New Farm Acupuncture

New Farm Acupuncture

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Whole body care
Whole body care

Our treatments:

Nutrition and Dietary Supplementation

At New Farm Acupuncture and Natural Therapies we provide natural health care using the very best of modern and traditional natural medicine. Many different conditions can be treated by acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine – we seek to use traditional knowledge combined with the latest research to find the very best treatment approach for the individual. New Farm Acupuncture and Natural Therapie


Attending the Acupuncture Association annual conference

Acupuncture Can Significantly Help Those With Tension Headaches 17/06/2024

Acupuncture Can Significantly Help Those With Tension Headaches Researchers have found that acupuncture may reduce headaches for those who suffer from chronic tension headaches. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment that involves needles being inserted into the skin. Study author Dr. Ying Li says it can reduce the average number of headaches per month f...

New Farm Acupuncture & Natural Therapies 26/07/2022

Our apologies if you had any trouble making an online booking today. We have now fixed the problem (and Dan is not allowed near the settings for a week)!

New Farm Acupuncture & Natural Therapies Schedule your appointment online New Farm Acupuncture & Natural Therapies


How can diet influence disease risk?

Here is a comparison of the effects of whole-plant foods and processed foods on the gut microbiome and its implications for host physiology, immunology, metabolism, and disease risk.

> Whole-plant foods provide health-promoting phytochemicals and dietary fibres through numerous mechanisms via their biotransformation by gut microbiota.

> Processed foods elicit negative effects on the gut environment due to the absence of these compounds and the presence of emulsifiers, salt, and acellular nutrients.

Read the article here:

Learn more about gastrointestinal health here:

Photos from The Holistic Psychologist's post 14/01/2022

Your diet can influence how you feel. Here are some basic principles:


Acupuncture is fantastic for helping the nervous system get into a more relaxed state. In my practice one of my favourite things to treat is anxiety. It makes me feel so happy to help my patients live life with a deeper sense of self confidence and enjoyment.

Evidence Based Summaries: Acupuncture as a Therapeutic Treatment for Anxiety

👉 it is exciting to know that studies show has an effect on both the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).

✅ - has been shown to improve the body’s ability to cope with stress through improving Heart Rate Variability (HRV).

😡 When the body is under stress, an area of the brain called the hypothalamus releases neurochemicals, and research shows that acupuncture can calm this response 🎯

🥰 Acupuncture has also been shown to increase the release of endorphins, the body’s own ‘feel-good’ chemicals, which play an important role in the regulation of physical and emotional stress responses such as pain, heart rate, blood pressure, and digestive function.

🙌 All of these acupuncture mechanisms have a direct effect on reducing anxiety 👍

Please visit the website for the full evidence summary and feel free to share! Thank you for your support and donations - it helps us to continue producing educational materials for the community 👏👏👏


The Rock gets it

First time cupper over here 🙋🏽‍♂️
Looks more gnarly than it feels, but over all I enjoyed the therapy.

Always looking for new techniques to keep this 250million year old dinosaur 🦖 body balanced and optimal with not only all my past injuries but my daily grinding family/work/training/repeat schedule.
It all takes it toll, so being proactive is critical.

We only get one body, so we gotta take care of it.

⚖️ ☯️ 🦖

Photos from Friendly Neighbor Epidemiologist's post 27/01/2021
Photos from New Farm Acupuncture's post 19/11/2020

It's a new look! Let us know what you think ☺️

Commonly used treatments for chronic pain can do more harm than good and should not be used, says NICE in draft guidance 04/08/2020

The UK's top health institute NICE now recommends exercise and acupuncture for chronic pain, and cautions against long term use of paracetamol and anti-inflammatory drugs.

We've been helping people with natural solutions for chronic pain for over twenty years.

Commonly used treatments for chronic pain can do more harm than good and should not be used, says NICE in draft guidance   Instead, the draft guideline, which is now open to public consultation until 14 September 2020, says that people with a type of chronic pain called chronic primary pain should be offered supervised group exercise programmes, some types of psychological therapy, or acupuncture. Chronic primary pa...

Photos from New Farm Acupuncture's post 24/07/2020

We are totally in love with our new entry way mural! Thanks to Bec and Kim for their amazing design and beautiful painting.


If you've never tried acupuncture before, you might wonder "does acupuncture hurt?"

Acupuncture needles are very fine and generally, you can barely feel them. Once they're in place, you will usually feel very relaxed and comfortable. Some people even fall asleep! Nothing to be scared about - we'll work with you to make sure you not only get better, but you enjoy your treatment!


We are so pleased to be able to reopen our doors and see our wonderful patients next week!

We will do so with a limited schedule to help maintain optimal social distancing and aseptic procedures for the safety and comfort of our patients.

