Dr. Calvin Cheung

Dr. Calvin Cheung

Welcome to the personal page of Dr. Calvin Cheung! I aim to provide understandable and useful information regarding your aches and pains.

Dr. Calvin is an evidence-based chiropractor that uses an integrative approach. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Kinesiology) from McMaster University in 2011 before pursuing a 4-year Doctorate program in Chiropractic. A strong believer in continuing education and development, Dr. Calvin has since taken a wide range of elective courses in neurokinetic therapy (NKT), motion palpating instit

Timeline photos 17/05/2020

Back in action!

Very excited to announce that we’ll be re-opening on Tuesday May 19th and available to take appointments for all patients 🙌

We’ve made some changes to keep everyone safe - here’s what you can expect at your next visit:

1) Pre-signing a COVID-19 screening form before each visit 👩🏻‍💻
2) Arriving at the clinic 1 minute prior to appointment (please wait outside until your scheduled time) ⏰
3) Wearing a mask inside the clinic ✅
4) Sanitizing your hands upon entering the clinic 🤲🏼
5) Going straight into the treatment room 🚪
6) Online booking (or emailing) for future appointments 💻📱
7) Payments via credit card or direct billing 💳

To book your appointment, please visit www.aim.janeapp.com.

See you all soon!

Timeline photos 06/12/2018

Eat like you mean it. Couldn’t agree more, . I’m a big fan of real food, plant based diets so it’s especially awesome to be able to work on the team behind the brand! See you next week

Photos from Dr. Calvin Cheung's post 13/11/2018

🎉 Happy 3rd birthday Poppy! 🎉

Sweet girl got a pumpkin oat flour cupcake with greek yogurt peanut butter frosting (all over her nose) to celebrate

Timeline photos 10/11/2018

I got to share some of my favorite foam rolling exercises with the awesome Half/Full Marathoner group before their run this week - lots of great questions, tons of energy and always a fun time talking about mobility and injury prevention with high performance athletes. Thanks for having me!

Photos from Dr. Calvin Cheung's post 07/11/2018

Took advantage of a clear sunny day and a morning off and headed straight for the mountains! We went back to Mt Seymour and tried the Dog Mountain trail - a fun one if you’re looking for a quick easy hike (right around 2 hours). Swipe to see the snack we had at the top - edamame is portable, tasty and loaded with plant-based protein 🙌🏼 Now, back to work!

@ Dog Mountain


Running into the weekend like...

Timeline photos 13/10/2018

Probably our favourite hike so far! We were stuck inside a cloud the whole time, but that made it even more awesome. We’ll see you again Mount Seymour 😃

Timeline photos 12/10/2018

Come for the adjustment, stay for the views. 😎

Timeline photos 11/10/2018

Thankful for a great weekend spent with family. We were lucky to have both sets of parents fly out to spend Thanksgiving with us!
Got lots of outdoor time in, and I’m feeling ready to take on Week 1 at Metrotown! See you there.


First time getting IV therapy ! Can’t wait to see what results come. Anyone try it? What do you think?


Took Poppy to see her chiro and vet, the amazing , and am happy to report that she is feeling better already! We love that there is such a strong focus on heath and wellness here in BC and the awesome community of natural and holistic practitioners - for people and dogs! 🐶


Hey everyone, thought I would start a new account since we have now settled in the west (best) coast!
A little about me: I am a chiropractor and dog dad (this is our pup, Poppy. She loves fetch and swimming, and she is the best). Our little family recently moved out to BC to pursue the west coast dream and wow are we loving it. We’ve done the Chief, Grouse Grind and St Mark’s Summit (all incredible) and the tennis players out here are awesome 👍
Follow along for dog pics, hikes and a behind the scenes look at work as a chiro.


Human Skeleton Shows the Benefits of Good Posture

Here's a fun reminder of the benefits of good posture! Standing up straight gives the lungs freedom to take in the maximum amount of air and for the digestive organs to do their work properly.

