Mickey O'Brien Business Coaching

Mickey O'Brien Business Coaching

Mickey focuses his signature mix of simple practical business mentorship & marketing "Super-System"

We offer EFFECTIVE business strategies that will connect you with more opportunities, more profits and faster growth. While working with remarkable mentors and through much trial and error along the way, Mickey has discovered what it REALLY takes to quickly build highly-profitable, enduring businesses, like what you’ll learn in Mentorship Academy, created by Mickey who was once right where you are


We let A.I. out of the bag and it's taking over marketing for business.



Are you running from the PAIN or toward it?

This morning I had a powerful walk and time for reflection. What came to my mind was how many people are struggling right now in their business, their faith, their marriage or in their health.

When I think about pain, my thought is always the same. Feel the freaking pain. With pain comes growth.

Feel the pain, because the moment that you acknowledge the pain in your body, your marriage, acknowledge the pain in your business, that's the moment you’re able to find the solution.

The reason that most people struggle is because they constantly want to avoid the pain. They want to dull the pain, or they want to give the pain to somebody else because it's not their fault.

People want to pass the pain off onto others, their spouse, their employees, the economy, etc. The truth is, your the cause. You must take extreme responsibility about the situation that you are in and only once you feel the pain fully can you work on finding the solution.

The average person is always making excuses. The average person is always trying to deflect the pain, and tries to pass the pain to somebody else instead of acknowledging it, saying, I did this crud! It’s NOT now your spouse, it's not your employees, not the market. It’s you. You are the problem, and you are the solution.

The moment that you feel the pain, the moment you get mad enough to realize I need to do something about my marriage, my health and do something about my business. That's the moment that you make a choice, and you decide to grow.

Pain is necessary for growth. And you're never going to grow unless you feel the pain. You must acknowledge the pain. Learn how to use this pain for as fuel.

How much pain can you stand before you address it?

7 PROFITABLE Video Content Ideas For Business Owners 09/13/2022

Do you think your business should be on YouTube?

Check this out...

7 PROFITABLE Video Content Ideas For Business Owners These 7 video content ideas are proven profitable, BUT you must know who you are targeting if you want to squeeze every cent of profit out of a video. Combin...


Do These 4 Crucial Things to Grow Your Business in a Crisis

So, there's good news and bad news, in a crisis. The bad news is that nobody's going to save you. If you want to succeed in the moment of crisis, you have to save yourself. You are the solution to problems. You have to save yourself because the government is not going to save you. People are not going to save you. You have to do this on your own.

If you are good at what you do, it's easier for you to stand out. In good times, it's easier for people to succeed. In tough times, the winners are separated from the winners.

And that's what I see a lot of right now. You see a lot of people whining about the government, whining about the economy, whining it's not their fault. The reality is that they were never winners in the first place. They were just riding the waves of easy success.

I remember in 2007 when I went through my first recession in business. Everything around me started to crumble. But I didn’t give up, I didn’t blame the economy. In fact, I saw opportunity all around me. I was able to start and build a successful business in the midst of the second worst recession next to the great depression. You can guess what the first worst recession is.

In moments of crisis, do you turn into a victim?

People turn into victims in a crisis. You need to give yourself permission to win, a permission to be able to thrive through these times.

There are 4 key steps for you to win in the moment of crisis. First step is stop complaining. Complaining is not an option, because the reality is nobody gives two cents. Everybody has problems. And you complaining only creates negative energy, and negative energy attracts negative people.

There's no shortage of people that want to complain with you. But all you're doing is creating a negative environment around you. Instead of complaining ask yourself, who do I need to become to find a solution? How do I find a solution for my problem? If you don’t like where you are in your business or life, stop complaining and do something about it.

Number two, extreme ownership. This means everything is your responsibility. Everything is your fault. When you don’t have anybody to blame or that you can point fingers at, the only one left is you in the mirror. And that's the moment you see what needs to change. The moment you realize that you are the problem and at the same time you are the solution. When you take extreme ownership you take back to life. You take back control of your business.

