Stephen Orlando - Real Estate Agent

Stephen Orlando is a Licensed Real Estate Agent, working for Exit Realty Premier

Should You Rent Out or Sell Your House? 07/31/2024

Should You Rent Out or Sell Your House?

Figuring out what to do with your house when you're ready to move can be a big decision. Should you sell it and use the money for your next adventure, or keep it as a rental to build long-term wealth?

Is Your House a Good Fit for Renting?

Even if you're interested in becoming a landlord, your current house might not be ideal for renting. Maybe you're moving far away, so keeping up with the ongoing maintenance would be a hassle, the neighborhood isn't great for rentals, or the house needs significant repairs before you could rent it out.

If any of this sounds like it might apply, selling might be your best option.

Are You Ready for the Realities of Being a Landlord?

Managing a rental property isn't just about collecting rent checks. It's a time-consuming and sometimes challenging job.

For example, you may get calls from tenants at all hours of the day with maintenance requests. Or you may find a tenant...

Should You Rent Out or Sell Your House? Figuring out what to do with your house when you're ready to move can be a big decision.

Are Home Prices Going To Come Down? 07/29/2024

Are Home Prices Going To Come Down?

Today’s headlines and news stories about home prices are confusing and make it tough to know what’s really happening. Some say home prices are heading for a correction, but what do the facts say? Well, it helps to start by looking at what a correction means.

Here’s what Danielle Hale, Chief Economist at, says: “In stock market terms, a correction is generally referred to as a 10 to 20% drop in prices . . . We don't have the same established definitions in the housing market.”

In the context of today’s housing market, it doesn’t mean home prices are going to fall dramatically. It only means prices, which have been increasing rapidly over the last couple years, are normalizing a bit. In other words, they’re now growing at a slower pace. Prices vary a lot by local market, but rest assured, a big drop off isn’t what’s happening at a national level.

From 2020 to 2022, home prices skyrocketed. But, that...

Are Home Prices Going To Come Down? Today’s headlines and news stories about home prices are confusing and make it tough to know what’s really happening.

Why a Foreclosure Wave Isn’t on the Horizon 07/28/2024

Why a Foreclosure Wave Isn’t on the Horizon

Even though data shows inflation is cooling, a lot of people are still feeling the pinch on their wallets. And those high costs on everything from gas to groceries are fueling unnecessary concerns that more people are going to have trouble making their mortgage payments. But, does that mean there’s a big wave of foreclosures coming?

Here's a look at why the data and the experts say that’s not going to happen.

There Aren’t Many Homeowners Who Are Seriously Behind on Their Mortgages

One of the main reasons there were so many foreclosures during the last housing crash was because relaxed lending standards made it easy for people to take out mortgages, even when they couldn’t show they’d be able to pay them back. At that time, lenders weren’t being as strict when looking at applicant credit scores, income levels, employment status, and debt-to-income ratio.

But since then, lending standards have gotten a...

Why a Foreclosure Wave Isn’t on the Horizon Even though data shows inflation is cooling, a lot of people are still feeling the pinch on their wallets.

How the Economy Impacts Mortgage Rates 07/27/2024

How the Economy Impacts Mortgage Rates

As someone who’s thinking about buying or selling a home, you’re probably paying close attention to mortgage rates – and wondering what's ahead.

One thing that can affect mortgage rates is the Federal Funds Rate, which influences how much it costs banks to borrow money from each other. While the Federal Reserve (the Fed) doesn’t directly control mortgage rates, they do control the Federal Funds Rate.

The relationship between the two is why people have been watching closely to see when the Fed might lower the Federal Funds Rate. Whenever they do, that’ll put downward pressure on mortgage rates. The Fed meets next week, and three of the most important metrics they’ll look at as they make their decision are:

1. The Rate of Inflation
2. How Many Jobs the Economy Is Adding
3. The Unemployment Rate

What Does This Mean Moving Forward?

While mortgage rates are going to continue to be volatile in the days and months...

