Willowdale Celebrate Recovery

Willowdale Celebrate Recovery

The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to experience and celebrate God's healing power in our lives through a Christ-centered, 12-step program.

We meet at Willowdale Chapel’s Kennett Campus every Monday night beginning at 7:00 p.m. Masks and social distancing are required. Our goal, as always, is to keep you safe. After our large group meeting we separate out into gender specific Open Share groups. These open share groups provide a Christ-centered, safe environment where people can voice their experiences and hopes with others who are goi


It’s Testimony Night AND Dinner Night at Celebrate Recovery! Join us at 6:00 for a tasty dinner followed by a wonderful testimony of a life changed by the grace and power of Jesus. Get out of the heat and be cool at Celebrate Recovery! 🙌🏻


Step 8 is all about the damage that our sins have caused to the relationships in our lives. No matter what form our addiction or compulsion takes, what’s left behind is a trail of damaged relationships. Preparing ourselves to make amends to others is about addressing this damage. Denise walks us through this process tonight! See you at 7:00 at Willowdale Chapel.


Happy CR Monday Forever Family! We’ve got a great testimony lined up for you tonight. Come and hear what God can do when we fully surrender to Him. Our band kicks us off at 7pm! We’ll see you tonight.


We all love a good victory, especially in recovery as we begin to replace our character defects. We allow God in to see us for who we really are and to fill us with His wholeness and completeness. Join us tonight at 7:00 to as Mary Ann helps us understand how we do this.
We’ll see you tonight! 🙌🏻


We hope you’ll join us tonight to hear a beautiful God story! Our fantastic band kicks us off at 7:00 and open share groups follow large group. Then don’t forget to join us for some delicious snacks and good conversation in the cafe. See you tonight at Willowdale Celebrate Recovery!


It’s been said that God is a gentleman. In Principle 3 He didn’t force His will on you. He waited for you to invite him in. Now in Principle 5 you need to be entirely ready and willing to let God into every area of your life. Remember, He won’t come in where He is not welcomed. Join us tonight as Jim talks about how we get “ready” for the changes God wants to make in our lives. Our worship band kicks us off promptly at 7:00 and after large group we have Open Share groups and then time together in the Cafe. We hope to see you tonight at Willowdale Chapel.


Join us tonight for an inspiring CR Testimony and witness firsthand a beautiful story of hope, faith and renewal through the power of Jesus. Our Newcomer’s group is open and ready for your friends and family. We’ll see you tonight at 7:00!


By coming to Celebrate Recovery, building an accountability team, and working with a sponsor, we can realize the joy of a “pure heart” and stop running from our problems. With God’s help, we can start handing them over to the only one who is capable of making them right in His eyes, and that is Jesus! Join us tonight at 7:00 to hear more about this.
It’s also CHIP NIGHT at Willowdale Celebrate Recovery and we want to celebrate all that God has done in your life!


Happy Memorial Day CR Family! Today we honor the brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. They are not forgotten and may God continue to bless their families.

Tonight at CR Denise will be talking to us about how we confess our wrongs to God, to ourselves, and to another human being.

Then, after Open Share it’s our Ice Cream Social! 🍨 See you at 7:00!


You may have heard many times in recovery, “We are only as sick as our secrets.” So do we choose the path of continued pain shutting others out and letting our secrets build barriers between ourselves and God? Or do we ease the pain and let others and God in and experience healing. Join us tonight at 7 as Denise walks us through how we do this.
It’s also Pizza DINNER NIGHT at 6pm!


By putting God at the center of our relationships, we are able to enlist God’s help in how we love one another. Join us tonight to hear Mary Lou and John share their ongoing journey of love and healing. The band kicks us off at 7:00 and our Newcomers group is ready to welcome your friends and family.
See you tonight!


God works in us and through us to restore our confidence and our relationships. This allows us to begin to move from a rear-view way of thinking to a more forward way of thinking. Join us tonight as we talk about how to do our Spiritual Inventory.
It’s also CHIP NIGHT 🎉 and we want to celebrate YOU!
See you tonight at 7:00.


Are you ready for a great testimony? Join us tonight as Debbie shares her incredible story with us. Our Worship Team is ready to rock and our Newcomers Group is awaiting your friends and family. See you tonight! 🙌🏻


When we thoroughly immerse ourselves in the Inventory process and commit to its completion we begin to break the chains that have kept us shackled to our hurts, hang-ups and habits for years. Join us tonight at 7 pm as Ray walks us through how we do this and why it’s so important that we do it!
See you tonight Forever Family! 🙌🏻


It’s Testimony Night at Celebrate Recovery and we have a story of God’s great faithfulness and goodness all lined up for you. Open share groups follow our large group and our Newcomers group is ready to welcome your family and friends. We hope to see you tonight at Willowdale Celebrate Recovery! 🙌🏻


Keeping an open mind as we begin the Inventory process allows us to see significant progress in our recovery journey, perhaps unlike anything we have ever experienced in our lives! Join us tonight as Sue begins the conversation on taking an honest (and thorough) moral inventory.
Don’t forget! Our Newcomers group is ready to welcome your friends and family. See you at 7:00. 🌒


It’s TESTIMONY NIGHT at Willowdale Chapel and you don’t want to miss Kevin’s incredible story of God’s faithfulness, love and grace!
It’s also CHIP NIGHT and we are ready to celebrate all that God has done in your life. Join us tonight at CELEBRATE RECOVERY!


