

TEDxMileHigh accelerates innovation and social impact through the power of big ideas. https://www.tedxmilehigh.com/transcend/

Sign up to be the first to get the special pre-sale link to our June 2023 event!


Imagine seeing disturbing crime scenes every day as part of your job. After prosecuting a notorious triple murder, Michael J. Rourke realized that it’s not just victims who need support for their trauma – but legal professionals too.

Michael J. Rourke is the District Attorney for the 19th Judicial District in Weld County, Colorado and has prosecuted numerous high-profile cases throughout his career.

Watch the TRANSCEND Virtual Premiere & Michael's moving talk today.



College transfer is way more common than you realize. There are 1 million transfer students in the U.S. and they've transferred for many different reasons: to be closer to family, to attend a different academic program, or to switch from an associate's track to a bachelor's degree. Unfortunately, they often lose credits and are excluded from financial aid packages, student orientation, and academic honors programs.

In this persuasive talk, Janet L. Marling reveals why this diverse group of mobile learners matters and how schools can improve educational equity by prioritizing transfer student experiences.



Turn on the news and what do you find? Poverty, racism, homelessness, gun violence, climate change. Bad news on bad news. How do you cope?

Author Steven Dunn has a unique suggestion: catalogue moments of softness. From West Virginia to Vietnam and Denver to Mount Fuji, this curated collection of softness will renew your faith in humanity and inspire YOU to lead a kinder, gentler, loving life.

Watch his beautiful talk to reframe your every day at youtube.com/watch?v=V5FK1PuX3qE&t=2s


Feeling like you don't fit in? Wish you weren't different from other people? Good. It’s what makes you a bad*ss! Comedian Greg Bland is Deaf, but instead of lamenting his “hearing loss,” he celebrates his “Deaf gain!”

In this inspiring talk, Greg shares two surprising advantages of being Deaf (don’t be jealous) and challenges YOU to embrace your differences too. Greg believes in you. Life can be challenging, but he thinks you're a badass and he's darn proud of you. Next time that nagging voice in your head has plenty to say, remember he's got the same voice and he's Deaf!

Greg loves to explore how humor can be a great equalizer and bridge-builder between Deaf and hearing cultures.

Watch his playful and insightful talk!


Should the Olympics allow athletes using prostheses to compete? Alena Grabowski’s biomechanics research could answer a longstanding debate between the Olympics and Paralympians.

Dr. Alena Grabowski directs the Applied Biomechanics Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder and is an Associate Professor in the Department of Integrative Physiology. She studies how devices like prostheses and exoskeletons affect walking, running, sprinting, cycling, and jumping in people with and without physical disabilities like leg amputations.

Watch the Virtual Premiere & Alena's talk today!


Radical imagination," says Ozy Aloziem, "is the audacity to live in the world as it is and dream something different." For Aloziem, visualizing a more just world starts with a dinner party game she created with poet Bobby LeFebre in 2020. Here she invites us to join her table. Eight guests gather over mezcal and a multi-course meal "to dream, to imagine, to heal, to be fed & filled, and to, for a brief moment, maybe, just maybe, taste liberation."

Ozy (Ozioma) Aloziem is an Igbo scholar and as a critical Black feminist, amplifies voices of marginalized communities that are left on the fringes of academic research and public policy.

Watch her talk for inspiration on how you can make your next dinner party meaningful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTbMjVqoWxs


When your loved one dies, the corporate funeral industry will make you believe you only have a couple of options: burial or cremation. Package A or Package B. But it isn’t true. This $16.5 billion industry is a relatively modern invention. Across cultures and across time, everyday people have taken care of their dead.

In this beautiful talk, death doula Erin Merelli shares how you can create a meaningful, deeply personal experience around the death of a loved one.

As a Death Doula and Ceremonialist, Merelli works with those on the edge of death all the way until their final breath. In 2019, she partnered with Green Funeral Director Lauren Carroll and co-founded Deathwives. Together, they’ve trained thousands of people to support their own loved ones through the end and to provide death care in their communities.

