Spectrum Wellness Austin

Mindfulness coaching, yoga therapy, Reiki, and Tarot for every rebellious human being. Trauma-sensitive, trans* and non-binary safe and welcoming.

Lighthearted, richly supportive massage, yoga therapy, Reiki, Tarot guidance, and yoga classes for every body, heart, and gender identity.

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 12/17/2023
Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 10/26/2023

Iceland was a dream. I spent my 40th exploring this incredible country with my partner and my chosen family, and I don’t regret a single second of it.

My top highlights were riding the fat, fuzzy Icelandic horses, exploring multiple geothermal baths, and hiking through an elven forest!

The water was the most delicious water I’d ever tasted. The air was the cleanest and the purest I’d ever breathed. The light, the land, the snow, and the food were all deeply nourishing.

The people were warm, kind, had a dry and wry kind of humor, and were refreshingly straightforward.

10/10, the trip of a lifetime! Highly recommend. Thank you for curating such an incredible experience and making my 40th one for the books!


Hi y’all! This is a mutual aid request for my framily. Jasper ( ) has been a longtime friend and confidant of mine for many years and they’re currently recovering from a major gender-affirming surgery.

As is the case with many major surgeries, sometimes complications arise with the healing process and things take as long as they take! ❤️‍🩹

With the healthcare system being what it is under capitalism, sometimes we need a little extra community support to help each other out.

Please donate what you can to support Jasper’s recovery. I know that they (and the rest of my community) would really appreciate it!


I really started getting close with first right before the pandemic when we did some yoga therapy work together and massage and then during the pandemic when we went deep on the .forming.wellness project, which was the start of my and career. It’s really funny to think of our connection in these “professional” terms, because my relationship with Rocky is familial, most of all. You know, those secure friendships you can dip into and out of over many years and you just pick right back up where you left off.

We’ve taught each other a lot over the years in the realms of work, activism, love, and relationships, and it was a nourishing gift to reconnect with this bright and beautiful human in flesh life after so many years of remote and online connection!

Every relationship is a sacred relationship, and deserves your wholehearted devotion and attention. Don’t save your best self for a select few. You’ll be surprised by what arises between you, when you drop into deep presence with each connection with the same reverence that you would for a lover, a partner, or a family member.

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 04/04/2023

I’ve moved my private practice! I’m available in person for massage, private Yoga Therapy, mindfulness coaching, and Reiki sessions at Creekside Whole Health Center, located at 1209 Parkway.

My hours are 9 AM - 2 PM, Saturdays and Sundays.

Book with me at the link in my bio!

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 04/04/2023

I've moved to Creekside Whole Health Center! - https://mailchi.mp/39445f3b9bc0/ritualsofresilience-13500372

I'm available in person at Creekside Whole Health Center for integrative + therapeutic massage, private Yoga Therapy, mindfulness coaching, and Reiki sessions from:

Saturday 9 PM - 2 PM
Sunday 9 AM - 2 PM

Book with me via my website at


Hi! It’s been a minute!

I’ve noticed I’ve gained some new followers, so I wanna give you a little intro. I’m Kelly, my pronouns are they/them, and I’m a massage therapist, yoga therapist, embodiment practitioner, and mindfulness coach.

What the f**k does that even mean? Glad you asked.

So much of our lives we spend stuck in our heads, in rumination, thought, and worry. It’s sometimes a struggle to be in our bodies, especially if we’ve experienced trauma or we’re gender diverse or being fully present in ourselves, who we are, and what we need has been “unsafe”, for any reason. And honestly, with the world it is today, that’s many of us.

My business is helping others feel empowered, pleasurable and at home in their bodies. That’s it. It’s not as easy as it sounds! Together, we’ll explore an array of trauma-informed modalities to help you get there over time.

It’s hard to translate my work to something that’s easy to digest on social media, because my work is mostly relational and has to do with attunement and connection: to yourself, to your body, and to others.

So if you’ve been feeling out of touch with yourself, anxious, in pain, isolated, and questioning what’s next, let’s connect. Sometimes it’s not so much a journey of the mind that can help you resolve your issues, but rather an exploration of the inherent wisdom of your body and your intuitive understanding of what’s next.

