Rapid Rescore Credit

Rapid Rescore Credit

Specializing in raising credit scores for our clients seeking mortgage, auto, or business credit.

We assist with increasing credit scores via rapid rescoring and credit repair.


Frustrated with Lexington Law? We Get Results.

We understand the disappointment of trying credit repair services that fall short. You deserve better. At RapidRescoreCredit.com, we've helped thousands rebuild their credit with a proven strategy that goes beyond what Lexington Law and others offer.

Here's why we're different:

Rapid Rescoring: We leverage the latest technology to trigger credit bureau re-scorings faster, potentially impacting your score sooner.
AI-Powered Dispute Letters: Our advanced AI analyzes your credit report to craft powerful, highly personalized dispute letters with a higher chance of success.
24 Years of Credit Expertise: Our team has a deep understanding of the credit industry, giving you an edge in navigating the complexities of credit repair.
We don't just dispute errors – we focus on building a stronger credit foundation. We'll work with you to:

Identify and Challenge Inaccurate Information: We go beyond just basic disputes to uncover hidden errors impacting your score.
Develop a Personalized Credit Plan: Our approach is tailored to your unique credit situation, maximizing your chances of success.
Ongoing Credit Monitoring & Education: Stay informed with regular updates and learn valuable credit-building strategies.
Ready to finally see results?

Get a free credit consultation with one of our experienced credit advisors. They'll analyze your credit report and create a personalized plan to achieve your credit goals.

Click here to schedule your free consultation today!

Don't settle for frustration. At RapidRescoreCredit.com, we're committed to helping you achieve the credit score you deserve.


The Rapid Rescore Team

Feel free to call or text (949) 505-9971

Photos from Rapid Rescore Credit's post 28/05/2024

🚀 Ready to boost your credit score FAST? 🌟 Say goodbye to bad credit and hello to financial freedom! 💳✨ Our Rapid Rescore Credit Repair can make it happen. 🔥

CLICK LINK IN BIO to get started and take control of your financial future today! 📈🔗


Improve your credit score quickly with Rapid Rescore! We provide accurate and efficient credit report corrections to help you achieve your financial goals. Our local team is dedicated to enhancing your credit profile.


Get the credit score you deserve with Rapid Rescore! Our local experts can update your credit report in record time. Experience better loan rates and financial opportunities by trusting our professional credit score services. Visit our office for a consultation!


Struggling with outdated credit information? Rapid Rescore offers quick and efficient credit report corrections. Improve your credit score and increase your chances of securing that dream home or car loan. Contact us now for reliable local credit score solutions!

Rapid Rescore Credit Specializing in raising credit scores for our clients seeking mortgage, auto, or business credit.


Boost your credit score fast with Rapid Rescore! Our expert team specializes in credit report updates, ensuring accuracy for better loan approvals. Local residents trust us to enhance their financial profiles. Visit us today to start your credit improvement journey!


🔍 **Why Did My Credit Score Drop?**

Understanding why your credit score drops can be frustrating, but knowing the reasons can help you take steps to improve it. Here are some common reasons for a sudden drop in your credit score:

1. **Late or Missed Payments**: Even one missed payment can significantly impact your score.
2. **Increased Credit Card Balances**: Higher balances can lead to a higher credit utilization ratio, which can lower your score.
3. **New Credit Inquiries**: Applying for new credit results in a hard inquiry, which can temporarily reduce your score.
4. **Closing an Account**: Reducing your available credit can increase your credit utilization ratio.
5. **Errors on Your Credit Report**: Inaccurate information can negatively impact your score.

Stay informed and proactive about your credit health. For personalized assistance, contact us today!


Here's what to expect when you hire RapidRescoreCredit.com to help you with your credit.

****FREE CREDIT REPAIR testimonial 16/05/2024

I've been helping clients and mortgage lenders improve credit scores since 2010. Here's an old voicemail from a lender that used my services.



Applying for credit, I researched a great conversation from a credit underwriter. Worth a read...

I won't say which credit card company I worked for -- but it's one all of you know. Although I can only speak about our underwriting process, I'm sure other banks operate similarly.