How the Economy Impacts Mortgage Rates As someone who’s thinking about buying or selling a home, you’re probably paying close attention to mortgage rates – and wondering what's ahead.

Unlocking the Benefits of Your Home's Equity 07/26/2024

Unlocking the Benefits of Your Home's Equity

Equity is the difference between what your house is worth and what you still owe on your mortgage. The typical homeowner gained $28,000 over the past year and has a grand total of $305,000 in equity. And there are a lot of great ways you can use that equity. Want to know how much equity you have? Let’s connect so you can get a Professional Equity Assessment Report (PEAR).

Unlocking the Benefits of Your Home's Equity Equity is the difference between what your house is worth and what you still owe on your mortgage.

A Newly Built Home May Actually Be More Budget-Friendly 07/24/2024

A Newly Built Home May Actually Be More Budget-Friendly

If you’re in the market to buy a home, there’s some exciting news for you.

Here are two key reasons working with your agent to look into new home construction could help you find a more budget-friendly option.

Reason 1: Lower Median Prices for Newly Built Homes

The median sales price for newly built homes is lower than the median sales price for existing homes today. This might seem surprising, but it’s true according to the latest data from the Census and the National Association of Realtors (NAR).

Why is that? Builders are focused on building what they can sell. And right now, there’s a very real need for smaller and more affordable homes – so that’s what they’ve been bringing to the market.

Reason 2: Attractive Incentives from Home Builders

Another big reason to consider a newly built home is the range of incentives that many home builders are offering. Again, since builders are aiming...

A Newly Built Home May Actually Be More Budget-Friendly If you’re in the market to buy a home, there’s some exciting news for you.

How Affordability and Remote Work Are Changing Where People Live 07/22/2024

How Affordability and Remote Work Are Changing Where People Live

There’s an interesting trend happening in the housing market. People are increasingly moving to more affordable areas, and remote or hybrid work is helping them do it.

Consider Moving to a More Affordable Area

Today’s high mortgage rates combined with continually rising home prices mean it’s tough for a lot of people to afford a home right now. That’s why many interested buyers are moving to places where homes are less expensive, and the cost of living is lower.

If you’re hoping to buy a home soon, it might make sense to broaden your search area to include places where homes that fit your needs are more affordable. That’s what a lot of other people are doing right now to find a home within their budget.

Remote Work Opens Up More Home Options

If you work remotely or drive into the office only a few times each week, you have many more possibilities when looking for your next home...

How Affordability and Remote Work Are Changing Where People Live There’s an interesting trend happening in the housing market.

Unlocking Homebuyer Opportunities in 2024 07/21/2024

Unlocking Homebuyer Opportunities in 2024

There’s no arguing this past year has been difficult for homebuyers. And if you’re someone who has started the process of searching for a home, maybe you put your search on hold because the challenges in today’s market felt like too much to tackle. You’re not alone in that. A Bright MLS study found some of the top reasons buyers paused their search in late 2023 and early 2024 were:

• They couldn’t find anything in their price range
• They didn’t have any successful offers or had difficulty competing
• They couldn’t find the right home

If any of these sound like why you stopped looking, here’s what you need to know. The housing market is in a transition in the second half of 2024. Here are four reasons why this may be your chance to jump back in.

1. The Supply of Homes for Sale Is Growing

2. There’s More New Home Construction

3. Less Buyer Competition

4. Home Prices Are Moderating

The Opportunity in...

Unlocking Homebuyer Opportunities in 2024 There’s no arguing this past year has been difficult for homebuyers.

The Biggest Mistakes Homebuyers Are Making Right Now 07/20/2024

The Biggest Mistakes Homebuyers Are Making Right Now

Want to know the biggest mistakes homebuyers are making today? They include everything from putting off pre-approval for too long, holding out for the perfect home, buying more than they can afford, and skipping out on hiring a pro. Let’s connect to make sure you have a pro on your side who can help you avoid these mistakes.

