear and mania rising with this virus:


Sooo Powerful!

I spent years looking externally for acceptance from others... and it is like trying to arrive at a destination that just doesn’t exist. Like when ur sat nav in ur car gets you lost and ur going round in circles... it’s frustrating right!

Outsourcing acceptance is what causes body issues, it causes neediness, low self esteem, the list goes on... and let’s be honest, it’s actually a really unattractive trait to see in others.

I think one of the sexiest traits a person can have is when they accept themselves, fully, just as they are...doesn’t mean they are totally happy with where they may be in their life.. but they have acceptance.

There is a softening to it 💕

The best word I can find for it is ‘freedom’.

As the below quote so beautifully states, it frees you from the burden of needing others to accept you!

I think we need to reframe SEXY!

Acceptance is sexy!
Self love is sexy!
Trying to better yourself as a person yet accepting where you currently are at is sexy!

Let’s bring the true sexy back into this world with acceptance and free ourselves of the toxic burden of needing acceptance from others.

Sending love and light sexy people... I love and accept myself for the woman I am today.. my lumps, bumps, imperfections and perfections.. I love them all and I will keep striving to create a healthier, happier version of me also! I invite you to do the same too 🙏


Watch this one a few times as if this information is new to you it is a lot to take in.

Very powerful wisdom shared by Dr Joe 🙌

Master this and positive change can be infinite in your life.


The inner power that comes when one lives from a place of joy... what a truly inspirational woman 🙌

Her INSIGHT far outweighs her loss of sight. ❤️

‎Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Podcast: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Peace Is Possible on Apple Podcasts 29/10/2019

‎Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Podcast: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Peace Is Possible on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Podcast, Ep Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Peace Is Possible - 21 Oct 2019


Change ur mindset and ur outcomes change with it!

As Ray Kroc quotes ‘You are either Ripe and Rotting or Green and Growing!’

In any area of your life where your feeling disempowered, search for a way to turn it around where you can take ownership and reframe it into a positive.. something more empowering.

The language you use on yourself is so powerful... use it in way that brings out the best in you 🙏👌🏼

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