The Voracious Reader

The Voracious Reader

For young people with an appetite for books. Former award winning bricks and mortar bookstore for kids, teens and their families.

Now an independent online store. When the world permits, we will go back to hosting and supporting community events and creating pop-up book sale events and book fairs. Even as an online store, we are still happy to curate a selection of books for your child, yourself and your family. Our FB page features book recommendations and other items of interest to book lovers of all ages.

Your Anthology Misses You: A Poetry Salon For Beginners 01/08/2024

Rachel Jeffcoat, who I know from Instagram, is a wonderful poet from England who is funny, wise and extremely talented… AND she is offering a four part Zoom workshop beginning in Sept. I’ve already signed up as I KNOW it will be terrific! Sign up too (it’s very affordable!) and I’ll see you there!!

Your Anthology Misses You: A Poetry Salon For Beginners A gentle reintroduction to good poetry for those who miss their English lessons. Analyse and annotate poems, then try your hand at writing!


Life just flies by… if you’re lucky, the memories stay. Even the tough times remind you of the fortitude it took to get you here.


This looks intriguing. Says Kirkus: “a heady and heart-filled debut novel by an author whose first story collection was published when she was 80. “ How’s that for inspiration?


Someone ought to write a book about author Gary Golio!! He has created so many wonderful children’s books about people who have contributed so much to our knowledge and culture. And so many great artists have joined him ( including the extraordinary E.B. White as in this newest book). Children, all of us really, need inspiring role models to look up to and to give us hope. Gary Golio is becoming one of those as well. ❤️


SO excited to get this message from Waterstones Oxford today, telling me that Clover Stroud’s 4th memoir is on its way! Clover’s writing is so authentic and deeply felt … she brings herself and her life to the page in such a soul nourishing way. The bad news is, although she lives in the U.S. now, she’s not (yet!) published here, but her books are well worth a small shipping fee from the U.K. If I still had the store I’d be putting this in the hands of everyone!! ❤️


In honor of Independent Bookstore Day, a silly poem from a couple years ago when I felt the world needed some cheering up!

Lois Lowry to Librarians: "There Is No One Whom I Admire More" 19/04/2024

Ooh a new book from the masterful Lois Lowry!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Lois Lowry to Librarians: "There Is No One Whom I Admire More" Discussing her latest novel Tree. Table. Book. with SLJ, Lois Lowry explains how, from her first book to The Giver to now, she has always been intrigued with the concept of the gifts that age and youth can give to one another.


Rest in peace Faith Ringgold. We flew over the roofs with you in New York’s Children’s Museum again and again. Farewell to a great talent and activist!

Alchemical musings from my kitchen 12/04/2024

I started my day with this beautiful substack from an internet friend from long ago. Her thoughts, inspirational; her voice, magical. Please consider following her! (It IS for subscribers only but if you scroll down, it is offered as a free gift)

Alchemical musings from my kitchen The silence of darkness

Once Upon a Time, the World of Picture Books Came to Life 02/04/2024

This actually makes my heart ache, wishing I somehow still had little ones to bring here— not that that’s going to keep me from visiting anyway 😉

Once Upon a Time, the World of Picture Books Came to Life The tale behind a new museum of children’s literature is equal parts imagination, chutzpah and “The Little Engine That Could.”


Oh my! ❤️

This is a bunny.
His name is Nicholas.

Though he doesn’t have any chocolate or eggs, you can find him and at least 11 more bunnies at The Rabbit hOle on Easter. We’ll be open this Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. Timed tickets at

📘: I Am A Bunny written by Ole Risom & illustrated by Richard Scarry (Random House Children's Books )


Wordle 979 2/6


No idea how I did that :)


Well, , it seems my dog has outstanding taste in books! ❤️

Coach, Teacher, Publisher | Laurie Wagner 13/02/2024

I’m always looking for inspiring (and affordable ) writing classes. Laurie Wagner’s Wild Writing online course is fabulous! She offers prompts from poetry and then has you keep pen to paper for 15 minutes each day, welcoming whatever comes your way. She’s a warm, encouraging hippie type who says wonderful things like “Go! Write! Write badly… they already love you!” I found my creativity multiplying, my dreams intensifying and sitting to write was not only easy but looked forward to! Try it!