The Biggest Mistakes Homebuyers Are Making Right Now Want to know the biggest mistakes homebuyers are making today?

Why Fixing Up Your House Can Help It Sell Faster 07/19/2024

Why Fixing Up Your House Can Help It Sell Faster

If you’re thinking about selling your house, you should know there are buyers who are ready and able to pay today’s high prices. But they want a home that’s move-in ready.

It makes sense when you think about it. They’re having to pay a lot of money for a house in today’s market. That means they may not be able to easily afford upgrades after they move in. So, if your home is outdated or needs some work, buyers might pass it by or offer a lower price than you were hoping for.

If your house falls into this category, it's important to consider making selective updates to help it appeal to buyers, so it sells faster. But how do you know where to spend your time and money?

Why You Need a Real Estate Agent

By working with a local real estate agent to be strategic about the improvements you make, you can be sure you’re making a smart investment. Put simply, not all upgrades are worth the cost.

Your agent...

Why Fixing Up Your House Can Help It Sell Faster If you’re thinking about selling your house, you should know there are buyers who are ready and able to pay today’s high prices.

How To Determine if You’re Ready To Buy a Home 07/17/2024

How To Determine if You’re Ready To Buy a Home

If you’re trying to decide if you’re ready to buy a home, there’s probably a lot on your mind. Instead of trying to time the market, focus on what you can control. Here are a few questions that can give you clarity on whether you’re ready to make your move.

1. Do You Have a Stable Job?

One thing to consider is how stable you feel your employment is.

2. Have You Figured Out What You Can Afford?

If you have reliable paychecks coming in, the next thing to figure out is what you can afford.

3. Do You Have an Emergency Fund?

Another key factor is whether you’ll have enough cash leftover in case of an emergency.

4. How Long Do You Plan To Live There?

5. Above all else, the most important question to answer is: do you have a team of real estate professionals in place?

If not, finding a trusted local agent and a lender is a good first step. The pros can talk you through your options and help you...

How To Determine if You’re Ready To Buy a Home If you’re trying to decide if you’re ready to buy a home, there’s probably a lot on your mind.

Why Working with a Real Estate Professional Is Crucial Right Now 07/15/2024

Why Working with a Real Estate Professional Is Crucial Right Now

Navigating the housing market can be tricky, especially these days. That's why having an experienced guide when buying or selling a home is so important.
Here are just a few of the ways a real estate expert is invaluable:
Contracts – Agents help with the disclosures and contracts necessary in today’s heavily regulated environment.
Experience – In today’s market, experience is crucial. Real estate professionals know the entire sales process, including how it’s changing right now.
Negotiations – Your real estate advisor acts as a buffer in negotiations with all parties, and advocates for your best interests throughout the entire transaction.
Industry Expertise– Knowledge is power in today’s market, and your advisor will simply and effectively explain processes, market conditions, and key terms, translating what they mean for you along the way along the way¬.
Pricing – A real estate...

Why Working with a Real Estate Professional Is Crucial Right Now Navigating the housing market can be tricky, especially these days.

Why Moving to a Smaller Home After Retirement Makes Life Easier 07/14/2024

Why Moving to a Smaller Home After Retirement Makes Life Easier

Retirement is a time for relaxation, adventure, and enjoying the things you love. As you imagine this exciting new chapter in your life, it's important to think about whether your current home still fits your needs.

If it's too big, too costly, or just not convenient anymore, downsizing might help you make the most of your retirement years. To find out if a smaller, more manageable home might be the perfect fit for your new lifestyle, ask yourself these questions:

• Do the original reasons I bought my current house still stand, or have my needs changed since then?
• Do I really need and want the space I have right now, or could somewhere smaller be a better fit?
• What are my housing expenses right now, and how much do I want to try to save by downsizing?

If you answered yes to any of these, consider the benefits that come with downsizing.

Your Equity Can Help Make Downsizing...

Why Moving to a Smaller Home After Retirement Makes Life Easier Retirement is a time for relaxation, adventure, and enjoying the things you love.