I'll be happy to answer some questions on this thread. But I won't be able to answer private messages.


Q: "How do you know if income I gave is accurate?"

We don't. We know stated income is usually exaggerated. But your credit report can suggest whether your stated income is believable. Whether we believe it might influence our underwriting decision.

For example, if you claim to make $250,000 per year but just took out a tiny auto loan for $14,000 over a 7 year term, that'll make us question your stated income. Our underwriting notes on your file might read something like: 250K YR INCOME VS 14K 7 YR AUTO LOAN -- DECLINE.

Since our notes can be legally subpoenaed, we'll never write "applicant is lying". But anyone at the bank reading this note will know what's being implied.

There are other negative information on your credit report that could make us question your high stated income such as lates or persistent high credit card balances.

By the way, income rarely determines whether the application will be approved. It's more used to determine the credit limit.

Q: "What can I say to improve my odds of getting a credit limit increase?"

When we ask why you're seeking a higher credit line, don't say anything that suggests financial stress. For example...

- I need to pay the electricity bill

- I need to buy new tires for my car

- I need a cash advance

This means, avoid giving a sob story.

Instead, talk about life events. These are moments when even financially secured people need more spending power...

- My daughter is getting married

- We're prepping to sell our house

- My wife is expecting

Q: "If my application gets declined, how long should I wait to reapply".

We're strictly forbidden to quote a timeframe as not to imply a promise. Furthermore, our lending standards can change. Our canned response is "the longer you show a good credit history, the likelier you'll see an approval".

But if I were to advise you off-the-record, I'd say 12 months. During this duration, make sure you're not late on any tradelines and pay them down as much as you can. If you reapply sooner, frequent hard inquires will hurt your chances.

Q: "What percentage of applications are decided by an algorithm and what are done manually?"

Around 80% of applications are decided by software.

Q: "For applications that are reviewed manually, how subjective is the underwriting?"

75% of the time, when we underwrite manually, the decision is clear and there's almost no subjectivity. For the rest, there could be some subjectivity. I'd say, maybe only 5% are truly on-the-fence applications.

So if 80% of applications are decided by software and 75% of manual underwriting isn't subjective, that leaves about 5% of all applications that involve real subjectivity.

By the way, a manual review doesn't mean the application falls in a gray area. For example, if you have a strong credit report, you should be instantly approved. But if you're also asking for a balance transfer at origination, we might opt for manual review to see if we can approval a credit limit that accommodates the transfer.

Another one of many reasons for a manual review is, your credit report is awesome but you stated an unusually low income which means we can only approve you for a low credit limit. We might probe you for additional income.

Q: "What FICO score are you looking for?"

We're not a FICO lender and don't go by their scores.

FICO factors in things we don't care about. For example, when looking at your credit report, we're not allowed to consider medical collections and utilities collections. We feel these types of derogatory information (which lowers your FICO) are unreliable.

Q: "What debt-to-income ratio are you looking for?"

We don't use a mathematical formula.

Like I mentioned earlier, income is rarely used in deciding whether to approve. It's used mostly to determine the credit limit.

If we can never know the applicant's income, it seems pointless to look at any debt-to-income ratios.

Q: "I need details. Can you give specifics on how you assess someone's credit report in making a decision?"

There is so much, it's impossible for me to give specifics.

After working there a few months, the credit analysts will develop a sixth sense of how the bank wants us to lend. Our decisions are randomly reviewed by managers when our job performance is evaluated. Based on those reviews, we become increasingly calibrated and develop that sixth sense.

The only thing I'll say is, we're trained to weight the positives and negatives of your credit report and determine which side is more compelling.

The positives are: on-time payments, payments in full, long tradelines, high usage of the card, few hard inquires, paid off mortgages and auto loans, no bankruptcies and no charge-offs. The negatives are the opposite. There's really no big secrets or surprises here.

Q: "On my credit cards, do you like to see revolved balances or should I pay off the balances every month?"

It's understandable to think credit card companies prefer you revolve your balances to collect more interest. But for underwriting, we definitely like to see payments in full.

One of the things we look for are large paydowns. For each tradeline, your credit report states what was its highest balance and the current balance is.