Number three, sharpen your skills. In good times you get away with just doing enough. If you just do enough, you get by. And in moments of crisis, if you just do enough you will be out of business.

If you a good, you’ll live in scarcity. You have to be great. You have to be outstanding. That means you have to sharpen your skill shopping, sharpen your marketing and sharpen your sales skills.

You need to sharpen any skill that you have to make you a specialist. Because the average producer is just going to get by, but the outstanding producer is going to stand out. So sharpen your skills in every single area in order for you to be outstanding. What ever you are good at, make it great.

Number four, which is the most important one, invest in you. In a moment of crisis no one's going to believe in you unless you believe in yourself. Do you believe you are the best choice in the market place? If you don’t grow, your business will pay the price.

So, you have to invest your time, energy and your money in order for you to reset, recharge and reconnect your vision. Understand, if you don't believe in yourself and if you don't invest in you, then you can’t expect people to believe in you.

You have to continue to invest in yourself to grow and expand, because that's what winners do, winning is a strategy, whining is easy to do. At the end of the day, everything is on you. You are the problem, and you are the solution. Sharpen your skills every single day with books, with strategies, with seminars, with content, and invest in you.

MORE Organic Leads: 5 Reasons a Small Biz Needs YouTube in 2022 09/03/2022

Grow Your Business with YouTube!

My team and I help entrepreneurs & marketers harness the power of video to grow & scale their businesses through GreatBizMedia

Check out this video by Joel our Marketing Director. He tells you how to get more organic leads.

MORE Organic Leads: 5 Reasons a Small Biz Needs YouTube in 2022 Do you want more organic traffic, leads, and sales for your business? Building a YouTube channel for a small business can dramatically impact building an aud...


Use Video to Grow Your Business

Check out Today's Video Tip

Build Trust and LAND MORE CLIENTS w/ Loom Videos 08/26/2022

POWERFUL Way to Build Trust with Clients!

Build Trust and LAND MORE CLIENTS w/ Loom Videos Increase response rates and get more clients simply by using this method... Sending a prospect or someone in your community a personalized Loom video can act...

How Often Should You Post Videos on YouTube? [ANSWERED] 08/19/2022

For those wanting to Start Using YOUTUBE for business.... Check it out!

How Often Should You Post Videos on YouTube? [ANSWERED] This common question gets so many different answers, but in this video, I break down the three necessary elements that are guaranteed to help you determine y...

5X Your Leads: Video Sales Letter [Proven Recipe] 08/12/2022

Why Businesses are Effing Dumb if They Don't Do Video

I remember the first time I heard the phrase, this is the year you must add video marketing to your strategy. That was in 2008.

Since then, it seems every other minute some guru comes out with their predictions about how this is the year video will dominate everything and how any small business owner who doesn't this very second drop everything they're doing and pick up a video camera and start creating YouTube videos is going to fall into financial despair, lose their business and be homeless on the streets.

It's understandable when most business owners get a little annoyed when they are told what they have to do or the sky will fall. But I think back to what my main marketing tool was back in the 90’s, a phone book ad, and I ask myself, where are phone books today.

The truth is, right now offers an absolute treasure-trove of opportunity for marketers and business owners to start doing video because creating, promoting and distributing your videos has never, ever been easier.

5X Your Leads: Video Sales Letter [Proven Recipe] This 9-step process will help bring your prospects through the customer journey. A single video can 5X your leads! By implementing this video sales letter re...

TOP 5 Reasons YOU Need Video Marketing [Right NOW] 08/09/2022

Use Video Marketing to Connect Deeper with Your Clients

In 2005 YouTube started the video marketing craze. In 2007 creating quality videos gets easier as the iphone came out which made it easy for anyone to do a video.