How Do Presidential Elections Impact the Housing Market? 07/13/2024

How Do Presidential Elections Impact the Housing Market?

Are you wondering if the upcoming election will have an impact on the housing market? Here’s what history tells us you need to know if you’re considering a move. Data shows home sales slow in November but quickly bounce back and rise the following year. Prices usually keep climbing. And mortgage rates typically come down slightly. Presidential elections have only a small and temporary impact on the housing market. If you have questions, let’s connect.

How Do Presidential Elections Impact the Housing Market? Are you wondering if the upcoming election will have an impact on the housing market?

Why Your Asking Price Matters Even More Right Now 07/12/2024

Why Your Asking Price Matters Even More Right Now

If you’re thinking about selling your house, here’s something you really need to know. Even though it’s still a seller’s market today, you can’t pick just any price for your listing.

While home prices are still appreciating in most areas, they’re climbing at a slower pace because higher mortgage rates are putting a squeeze on buyer demand. At the same time, the supply of homes for sale is growing. That means buyers have more options and your house may not stand out as much, if it’s not priced right.

Those two factors combined are why the asking price you set for your house is more important today than it has been in recent years.

And some sellers are finding that out the hard way. That’s leading to more price reductions. That’s because they haven’t adjusted their expectations to today’s market.

If you want to avoid making a pricing mistake that could turn away buyers and delay your sale, you need...

Why Your Asking Price Matters Even More Right Now If you’re thinking about selling your house, here’s something you really need to know.

The Price of Perfection: Don’t Wait for the Perfect Home 07/10/2024

The Price of Perfection: Don’t Wait for the Perfect Home

In life, patience is a virtue – but in the world of homebuying, waiting too long in hopes of finding the perfect home actually isn't wise. That’s because the pursuit of perfection comes at a cost. And in this case, that cost may be delaying your dream of homeownership.

The Cost of Holding Out for Perfection

Nothing in life is ever perfect – and that's true when you search for a home too. Unless you’re building a brand-new home from the ground up, chances are there are going to be some features or finishes you wouldn’t have picked yourself.

But here’s the trade-off you'd be making without even realizing it. In all that time you’d spend searching for the perfect place, you’d overlook a lot of homes that would’ve worked for you.

It’s Time To Redefine Perfection

Especially with affordability and inventory where they are today, buying a home that needs some updates, is a few neighborhoods...

The Price of Perfection: Don’t Wait for the Perfect Home In life, patience is a virtue – but in the world of homebuying, waiting too long in hopes of finding the perfect home actually isn't wise.

Not a Crash: 3 Graphs That Show How Today’s Inventory Differs from 2008 07/08/2024

Not a Crash: 3 Graphs That Show How Today’s Inventory Differs from 2008

Even if you didn't own a home at the time, you probably remember the housing crisis in 2008. That crash impacted the lives of countless people, and many now live with the worry that something like that could happen again. But rest easy, because things are different than they were back then.

Homeowners Deciding To Sell Their Houses

Although the supply of existing (previously owned) homes is up compared to this time last year, it’s still low overall. And while this varies by local market, nationally, the current months’ supply is well below the norm, and even further below what we saw during the crash.

New Home Construction

People are also talking a lot about what's going on with newly built houses these days, and that might make you wonder if homebuilders are overdoing it. Even though new homes make up a larger percentage of the total inventory than the norm, there’s no need...

Not a Crash: 3 Graphs That Show How Today’s Inventory Differs from 2008 Even if you didn't own a home at the time, you probably remember the housing crisis in 2008.

Homeowners Gained $28K in Equity over the Past Year 07/07/2024

Homeowners Gained $28K in Equity over the Past Year

If you own a home, your net worth has probably gone up a lot over the past year. Home prices have been rising, which means you're building equity much faster than you might think. Here’s how it works.

