Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center

Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center

We are dedicated to helping you determine what the cause of your problem or condition is, and not ju She is the local chapter leader for the Weston A.

Dr. MaryAnn Ley offers a unique approach to chiropractic care and overall health at Achieve Wellness Chiropractic and Nutrition Center: She combines her 30 years of experience in the alternative health fields with a sincere passion for helping people to customize treatment plans for her patients. She believes the best opportunity for the body to heal comes from within. By combining the practices o


Get your spine adjusted. Posture. Is . Everything.
When you stand up straight you can look 10 pounds lighter. You can prevent spinal degeneration, which is progressive.
* use a cervical pillow
* no stomach sleeping
* bring your phone up to your face instead of looking down at it
* stretch your neck in all 6 directions on a regular basis.

Prevent the problem.
Dr MaryAnncom


CLEOME… they greet me every morning.


How do you RELAX?


Watch what you feed your kids. Anything with bold colors is to lure your children. Just go with the boring colors and make your food. Taste good!

Photos from Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center's post 12/07/2024

This year my FRENCH lavender took off. I have so much of it. So I’m harvesting it .
* bouquets
* sachets
* lotion
*body scrub
* tea


Photos from Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center's post 08/07/2024

My newest chicken is a bantam - a small hen called a “d’uccle”. She’s gonna stay small and cute. I already love her. She’s so cute!! And she waddles when she walks because of her feathered feet😀
And I’m still only getting one blue egg a day . This is chicken math. I want more. I’m getting a “ lavender Orpington” next.
Yes, exactly. Will be LAVENDER !


Made an easy ROSE/Lavender SUGAR BODY SCRUB. I had roses that were dying and what a good way to recycle them.

1/2 cup rose petals. A bit of lavender flowers
1/ 4 cup Coconut oil
1 Tbs honey
1/2 cup sugar
A few drops of of Lavender essential oil or vanilla

Blend in chopper or blender until combined. Store in glass container.

It’s Pretty . 🌹
Easy, so you can do it too!


OAT STRAW. Harvested a bit early from my garden as a cover crop. Will make tea. Medicinal benefits are for
* Sleep
* Cholesterol- lowering

I love using natural compounds for the nervous system over medications with side effects. You can too.

More info:

Photos from Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center's post 11/06/2024

One of the best stretches to overcome FORWARD SHOULDERS and poor posture , mostly as a result of sitting and looking down at cell phones and at computers.

Extension exercise , especially on a foam roller; ARMS AT 90 degrees. For those with less flexibility, use a shorter foam roller.
Hold for 3 sets of 30 seconds. See if you can touch your elbows to the ground. Don’t cheat and don’t overdo it.
It will help you breathe better too.

Dr MaryAnn


Thyroid disorder, especially thyroid called is not always visible.

Yes, you can manage your sleep, digestive health, brain fog, hair, skin, weight problems with thyroid medication ( T4, T3 or a combo), lifestyle changes- avoid gluten, dairy and sugars-……

Or, you may need IODINE. Most people are deficient. Iodide with iodine in Lugol’s solution. Check out Dr Brownstein’s Holistic Medicine

And this meme is from my favorite resource on :

Thyroid pharmacist.


Goat Yoga today. These babies had everyone laughing and relaxed as we tried to be serious about our yoga practice. 😄 No one was serious!
They were running around and climbing into lamps and onto backs.
I recommend this , especially if you need a little levity in your life🥰

By the way, great gluten- free options on the .

Photos from Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center's post 18/05/2024

☺️Had a small gathering of women over to my home to learn to make SALAD DRESSINGS. We started with the basic 3:1 to acid ( red wine , apple cider vinegar and or lemon juice), added a dab of brown mustard, sea salt and pepper, fresh or dried like basil, oregano, thyme, a bit of fresh garlic, and shook it up. To make the we just added blue cheese crumbles. Another variation would be to add feta cheese to the original basic vinegrette.
We served with chickpea bread, golden beets and zucchini slices.
The most important thing is to avoid commercial industrialized seed oils like canola, soybean, sunflower, safflower, etc which are inflammatory and high in . All commercial salad dressings have a label.
READ IT! Most not only have the bad oils but loaded with corn syrup and chemical flavorings and preservatives. Here’s what you do:

1. Make enough to store in fridge - it lasts a long time
2. Add WHEY ( the liquid part of store bought yogurt) to extend the life of dressing, condiments, can use in fermented vegetables and sourdough bread making.
3. We added raw milk sour cream, kefir ( fermented milk), a bit of fresh garlic and blue cheese to the original recipe to make the BEST BLUE CHEESE DRESSING ever.
4. Try adding your choice of herbs from your garden or dried ones ( you’ll need less).
5. Shake in a jar.

I recommend looking at Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions cookbook for great information and inspiration.

🪴👩‍🌾Then we took a stroll in my yard to visit the laying hens, my vegetable garden and picked edible weeds like plantain, woodsorrel ( oxalis) , lemon balm, spearmint.


If you’re putting your trust in the government, hospitals, medicine to HELP YOU WITH YOUR HEALTH, you are misled and need new direction.

YOU are the one that knows most about your health. Expecting government handouts, cheap medicine and unnecessary procedures to fix you is playing Russian roulette.

The best “ doctoring” is:
1. Sunshine
2. Eating REAL FOOD
3. Sleeping well
4. Moving functionally
5. Drinking filtered water
6. Breathing fresh air- in NATURE

Don’t buy into the scams, the pill -for -an -ill mentality, the victim mentality that you have a “ DISEASE” , that you attach yourself to.
Did you know your body heals hundreds of a day??

