Coach Cory Vance

Coach Cory Vance

Marketing & Communications Coach, Copywriter, Independent Insurance Broker, Podcaster, Author, Real Estate Investor Every small business is a story.

Most small business stories include struggle, stress and often betrayal, but not as much success as the writer of that story (the business founder or operator) imagined. In today’s tough business environment, success requires committed, focused, dependable partners with relevant experience. Dedicated to results, I purposefully take only a small number of clients and handle each client personally.


“Studies have documented that families who habitually eat dinner together seem to raise children with better homework skills, higher grades, greater emotional control, and more confidence.” From The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhig, Chapter 4 Who could have imagined?!?


Almost made it to a beach today. Did a 7k walk through this park though. Saw a gator, a Southern Black Racer, a turtle that’s shell looked exactly like a smooth rock, and at least 20 species of birds. No Spoonbills though. Sorry ! Maybe tomorrow?


Imagine earning enough $ or having enough wealth that the price of gas or milk or the interest rate doesn’t phase you. Imagine driving the car you want, owning the house you want, taking the vacations you want. Imagine being excited to wake up every day, looking forward to the things you will do, the people you will hang out with and the experiences that await you. It doesn’t have to be just a dream. It can be a reality. It can be YOUR reality. You can Reach YOUR Beach. However YOU define your “Beach”… I can help you get there. Click here to get started now:


What are you dying to say? Click here or link in bio to tell me:


Get clear on your why and never let it go!


Just sayin’


Time it right and you can skip paying for one meal per day! That will add up!


Real friends talk s**t to your face, and say nice things behind your back.


It is impossible to control something 100% without destroying it. That's because it's impossible to respect something you have 100% control over. Consequently, you can't allow it to achieve its full potential. You either overprotect it - limiting its use, or you misuse it yourself - because you don't really care about it. The same is true with people and relationships.


Why struggle to reach your goals incrementally? You can be closer than you are, faster than you think.


We all suffer pain of one kind or another. We also all choose. The question is will we: suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret?

Timeline photos 19/01/2022

Are you allowed to tell the truth in public anymore? Interesting times for sure.


Are you the Direct Response Marketer I'm looking for?

You know DR close rates are ~2%. Maybe you get less. Or more? But you know it could be better. You’ve got a great product. And lots of 5*s… But not the results you want.

What’s worse… You’re doubting that you still know your stuff... This isn’t your first sales page. You measure everything. Why the underperformance?!?

I get it. Without a skilled copywriter creating your sales page... I might doubt myself, too. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can have a skilled DR copywriter putting more $ in your pocket THIS month.

I've learned from the best of the best. And I could help you starting today.

One of my mentors, Ray Edwards, competed projects for Tony Robbins, Michael Hyatt, Jeff Walker, & others. Just one of his projects produced $10M+ in sales.

Donald Miller (certified me in his program) increased his sales from $250K - $10M/yr in just 6 years using what he taught me.

I know, I know: “That’s cool! So, what have you done, Cory?” Great question!

One of my clients runs an online community from Japan (in English). Since first hiring me to write a sales page over a year ago, he keeps using me because, as he says, I “always deliver”.

He has since upgraded his lifestyle SIGNIFICANTLY (ask me how).

He’s not alone. My first client recently asked me to be their primary marketing partner, helping replace income they lost last year with new online sales. And they offered to pay handsomely.

Every client I helped re/create their marketing message has been astounded with the clarity they got.

But don’t take my word for it. Sal said: “This is awesome! None of my competitors have this level of clarity/story on their landing page.”

Whatever you sell… You'll sell more with a skilled copywriter writing the copy. I can do that for you. I can put more $ in your pocket; You can enjoy life on your terms.

I get it. You’ve never seen my work ('till now). So to prove myself I am offering a free, LIVE, landing page review. You get up to 30 minutes with me explaining where you’re losing $ to another copywriter's errors. I normally charge $500+ for this. You get it free (just DM me). I’ll be honest, it might be some tough love. But... Like what you see? Then we'll discuss how I can improve your sales page.

Look… You’re not getting what you want with the copywriter you have. So what have you got to lose? DM me. Keep in mind… There can be BIG costs to delay action on this. So don’t delay. DM me now & see how I can help you starting today.

*I only have room for 3 new clients. Once I'm full this offer expires.

P.S. You can have a skilled copywriter, who’s learned from the best, writing your sales page at a fraction of what you'd pay the big guys. And I can be on your team today. But space is limited. So DM or call me now. [587] 586 [Twenty-Eighty]


Absolutely! It's YOUR life. So make it the one you've always wanted.


If you’re self employed or otherwise don’t qualify for EI or other forms of assistance at this time check out this opportunity. It might just help you out if you’re stuck while the economy turns around.

I also want to remind you I am putting together a Facebook group to help struggling entrepreneurs develop a marketing plan to help lift their business up and out of this situation and move their business forward to new heights. I will be available inside the group to answer any marketing questions I can, plus you’ll have the benefit of other entrepreneurs to network with, share with and learn from. Just msg me that you’re interested and you’ll be notified as soon as the group is open.

In the mean time, sign up for this help from your government.