Equity is the current value of your home minus what you owe on the loan.
Over the past year, there have still been more people wanting to buy than there are homes available for sale, and that’s pushed prices up. That rise in prices has translated directly into increasing equity for homeowners.
How Much Equity Have You Earned over the Past 12 Months?

According to the latest Homeowner Equity Insights from CoreLogic, the average homeowner's equity has grown by $28,000 in the last year alone.

What If You Bought Your House Before the Pandemic?

If you bought your house before the pandemic, the equity news is even better. According to data from, home prices shot up by 37.5% from May 2019 to...

Homeowners Gained $28K in Equity over the Past Year If you own a home, your net worth has probably gone up a lot over the past year.

Things To Avoid After Applying for a Mortgage [INFOGRAPHIC] 07/06/2024

Things To Avoid After Applying for a Mortgage [INFOGRAPHIC]

There are a few key things you’ll want to avoid after applying for a mortgage to make sure you’re in the best position when you get to the closing table. Don’t change bank accounts, apply for new credit, make any large purchases or transfers, and don’t co-sign loans for anyone. Here’s a good rule of thumb. Always connect with your loan officer before making any financial decisions once you’ve started the mortgage process.

Things To Avoid After Applying for a Mortgage [INFOGRAPHIC] There are a few key things you’ll want to avoid after applying for a mortgage to make sure you’re in the best position when you get to the closing table.

Homeownership: The Heart of the American Dream 07/05/2024

Homeownership: The Heart of the American Dream

Everyone’s vision for the future is personal and unique. But for many, common goals include success, freedom, and prosperity — values closely tied to having your own home and the iconic feeling of achieving the American Dream.

So, why is buying a home important to so many today? One reason is the financial and physical security it provides. Many people see homeownership as a way to reduce stress because owning a home with a fixed-rate mortgage stabilizes what is likely their largest monthly expense.
Another factor is the potential for building wealth. That’s because, over time, homeowners gain equity as they pay down their mortgage and as home prices appreciate, leading to longer-term financial stability.
But what about the responsibilities that come with owning and maintaining a home? According to a survey by Entrata, only 23% of renters feel homeownership is too much work, indicating the majority are...

Homeownership: The Heart of the American Dream Everyone’s vision for the future is personal and unique.

Real Estate Still Holds the Title of Best Long-Term Investment 07/03/2024

Real Estate Still Holds the Title of Best Long-Term Investment

With all the headlines circulating about home prices and mortgage rates, you may be asking yourself if it still makes sense to buy a home right now, or if it’s better to keep renting. Here’s some information that could help put your mind at ease by showing that investing in a home is still a powerful decision.

But why does real estate continue to reign supreme as a top-notch long-term investment? It’s because, even today, buying a home can be your golden ticket to building wealth over time.

Unlike other investments that can feel a bit like riding a rollercoaster with all the ups and downs and ongoing risk factors, real estate follows a more predictable and positive pattern.

History shows home values usually rise. And while prices may vary by market, that means as time goes by, your house is likely to appreciate in value. And that helps you grow your net worth in a big way. As an...

Real Estate Still Holds the Title of Best Long-Term Investment With all the headlines circulating about home prices and mortgage rates, you may be asking yourself if it still makes sense to buy a home right now, or if it’s better to keep renting.

What To Do When Your House Didn’t Sell 07/01/2024

What To Do When Your House Didn’t Sell

If your listing expired and your house didn’t sell, it’s totally natural to feel a mix of frustration and disappointment. And as you’re working through that, you’re probably also wondering what went wrong and what you should do next.

Was It Priced for Today’s Market?

Setting the right price from the start is key. While it might be tempting to try shooting high with your price, that can slow down the selling process big time. If your house was priced higher than others similar to it, it may have turned away buyers. And that’s likely why it sat on the market.

Was It Easy for Buyers To Tour?

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when selling your house is overly restricting the days and times when potential buyers can tour it.

Was It Set Up To Make the Best Impression on Buyers?

If buyers weren’t interested in your house, it’s worth taking another look at your home through their eyes. Are there outstanding...