Poor posture is often due to muscle imbalances (where certain muscles are too tight, and some are too weak!) and improper mobility in the spine. In my practice, I’ve often seen that when these problems are addressed thoroughly, my patients' posture improves! It’s not completely clear what the benefits of good posture are, but I definitely notice that for those that improve in their posture, their various body aches and pains are much improved!


IS IT SAFE TO SQUAT DEEP? - Physio Network 01/12/2017

Is it Safe to Squat Deep?

Physio Network recently made an amazing post on squatting and what’s a safe depth for the knees.

Here are the key takeaways:
- Optimal squat depth for injury prevention/management is HIGHLY dependent on your individual mobility and injury history. A depth that is appropriate for one person may not be for another, so DON’T APPLY BLANKET RULES TO EVERYONE
- How low you squat is based on previous injuries with your ACL, PCL, meniscus, or knee joint! If you have any of the listed injuries, look at the picture to see what your optimal depth is!
- If you're injury free, squat to a depth where you can maintain at least a mostly neutral pelvic position (i.e. allow a small amount of buttwink, but not too much). If buttwink happens well before your thighs are parallel to the floor, work on your ankle and hip mobility to help reach this depth, as there are some benefits to squatting this low over partial squatting

For a more in-depth analysis, definitely check out the site!

Reference: https://www.physio-network.com/safe-squat-deep/

IS IT SAFE TO SQUAT DEEP? - Physio Network IS IT SAFE TO SQUAT DEEP? WHAT DOES THE EVIDENCE SAY? There aren’t many topics that divide physios more than squat depth and it’s relationship with injury. In this post I want to present an evidence-based perspective on this topic for you. I’ve decided to split it up by looking into the effect...


Fix Your Bedtime Neck Pain

Here’s another great post by the “Prehab Guys”. They very clearly show how your neck should be properly aligned for those at that are side sleepers. In this video, it shows how a thin pillow doesn’t provide enough support for your cervical spine and sleeping in this position causes your neck to bend to the side.

Why does this matter? Overtime this causes compression of the joints of the neck which can lead to neck pain or increased muscular tenderness. In my own practice, I’ve found that poor sleep posture can significantly contribute to neck pain!

Video: https://www.facebook.com/ThePrehabGuys/videos/1729212607102973/

Where to turn for low back pain relief - Harvard Health 17/11/2017

HARVARD recently endorsed chiropractic in helping with low back pain!

Dr. Shmerling (a rheumatologist at Harvard) recently said, “In most cases you don’t need a specialist. A referral makes sense when conservative measures have failed to address your back pain, symptoms aren't improving or are getting worse, or there's a suspicion that surgery might be needed. Both a primary care physician or chiropractor can serve as an entry point for back pain. In most cases, a primary care doctor or a chiropractor can help resolve your problem.”

Another great article for chiropractic!

Reference: https://www.health.harvard.edu/pain/where-to-turn-for-low-back-pain-relief?utm_content=buffer0280b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=buffer

Where to turn for low back pain relief - Harvard Health Low back pain that doesn’t subside may need a doctor’s care. A good place to start is with a primary care doctor or a chiropractor, who can assess pain, and in most cases, can treat it. Low back pain sometimes needs the care of a speciali...

www.whitehouse.gov 10/11/2017

The WHITE HOUSE recently released a report on combating the opioid epidemic. Chiropractic and acupuncture were touted as multi-modal pain strategies that have been proven to reduce the use of opioids, while providing effective pain management!

Here's a little excerpt from the article:
"A key contributor to the opioid epidemic has been the excess prescribing of opioids for commonpain complaints and for post-surgical pain. Although in some conditions, behavioural programs,acupuncture, chiropractic, surgery, as well as FDA-approved multi-modal pain strategies havebeen proven to reduce the use of opioids..."