I can help you set some intentions for 2023, and we can discover concrete, sustainable ways to meet those intentions. Shoot me a DM to find out more ✨

Weekend hours, yoga therapy sessions, updates! 12/22/2022

Weekend hours, yoga therapy sessions, updates! -

Weekend hours, yoga therapy sessions, updates!

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 11/20/2022

Today is which comes at the end of . On this day, we remember all the lives we have lost in the trans community due to systemic oppression, hate crimes, su***de, and homicide. I won’t cite the research here, but the number of trans lives lost annually in the fight for is staggering.

I feel incredibly lucky and grateful that I am still alive today as a transgender and non-binary person, and that’s largely due to my class, my white masculine-presenting privilege and my ability to pass as cisgender, if I so choose.

The work I do in trans advocacy and education will be lifelong for me, but it’s work I love to do in all the spheres of my life because I know that my own discomfort in leveraging my privilege (and access to spaces trans people don’t usually venture into) can help serve and support the rest of my community in the future.

True allyship to the trans community means letting us into your lives as whole full people: as friends, lovers, family members, and colleagues. It’s recognizing that our survival is more important than society’s comfort, and advocating for us and our existence even when we aren’t there (visibly or in-person).

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 10/28/2022

I celebrated my 39th birthday last weekend with a sweet human who has been brave enough to wade into the tide of intimate relationship with me. It was the first time I can really remember opening myself up to receive such an experience as a birthday gift. They curated the trip and planned a lot of activities for us, and was present for my birthday feels and the somatic overwhelm and grief that happens for me when someone is generous with their time, affection, and energy with me.

A big thing that has come up in my healing work lately is my limited capacity for joy, ease, peace, comfort, and contentment. I remember puzzling aloud at my own nervous system’s resistance to feeling and receiving good things at the retreat I just attended, and this internal inquiry has been unfolding even more as I integrate.

Recovery and resilience in relationship with C-PTSD is no joke, and one of the paradoxes of trauma is the deep desire for healing, wholeness, and connection coupled with the unfamiliarity with that experience and a sense of fragility and hypervigilance that comes with stumbling upon something so good.

It’s sometimes very hard to absorb such consistently positive and healthy intimacy without the fear that I’ll make a mistake, because it’s so different and treasured.

Expanding one’s capacity for feeling goes multiple directions with trauma recovery and resilience. Often, our nervous systems have been wired in preparation for the adverse experiences that shape us, and tending to that reshaping and acceptance of the nurturing and intimacy that we all deserve can be slow, if not steady progress.

Regardless of what happens in the future, I’m immensely grateful for every moment of joy, delight, excitement, playfulness, and soft witnessing of one another that I’ve shared with this human. They’ve helped me grow into a better person, just by being who they are. ✨

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 10/17/2022

Attended the at the facilitated by and this weekend!

This was my first time practicing and I have to say that it is some POWERFUL medicine for and .

As I continue my journey as a burgeoning social worker at I’m continuing to dive deep into the modalities that I want to provide for my future clients in the community: a powerful combination of somatic and embodiment work and psychedelic integration.

As a , a , and an practitioner that strives to be accessible for all bodies and all people, I know that this work is radically potent for cultivating nervous system resiliency and .

I highly recommend checking out this modality and exploring it for yourself, especially if you are interested in doing some deep healing work. Contact those tagged if you wanna get in on the action. As practitioners, they are committed to inclusivity and accessibility to a level that’s not often found in wellness spaces!

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 10/11/2022

It’s again, y’all!

I spent much of my life hiding my whole self from my family, my friends, my colleagues, and my romantic partners.

After a while, I got really tired of editing myself in order to help make people feel more comfortable with my life and my choices.

I’ve come out over and over again, in many different areas of my identity. I come out to people almost daily as transgender. I feel really privileged that I have the ability to do that and to experience relative safety regarding my personal well-being, my job security, and community support.

Not everyone does.

But, for the record, I’m a pansexual/demisexual, non-binary, transmasculine, kinky and polyamorous person.

My feeling is, if you know someone as a person before you know someone as a set of marginalized identities, you’ll humanize them and re-examine your biases around things that you’ve perhaps held some rigid viewpoints about.