Smartphone is a major reason video is the dominant form of communication today and since 2020 the pandemic boosted online media consumption by 215% in the U.S.

Fast forward to 2022, and audiences are spending an average of 19 hours a week watching videos online. Ignoring video marketing is no longer an option for brands who want to excel.

Video marketing spread the word fast about your brand or business through social shares. Video increases engagement faster than picture or text. Platforms like TikTok and YouTube have always been about video. And now most all platforms like Instagram and Facebook are focusing on video. There’s just no escape, it’s what people want!

Platforms like Twitter that weren’t video focused are now emphasizing the value of video marketing. Tweets on Twitter get 10x more engagement. 68% of video marketers plan to use LinkedIn video this year. People watch almost a billion videos a day on Pinterest.

Do you remember the first time you heard someone say, “You have to add video marketing to your marketing, or you will fall behind the times?” I remember hearing this in 2009, I started my niche YouTube channel in 2012, I made my first million from it in 2015. And now I a raving fan of what video can do for your brand and business.

Video marketing help people find you on the internet and boosts conversions and sales. 31% of marketers add video to improve your ranking on Google. Using video increases page quality by keeping website visitors on your webpage longer. Over 70% of marketers say their customer acquisition cost has gone up since using video. At the same time, 83% of video marketers say that video helps them generate leads.

Video has transformed how businesses market and consumers’ shop. It has transformed the customer journey and how salespeople and businesses connect with and convert prospects. Basically it has made things easier since with a video you can help people know, like and trust you before they even interact with your business.

Most video consumption in from mobile phones. It’s what people have on them practically 24/7. According to a Statista study, 77% of those surveyed use a mobile or tablet to watch online videos. And Facebook says it’s 1.5x more likely for people to watch video every day on a smartphone than on a computer.

Even with all the facts and statistics, business owners are claiming FAKE NEWS when it comes to video. They have been told year after year for the last decade they will lose their livelihood and be left in marketing stone age if they don’t use video. But they still have clients, and the sun has not fallen.

That being said, right now does represent an absolute goldmine opportunity for companies and marketers to start doing video because creating, promoting and distributing your videos has never, ever been easier. Here’s the cool part. Most of your competitors don't know that.

Your competition doesn’t get the fact that you took all of 2 minutes to talk on your smartphone and then spent the extra 5 minutes to cut out the boring parts where you said Um, Like, Yea, F—k, and so on, then put in a monumental 30 seconds that it took to upload the video and give it a title that wasn't totally pointless. BTW, don’t let your competitor read this, they figure out how easy video is.

Video marketing is great for building trust, creating knowledge-based videos, meet the team videos, support video calls, customer stories and so much more. Getting started is easier than you think. You video doesn’t have to be perfect, in fact, people prefer lower quality, "authentic" video over high-quality video that seems artificial and inauthentic. This is part of the reason influencer marketing has grown from $9.7 in 2020 to an estimated $16.4 billion in 2022.

Are you ready to start using video in your marketing? If you or your business needs a solid video marketing strategy, contact me for a Free Video Marketing Strategy Session at https://www.greatbizmedia.com/


TOP 5 Reasons YOU Need Video Marketing [Right NOW] Does your small business need video marketing? I'm gonna make a case for YES! If you're a coach, consultant, agency, small business, or anything of the sort,...

Personal Branding by GROW Your SMALL BUSINESS with Business Coach Mickey OBrien 08/03/2022

Learn how to Create & Grow your Personal Brand!

Personal Branding by GROW Your SMALL BUSINESS with Business Coach Mickey OBrien Personal branding is the conscious and intentional effort to create and influence public perception of an individual by positioning them as an authority in their industry, elevating their credibility. Listen and learn how you can grow create and grow your personal brand.

Get 320% More Revenue EASILY with Email Automation + Video 07/29/2022

Get 320% more Sales with this email strategy!