Don't know what the opioid epidemic is? The opioid epidemic (or crisis) is the rapid increase in the use of prescription and non-prescription opioid drugs. Opioids are moderately strong painkillers, including oxycodone (aka OxyContin and Percocet), hydrocodone (aka Vicodin), fentanyl (which is synthesized to resemble morphine and he**in). People are increasingly using these drugs despite their high risk of addiction and overdose.

It's amazing to see these articles come out! Definitely read up more on the issue if you're not informed!




Are Your X-Rays and MRI Results Helpful or Harmful?

Here’s an excellent video made by “Trust Me, I’m a Physiotherapist” discussing the implications of x-ray and MRI results.

98% of the average adult population have degeneration (arthritic changes) in the neck on x-rays and have NO pain. But there comes a problem when a doctor tells them that neck pain is from arthritis in the neck, it creates a mental barrier not allowing you to recover.

Another example if is a doctor tells you that you have back pain from a disc herniation (or disc bulge), the same result happens. BUT 70% of people with no back pain have disc bulges. 30% of people in the 20s have disc bulges on the MRIs.

The problem comes when doctors don’t tell their patients what is normal and what is TRULY abnormal. Meaning if you have arthritis, a disc herniation, or another condition found on a x-ray or MRI, this could be NORMAL! A diagnosis is not made just based on x-ray or MRI results.

Check out the video here: https://www.facebook.com/IamPhysiotherapy/videos/1854150434839186/


An Amazing Transformation with the Help of Chiropractic!

Check out this amazing case of how chiropractic helped this patient. This video went viral a while back and has had 93 million views. This patient was in constant pain, unable to stand and losing feeling in his leg for three months. This is for sure one of the most dramatic and life-changing cases in chiropractic.

Definitely check it out!

Video: https://www.facebook.com/LADbible/videos/3749548501758979/


Does Posture Even Matter? (Yes, but also No!)

Great post here from on posture! This is a great discussion on posture and all of its misconceptions. It’s a bit wordy for a Facebook post, but it clarifies many different issues and gives very clear recommendations. Check it out!

✅Posture can be a polarizing topic in the rehab and exercise world. If you read nothing else, at least look over these 3 important takeaways:
1⃣Your posture is never the sole cause of any pain syndrome. Your rounded shoulders and anterior pelvic tilt are normal. The goal of exercise is movement, not correcting posture.
2⃣Resting posture is fluid and dynamic, there is not one perfect sitting or standing position. Don't feel guilty if you like to slouch sometimes, it's normal.
3⃣Lifting and running form is still important, but there's probably more acceptable individual variations here than you realize.
☠Everyone has their own opinions on how we should stand, how we should sit, how we should sleep, how we should walk, how we should pick things up, etc. Those ideas are shaped by our experiences and relative understanding about how the body works. The confusion comes in when we all try to agree on one approach.
👽Posture and positioning are important when we are lifting heavy objects and doing demanding movements, but their exact importance is not well understood and there is certainly not one universal ideal posture. Posture becomes much less important under low load activities such as sitting or standing. The one thing we can mutually agree on is that moving around and switching positions is far more natural than existing in one position for a long period of time.
👾As says, static positioning pi**es the nervous system off. This is not because you are in a less than optimal position, it's simply because you haven't moved your body in several hours. The solution: get up and move! Easy Peasy.
🤖Posture under load is slightly different. Squat and deadlift form matters. During resistance training or demanding movement, there are certain positions and form that can help protect from injury, such as holding a heavy object close to you or lifting with a "flat back.”


Age is just a Number!

In the clinic I've heard this a few too many times, "I can't do that. I'm too old". Talking specifically about physical health, it is never too late to start a new routine! Check out this lady in the video. She's 105 years old and she started yoga in her 90s! Our bodies are incredibly adaptable and you can drastically increase your strength and mobility if you stick with a routine consistently.

Never let age be your excuse for your decisions!

Video: https://www.facebook.com/itv/videos/10159357540985092/


Check out this Solid After-Flight Routine!