In my personal little community bubble, my identity is echoed by my friends and loved ones. We’re all beautiful q***rdos. I think that is one of the wonderful things about being out — finding the people who share the same differences that you do with the rest of society, and helping one another proudly let your freak flag fly! ✨ 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍🌈 ✨


I’ve been at a loss for words and largely avoiding social media lately. But I would be remiss if I didn’t say something. Even if my voice is just one in the cacophony of other voices, saying the same thing, but using different words.

Human beings will not create lasting, sustainable change unless we are forced to. Unless there’s no other choice, or it seems that way. And those of us who were surprised by this turn of events are experiencing a new kind of honest clarity about the state of this country. And we cannot change what we cannot see.

Courage and hope are not enough. Screaming into the void on social media is not enough. Attending protests and rallies and demonstrations is not enough. Talking about this with friends, family and beloveds is not enough. Getting involved in legislation and politics is not enough. But all of that is not pointless.

Our liberation must be collective. We must move as one, if we’re to create a new world where Roe v. Wade being overturned is truly unthinkable and impossible. And we cannot do that without connection, without community. Without mutual care, without gentleness, without equanimity and patience, without rest and resilience. We must view this turn of events from a broader perspective, from a bird’s eye view.

From the perspective of human history, this moment of white colonial patriarchy is a fairly new one and has experienced a fairly short reign. Our history as a species is rich with other ways of being and conducting our lives. We have to remember that. We know how to do this in a different way. We know how to live in a world that does not look like this.

Continued in the comments —


Accessible Yoga School]]] with
Join Kelly Marshall and Jivana Heyman for a conversation about the upcoming Trauma & Yoga Series at the Accessible Yoga School!

The program is a seven-part series of workshops presented on the ways that trauma impacts different communities, and the role of yoga in addressing that trauma.

In the IG Live, right here Accessible Yoga School]]], you’ll learn more about Kelly’s session: Transforming Wellness: Becoming Truly Trauma-Informed.


— IG Live with Kelly Marshall and Jivana Heyman
— Where: Right here, Accessible Yoga School]]]
— When: Monday, June 13 at 9:00am PDT (noon EDT)

Learn more about Trauma & Yoga Series at the link in bio!

[Image ID: A dark evergreen graphic with white and yellow text reading, Trauma & Yoga Series. Exploring power, privilege, & healing. IG Live Monday, June 13 at 9:00 am Pacific, noon Eastern, Accessible Yoga School]]]. At the center are the headshots of Kelly Marshall (they/them) and JIvana Heyman (he/him), who will be joining the IG live. At the lower left is a lighter evergreen frond at an angle.]


Join Kelly Marshall and Jivana Heyman for a conversation about the upcoming Trauma & Yoga Series at the Accessible Yoga School!

The program is a seven-part series of workshops presented on the ways that trauma impacts different communities, and the role of yoga in addressing that trauma.

In the IG Live, right here Accessible Yoga School]], you’ll learn more about Kelly’s session: Transforming Wellness: Becoming Truly Trauma-Informed.


— IG Live with Kelly Marshall and Jivana Heyman
— Where: Right here, Accessible Yoga School]]
— When: Monday, June 13 at 9:00am PDT (noon EDT)

Learn more about Trauma & Yoga Series here:


[Image ID: A dark evergreen graphic with white and yellow text reading, Trauma & Yoga Series. Exploring power, privilege, & healing. IG Live Monday, June 13 at 9:00 am Pacific, noon Eastern, Accessible Yoga School]]. At the center are the headshots of Kelly Marshall (they/them) and JIvana Heyman (he/him), who will be joining the IG live. At the lower left is a lighter evergreen frond at an angle.]


Repost from

In this IG live, Jivana Heyman is joined by Kelly Marshall talking about the upcoming Trauma and Yoga Series: Exploring Power, Privilege and Healing.

This is a seven part series looking at the nuances of trauma and how it impacts our lives and our yoga practice and teaching.