Get 320% More Revenue EASILY with Email Automation + Video If your click-through rates and open rates are suffering, you need email automation WITH video. "Automated emails drive 320% more revenue than emails that ar...


Are you an Ordinary or an Extraordinary Leader?

Ordinary Leaders lead by title and position only. They lack influence and the ability to inspire because they lead from their position of Leadership. People only “follow” them because they must.

Extraordinary Leaders grow the people around them and inspire strong loyalty and devotion from the team they lead. They have major influence and people want to be on their team and be led by them.

What would it take to reinvent yourself to be a leader focused on growing others? Reinvention involves growing up. Growing above and beyond the troubles, challenges, and memories of what didn’t work.

Leaders focus on the solution, not the problems. Changing who we are or what we do comes with fear, but fear is a great motivator for progress. Make progress slowly, make it badly, even do it fearfully, but do it any way you have to, just do it.

We overcome fear by doing what we fear to do. Action defeats fear. Fear stops us from leading others to greatness. Your team and those whom you lead do not really want comfort, they want challenge. They want adventure. Joy in the workplace comes from growth, not comfort.

Are you growing the people you have around you as the leader?
If you want to move from the ordinary to extraordinary Leadership, there are some critical non-negotiable fundamental factors that require you to lead for growth:

1. Established the owner mindset.
2. Be the Hero that people look up to.
3. Be a stand for the culture you want and desire.
4. Turn dreams and opportunities into projects.
5. Acknowledge we all have stories called biases and open your mind.
6. Make commitments not hopes or wishes.
7. Have passion and drive to help your team achieve their vision as well as the company’s vision.

Reinventing yourself is not all about you, it’s about how you reconnect with other. It’s about how you see the world, and that challenges are gifts we get to overcome. If you help others, you will be helped.

Even small behavior changes here and there inspire growth in us constantly. Show up ready for growth and have high levels of energy and enthusiasm to inspire your team. It’s infectious when the leader is overflowing with passion and drive to achieve their vision – people can’t help but get swept up in their enthusiasm.

Commitment Helps Your Business Grow by I BELIEVE - START, RUN & GROW A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS 07/25/2022

Sneak Peak ... to my NEW PODCAST

Are you committed to your outcomes and results or are you committed to your excuses? You are in control.

Commitment Helps Your Business Grow by I BELIEVE - START, RUN & GROW A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS Commitment is the one thing that will ensure you’re successful in whatever you do. What’s your reason for wanting to start or grow a business, are you pursuing a passion, wanting to set your own hours, and wanting to make more money? Committing to a plan and stepping into the unknown can be diff...

I BELIEVE podcast with host Mickey OBrien coming in Fall 2022 by I BELIEVE - START, RUN & GROW A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS 07/24/2022

New Small Business Winning Strategies podcast coming this Fall. As you host, I believe we are all winners and failure is just another step to success.

You May Win or You May Lose, But Always Play To Win! For every problem there is a solution.

Get ready to hear success stories from entrepreneurs with proven strategies and tactics to WIN in both business and life.

I BELIEVE podcast with host Mickey OBrien coming in Fall 2022 by I BELIEVE - START, RUN & GROW A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS Podcast That Will Make You a More Successful Entrepreneur


Do You BELIEVE in Collaboration?

As iron sharpens iron, so one person SHARPENS another.

When there is a PROBLEM there is always OPPORTUNITY.

When you SOLVE the problem, share the solution with those around you.

When you WIN, your community wins.

Surround yourself with PEOPLE that are focused on the greater good.

GOOD comes through people, not from people.

True TRANSFORMATION happens in collaboration.

Have you made CHOSE to collaborate and grow with others?

Place yourself in association with others who are of the same MINDSET and want to perform at a higher level.

“Success is best when it’s shared.” – Howard Schultz

Get CHEAP LEADS Using this Under-Rated Facebook Ads Method 07/22/2022

Want to GROW you business with using FB ads?