New Farm Acupuncture Covid-19 Response:

# We have changed our schedule to allow adequate social distancing in the clinic reception area.
# We have created more time between each appointment to allow for thorough cleaning and asepsis procedures.
# If you need to wait for another patient at reception please make use of the chairs and space on the deck outside.
# Please maintain a 1.5-meter distance from other patients.
# Please cover your mouth with a tissue or in the crook of your elbow when coughing or sneezing.
# Please be on time for your appointment to help us implement these policies.
# If you have any cold or flu symptoms please contact the clinic on 3315 3319 in advance of your appointment.


We've been following the emerging evidence and advice on the issue of mask wearing for a while now. It seems even a cloth mask can reduce viral load by a factor of three to four. This may reduce your chance of acquiring COVID-19 somewhat, but more importantly, may reduce the severity of a potential infection.

Social distancing is still your best defence! Don't fall into the trap of only relying on a mask alone to protect you.

You will need to wash a cloth mask after every outing in warm soapy water. An unwashed mask is a potential source of infection as it may carry contaminants from previous outings.

The material, and how fine it's weave is, is an important factor in how effective a mask is.


We have been painting the clinic entryway during our temporary closure, and we can't wait to share the end result with you!!! Thank you for all of your lovely comments and support after our announcement yesterday. It means the world to us


To all our valued clients,

We hope you are staying well and managing these tumultuous times smoothly.

Dan and I are very sorry to inform you that we have decided to stop taking clients for the moment and are rescheduling all bookings for the next four weeks. New Farm Acupuncture will be closed for four weeks starting Monday 23 March 2020 through to 20 April 2020. Depending on the progression of COVID19 (or preferably the amelioration of the virus) we will reassess and be in touch with you if we need to extend this temporary closure.

Please rest assured this is not a decision we have taken lightly. We would love to be there for each of you, to assist in your health goals and to help alleviate your stresses, especially in these circumstances. Unfortunately, based on the continued spread throughout our community and the statistical spread of the virus in Asia and Europe, we think it wisest to take the step to close now rather than later. We have a duty of care to our immunocompromised clients and though we have incorporated the highest infection control guidelines possible, we think it safest to shut our doors now.

Please know that your health is the utmost priority in our decision making and we are here to answer your calls if there is anything we can help you with. Please feel free to reach out and have a chat.

We will be continuing to provide anti-viral supplements for you and your families as well as our usual herbs and vitamins via Australia post. These will be packed following infection control handling guidelines. Let us know if we can help you with these.

Warm Regards,

Susan Novikov and Daniel Hall

The science of soap – here’s how it kills the coronavirus | Pall Thordarson 17/03/2020

The science of soap – here’s how it kills the coronavirus | Pall Thordarson Alcohol-based disinfectants are also effective, but soap is a highly efficient way of killing the virus when it’s on your skin, says chemistry professor Pall Thordarson


At New Farm Acupuncture we are taking Immune Boosting Supplements to keep us healthy and strong. Our simple 3 step protocol includes Chinese Anti-viral mushrooms, Probiotics and a Zinc Vitamin C blend. And of course we are diffusing Thieves essential oil. This protocol is available for purchase if you want to support your immune system.

For those of you looking for herbal and natural coronavirus prevention recommendations, Chinese medicine doctor Dr. Malik Cotter D.Ac./DOM sent out these suggestions, compiled from the recommendations of Dr. Gabriel Cousens, from Stephan Buhner's book 'Herbal Antivirals', from the Hong Kong Medical Journal volume 17, from Bob Flaws book '160 Essential Chinese, Herbal patent Medicines', and from 'Viral Immunity' by J.E. Williams O.M.D.

Basic Hygiene and Lifestyle Tips

1) Utilize the Coronavirus Protection Protocol (see below).
2) Eat high amounts of clean, organic, locally grown vegetables and fruits and consider becoming vegetarian or vegan. Be careful of meats, fish and dairy especially if not locally sourced.
3) Minimize stress.
4) Stay hydrated.
5) Get enough sleep.
6) Exercise moderately.
7) Do breathing exercises.
8) Maintain a positive attitude and associate with loving people.
9) Deepen your connection with Spirit.

The healthier you are and the more proactive steps you take, the greater you minimize the chances of catching the coronavirus.

The key is prevention.
Include the following herbs and foods in your diet to protect you:

The herbal remedies that are suggested destroy the 3CL enzyme and thus promote the cell’s ability to protect itself against the coronavirus. QUERCETIN and EGCG which is found in GREEN TEA are best for destroying the 3CL enzyme. These anti-3CL substances are also found in these foods:

citrus peel
tickberry leaves
orange peel

Also bring into your eating: seaweeds, mushrooms, cat's claw tea or take it in tablet form, lemon balm tea, monolaurin, and grapefruit seed extract.

Make tea from ginseng, astragalus, schizandra, isatis, licorice, polygonum multiflora, and ganoderma.

Essential oil blends:
Use especially when flying and traveling.