What To Do When Your House Didn’t Sell If your listing expired and your house didn’t sell, it’s totally natural to feel a mix of frustration and disappointment.

How Long Will It Take To Sell My House? 06/30/2024

How Long Will It Take To Sell My House?

You want your house to sell fast. And you may be wondering how long the whole process is going to take. One way to get your answer? Work with a local real estate agent.

They have the expertise to tell you how quickly homes are selling in your area and what’s impacting timelines for other sellers.

The Growing Supply of Homes for Sale

Over the past few months, the number of homes for sale has increased. This is good news when you move because it means you’ll have more options as you search for your next home. But it also means buyers have more to choose from, so if your house doesn’t stand out – it may take a bit longer to sell.

How It’s Impacting Listings Today

Think of the homes on the market like loaves of bread for sale in a bakery. When a fresh batch of bread is put out, everyone wants the newest and hottest one. But if a loaf sits there too long, it starts to get stale, and fewer people want to buy...

How Long Will It Take To Sell My House? You want your house to sell fast. And you may be wondering how long the whole process is going to take. 

The Difference Between an Inspection and an Appraisal 06/29/2024

The Difference Between an Inspection and an Appraisal

When you decide to buy your first home, you may come across a number of terms and conditions you’re not familiar with. While you may have a general idea of what an inspection is, maybe you’re not sure why you need one or how it’s different from an appraisal. To keep it simple, here’s an explainer of each one and what they mean for you as a homebuyer.

Home Inspection

Once you’re under contract on a home you’d like to buy, getting an inspection is a key part of the process. An inspection gives you a clear idea of the safety and overall condition of the home – which is important for such a big transaction.

And don’t worry – you don’t have to go through that process alone. Your real estate agent will be your advocate and negotiate with the seller for you.

Home Appraisal

While the inspection tells you about the current state of the house, an appraisal gives you its value.
Regardless of what you’re...

The Difference Between an Inspection and an Appraisal When you decide to buy your first home, you may come across a number of terms and conditions you’re not familiar with.

Housing Market Forecast for the 2nd Half of 2024 [INFOGRAPHIC] 06/28/2024

Housing Market Forecast for the 2nd Half of 2024 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Wondering what the second half of the year holds for the housing market? Here’s what expert forecasts say. Home prices are expected to climb moderately. Mortgage rates are forecast to come down slightly. And, home sales are projected to hold steady. If you have questions about what to expect for the rest of the year, DM me so we can have a conversation about what it means for you and your plans.

Housing Market Forecast for the 2nd Half of 2024 [INFOGRAPHIC] Wondering what the second half of the year holds for the housing market? Here’s what expert forecasts say. 

Focus on Time in the Market, Not Timing the Market 06/26/2024

Focus on Time in the Market, Not Timing the Market

Should you buy a home now or should you wait? That’s a big question on many people’s minds today. And while what timing is right for you will depend on a lot of other personal factors, here’s something you may not have considered.

If you’re able to buy at today’s rates and prices, it may be better to focus on time in the market, rather than timing the market.

The Downside of Trying To Time the Market

Trying to time the market isn’t a good strategy because things can change. Here’s an example. For the better part of this year, projections have said mortgage rates will come down. And while experts agree that’s still what’s ahead, shifts in various market and economic factors have pushed back the timing of when that’ll happen.

The Advice You Need To Hear If You’re Ready and Able To Buy Now

Right now, you may be focused on what’s happening with mortgage rates and how those impact your monthly...

Focus on Time in the Market, Not Timing the Market Should you buy a home now or should you wait?

Housing Market Forecast: What’s Ahead for the 2nd Half of 2024 06/24/2024

Housing Market Forecast: What’s Ahead for the 2nd Half of 2024

As we move into the second half of 2024, here’s what experts say you should expect for home prices, mortgage rates, and home sales.