Check out this video from my son/marketing director Joel at GreatBizMedia.com


Get CHEAP LEADS Using this Under-Rated Facebook Ads Method If you own a small business, odds are, you are running Facebook Ads or at least have heard of them right? This video goes over the specific method I use for ...


Hey Everyone!

Did you hear the news? I’m writing my long awaited book on growing your business through marketing. As part of the Self Publishing School program, they have us post our mindmap for support.

I’ve thought about writing a book for a while, but the reason I decided to publish is I co-founded a marketing company (www.GreatBizMedia.com) to help entrepreneurs and small business owners get more clients.

You WILL see my book soon.

Target Publish Date: This Fall!
Target Rough Draft Date: October 31st. (I know….scary)

Cheer me on by posting below:
1. Are you interested in my topic?
2. Do I know anyone else writing a book?

Mickey OBrien is founder of Marketing Academy 07/15/2022

Are YOU Ready for Change?

Change is inevitable in business and in life. It could be GOOD change or BAD change, but it will happen.

Nothing ever stays the same. As a business owner, entrepreneur, and leader, you are in control of the direction of your company.

The question is, do you have the COURAGE to change the things you can?

Growth is not guaranteed. Growth is a CHOICE. But you can’t GROW without adjusting to CHANGE.

Change may be unpleasant and even create challenges at first. And when taken on they are business and life changing gifts.

Another word for challenges is PROBLEMS and all problems can be turned into projects. It’s a way to learn to advance to the next level.

It may be PAINFUL. But if you are willing to COMMIT to creating the change you want vs the change which may or may not come, then you will make real PROGRESS.

Many LEADERS fear change. I say challenge the FEAR thoughts. One of my favorite quotes by Mark Twain is “I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”

To make a change and a positive impact toward your goals you must first CAPTURE your fears by writing them down. Then challenge those fears as if you were an attorney trying a case on why those fears are NOT TRUE.

Challenge your negative thoughts DAILY.

What is stopping you from growing your business, hiring top talent, being more profitable, and being more joyful in life and as a leader?

If you want to have PROGRESS you need to GROW and EMBRACE CHANGE DAILY.

Here’s a BIG IDEA. Want to make a change in your business? Start with making changes in YOU first. Move yourself to the front of your own line. Make a positive change in YOU.

When things get DIFFICULT people tend to work more and spend less time on their own mental and physical HEALTH. We don’t make good choices when we are not personally 100 percent.

The SECRET to change is to DO THINGS! Don’t just wait for things to change around you. Stop, Reflect and TAKE ACTION toward what you want in your business and life.

Mickey OBrien is founder of Marketing Academy The place to go to start or grow your business. Get exclusive access to Mentorship Academy founder and Program creator Mickey OBrien's latest ideas and strategies to help your business florish.


How To Change Company Culture.

Greatness is a prerequisite in business if you want success that is lasting. Whether you are in athletics, performing arts like singing, acting, or dancing. To make a good living, you must, every day, move consciously toward mastery and greatness.

If you want prosperity and enduring greatness in your business you will have to confront your company culture, leadership and address the brutal facts of what is working and not working. And even who in your company is working or not.

The good news is going from good to great does not have to be a challenge, it can be fun and even exciting. You can create a culture of a never-ending journey of upward progression using proven strategies. Because you can always be better, wiser, more effective and happier. Start with reading books, listen to podcasts on optimal leadership (a good one I enjoy is the Andy Stanley podcast), and listen to audios on your walks and in your car.

Why look to improve a company culture? (“Having your leaders and employees be happy is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that … but simply growth. We are happy when we are growing.” ~ William Butler Yeats.)

One of the key reasons to why you should create a culture of continuous learning is because most of your competitors don’t. Few businesses achieve greatness, in large because it is just to easy to be good enough. You read the book your competitor doesn’t have the time or mindset to read. You take the class your competition never took. You are the source of information and transformation for your clients.