Traveling is great but sitting hours on a flight is not! After sitting for a long time, the joints and muscles of your body stiffen up leaving you more susceptible to injury. For example for the low back, after being idle for hours the ligaments of the low back become lax (lazy!) and you can quite easily sprain the low back.

Check out this super easy and quick routine that you can do after your flight. This video shows demonstrates how to stretch out the hamstrings, calves, hip flexors, lats & obliques, gluteus medius, and TFL.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment!

Video: https://www.facebook.com/ThePrehabGuys/videos/1682598578431043/

Neuroscientist explores effects of chiropractic adjustment on the brain 29/09/2017

Did You Know that the Chiropractic Adjustment Affects the Brain?

For years, neurophysiologists have been researching the effects of the chiropractic adjustment on the brain. Research has shown that there are changes in how the brain processes proprioceptive information. Basically this means that it changes how the brain processes information from the arms and legs.

This is extremely interesting that chiropractic adjustments can affect the brain!

For more info go here! https://www.canadianchiropractor.ca/education/how-chiropractic-adjustments-affect-the-brain-4748

Neuroscientist explores effects of chiropractic adjustment on the brain SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – Dr. Heidi Haavik, chiropractic scientist, neurophysiologist, and director of research at New Zealand College of Chiropractic,...

Exercise Is Really Good for You. Like, REALLY Good for You. 22/09/2017

"Exercise Is Really Good for You. Like, REALLY Good for You.”

My job as a health professional is to continually recommend exercise as the benefits are practically ENDLESS. Here’s a quick video showing the benefits for your health!

This video shows how exercise is good for those with conditions such as osteoarthritis of the knees, rheumatoid arthritis, heart failure, lowering blood pressure, improving cholesterol, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and so much more! The great thing is, it’s never too late to start. You can get the amazing benefits from exercise at any age, even after you’ve been diagnosed with any condition.

There is NOTHING available on the market that can deliver results for such a wide variety of condition. Being active and exercising can do you SO much good! Remember, when you exercise you’re not doing it for aesthetics or weight loss. You’re doing it for your health.

Check out the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFBBjynBpSw

Exercise Is Really Good for You. Like, REALLY Good for You. What are the benefits of exercise? Is exercise all that good for you? Yes, yes, and yes. Studies overwhelmingly indicate that exercise has a LOT of benefits....


Have You Heard About the Cobra Exercise? (A Double-Edged Sword)

Lately I’ve had a lot of questions about this exercise. The cobra exercise is a very common exercise that originates from yoga. More contemporary yoga instructors have chosen to remove this exercise as their classes. Why? If done improperly, the cobra can actually cause low back pain. It can cause compression of the joints leading to low back pain. This should be especially avoided for those with chronic low back joint pain, sacroiliac joint pain, and spinal stenosis.

BUT this exercise can be amazing too! For those with a disc injury (ie. disc bulge, herniation, slipped disc, irritation), the proper ex*****on of the cobra can be excellent in improving low back pain. Just this week I had a patient that came into the clinic with a disc bulge. His pain was 8/10 and he was in severe pain. After one single treatment using hands-on therapy and recommending the cobra, his pain is now 2/10. Amazing results!

That doesn’t mean that you should never do the cobra exercise. If you want to do the exercise, make sure your back is warmed -up and mobile. Make sure that the glutes (butt muscles) and core are properly engaged when you perform the exercise. If you don’t activate these muscles, you end up compressing the joints of the low back!

Hopefully that helps to clarify any questions about the issue. If you have any questions, feel free to comment!

Videos (show all)

Running into the weekend like... #tgif #burnaby #burnabychiropractor
First time getting IV therapy @aurora_medical! Can’t wait to see what results come. Anyone try it? What do you think?



Opening Hours

Monday 16:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 16:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 16:00 - 20:00
Thursday 04:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 15:00
Sunday 09:00 - 16:00