Home Prices Are Expected To Climb Moderately

Home prices are forecasted to rise at a more normal pace. The graph below shows the latest forecasts from seven of the most trusted sources in the industry:

The reason for continued appreciation? The supply of homes for sale.

While inventory is up compared to the last couple of years, it’s still low overall. And because there still aren’t enough homes to go around, that’ll keep upward pressure on prices.

If you’re thinking of buying, the good news is you won’t have to deal with prices skyrocketing like they did during the pandemic. Just remember, prices aren’t expected to drop. They’ll continue climbing, just at a slower pace.

Mortgage Rates Are Forecast To Come Down Slightly

One of the best pieces of news...

Housing Market Forecast: What’s Ahead for the 2nd Half of 2024 As we move into the second half of 2024, here’s what experts say you should expect for home prices, mortgage rates, and home sales.

The Downsides of Selling Your House Without an Agent 06/23/2024

The Downsides of Selling Your House Without an Agent

Considering selling your house without an agent? You should know there are some serious downsides to handling it on your own. You’ll be missing out on marketing tools that draw in more buyers, pricing and market expertise, essential negotiation skills, in-depth knowledge of the fine print in contracts, and so much more. Don’t take all of this responsibility on. Instead, DM me so you have someone with the knowledge and experience you’ll need on your side.

The Downsides of Selling Your House Without an Agent Considering selling your house without an agent? You should know there are some serious downsides to handling it on your own.

What You Need To Know About Today’s Down Payment Programs 06/22/2024

What You Need To Know About Today’s Down Payment Programs

There's no denying it's gotten more challenging to buy a home, especially with today's mortgage rates and home price appreciation. And that may be one of the big reasons you’re eager to look into grants and assistance programs to see if there’s anything you qualify for that can help. But unfortunately, many homebuyers feel like they don’t know where to start.

A recent Bank of America Institute study asked prospective buyers where they lack confidence in the process and need more information. And this is what topped the list:

53% said they need help understanding homebuying grant programs.

So, here’s some information that can help you close that gap.

What Is Down Payment Assistance?

Contrary to what you may have heard, typically you don’t have to put 20% down unless it’s specified by your loan type or lender. So, you likely don’t need to save as much upfront, and there are programs...

What You Need To Know About Today’s Down Payment Programs There's no denying it's gotten more challenging to buy a home, especially with today's mortgage rates and home price appreciation.

Why a Vacation Home Is the Ultimate Summer Upgrade 06/21/2024

Why a Vacation Home Is the Ultimate Summer Upgrade

Summer is officially here and that means it’s the perfect time to start planning where you want to vacation and unwind this season. If you’re excited about getting away and having some fun in the sun, it might make sense to consider if owning your own vacation home is right for you.

An Ameriprise Financial survey sheds light on why people buy a second, or vacation, home (see below):

• Vacation destination or a place to get away from the stresses of everyday life (81%)

• Better weather (49%)

• Rental income (41%)

• Primary residence in the future (33%)

• Having a venue for gatherings with family and friends (25%)
Ways To Buy Your Vacation Home

And you don’t have to be wealthy to buy a vacation home. Bankrate shares two tips for how to make this dream more achievable for anyone who’s interested:

• Buy with loved ones or friends: If you’re okay with sharing the vacation home, you can go in on...

Why a Vacation Home Is the Ultimate Summer Upgrade Summer is officially here and that means it’s the perfect time to start planning where you want to vacation and unwind this season.

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About Us

Stephen Orlando is one of Long Island's most trusted and top-selling agents. A member of the EXIT team in Massapequa Park, Stephen has ranked in the top 5 in sales in his office since getting his license with clients ranging from individuals to families to investors and developers. Although based out of Long Island, Stephen has closed hundreds of real estate deals in all five boroughs and throughout New York State.

Stephen is known for his extensive market knowledge and unmatched devotion to his clients. He earns their respect by really listening to their needs, working tirelessly on their behalf while always keeping them well informed of all the activities that occur during the sale or purchase of a home.

