Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine

Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine

We are one of the oldest societies in the nation! We are 114 years young! 13/06/2017

AOA Deep Dive Webinar: On June 19, 2017 at 7:00pm, the AOA will be hosting a webinar moderated by Laura Wooster, AOA Senior Vice President of Public Policy. The webinar will provide an overview what's happening with health care reform on Capitol Hill, and how the AOA has navigated these discussions. We will take questions live via chat during the webinar, please Register Here.

Feeling lonely? 9 things you can do to help yourself 31/05/2017

"It’s not that social media and electronics are bad — they are fantastic tools," says Jennifer Caudle, an osteopathic family physician and assistant professor at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine. “Sometimes we think we can get by with just our phone and computers, but that’s not all we need. We are humans, we need human interaction.”

Feeling lonely? 9 things you can do to help yourself The world has plenty of lonely people. You don't have to be one of them. If you feel alone and isolated, there are things you can do.

Cure for Vitamin D deficiency? More sun, less block: study 31/05/2017

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association says people are staying inside too much and putting on too much sunscreen for fear of skin cancer. “SPF 15 or greater decreases vitamin D3 production by 99 percent,” the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) says.

Cure for Vitamin D deficiency? More sun, less block: study There’s a global D-ficiency happening.

Most doctors and nurses don’t know what ER care costs 30/05/2017

Less than half of doctors and nurses working in emergency rooms know what some of the conditions they see most often cost to treat, a recent U.S. study suggests.

Researchers asked 441 emergency medicine clinicians to estimate the cost of care for three common scenarios: a 35-year old woman with abdominal pain, a 57-year old man with labored breathing and a 7-year old boy with a sore throat. Each case included a medical history, results from physical exams and lab tests as well as a rundown of any treatments provided.

Most doctors and nurses don’t know what ER care costs By Lisa RapaportLess than half of doctors and nurses working in emergency rooms know what some of the conditions they see most often cost to treat, a

FDA Revisits Mandatory Opioid Prescriber Training 30/05/2017

SILVER SPRING, Md. -- Stakeholders at a two-day FDA workshop nearly unanimously agreed that the Federal Government must do something to help educate providers about treating pain -- especially when it comes to prescribing opioids -- but they disagreed on exactly what should be done.

FDA Revisits Mandatory Opioid Prescriber Training Opioid REMS education debated in two-day workshop

SOMA members promote health literacy in nation's capital 10/05/2017

As a grad student in Washington, DC, Paul Robbins, OMS IV, spent much of his time walking across the urban landscape and observing the scenes. During those walks, he came to know the vendors of a local paper called Street Sense, sold throughout the city by entrepreneurs from the city’s homeless community

SOMA members promote health literacy in nation's capital Service project helps students become comfortable speaking with and listening to people from different walks of life.

New webinars cover doctor, student mental health and research 03/05/2017

The Association of Osteopathic Directors and Medical Educators is offering a two-part webinar on medical student and physician mental health in May and one webinar on how to get started in research in June.

In the Confronting Reality two-part series, join Ulrick Vieux, DO, MS, Eric Jarmon, DO, and Stephanie K***z, DO, as they teach viewers how to identify at-risk individuals and offer strategies for addressing mental illness.

New webinars cover doctor, student mental health and research Save the date for these three upcoming webinars.

Can anything be done to solve the P*P shortage crisis? 01/05/2017

Boyd R. Buser, DO, AOA President and dean of the Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine feels a contributing factor for the decreased percentage of physicians entering primary care is the increasing debt load that graduating medical students are incurring, coupled with the fact that primary care specialties are among the lower paying specialty choices.

Can anything be done to solve the P*P shortage crisis? Last year, just one in 10 U.S. medical school graduates went into family medicine and the Association of American Medical Colleges predicts that the U.S. will be short by as many as 43,000 primary c

Rural health programs face September deadline | The Gazette 01/05/2017

Physicians and medical students converged on Capitol Hill to advocate for continued funding of teaching health centers, which offer medical residency programs in community settings. It’s one of the programs under the umbrella of the $7.2 billion Community Health Centers Fund, slated to end Sept. 30 unless Congress takes action.

The combined programs support local access to medical care for thousands of Iowans and millions of Americans.

Rural health programs face September deadline | The Gazette No doubt you've heard about the Women's March and the March for Science. Let me tell you why more than 1,000 doctors marched on Washington earlier this month.

Stream the new PBS doc on women in osteopathic medicine 25/04/2017

The Feminine Touch, a new documentary on the history of women in osteopathic medicine, is now available for free online viewing. It was created by Florida’s West Coast Public Broadcasting (WEDU), a PBS affiliate in Tampa.