So if you had a credit card (with us or elsewhere) and paid off a 20k balance without transferring it to another card, we'll view that positively.

If we ask why your balance is consistently high on another card, you can say "it's on a 0% APR". That might mitigate some of our concerns. We have no way of knowing what APR you're paying elsewhere.

Q: Is there racial or gender discrimination in your underwriting?

Absolutely not. We don't know this information nor would we ever ask.

However, there is age discrimination. When we encounter a credit report with few activity, age can be a deciding factor.

For example, for a young adult, we can understand if there's little credit history. But if you're in your mid 50s and have little credit history, it would suggest a bankruptcy.

Even if the bankruptcy has dropped off the credit report, there'd still be a huge black hole during which no one was lending to you. That's why someone in his mid 50s with little credit history would be concerning. This is the modern world where it's difficult to live without a credit card for any extended duration.

Q: "If I ask for a credit limit increase, can you do a soft pull on my credit report?"

No. Our credit department doesn't even have a way to do a soft pull.

Q: "How often do you guys give automatic credit line increases?"

There is no timetable. Using the card actively and paying in full is the likeliest way of getting one.

Credit line increases might also be given based on the company's financial condition or on the country's macroeconomic situation.

Q: "You lowered my credit limit (or cancelled my account) because I defaulted on another company's credit card. Is this legal?"

Yes. This is what we call "universal default". If you manage your credit card account poorly elsewhere, we might question if we can continue our relationship with you.

Bear in mind, when we opened your account, it's based on your credit worthiness at the time. If that worthiness decreases significantly, that means you risk no longer qualifying for our card in the first place.

Q: "If I'm on the phone and don't like your credit decision, would escalating to a manager make a difference?"

Probably not. Like I mentioned earlier, the amount of subjectivity in the underwriting process is low.
But it doesn't hurt to escalate if you have time.

If you're on the phone with us and escalate, we'll tell you a manager is unavailable and you'll be placed in a log for a manager call back. That's a lie. There's almost certainly one there and that manager can take the call immediately if he/she wanted to. But we use the call log to deter you from escalating.

Still, we will absolutely call you back.

Q: "Will putting my son as an authorized user on my card boost his chances of getting an account with you?"

No. There are lots of credit counselling advice that says listing your young son as an authorized user will help him establish credit. Since I don't work for FICO, I don't know if this improves his FICO score.

But like I mentioned earlier, we don't lend based on FICO scores.

Let's say Person A has an account and puts Person B as an authorized user. This doesn't make it likelier for Person B to get his own account with us. Person B has no legal responsibility for paying Person A's account and therefore, we don't deem that information relevant.

Q: "I've had late payments and cannot paydown my balances. How can I game the system and still get approved?"

I don't see a way to do it. The vast majority of the time, the credit report is the only tool used to make a decision and most of it is done by software.

I would contact your lenders to see if they can remove some of your lates. I'd also ask family members for a loan to pay down some of your balances. Lastly, check if there's anything on your credit report that can be disputed.

Q: "You decreased my credit limit and it screwed up my FICO. Can you reverse that decision?"

Unfortunately, we cannot. Credit card accounts are an unsecured loan and the bank has full discretion on the amount to lend or whether to lend at all.

Q: "If I have a bunch of unused credit cards, do you prefer to see them closed?"

From an underwriting standpoint, there's no reason to close unused accounts especially if you've had them for a long time. We like to see accounts with long tenure.

There is a risk that a bank can close an account due to non-usage. So it might be worth using an unused card from time to time.

Q: "I love to open a credit card account just for the opening benefits. Then I close them. Does this hurt the chances you'll approve me in the future?"

We call this card churning. This isn't a good idea because you'll be racking up hard inquiries on your credit report. Like I mentioned earlier, we also prefer to see accounts with long tenure.

Q: "How can you see my bankruptcy since it's been over seven years. You aren't allowed to consider it because it should have dropped off."

For some reason, old bankruptcies can still appear on a credit report. You'll need to take it up with the credit bureaus.

Even if a bankruptcy is over seven years ago, if we see it, it'll be considered.

Q: "What if your analyst doesn't like me personally and declined my application?"