You learn from other leaders that have succeeded before you. You study their moves. You copy them and improve on them. You incorporate what they do into your own business and culture and your very greatness is what eventually gets you clients. Because, as in any other business, when you reach greatness, people can’t stop telling their friends and colleagues about you.

Look to develop greatness in yourself, your managers, employees and bring it out. If you are not doing that for yourself (developing your own greatness), then you are stopping short of what your business can do for you and others. Don’t fear the process, make it fun. Seek out the struggle and have a mindset that you can achieve the highest level personally and in business.

Too many would-be leaders get stuck in a comfortable state of "good enough," stagnating when they could be growing, all because they're afraid to confront the challenge.

Don’t let doubt and fear stop you from being great. Step into adversity's way because you want to, not because you must. Now is the time to look at the opportunities ahead. You might not know what's going to happen, but you can be certain that you're learning and growing. Because you made an active choice to grow into a better leader and help those around you be better as well. That is how you change a company culture from good to great!

3 BEST Ways to STOP the Scroll on Facebook and Instagram Video Ads 07/09/2022

Here's a great way to grow your business with video!

3 BEST Ways to STOP the Scroll on Facebook and Instagram Video Ads The first 3-5 seconds of your video ad is the MOST important key to ad success. Your HOOK should be the most thought-through and intentionally planned part o...


Let Your Niche Find YOU

I find that many business coaches urge their clients to find and choose a niche … a narrow specialty!

A friend of mine, the “Z” man, said your niche will emerge on its own. If you have a certain success in a certain category (and it can happen by accident) you can now go to other people in that category, and they are more likely to listen to your success stories. But even then, you don’t have to let it restrict you.

Until you establish your expertise in a product or service, a niche can be counterproductive. A niche could limit you! Developing a niche too soon can shut you off from many categories of people who are yearning for your help.

Before bragging about a niche you have chosen, start to get clients you can help today. Don’t impose limits on who you can serve, especially if you are struggling to get clients!

Get into the world of giving and serving and enjoying every moment you spend with your prospects. They need to experience what you do. They need to know FOR SURE that this investment is a good one. Demonstrating your product or service is a good way to do that.

The man who gives more than he is paid for, will soon receive more than he has given. – Mickey O'Brien

My goal is to help entrepreneurs grow their business. I want to help you… message me for the promo code to get my $97 training on “How to get cheap FB leads to grow your business fast”, it will be my gift for FREE.



EGO vs. REALITY in Business

Believing and trusting in your ego is a fool’s errand when it comes to business. People don’t want to buy you; they want to buy what you can do for them. People don’t care about how great you are. The more time you spend in talking about you is the less time you can get into your clients world and W.I.I.F.T. (What’s In It For Them?)

Your client wants certainty. Give them proof you can help, case histories, facts, reality. Reality is on your side. Get into their world then demonstrate the solution. That’s how prospects become clients. They love the insights they get when they answer your questions, and they are reassured when you tell your stories about other people you have helped. (And how you yourself have
been helped through your product or service!)

Make a journal of wins! When someone sends you an email saying they have had a wonderful experience through you or your business you can IMMEDIATELY add that into your journal. This is reality. This does not involve the activity of trying to “believe in” yourself, and then trying to “trust the universe” or wishing on a star for your clients to come. A friend a long time ago taught me that selling is not pushing ideas on people, selling is serving other.

Knowing you served is better than trying to believe. Knowing the true value of what you can do or provide when the fit is right
and the connection is there. That gives you secure grounding and assurance that will naturally attract more customers.


How to Get What You Want!

I’ve had many people ask me how to start a business. One of the quickest ways is to buy one. In the 1990’s I bought my first business with no money out of my pocket. Just a few years earlier I had lost my job after my daughter got cancer and I had to take time off to be with her. I found out I lost my job because I went to us my company cell phone only to find out it was shut off. The company VP wanted one of my new accounts for himself, so he let me go on grounds that I was not showing up for work. I guess being in the hospital fighting for my daughter life wasn’t a good explanation why I wasn’t there.

