West Siloam Springs Assembly

West Siloam Springs Assembly

5524 Cedar Dr, Colcord, OK

Students Spark Holy Spirit Explosion at Small, Liberal Texas University - Charisma Magazine Online 11/09/2023

Students Spark Holy Spirit Explosion at Small, Liberal Texas University - Charisma Magazine Online A revival at Asbury University in Kentucky gained a great deal of nationwide attention for 16 days back in February. It spawned many other mini revivals across the country, but eventually the excitement waned. In sharp contrast, a little-known liberal university in southwest Texas has been celebrati...


Christ is coming back for a VICTORIOUS church!!!


They apostles came out of the upper room in a blaze of glory!


The Holy Spirit is necessary in our lives! If you’re looking for a church that preaches Bible and relies on the Holy Spirit, as the early church did, this is the church for you.  We welcome you with open arms! Come as you are, each Sunday morning at 11 AM. 


Join us tonight at 7 PM, as we welcome missionary to India, Kerry Mauldin. Kerry and his wife, Melody, work in remote villages helping to drill wells for clean water, along with constructing buildings for worship. Kerry and Melody are back in the states to raise funds for this important work—this is true Kingdom business! Come out tonight and hear about their work with the people of India.


Come celebrate our veterans with us this morning! Service starts at 11:00.


Join us tonight for mid-week Bible study! Tonight‘s topic is, “Needed: Spirit-empowered people.“


See you tonight at 7:00! Invite a friend!


Come join us Sunday night at 6 p.m. as we join in unity with Colcord Assembly of God for a night of Worship, Word, and prayer. We will be praying for our nation as well as any other needs in the congregation. We'll be starting at 6 p.m. at West Siloam Assembly, 5524 Cedar Drive.
"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Mat. 18:19,20


Join us tonight at 7 pm in the fellowship hall for anointed Bible study!


Work day at the church tomorrow (Saturday) from 1-5 pm!


Join us tomorrow morning for worship! Also, we DO have Sunday school at 10:00 a.m.; however, at this time we don’t have children’s classes. We have an adult class in the fellowship hall. We look forward to worshiping our Lord with you. 🙏

Miraculous Testimonies Pour in From Asbury University Revival 16/02/2023

Miraculous Testimonies Pour in From Asbury University Revival Over 100 hours at Hughes Stadium have come and gone, and the heavenly worship is still sounding throughout the auditorium. The Asbury University revival is stil


YOU ARE GOD’S TREASURE by David Wilkerson

The Bible gives us a vivid illustration of the key to Christian victory in Numbers 13 and 14. Israel had sent twelve spies to search out the Promised Land. When the spies returned after forty days, ten of them planted three lies in the hearts of God’s people: 1) “There are too many people in the land and they’re too strong for us;” 2) “the cities are walled too high and the strongholds are impregnable;” and 3) “there are giants in the land and we’re no match for them. We’re helpless! Finished!”

These lies took the heart right out of Israel. Scripture says the people endured a night of despair. “So all the congregation lifted up their voices and cried, and the people wept that night” (Numbers 14:1 NKJV). More than two million people were weeping, wailing and moaning, focused completely on their weaknesses and inabilities. Their wails of unbelief bombarded heaven.

Joshua and Caleb, on the other hand, had a revelation of how precious they were in God’s eyes, and that was the key to their hopeful spirit. Joshua said, “If the Lord delights in us, then he will bring us into this land and give it to us, ‘a land which flows with milk and honey’” (Numbers 14:8). In other words, “Because he delights in us, the land is as good as ours already.”

Beloved, the devil throws the same three lies at God’s people today. “Your trials are too numerous. Your temptations are too overwhelming. You are too weak to resist the power coming against you.”

As we hear the devil’s lies, the word that God spoke to Israel is for us too. “You shall be a special treasure to me above all people; for all the earth is mine” (Exodus 19:5). “For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth” (Deuteronomy 14:2).

Like Joshua and Caleb, every victorious Christian today can have this same confidence in their heavenly Father’s love. “We can’t fail! All our enemies are meat for us because we are precious to the Lord.”


Join us at 7:00 p.m. tonight for anointed Bible study!


The title of this morning’s sermon: Born In a Blaze of Glory!” Be here at 11:00 a.m.


We will be having a church potluck after the morning service!


Join us tomorrow night for an anointed teaching on the Holy Spirit!


Join us tomorrow morning at 11 a.m. for a powerful word about the BLOOD of Jesus. Come as you are and let God’s people and the Holy Spirit minister to your needs.


Everyone stay safe and warm, and we’ll see you Sunday!


Please note, GOD’S CLOSET will be scaling back our days of operation for the foreseeable future. Please see below for the dates we will be open for both drop-off and shopping.

🔸Fridays 1-5 pm
🔸Saturdays 10-2

February 3 & 4
February 17 & 18

March 3 & 4
March 17 & 18
March 31

April 1
April 21 & 22

May 5 & 6
May 19 & 20

If you have anything to donate, please feel free to do so on the above dates and times. Thank you and God bless!


Join us for the first Sunday of 2023 tomorrow morning at 11 a.m.!


WSSA will be having Christmas Day worship at 11:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to come celebrate the real Reason for the Season! Merry Christmas!


Don’t forget our mid-week service tomorrow evening at 7 pm! 🔹TOPIC: Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit sayeth the Lord.”🔹


Join us tonight at 7 pm for Bible study & prayer. Topic is John 14, “Greater Than These.” Hope to see you there!


We are looking forward to seeing you in church this morning for worship and Word! Service begins at 11:00 a.m.

Videos (show all)

Christ is coming back for a VICTORIOUS church!!!
They apostles came out of the upper room in a blaze of glory!
The Holy Spirit is necessary in our lives!  If you’re looking for a church that preaches Bible and relies on the Holy Sp...