As mentioned earlier, very few of our decisions contain any real subjectivity and the majority are done by software.

But in rare cases where it's a manual process and your credit history falls in a gray zone, it's surely possible that an analyst who got offended might decline you.

That's why I suggest treating your call as if you're applying for a job and be as professional as possible. Sorry, there's just no way to remove the human element.

Our work performance is evaluated by the company based on three criteria: how fast we work an application, how politely we speak on the phone and how accurately we make underwriting decisions. Because calls are randomly pulled for evaluation, it's unlikely the analyst will be rude just to spite you.


Did you know?

As of April 2023, medical debt under $500 in collections and any medical debt that's been paid off no longer appears on consumers credit reports.

Likewise, medical debt over $500 is not reported to the credit bureaus until a year after going to collections.


Sunday morning blessings. We added a tradeline to our clients credit reports and checkout these results! He was brought to tears and he can now have his mortgage lender pull credit tomorrow so he can close his mortgage loan. Today was a good day!


Today's Special...Free credit report review and DIY outline. Fix your own credit in 30 seconds.


The key points to refinancing your mortgage include:

1. Lower Interest Rates: Refinancing allows you to secure a new mortgage with a lower interest rate, potentially reducing your monthly payments and overall interest costs.

2. Improved Credit Score: A higher credit score can qualify you for better refinancing terms, such as lower interest rates and fees.

3. Equity Access: Refinancing can give you access to the equity you've built in your home, which you can use for home improvements, debt consolidation, or other financial needs.

4. Change in Loan Term: You can adjust the term of your mortgage through refinancing, such as switching from a 30-year to a 15-year loan, which can save you money on interest in the long run.

5. Cash-Out Refinance: This option allows you to refinance for an amount greater than your current mortgage balance, giving you cash that can be used for various purposes.

6. Closing Costs: Consider the closing costs associated with refinancing, which can include application fees, appraisal fees, and other expenses. Ensure that the potential savings outweigh these costs.

7. Financial Goals: Evaluate your financial goals and circumstances to determine if refinancing aligns with your objectives, such as reducing monthly payments, paying off your mortgage sooner, or accessing cash for other needs.

Cheap Methods for Boosting Your Credit Score When Buying Your First Home 29/04/2024


Cheap Methods for Boosting Your Credit Score When Buying Your First Home Getting your credit in good shape before applying for a mortgage is a solid idea. Keep reading for a few ways to do just that.

What happens to your credit score when your spouse dies? (Hint: Nothing good.) 29/04/2024


What happens to your credit score when your spouse dies? (Hint: Nothing good.) One of the worst things that can happen to your credit score, research shows, is the death of your spouse.

Photos from Rapid Rescore Credit's post 29/04/2024

Embracing the Future: Unlocking Your Credit Potential with AI

In a world where technology evolves at lightning speed, it's no surprise that the realm of credit repair is undergoing a transformative revolution. Picture this: you, standing at the threshold of financial freedom, empowered by the groundbreaking capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is not just a dream; it's the future of credit repair.

Gone are the days of waiting weeks or even months to see a glimmer of progress in your credit score. With AI leading the charge, the process becomes swift, precise, and remarkably efficient. Imagine the weight lifting off your shoulders as AI algorithms analyze your credit history with unparalleled accuracy, identifying areas for improvement and crafting tailored strategies to elevate your score.

But it's not just about speed; it's about empowerment. AI puts the power back in your hands, giving you the tools and insights needed to take control of your financial destiny. Whether you're haunted by past mistakes, burdened by collection accounts, or simply striving for a brighter future, AI offers a beacon of hope.

What sets AI apart is its ability to adapt and learn, much like a trusted mentor guiding you along the path to financial success. With each interaction, AI refines its approach, fine-tuning strategies to suit your unique circumstances and goals. It's a journey of growth and transformation, fueled by the limitless potential of technology.

But perhaps the most remarkable aspect of AI-driven credit repair is its human touch. Behind every algorithm and data point lies a team of dedicated professionals committed to your success. They're not just numbers on a screen; they're stories waiting to be rewritten, dreams waiting to be realized.