Prior to becoming an agent, Stephen served as a real estate paralegal for more than 12 years so he can effectively guide his clients through all the many complex procedures involved in a successful real estate transaction. He tells his clients that his job is to educate them, so they have a better understanding of current market conditions and trends. This results in them consistently referring friends and family to him as they can rest assured they will be in excellent hands.

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Open House Alert East Meadow Sunday 5-5-24 2pm - 4pm Welcome Home to this Pristine mid-block 4 bedroom, 2.5 Updated Spli...
Open House Alert East Meadow Tomorrow 5-4-24 11am - 1pm Welcome Home to this Pristine mid-block 4 bedroom, 2.5 Updated S...
Open House Alert Northport 5/4/24 2pm-4pm New Listing Alert Northport Asking $999,999 Meticulously Maintained Classic 5B...
Open House Alert Northport 5/4/24 2pm-4pm New Listing Alert Northport Asking $999,999 Meticulously Maintained Classic 5B...
Open House Alert East Meadow Tomorrow 5-4-24 11am - 1pm Welcome Home to this Pristine mid-block 4 bedroom, 2.5 Updated S...
New Listing Northport Asking $999,999
Under Contract North Baldwin!  When you hire the right realtors great things happen.  We are so happy for our sellers.  ...
Open House Alert TOMORROW Sun 1/28 12pm-2pm North Baldwin!  Asking $680,000 Your Orlando & Rodriguez Team is proud to pr...
Open House Alert Sat 1/27 12pm-2pm  & Sun 1/28 12pm-2pm North Baldwin!  Asking $680,000 Your Orlando & Rodriguez Team is...
New Listing Alert North Baldwin!  Asking $680,000 Your Orlando & Rodriguez Team is proud to present This Charming 4 Bedr...
New Listing Alert!  Islip!! Your Orlando & Gambler Team are proud to present this Beautifully Updated 4 Bedroom, 1.5 Bat...



5440 Merrick Road
Massapequa, NY

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Don't make a move without me, Selling Real Estate on Long Island since 1997

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I’m a Real Estate Salesperson who works with Real Broker NY, LLC located in Massapequa NY

Long Island Homes For Sale Long Island Homes For Sale
579 Broadway
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Associate Broker, Realty Connect USA CBR,SRES Staging Certificate

Cindy M. Oliva Cindy M. Oliva
980 Broadway
Massapequa, 11758

real estate Agent, serving all 5 boroughs, Nassau & Suffolk counties

Samantha Burgess Samantha Burgess
852 N Broadway
Massapequa, 11758

Vincent Calautti- Licensed Real Estate Agent Vincent Calautti- Licensed Real Estate Agent
695 Broadway
Massapequa, 11758

Real Estate Professional specializing in buying & selling Contact me with any of your real estate needs

Melissa Raffaele Exit Realty Dreams Melissa Raffaele Exit Realty Dreams
620 Broadway
Massapequa, 11758

I am here to help and guide you every step of the way on your journey to finding your dream home. Whether it's renting an apartment or buying a house!

Maria Miro Maria Miro
896 North Broadway
Massapequa, 11758

I help families buy & sell homes, including relocating out-of-state. I have strong design background.

Erik Reilly My South Shore Real Estate Agent Erik Reilly My South Shore Real Estate Agent
4110 Merrick Road
Massapequa, 11758

Full service real estate associate broker since 1991.

Randy Real Estate NY Randy Real Estate NY
695 Broadway
Massapequa, 11758

When you work with me, you will receive a knowledgeable and professional real estate agent, a committed ally to negotiate on your behalf, the systems in place to streamline buying ...

Andrew Fraczak, Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Andrew Fraczak, Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
4949 Express Drive N Ste 104
Massapequa, 11779

Licensed Real Estate Salesperson for Signature Premier Properties

Susan Maddaleno Homes Susan Maddaleno Homes
695 Broadway
Massapequa, 11758

For 32 years I’ve successfully helped homeowners & buyers all across Long Island. Experience counts!