Coach, Teacher, Publisher | Laurie Wagner Coach, Teacher, Publisher, Laurie Wagner is also an author, mixed-media artist, fervent collage-maker, mother of two, one-time amateur racquetball champion.


Happy Lunar New Year! This extraordinary creation is from LilyBubbletea on Instagram! So much talent and also YUM!

Here are some of the oldest bookstores in the United States! - Dorrance Publishing Company 02/02/2024

Roadtrip anyone?

Here are some of the oldest bookstores in the United States! - Dorrance Publishing Company What is the oldest bookstore in the United States? Learn more about some of the oldest bookstores in the United States.


It’s CARL!! … who I actually met in person (?) at a bookseller/author cocktail party in California with Alexandra Day … and yes, he was such a good boy!

Who’s a good boy?!

📘: Good Dog, Carl by Alexandra Day (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)


DC folks ( that means YOU .Cohalan and friends)!! Try to get to this if you can! For one thing is an amazing non-profit bookstore, and for another, these two authors are just fantastic! Stroud ‘s podcast is like no other in that it gets right into the real stuff of life and courage …trust me … time and money well spent!


Wow! What a bold, extraordinary idea!

ALA Youth Media Awards 22/01/2024

Congratulations to all the winners and honorary winners at this morning’s ALA Awards. Never before have I felt the importance of children’s books so powerfully. Our children need the sort of deep nourishment that quality literature and art provides for them. Families need the connection books offer. Please support the essential freedom to read!

ALA Youth Media Awards The 2024 Youth Media Award announcements will take place on Monday, Jan. 22, 2024, 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. ET, during LibLearnX: The Library Learning Experience, the American Library Association's (ALA) newest conference offering launched in 2022. Those not in Baltimore for LibLearnX can watch a lives...

Bookstore Manager 17/01/2024

My Dream Job has just become available. Hoping someone else takes it soon before I abandon home & family to move to Kansas City, Missouri!

Bookstore Manager Job SummaryThe Rabbit hOle is seeking an experienced individual with a deep knowledge and historical understanding of children’s literature


My daughter is the best gift giver … plus she knows me so well! This absolutely lovely collection of all sorts of essays about tears, is a celebration of sadness, confirming that it is often a “gateway for discovery, joy, love, connection, and transformation.” Lots of talent, lots of wonderful tears! 😭 ❤️


Couldn’t resist passing along this opportunity. This old guy is the absolute sweetest! ❤️


This past week of not feeling so well, I discovered how invaluable this sweet pup is to me. She stayed by my side the entire time, only occasionally asking for a game of ball, mostly just cuddling. I could not ask for a sweeter companion! How bad can you feel with that loving little face gazing at you? 🐶


A heartfelt thank you for all the kind words and well wishes. I’m really touched by your concern and am feeling much better. Hoping everyone stays well and has a wonderful New Year! Nurse Clover sends her best wishes as well! 💕

Photos from The Voracious Reader's post 21/12/2023

It had to happen sooner or later… after 3 years of almost fanatically avoiding it (who wears a mask to a cocktail party?!) Covid finally caught up with me. Luckily it’s been mild plus it’s a great help to have such a kindhearted and attentive caretaker as Nurse Clover ❤️. Wishing all a happy and healthy holiday!

Photos from The Rabbit Hole's post 19/12/2023

From the brilliant adventure that is The Rabbit Hole. Check them out. Congratulate them! Donate. They are making the world better for books and children! ❤️

Our Story

After 12 extraordinary years of serving lower Westchester we have closed our bricks and mortar location. Please check our website, to see what we offer.