Details in the bio

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 06/10/2022

Hi y’all! It’s been a minute! I’m pleased to announce that I’m offering another trauma-informed conversation about trans and gender-diverse experiences in yoga and wellness, with !
This conversation is part of a series addressing many intersections of identity, power, privilege and access when it comes to yoga and wellness, and the multifaceted ways that yoga and embodiment address trauma resiliency and nervous system regulation. There’s a lot of ground to cover, and I’m so grateful to be co-facilitating this event with an incredible team of top-level educators, yoga practitioners, and therapeutic experts in this burgeoning field.
If you’ve ever been involved in the yoga teacher trainings and have learned with and , or if you’re involved in the school, this is essential additional education to add nuance and depth to your training as a trauma-informed yoga practitioner or therapist.
Link’s in the bio to sign up!
Eternal thanks to for creating this much-needed conversation and opportunity for community and learning.
If you want a sneak peek at some of the things I’ll be covering in this series (or if you’ve been curious about the .forming.wellness training) tune into my IG LIVE with this MONDAY at 11 AM CST.


I am a firm believer in the concept of community as a healing container. I’m thinking about this from my own perspective when it comes to healing relational and attachment trauma.

Without getting into the nitty gritty details, I grew up with a mentally ill mother who was my primary caregiver, and an emotionally absent father. Because of this, I developed a primarily disorganized attachment system.

My understanding of love as an embodied experience was extremely erratic and unpredictable. When I did receive it, it was transactional (you owe me for this) and was either smothering and enmeshed, or completely detached and distant.

Disorganized attachment, or anxious-avoidant attachment is the surprise mystery grab bag of relational attachment patterns! It comes across as having one foot on the intimacy accelerator and one foot on the brake.

I love you, come closer. That’s too close, go away. I’m obsessed with you, I hate you. I’m anxious, I’m avoidant. It comes from having the ongoing lack of coherent information while you were being raised about how to love and relate in a secure way. And so, you have to learn, and un-learn.

Being loved and seen deeply feels uncomfortable and unsafe for me, at the same time that it soothes. It also feels elusive, because I’m still learning how to ask for what I need and to express myself in appropriate ways, emotionally.

Repeatedly, I’d found myself in romantic relationships with people who were emotionally or physically unavailable in some way, and I would endeavor to “win them over” by seduction or over functioning. That felt safe to me, albeit deeply unsatisfying. (Cont’d in comments)


Teaching tonight at 4:30 PM at Anderson and then again at 6 PM at !

You can also catch me at on Wednesdays at 6 PM and Thursdays at 9 AM.

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 12/28/2021

This week looks like yoga/math/yoga/math/yoga/yoga/math/math as I prep for school starting up next month.

I’m subbing at tonight at 6 pm and Thursday at 6 pm in addition to my normal classes!
Come practice with me and please let’s talk about anything other than Algebra.


Here’s my new in-person teaching schedule, and a video of me noodling around on the mat like a weirdo.
My classes are accessible and trauma-informed. They are for all bodies and all genders. I teach an adaptive slow flow style that focuses on functional movement, cultivating an experience of safer embodiment and community connections! I’m so excited to share a practice with you and I can’t wait to connect! 💕


The last time I had a dog (that was solely mine, and didn’t belong to a partner), I was six or seven. She was a chow-chow with a thick, curly black coat, a deep purple tongue, and the softest ears on the planet. She lived all through my childhood and into my teens, and was a constant companion, especially when I needed comfort.
When the pandemic happened, I did what a lot of people did and naturally found myself craving canine companionship. In my isolation, I needed a furry co-regulation buddy, a focal point for care and connection, a playmate. Nox has been a foil to remind me that no matter how dire things seem, it’s all a tail-wag and a snuggle away from getting some perspective and moving on to the next joyful thing.
Someone asked if Nox was an emotional support dog, and I answered that I’m his emotional support human! We balance each other out. But I can’t imagine having gone through such a scary and transformative time without his ebullient energy by my side. So if that’s what that is, sure.
Last month, we made the transition to co-sleeping together after a year and a half of my crating him for bedtime. I’m glad I made the change, and I think Nox is, too!

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 10/20/2021

Holy s**t, look at these schedules!