Don't miss this powerful talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryIS6RdU5KI


Dogs have unbelievably powerful noses – they can sniff out missing people, warn of low blood sugar, and even detect diseases like COVID, Cancer, or Avian Flu. Glen Golden will explain how we humans can make the most of dogs’ talents.

Dr. Glen J. Golden is a neurobiologist and chemosensory scientist who specializes in mammalian olfaction and researches how animals respond to disease-related odors. He has trained dogs to detect avian flu in birds and chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer.

Don't miss Glen's talk (and the full TRANSCEND speaker lineup) at youtube.com/watch?v=-N1zsf6l23w&t=725s


Public health has a design problem. Doctors’ offices are cold, sterile, uninviting, inaccessible, and soulless. When Julissa Soto decided to make health clinics fun again, she achieved incredible results.

Julissa Soto’s innovative public health interventions have led to the vaccination of more than 24,000 Latino adults, youth, and children and the distribution of more than 130,000 home COVID-19 tests and 70,000 surgical masks. In 2021, she earned one of Colorado’s most prestigious honors when Governor Jared Polis proclaimed September 20, 2021, “Julissa Soto Day.” She serves on the Health Equity Commission for the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Su***de Prevention Commission for Colorado.

Don't miss Julissa's talk (and the full TRANSCEND speaker line up)! Click the link in our bio to watch the virtual premiere.


Public health has a design problem. Doctors’ offices are cold, sterile, uninviting, inaccessible, and soulless. When Julissa Soto decided to make health clinics fun again, she achieved incredible results.

Julissa Soto’s innovative public health interventions have led to the vaccination of more than 24,000 Latino adults, youth, and children and the distribution of more than 130,000 home COVID-19 tests and 70,000 surgical masks. In 2021, she earned one of Colorado’s most prestigious honors when Governor Jared Polis proclaimed September 20, 2021, “Julissa Soto Day.” She serves on the Health Equity Commission for the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Su***de Prevention Commission for Colorado.

Don't miss Julissa's talk (and the full TRANSCEND speaker line up)! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N1zsf6l23w&t=725s


Are you tired of being cooped up inside all day? Amy Hovis’s unique landscape architectural designs will help you maximize time outside in nature. Anything you do inside, you can do outside, too!

Amy Hovis is a Principal at Eden Garden Design with decades of experience in sustainable landscape architecture. Her landscape work is informed by her experiences in art, design, and film in the U.S. and Europe.

Watch the Virtual Premiere & Amy's talk today!


You’ve probably heard that plastics are bad. Only 5% of plastic is recycled. 12 million tons of plastic enter the oceans every year. And one study found microplastics in 100% of the water and marine organisms they tested.

But materials scientist Monika Bleszynski believes plastic isn’t inherently bad. Instead, we can engineer plastics for good – plastics that are not only better for the environment but plastics that solve environmental problems. That was the idea behind her newest invention: an ecofriendly road salt alternative made of plastics inspired by fish!

Learn more about this ingenious solution by watching her talk at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha2-60IUdpM&t=65s


Money is a leading cause of divorce in America. But it doesn’t have to be! Premarital Financial Counselor Leah Marie Collins believes you can strengthen your relationship by learning to talk about finances.

Leah Marie Collins is a Premarital Finance Counselor with over 16 years of experience reducing costs for Fortune 500 companies.

Don't miss Leah's talk (and the full TRANSCEND speaker line up)!


Imagine seeking safety abroad and instead being detained and forced to defend yourself in a high-stakes legal battle — alone.

Law professor César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández explains how the asylum process in the US became warped into what we know today and poses a question that could lead the country out of its labyrinthian policies: In place of investing in more steel doors and barbed wire, what if immigration law was infused with support and justice?

César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández is a law professor and the Gregory Williams Chair in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at Ohio State University where he studies the intersection of criminal and immigration law.