Our government announced today a new benefit combining the Emergency Care Benefit and the Emergency Support Benefit into a new program they're calling the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) which will provide up to $2,000 per month for four months for people off work and without income as a result of the virus. This benefit will apply to employees, contract workers and self-employed individuals who are otherwise not eligible for EI benefits.

They're promising payment to happen 10 days after applying for the benefit and it is designed to help Canadians who have either lost their job, are off because of being quarantined, or are off sick or taking unpaid time to take care of their kids because of COVID-19 related school and daycare closures. Payments would be every four weeks from March 15 to October 3, 2020.

Workers who are employed but not receiving income due to interrupted work conditions will also qualify, allowing employers to keep employees as we navigate these strange times.

If you are currently receiving EI then don't change that right now as these benefits can still apply after your current term on EI runs out (up to October 3, 2020). If you have already applied for EI then don't apply under this program as your application will already be in their hands for processing. The EI system has been overwhelmed with applications and as such, this new benefit will apply to all Canadians who have ceased working because of COVID-19, whether they are EI eligible or not.

Photos from Calgary Police Service's post 16/02/2020

Physical exercise is just one thing you can do regularly, one thing that you have tremendous control over, that can dramatically improve your mental health.

Take control of your mental health, and your life by choosing to stay active. Let no reason or factor become an excuse.

Do what makes you healthy. 💪🏻

2020 Foresight (Forward Vision) 30/01/2020

You know how they say "Hindsight is 20/20." Well, what if you could have 20/20 FORESIGHT? What if you could see (almost) as clearly looking forward as you do looking back? Would that help you achieve some goals that have eluded you? Would that help you overcome some stuff that had held you down? To celebrate the (soft) launch of my youtube channel I have posted my first video (linked below). Watch it. Comment on it. Share it. Help me help you live the life of your dreams.

2020 Foresight (Forward Vision) Introducing 2020 Foresight. This will be one of the key themes for this channel for 2020.


Only two more days folks! If you're not more ready for 2020 than you were for Y2K you might be doing something wrong. But it's not (necessarily) your fault. You put your head down and your nose to the grind stone. Time to lift up your head and look forward for a minute and have a look at where you're going. If the direction you're heading isn't where you want to be may be time for some 2020 forward looking vision.

Beautiful Banff Alberta Canada 30/12/2019

Come check it out! It will do your body - and your soul - a world of good!

Beautiful Banff Alberta Canada This video is about Beautiful Banff Alberta Canada

2020 Forward Looking Vision 30/12/2019

Just a little video I shot in Banff National Park on Christmas Day. I'm looking forward to 2020! Are you?

2020 Forward Looking Vision This video is about 2020 Forward Looking Vision

Photos from Coach Cory Vance's post 26/12/2019

A Christmas Day hike to clear my mind, cleanse my spirit and set myself right for the coming year.

Are you ready for 2020?

Heard of bitcoin's 'halving'? It's set to shake crypto markets in 2020 22/12/2019's-'halving'-it's-set-to-shake-crypto-markets-in-2020-1?

You want your money to really be worth something. You want it to grow as fast as possible so you can truly enjoy retirement.

The problem is the earning potential of your savings is being stolen by inflation and governments printing money to suit their own agendas. Never mind that it hasn’t been backed by physical gold since 1971 (Thanks Richard Nixon!).

I have been paying attention to these things for years and have had the same concerns as you. Until recently.

I found a company that has a crypto currency backed by physical gold that anyone with €5.00 or more (almost every person on the planet that wants to) can connect with and get real returns in their savings.

It’s easy to do. 1. Open a free cash gold account. 2. Convert your savings to gold. 3. Hold the physical gold in your hands if you want, or, leave it in the vault, or, share this information with others and earn even more.

Just Click this link to get started:

You can either start doing something different with your savings - like the rich do - and get closer to retirement faster, or, you can continue getting the same returns you have been getting and keep wondering if you’ll enjoy your retirement.

Just click this link to get started now:

Heard of bitcoin's 'halving'? It's set to shake crypto markets in 2020 If you're not a bitcoin enthusiast, you probably haven't heard what's happening next year: It's called the "halving", and it will cut production of the cryptocurrency by 50%. No one's in control of this process. It's a rule written into bitcoin's underlying code by its pseudonymous creator...


I don’t care what anyone says, I am determined to remain one of the small percentage of people who are not a statistic.


"Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses." Ancient Proverb

Is someone "multiplying kisses" towards you? They want to stab you, so keep your distance.

They will never care about you, no matter your desire or effort. Better to leave them 'too soon' than too late.

And the friend whose wounds you can trust? Their words sting because they bring healing.

Listen carefully to them, and act on their advice. They truly care about you.

Do not reject their wisdom because the words sting. You will mistake them for a critic.

That is a fool’s error. Repeat that and you will lose their counsel.

Critics don’t care about you. They only care about appearing smart(er than you).

Their words can sting too, but they don’t bring the healing that a friend’s do.

A friend is there for you when you need them. If you haven’t foolishly rejected their advice.

Accept the wise, use their counsel, and they will call you ‘friend’.

But they will not tolerate fools. Fools reject wisdom, and suffer needlessly as a result - themselves and those they influence.


It’s only mid April, but do you realize...on December 31st of this year it will be the TWENTIETH anniversary of Y2K?!? 😮

Ponder that thought for a moment or two. 😜