I’m teaching yoga in person and online/hybrid again! I’m subbing over at (give them a follow) and starting a regular teaching schedule at (follow them too!)
I’ve really missed in-person classes, and I’m so grateful that I’ve waited until it felt a bit safer to start teaching in-studio. If you are not in Austin, all classes listed are also available to stream online!
I’m also available on Saturdays at starting in November for private Yoga Therapy and massage! Keep in mind that you can also schedule private Yoga Therapy sessions with me on Zoom, especially if you’re wanting to explore how the tools, techniques, and philosophies of this modality can help support you and your loved ones with injury rehabilitation, embodiment, and stress terrible relief!
Link’s in the bio to book. Navigate to the studios mentioned in the carousel to sign up for a yoga class!

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 10/19/2021

New Saturday hours, yoga teaching schedule, updates! - https://mailchi.mp/8a07c46bbb65/ritualsofresilience-13408685


With 6 planets in retrograde, autumn’s approach, and our own sense of re-emergence into a vaccinated pandemic world, the capitalistic white supremacy value of urgency can trip us up and get us feeling like we’ve got to REACT and do ALL OF THE THINGS right away, right now!
Remember that urgency is a manufactured state of being, in the absence of actual emergency. Especially now that we understand the elasticity of time, thanks to the pandemic.
Everything has a season, and everything has a time for planting, nurturing growth, harvesting, and composting. Everything moves in cycles of expansion and contraction.
We understand these cycles innately and without too much thought, if we’re able to slow down, block out the noise, and attune to our own human animal natures. We feel into the next right step without having to analyze or strategize.


The American Public Health Association saw jaw pain and grinding skyrocket during the pandemic, up to 70 %! Here, I’m showing you some tools I use to relieve my jaw tension and to stop grinding at night.

Photos from Spectrum Wellness Austin's post 09/22/2021

Happy Libra Season and Autumn Equinox! - https://mailchi.mp/1a0db330d839/ritualsofresilience-13405773


I’ve always been aware of Scout’s presence in the Austin yoga world, but we really started to build intimacy during the pandemic. I don’t know what it is about being a healer that mobilizes me to fling myself far outside of my comfort zone in order to reach new spaces of individual and collective healing, but that’s how it goes. Grief is a portal to connection. I could say more about Scout and all that they have taught me just with their presence in my life, but they sum things up well in this post.
And yeah, this is clearly me coming out of the k!nk closet on main. I’m doing this for a few reasons. 1: to de-stigmatize k!nk for those who don’t understand it as a powerful tool for healing, when applied responsibly. 2: I’m trans and q***r and k!nk-informed and I want my clients to know that I am a safe(r) wellness practitioner who understands this world and this community. And 3: social media is a simulation and doesn’t even begin to adequately express the complexity of who we are as individuals, especially when you’re representing yourself professionally. I try to be authentic and vulnerable with y’all, that’s my “brand”. Take it or leave it!
Repost from .rope.doula

Special moments with ❤️‍🔥
They have taught me so much. They have invited me to teach alongside them in the community, walk alongside them as a friend and peer, and now Ive gotten the honor of taking them on a journey with their body as I collaborate and co-tie with my love . Thank you for growing and learning with me Kelly. I would exist in a completely foreign and even hidden form without your influence in my life.
This tie was a gift. Stay tuned for a full reflection on TheBliss.Blog ✨
Rope slingers .rope.doula
Rope receiver

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Videos (show all)

Repost from @accessibleyogaschool•In this IG live, Jivana Heyman @jivanaheyman is joined by Kelly Marshall @spectrumwell...
Teaching tonight at 4:30 PM at @flowyogatx Anderson and then again at 6 PM at @studio_satya_austin !You can also catch m...
With 6 planets in retrograde, autumn’s approach, and our own sense of re-emergence into a vaccinated pandemic world, the...
The American Public Health Association saw jaw pain and grinding skyrocket during the pandemic, up to 70 %! Here, I’m sh...
I’ve always been aware of Scout’s presence in the Austin yoga world, but we really started to build intimacy during the ...
We all do it, but how do we stop doing it?!
Talking about NARM @thenarmtraininginstitute and @prentishemphill ‘s overlapping concepts of the challenge of reconnecti...
My yoga #asana practice is not pretty. It’s strong, though. It’s authentic. It’s always there when I need it. And it’s l...



1803 S. 1st Street Unit A
Austin, TX

Opening Hours

Friday 3pm - 8pm
Sunday 10am - 3pm

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