- Thieves oil or Immunity essential oil blend – put on your feet before bed and upon waking.

- Thieves spray, hand sanitizer or "Germs-Be-Gone" spray – spray on surfaces (such as airplane seats, (airplane floors are loaded with bugs, wear your shoes or socks on the plane, not barefoot), tables, doorknobs, telephone receivers, etc.), or use an alcohol cotton ball.

-Thieves oil, On Guard from Doterra, or Legends from Floracopeia

- White Flower Oil blend- place a drop or two under your nose or onto a handkerchief a sniff throughout the day, even rub on chest, throat and upper back.

Other Essential oils to help protect from COVID-19:

Tea tree
White flower oil blend

Recommended Homeopathics:

Influenzinum 200c to 1m

To protect and enhance your natural immunity,
here is a suggested COVID-19 Protection Supplement Protocol:

* Atomidine, Lugol's Solution, Liquid Kelp (Potassium Iodide) or llumodine - Recommended bottle dosage. Illumodine - 20 drops in a glass of water 3 times daily (15 minutes or more away from food) (Iodine has been shown to destroy SARS and MRSA viruses and, in its atomic form is a powerful antiviral.)

* Nano Silver or Colloidal Silver - 1 teaspoon twice daily (Silver has been shown to destroy SARS and MRSA viruses.)

* Quercetin - 500 mg. twice daily

* Red Algae - 2 capsules twice daily such as on waking and bedtime (away from food)

* Turkey Tail, Rei Shi, Agarikon Mushrooms and/or a comprehensive mushroom blend such as Stamets 7, Immune Assist or Mega Defense - 4 capsules twice daily (to build and protect the immune system)

* Antioxidant Supplement - recommended bottle dosage

* Immune Tonic Tea - (Dragon's Den, Makawao) - 1 cups 2 - 3 times daily. Preventative.

* Astragalus and Echinacea root - tincture, capsule or tea
recommended bottle dosage 3 times daily

* Vitamin D - 2,000 IU daily (to build the immune system)

* Vitamin A - 25,000 IU daily (protects the upper respiratory mucus membranes and lining)

* Vitamin C - 1,000 mg. (not ascorbic acid), 5 or more times daily

Licorice Root - take as tea or tincture once daily (for lung protection)

Full Spectrum Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Supplement - Bottle dosage

Chinese herbal patent formulas

*Yu Ping Feng San - 8 pills 3 times daily

Gan Mao Ling - 3 - 5 tabs 3 times daily

Chuan Xin Lian - 2 tabs twice daily, 5 days on, 3 days off repeat

*Denotes highly recommended

Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbal Formula:

If experiencing lung heat and flu-like symptoms:
Sang Ye 4 grams.
Ju Hua 2 grams.
Lian Qiao 3 grams.
Bo He 1.5 grams.
Xing Ren 3 grams.
Gan Cao 1.5 grams.
Jie Gen 3 grams.
Huang Qin 6 grams.
Ban Lan Gen 8 grms
Lu Gen 3 grms.
Huang Qi 8 grams.
Fang Feng 5 grams.

Cellular Protection from Stephan Buhner
Dan Shen 3 parts
Red Root 2 parts
Cinnamon 1 part

Immune System, cellular protection, cytokine interruption from Stephan Buhner
Cordyceps 3 parts
Dang Gui 2 parts
Rhodiola 1 part
Astragalus 1 part

Dr Norman Swan provides a coronavirus reality check | 7.30 11/03/2020

The latest and best advice on how to protect yourself from coronavirus.

Dr Norman Swan provides a coronavirus reality check | 7.30 The advice from authorities on coronavirus at the moment is to keep calm and carry on. But there's a lot of panic out there and a lot of myths. The ABC's Dr ...


Everybody's doing it!

Lady Gaga loves us too.

Acupuncture: An Overview of Scientific Evidence 18/10/2019

"Acupuncture is one of the most widely recommended treatments in modern medicine."

Acupuncture: An Overview of Scientific Evidence


Hi everyone, in case you've been trying to contact us recently, it seems our phone line was disconnected when we transferred over to the NBN. We're working with Optus to get reconnected, but we have to wait a few more days. Please bear with us, and if you need to make contact you can do so via [email protected]

Thanks for your understanding! Dan and Su.

Novak Djokovic on Twitter 14/08/2019

Novak Djokovic receiving some traditional "warm needle" acupuncture. The smouldering herb gently warms the needle up, increasing blood flow to the targeted area. It may look intense but it's quite safe and very effective for muscle injuries!

Novak Djokovic on Twitter “Ulysses specialty. Chinese traditional medicine herbs on acupuncture needles. Not always pleasant but effective 😃”


We've recently added a bit more info about "who we are" on our website. We've also updated our photos - it was about time!

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119 Terrace Street
Brisbane, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm

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Clinic Address: 32 Hanrahan Street Robertson QLD. 0414 088 086