Stream the new PBS doc on women in osteopathic medicine The Feminine Touch tells the story of how women played a vital role in osteopathic medicine from the very beginning.

Timeline photos 21/04/2017

Hot off the press! Say hello to our esteemed friend and colleague - Dr. Christopher Unrein!

Raising Awareness | 19/04/2017

State Government Raises the Profile for Colorado DOs -
Governor and Legislature Pass Resolutions Honoring the Osteopathic Profession. CLICK BELOW to read the resolution and proclamation!

Raising Awareness | In April, the Colorado state government enacted a pair of measures designed to recognize the importance and achievements of DOs. In a

CSOM Legislative Alert: OPPOSE SB17-106 on Naturopathic Prescriptive Authority 17/04/2017

Call your State Senator Immediately.

The situation: The state senate will vote in the next few days on legislation to extend the regulation of Naturopathic Doctors (NDs). This legislation is the result of the state's required "sunset" review process that mandates periodic study of all state agencies. The Naturopaths are using SB17-106 as a vehicle to inappropriately and dangerously expand their scope of practice.

CSOM Legislative Alert: OPPOSE SB17-106 on Naturopathic Prescriptive Authority

Timeline photos 17/04/2017

By order of the Governor, April 17-21 is OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE WEEK in Colorado! Stay tuned for information regarding advocacy and awareness.

How many parents hold their kids back from sports due to concussion risk? 13/04/2017

Some parents won’t let their kids play sports due to concussion risks. A new survey found that parents are also limiting their children only to certain sports because of head injury concerns.

When more than 1,000 parents were asked if they’d let their kids play sports given the risk of concussions, 16 percent said no to all sports, a new Harris Poll conducted on behalf of the American Osteopathic Association found.

How many parents hold their kids back from sports due to concussion risk? Survey shows which sports parents think are safer, but they may be off base, say experts

2017 Payer Scorecard breakdown 12/04/2017

Naresh Rao, DO, a primary care physician in New York City, sees claim denials as not just a frustration but a negative influence on how his patients view his practice. So he has taken a proactive approach to minimizing them.

2017 Payer Scorecard breakdown Ask any doctor what they think of payers and they’ll likely say things that can’t be printed.   See more data from our 2017 Payer Scorecard here    The relationsh

How Yoga Helps Survivors of Trauma 11/04/2017

Trauma-informed yoga isn’t a cure, but it can provide healing to people dealing with trauma, as well as tools to cope with their emotional scars while boosting their physical well-being, experts say. This type of yoga, also known as trauma-sensitive yoga, isn’t a particular style of the centuries-old practice, like Ashtanga or Bikram yoga, says Dr. Stacey Pierce-Talsma, an associate professor of osteopathic manipulative medicine at Touro University and a yoga teacher in Vallejo, California.

How Yoga Helps Survivors of Trauma Trauma-informed yoga provides tools for people to deal with emotional scars, experts say.

National Doctors Day: 10 DOs doing awesome things 30/03/2017

March 30 is National Doctors Day, a day to honor doctors and their life-saving contributions to society and medicine. National Doctors Day was first celebrated in the 1930s in Georgia and was federally commemorated by Congress and President George H.W. Bush in 1990, according to the National Doctors Day website.

National Doctors Day: 10 DOs doing awesome things These DOs are working hard to make positive changes in the health care system and improve the lives of patients.

A Letter from the President | 21/03/2017

Respectfully Submitted by Ellice Goldberg, DO, FACOFP
President, CSOM

A Letter from the President | During the current legislative session, CSOM is actively lobbying on bills which affect Colorado DOs. To see which bills have drawn our focus and energy,

New PBS documentary covers women in osteopathic medicine 15/03/2017

Inspired by The Feminine Touch: Women in Osteopathic Medicine, a book by Thomas Quinn, DO, this documentary from WEDU PBS in Tampa, Florida, tells the story of women in osteopathic medicine.

New PBS documentary covers women in osteopathic medicine Watch the trailer for The Feminine Touch, a documentary that celebrates the profession's past, present, and future.

The Feminine Touch | WEDU PBS 15/03/2017

This WEDU original documentary premieres Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 9 p.m.

Stay tuned for more info about how you can see on your own local PBS affiliate.

Click Below to view the trailer!