Watch now! https://www.ted.com/talks/cesar_cuauhtemoc_garcia_hernandez_the_us_can_move_past_immigration_prisons_and_towards_justice?language=en


TOMORROW! PLAY+PURPOSE: Designing public space and novel solutions to flood mitigation

Join us as we explore how intersections of the natural + built environment, art + engineering, and play + purpose can spark surprising innovations.

Tuesday, August 29 • 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM MST
Taxi Campus 3509 Ringsby Court

All Adventures are free, but you must RSVP:

TEDxMileHigh Adventures invite you to explore big ideas – up close and personal – as you experience the work and vision of Colorado creatives, innovators, and thought-leaders.

Thank you to FEMA for powering this Adventure!


Protecting our communities from wildfire is hugely expensive. But Hussam Mahmoud’s research can predict how wildfire spreads and which homes will be most vulnerable – so we can outsmart fire before it arrives.

Dr. Hussam Mahmoud is a Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor at Colorado State University. By assessing and upgrading infrastructure, he helps communities become more resilient to climate change and natural disasters, including earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, and flooding.

Check out this insightful talk (and the full TRANSCEND program) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N1zsf6l23w&t=724s


In the 1990s, a movement born out of the white, American, evangelical Christian church swept the globe: purity culture. They weren't the first or only fundamentalist religion to sexually shame women and girls. But this time, the message was mainstream, almost cool: women and girls are either pure or impure, depending on their sexuality.

Decades later, we're just starting to grapple with the long-term effects of these teachings. In this deeply intimate talk, Linda Kay Klein shares how she recovered from purity culture's toxic teaching and helps others do the same.



If you didn't make it to the in-person experience on Saturday, there's still an opportunity to watch the speakers and performers take the stage at TEDxMileHigh TRANSCEND!

Join us tonight for the FREE Virtual Premiere at 6:30 PM MST. Save your spot!


Photos from TEDxMileHigh's post 23/06/2023

We are grateful to our sponsors whose support powers our events and is a catalyst for action.

We are honored to partner with these incredible organizations.

Visit our website for links to learn more about our sponsors!


In the years since George Floyd's murder, a growing number of Americans demand police reform. But where do we start? There are so many solutions – is it body cameras, racial bias training, better hiring, or more oversight?

Yes, all of the above. But journalist Ann Marie Awad believes there's a better approach, one that could save lives here and now. It's time to end the War on Drugs. Not because Americans want to do more drugs without getting caught. But because ending the War on Drugs would fundamentally and radically change how police behave practically overnight.

Watch their insightful talk now live!


Photos from TEDxMileHigh's post 17/06/2023

You already know we have 11 incredible speakers and performers taking the stage at TEDxMileHighTRANSCEND. But did you know the TEDxMileHigh experience extends well beyond the stage?

We invite you to take action and connect with speakers during our experiential exhibits lounge. Get hands-on with Denver’s big ideas, emerging technologies, and inspiring artists.

Check out the exhibits you can explore at TRANSCEND! tedxmilehigh.com/transcend-exhibits


A diverse community of innovators, artists, and big-thinkers will inspire you.

Insights spanning across industries will challenge and surprise you.

Performance art will move you.



TedxMileHigh TRANSCEND 09/06/2023

This is your last chance to get tickets to TEDxMileHigh TRANSCEND at an incredible 45% discount!

Ticket prices increase at NOON on Monday, June 12.

Join us to hear from inspiring speakers and interact with thought-provoking exhibits that will challenge, surprise, and ignite you.

TedxMileHigh TRANSCEND Get tickets for TedxMileHigh TRANSCEND at Ellie Caulkins Opera House in Denver, CO on Sat, Jun 24, 2023 - 1:00PM at AXS.com


We are thrilled to introduce you to our final found of speakers!

Learn more about the big ideas that will take the stage at TRANSCEND this June 24th at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House.

See the full line up! tedxmilehigh.com/transcend-speakers/

Get tickets! axs.com/events/473608/tedxmilehigh-transcend-tickets


During his 25 years in uniform, Lieutenant Colonel James "Pigeon" Fielder designed and executed military war games, some with thousands of participants, defending positions with blank weapons, launching real aircraft, and treating fake injuries on the battlefield.