Maybe this is you or has been you. Your lose your livelihood and you must come up with a new plan. It was a struggle for a few years until I saw an ad for a business for sale. The business owner wanted 50k for it. I said great I’ll take it but let me ask my wife first. Went home and wifey fully supportive said she would love for me to buy it, the only problem is that we don’t have 50k. The next day I went back and said, I can’t do 50k, will you take 25k? After some intense conversations he said OK and I said great let me talk with my wife. BTW, I was young, naïve and had no clue what I was doing.

Well. There were some back and forth conversations and it was around the realization I only had a few hundred bucks in my bank. The result was I purchased the business for 10k, broken down to 5k on a credit card and the balance to be paid over 2 years. I was able to pay the balance off quickly and I turned it into a million dollar business in under 3 years.

This negotiation led me to this top strategy I use in my business all the time “Ask 3 times for what you want”.

What is your biggest challenge in starting or growing your business?

Mickey O'Brien Business Coaching Mickey focuses his signature mix of simple practical business mentorship & marketing "Super-System"


Start With Passion, Then Create Profit.

Good businesses start with passion. Great businesses and leaders inspire everyone to take that passion and look at what best drives your economic and resource engine, then transforms from good to great through a series of good decisions made consistently with a focused, supremely well thought out and executed plan.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that to cash in on your passion, you must have some kick ass skills and be profitable. My first business was in my early 20’s, it was one that I was truly passionate about, and I had skills that truly rock'd.

Now we all have our idea of what works and what doesn’t, and I thought I was a business success after creating a million-dollar business in under 3 years, the only problem was I had more month at the end of my money.

It was a good company that created revenue, employed a dozen people, and provided a good income for me and my family, but at a cost greater than the profit provided. Good companies are not built to last, and to have a great company, you need to know what strategy it takes to get you to the finish line.

The market started to change around me, things were going digital and sales were being made not just in the physical store anymore. This hit me before I could change fast enough. I was top heavy. I had rent, high employee cost and high holding costs and a limited geographic market. I couldn’t change my business model overnight and I didn’t have the capital to hold on and change with the times, so I called it a day and closed shop.

That was an expensive lesson, there are three things I learned. Have passion but lead with profit first. Have the resources and capital to weather the economic and changing market,. And if you want to be more than just another good company that is a disaster waiting to happen, you need passion, profit, and positioning to be great.

I'm in my fifties now and I have started several successful businesses that I applied theses lessons that I learned in my twenties. In my thirties I got some great coaching from successful advisors that taught me the principles of profit first and strategy before tactics. Now my goal is to teach others the principles that I have learned over the last 3 decades.

The most ineffective way to learn is through your own experience. Learn through the experience of others that have gone before you that have failed and succeeded. Don't reinvent the wheel, don't reinvent the wheel. Having said that what do most people do? They try to reinvent the wheel.

You gain clarity, control, confidence, and customers when you lead with strategy first!

If you agree, like this post.

Learn how you can implement strategy first marketing, check out https://lnkd.in/epe8_gJy

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Are you running from the PAIN or toward it?This morning I had a powerful walk and time for reflection. What came to my m...
Use Video to Grow Your Business Check out Today's Video Tip



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Sacramento, 95811

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Eagle Vision Community Development Corp. Eagle Vision Community Development Corp.
2201 Northgate BL, Ste J
Sacramento, 95833

A new business solution which promotes and supports the empowerment of new ideas, the collaboration of resources and shared concepts.

AIM Consulting AIM Consulting
2523 J Street, Ste 202
Sacramento, 95816

Those of us who work at AIM Consulting, Inc., believe in the power of community.

Experienceryan Trade Experienceryan Trade
Sacramento, 94203

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