The Feminine Touch | WEDU PBS This WEDU original documentary premieres Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 9 p.m. In 1892, Andrew Taylor Still did the unimaginable when he accepted women and men equally in his new medical school. The Feminine Touch showcases the valiant women who rose above adversity to become osteopathic physicians i...

DOs Teach Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine in Madagascar 03/03/2017

In the island nation of Madagascar where access to modern medicine is scarce, the demand for non-pharmaceutical treatment is at its peak. During October 2016, dozens of Malagasy physicians were taught the healing techniques of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine from resident DOs participating in an international health elective through Western Michigan University’s Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine.

DOs Teach Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine in Madagascar Sandra Koehn, DO provided CME on OMT to Malagasy Physicians as part of an annual elective program with Western Michigan University’s Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine

University of Northern Colorado officials exploring proposal to host private medical college on Greeley campus | 02/03/2017

University of Northern Colorado President Kay Norton will lead a presentation about the proposed partnership to create a privately funded accredited College of Osteopathic Medicine on campus. Under the plan, Salud Education would develop, construct and manage an osteopathic medical college at UNC. One mission for the college would be to address the national shortage of primary care physicians by offering a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree.

University of Northern Colorado officials exploring proposal to host private medical college on Greeley campus | When they meet Friday, members of the University of Northern Colorado Board of Trustees will hear a proposal for a partnership that could see UNC house a private medical

Osteopathic Med Schools Like Kansas City University Answer The Call For More Doctors 24/02/2017

With the United States facing a shortage of physicians over the next decade, health care groups and lawmakers are scrambling to increase the number of doctors – primary care providers in particular – to serve an aging population.

Osteopathic Med Schools Like Kansas City University Answer The Call For More Doctors With the United States facing a shortage of physicians over the next decade, health care groups and lawmakers are scrambling to increase the number of

Are the CDC Guidelines on Opioid Prescribing Realistic? 23/02/2017

In the not-so-distant past, “opioid phobia” was prevalent, and clinicians and patients were too afraid of addiction potential to risk the therapeutic benefit of opioid therapy. In recent years, there has been a massive shift in the other direction.

The CDC recently issued guidelines about the prescribing of opioids for chronic pain.

Are the CDC Guidelines on Opioid Prescribing Realistic? New guidelines have been published to help clinicians prescribe opioids safely and effectively, unfortunately they may not be realistic.

Study finds osteopathic technique can locate ectopic pregnancy 23/02/2017

Researchers have found osteopathic structural examinations, or OSE, can successfully identify the location of an ectopic pregnancy to improve maternal outcomes.

Study finds osteopathic technique can locate ectopic pregnancy Researchers have found osteopathic structural examinations can successfully identify the location of an ectopic pregnancy to improve maternal outcomes.

Volunteer for the MDA Summer Camp Today! 16/02/2017

In partnership with the AOA, the AOF and the MDA, the osteopathic profession has a unique opportunity to deliver osteopathic care to the patients attending MDA camps and to give back to surrounding communities. To apply to become medical staff or a volunteer counselor at one of the camps listed, please complete the application below.

Volunteer for the MDA Summer Camp Today! Please click the link to complete this form.

Brand campaign milestone: 1 million visits to 15/02/2017

Brand campaign milestone: 1 million visits to Print ads in top-tier publications helped the campaign attain the exciting achievement of 1 million visits to

AOA - AOF 13/02/2017

Awards season is upon us! The AOF is proud to announce that applications for our first round of awards for 2017 are now open. All applications must be completed online and submitted in their final required format no later than April 3 at 11:59 p.m. CST. Visit the links below to learn more about each award/scholarship and their criteria.

AOA - AOF AOF Accepting Applications!

Timeline photos 10/02/2017

At Rome Rocky Mountain, a primer on Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

2017 AOA Match Results 07/02/2017

AOA Match results were released on Feb. 6, 2017. Good luck to all 4th Year Medical Students on the momentous step forward on their journey!

2017 AOA Match Results The following AOA Match results were released on Feb. 6, 2017. Additional information on unfilled programs can be found at

In visit to Capitol Hill, docs outline 5 priorities for next version of healthcare reform | FierceHealthcare 07/02/2017

Leaders from five physician organizations—the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), American College of Physicians, and the American Osteopathic Association—delivered their message that Congress should improve the ACA without tossing out the provisions that benefit patients.

In visit to Capitol Hill, docs outline 5 priorities for next version of healthcare reform | FierceHealthcare Doctors became lobbyists last week, spending a day visiting Senate offices and appealing to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to save important aspects of the Affordable Care Act. The presidents of the five organizations, together representing 500,000 doctors and medical students, met with both D...