Why does the US military spend so much time and energy on something that isn't real? Because the first time you respond to a crisis shouldn't be during an actual crisis.

Games let you work together to overcome obstacles that feel real–risk-free! Whether you work at a large corporation, a non-profit, or a startup, you can benefit from playing games too.

For over two decades, Pigeon has designed and executed training exercises and wargames, from small-group tabletop discussions to multi-day exercises with 5,000+ participants. Today, his research and consulting work focuses on interpersonal trust and emergent political processes in gaming.

Don't miss this stimulating talk on this link: https://youtu.be/qecV6O0AuHY


Announcing the second round of TRANSCEND speakers!

TEDxMileHigh TRANSCEND will bring together a diverse community of innovators, artists, and big-thinkers.

Explore the line up at tedxmilehigh.com/transcend-speakers



Experience new perspectives and insights from leading minds on topics like landscape architecture, civil engineering, health, and beyond on June 24.

Explore the line up at tedxmilehigh.com/transcend-speakers


For years, Charlo G.W. worked as a visual designer for brands, all the while, making art for himself in secret. Being an artist didn't seem like a viable career – until one day, he found a neighbor on the app Nextdoor who let him paint a mural on his garage door. That moment changed his life and sparked a chain reaction. Join him as he shares his first 50 murals in this upbeat talk about following your joy.

Don't miss out on the full story just by clicking the link below!

🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox0MvbBlYuA


Join us for a free webinar to explore emerging research into cognitive health in cats and dogs.

Extensive resources are dedicated to understanding human cognition and health – but what about our pets? What does cognitive decline look like in cats and dogs, and what can we do to keep their brains healthy? Save your spot and learn about important insights into prevention, treatment, and common misperceptions about cognitive decline.

Monday, April 24 from 6:00 - 7:00PM

This event is free, but you must RSVP (LINK BELOW!)

🐱 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pet-cognitive-health-tickets-595003099287?aff=social 🐶

Powered by Morris Animal Foundation


We Are TEDxMileHigh.

TEDxMileHigh accelerates innovation and social impact through the power of big ideas, transformative live events, and empowered digital communities.

Be prepared to think differently.

Get ready to chart a new point of departure. In a world of conformity, 24-hour new cycles, and unoriginal ideas, come join an inspiring community where ideas come to life.

This is your chance to put your phone on airplane mode, disconnect from the noise that surrounds you, and reconnect to the feeling of being truly alive.

Come laugh, cry, dream, connect, and inspire yourself and those around you.

Videos (show all)

Dinosaur tracks can teach us more about the day-to-day behavior of creatures like T. Rex or the Stegosaurus than their s...
Did you know that in the 1920s and 1930s, when Adolf Hitler and Nazi officials developed Germany's policies towards Jews...
When you're burned out, caring for yourself (or your family) can feel nearly impossible.Therapist KC Davis gets it, and ...
"I cannot tell by its rhythm where this heart was born, it is only music pulsing through palms." Suzi Q. Smith contempla...
Growing up in Ghana, Francis Agyakwa witnessed the power of communal drumming rituals firsthand. Now, as a social work r...
Olga González believes nonprofits often underestimate the communities they serve.They swoop in, she says, with outside r...
Did you ever notice how kids make all kinds of weird sounds and noises, and then suddenly you're an adult and that's no ...
Artist Titus Kaphar's powerful paintings and sculptures tell a story of erasure and marginalization, but also of resilie...
Julieanna L. Richardson reminds us of the critical role that documenting and preserving history plays in shaping our fut...
In this moving talk, Jovan Mays tries to make sense of the senseless: a young life taken far too soon.He is the emeritus...
Amplify Ideas, Amplify Impact, Amplify Your Support.  Colorado Gives Day Ends At Midnight!  Show your support for the br...
Colorado Gives Day is tomorrow - DONATE NOW WHILE YOUR GIFT WILL BE AMPLIFIED!As a grassroots nonprofit organization, we...