Over just three days, Jesus was betrayed, arrested, put on trial, convicted, beaten, crucified, laid in a tomb, and raised from the dead.

His death paid the price for our sins, and His glorious resurrection shows His victory and power. Because of His work in those three days, our lives and eternal destiny can instantly change.

When we turn to God in repentance, recognize Jesus as Lord, and put our trust in Him, our sins are forgiven, we receive eternal life, and we become a child of God now and for eternity!

Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Romans 10:13



No matter who you are, you have probably realized that life can be painful and hard at times.

Sometimes life, can seem as if we are drowning. The more we try the harder it gets. It's during these times, we can fall into the hands of Jesus and embrace His presence and His peace.

John 14:27
I leave my peace with you. I give my peace to you. I do not give it to you as the world does. Do not let your hearts be troubled. And do not be afraid.



Are you ready to feed on the truth about your life? Well then, it’s time to take out the trash! That trash can get pretty heavy at times, so you don’t want to handle it alone. You need a genuine mentor, coach, or, in recovery terms, a SPONSOR. Join us tonight at 7:00 as Denise talks about this important member of your recovery team. Our awesome band kicks off the night so don’t be late!

See you tonight at Willowdale CR!


Are you ready to hear a story filled with hope and gratitude? Join us tonight (Monday) as Patti shares her beautiful journey of God’s faithfulness and blessings. Large group starts at 7 and our Newcomers group is ready to welcome your family and friends. We can’t wait to CELEBRATE with you tonight!


Even after taking the first two steps we can still be stuck in the cycle of failure: Guilt > Anger > Fear > Depression. How do we get “unstuck”? How do we get past the barriers of pride, fear guilt, worry and doubt that keep us from taking this step? The answer is we need to take ACTION! Join us tonight (Monday) as Jim walks us through how to do this. Our amazing band kicks off the night at 7pm 🎵 and our Newcomers group is ready to welcome your friends and family. See you tonight! 🙌🏻


Our society teaches us to think only of ourselves. But God wants you to think about others, not just yourself.

In fact, the Bible says that one day, you will be judged by God on how your decisions affect other people.

Romans 14:12-13 says, “Each of us will give an account of himself to God. So don’t criticize each other anymore. Try instead to live in such a way that you will never make your brother stumble by letting him see you doing something that he thinks is wrong”



During One of our previous CR Summits, Pastor Rick Warren shared what happens when we are experiencing Fatigue. Pastor Rick Said, "When we get tired, we also get discouraged. Sometimes the most spiritual thing we can do is go to bed because it is hard to be courageous, and we are prone to succumb to temptations when we are tired."

“Then the people of Judah began to complain that the workers were becoming tired.” Nehemiah 4:10a NLT

“Never forget how the Amalekites... attacked you when you were exhausted and weary, and they struck down those who began to lag behind...” Deuteronomy 25:18 NLT



Because we are human, we are all eligible to experience difficult and faith testing times. However, God will never leave us or forsake us. As long as we continue to trust in Him and turn our life and our will over to Him, Jesus will always make a way. Join us tonight at Celebrate Recovery as we take a closer look at what this means.
If you’re ready to surrender and turn it all over to God our baptismal will be open and ready tonight. 💦
It’s also DINNER NIGHT and at 6:00 we’re cooking breakfast for dinner! 🥓
S E E Y O U T O N I G H T.


Because of our faith in Jesus we become new creations in Christ. Join us tonight to hear the incredible story of one man’s personal journey to belief. You do not want to miss this! Our band kicks us off at 7:00 followed by the Testimony and then Open Share groups. Have a blessed day and we’ll see you tonight at Willowdale Celebrate Recovery!


with .repost



Part of the Recovery process is learning how to move forward. The good news is you are not alone! There are people cheering for you!

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.[a] The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

with .repost


Are you looking for a way out? A return to sanity? “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) Join us tonight at 7:00 as Ralph talks about the very important Step 2 and Principle 2. Our Newcomers Group is ready for your friends and family. It’s Monday and it’s a great night to be at Celebrate Recovery!


“Return to your home and declare how much God has done for you.” (Luke 8:39) Join us tonight to hear a beautiful testimony of strength, faith and restoration. Our incredible CR band kicks off our large group meeting followed by Open Share groups. And our Newcomers Group is ready to welcome your friends. See you tonight!

Videos (show all)

Join Jeff Stultz and a whole crew of hope slingers, plus others from the Celebrate Recovery Global and National Team for...
If you are human, which you probably are, you’ve likely focused on the wrong things at times. Maybe it is that flaw in y...
How different would our world look if every time we got angry we turned toward heaven? “Don’t allow the actions of evil ...


Opening Hours

Monday 18:45 - 21:00