You are beautifully and wonderfully made. TRUST IN YOUR INNATE ABILITY TO HEAL!☺️

Dr MaryAnn


SHILAJIT is a powerful antioxidant mineral paste , a tar- like pitch from the Himalayan rocks with tremendous healing properties. It’s a bit bitter so combined with HONEY, it’s so doable. I found this raw honey with Shilajit that I add to my yogurt, frozen cherries and walnut breakfast.

It’s popular in medicine and known as “ the destroyer of weakness”. Its benefits are endless but I particularly like it because it’s a natural source of

Great for skin, bone healing, hormone balancing, low s***m count, altitude sickness, lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing Alzheimer’s symptoms.

Warning- those with high iron levels may need to be careful ingesting too much and just like HIMALAYAN SALT, it can have toxic heavy metal residue. Know your source. Like anything you put into your body- but I hate when people are squeamish about taking raw milk, dandelions, bee pollen, substances we know work well for you…..but they take centrum one a day, drink chlorinated water or eat from styrofoam and plastic containers and heavily sprayed vegetables and fruits.
Get real, people!


Cauliflower crust pizza
They have the BEST pizza here. I love the GOAT pizza- fig and tomatoes and balsamic glaze. Delicious!☺️


Thanks Joe. As if we didn’t already know who you worship, but you made it extremely clear with your support of this agenda. The evil couldn’t be more in our faces.
Trust in the true God, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!✝️


All childhood diseases the healthy body can handle.
Give your children what their bodies need to have strong healthy outcomes. Vitamin A from eggs, liver and leafy greens, cod liver oil.


Yoga Toes
Your feet need attention.

Barefoot is good; working on your balance on uneven surfaces is good; creating more flexibility is good;


My heart melts❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Look at these two! Capture my heart!


Why you should be paying attention to your environment. Some things you can control. Others you can’t. Do what you can.

And why you should be “detoxifying “ your body all the time. How?
Help your liver: Eat bitter herbs and plants, drink GREEN TEA, take a break from:
* Sugar
* Alcohol
* Dairy
* Processed foods
* Industrialized seed oils

You can do it. And you'll feel better too!


Let there be SPRING!!! We’re having a warm spell!
Never too early for tulips!


Nice day to walk on our local NCR trail. Beautiful day - in the 70’s, but hardly anyone on it. Guess because it was muddy?


Chicken ENCHILADA SOUP - spicy, comfort food.
It was a hit for my FOOTBALL tribe tonight. 😜


Don’t fall for it. Acheta is crickets. 🦗
Nope! boycott these companies. Vote with your pocketbook!



Crock- pot FRENCH TOAST.
First time making this. I made it for the family using raisin - bran bread. I couldn’t eat it ( since gluten- free).
But I was told it was a hit!
Eggs, apples, bread, half and half. Add pecans on top. Cook for 2.5 hours.


Merry Christmas from the Leys!😘


Christmas Cookies- we can’t stop eating these… because who can resist butter and sugar? Gluten - free


These industrialized seed oils are inflammatory. LINOLEIC Acid, an Omega- 6 polyunsaturated fatty acid ( PUFA) found in excess in the WESTERN diet, contributes to autoimmune conditions and chronic disease. These oils , regardless of if they’re organic, are processed using heat extraction.
Most people don’t get enough omega 3 in their diet. So the ratio of these oils becomes excess.
Use only cold pressed oil such as coconut and olive.


Merry Christmas to all !🎄❤️

Our Story

Dr. MaryAnn Ley offers a unique approach to chiropractic care at Achieve Wellness Chiropractic Center: She combines her 27 years of experience in the alternative health fields with a sincere passion for helping people to customize treatment plans for her patients. She believes the best opportunity for the body to heal comes from within. By combining the practices of chiropractic, nutrition, therapeutic exercises, functional medicine, acupuncture, and massage in this truly holistic approach, the body then has every opportunity to heal and function optimally.

Dr. MaryAnn Ley has served the chiropractic community since 1992. She applies her holistic and natural approach to healing as she combines chiropractic, designed clinical nutrition, and customized exercise programs to promote wellness. She is a faith-based practitioner and does believe that our bodies were designed with the innate ability to heal. Given the right information (proper nourishment, oxygen, sleep and stimulation) this is possible.

Dr. Ley has a BS Degree from the University of Florida in Physical Education and Corporate Wellness. She is a trained massage therapist and earned a Doctorate of Chiropractic (cum laude) degree from Cleveland Chiropractic College in Kansas City in 1991.

Dr. Ley believes that every person can benefit from a holistic approach to health care. Educating patients allows them to be active participants in their health. Therefore, she has a lending library right here in the office and encourages her patients to READ, READ , READ as well as ask questions.

In her free time, Dr. MaryAnn likes to garden, cook, hike, yoga,bike, kayak, listen to the blues, read and travel. She is the local chapter leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation. She also volunteers for the animal rescue organization M.A.M.A.S, Helping Up Mission, Martha’s Place and Araminta Freedom in downtown Baltimore. She is a child sponsor for the organization “UNBOUND”. She has been married for 32 years to a wonderful man and has three adult sons whom she shares as much time as possible with.

Dr. Ley has had the amazing opportunity and privilege to travel to Costa Rica to offer her services in a mobile medical/chiropractic clinic which benefits the local communities there. Visit for more information.

Videos (show all)

Eggs actually are immune - PROTECTIVE. How about that?
My new superSONIC primalLife tooth polishing kit. #primallife
I've received 200 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉 Let me know what else you want...
What are we doing in our office this week?Working on BALANCE. 🎯 Increasing “PROPRIOCEPTIVE” awareness. This is ...
Rustic adjustment-We get it done! Travel- table . How long does it take to help someone feel better? Strong, focused, re...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 14:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:30 - 19:00