So, what does the future hold for credit repair? It's a future where barriers are broken, where possibilities are limitless, and where your financial dreams are within reach. It's a future powered by AI, but driven by you—the dreamer, the believer, the architect of your own destiny.

As you embark on this journey into the future of credit repair, remember this: you are not alone. With AI by your side and a team of experts in your corner, anything is possible. So, embrace the future, unlock your potential, and step boldly into a world where your dreams are waiting to be realized.

Photos from Rapid Rescore Credit's post 25/04/2024

Recent results of our Rapid Rescore and credit repair AI.

Photos from Rapid Rescore Credit's post 21/04/2024

More score increase results from the past week. Our Rapid Rescore process can quickly raise your score in 7 days.

40 Years of Rent vs Household Income #shorts 07/04/2024

Somethings going to snap, as this isn't sustainable.

40 Years of Rent vs Household Income #shorts 📈💸 Did you know in the last 40 years rents have skyrocketed 40% over inflation and 7% beyond income growth? But here’s a reality check – while rents are cl...


Personal data belonging to 73 million current or former AT&T customers has been leaked online. That's more than the population of Texas, New York, and Florida combined.

Information including addresses, social security numbers, date of birth, and passcodes was published on the dark web, the US telecoms giant said.

AT&T said it had not identified evidence indicating the data had been stolen but had brought in cybersecurity experts to investigate.

The company said it had reset customers' passcodes.

They were urged by the company to "remain vigilant by monitoring account activity and credit reports".

The data involved in the breach appears to be from 2019 or earlier and is linked to 7.6 million customers and 65.4 million former account holders.

It also includes information such as full names, email addresses and dates of birth, though AT&T said financial information had not appeared in the leak.


We offer $100 credit report reviews and recommendations to new customers. Here's an exact example of what you get when you submit your credit report for review. Message us or call 949-505-9971 to request your custom credit report review.

Photos from Rapid Rescore Credit's post 17/03/2024

I am thrilled to share further evidence of our clients' remarkable credit score improvements through the utilization of Smart Credit monitoring accounts. We rely on Smart Credit for its precise score tracking capabilities and the swift enhancements it facilitates through rapid rescore projected score boosts.

These screenshots showcase the noteworthy progress achieved for our clients. These results underscore the efficacy of our knowledge-based approach to credit score enhancement, reaffirming our commitment to tangible outcomes.

These results are not merely anecdotal; they are substantiated facts that demonstrate our expertise and dedication to delivering real, measurable results.

Photos from Rapid Rescore Credit's post 12/03/2024

More proof of our products, Rapid Rescoring and our credit repair services achieve quick results. Contact us today for your consultation!

Photos from Rapid Rescore Credit's post 03/03/2024

Every time we increase our clients credit scores, we take a screenshot of the results on their Smart Credit account we monitor and share those with you, the public. Many companies say they increase credit scores, but many don't show proof. We think it's important to share facts, not just say we get results.


When you put in the right process, the results come naturally. Contact us for your credit score improvement.


Need to settle a collection account? Use our guide to help save you time and money.
When negotiating to settle a collection account for half of what you owe, consider the following tactics:

1. **Be Prepared:**
- Know your financial situation and the amount you can realistically offer.
- Research the original debt and be aware of any legal statutes of limitations.

2. **Offer a Lump Sum Payment:**
- Explain that you are willing to make an immediate payment in exchange for settling the debt.
- Offering a lump sum may incentivize them to accept a lower amount.

3. **Start with a Lower Offer:**
- Begin negotiations with an offer slightly lower than your target (e.g., 30-40% of the total balance).
- This gives room for negotiation, and they may counteroffer with a higher amount.

4. **Emphasize Financial Hardship:**
- Share any financial difficulties or challenges that make it challenging for you to pay the full amount.
- Provide documentation if possible to support your hardship claim.

5. **Request Deletion from Credit Reports:**
- Express that you are willing to settle but request that the collection entry be deleted from your credit reports.
- Get this agreement in writing before making any payment.

6. **Be Persistent and Patient:**
- Negotiations may take time, so be persistent but also patient during the process.
- Speak calmly and professionally, avoiding confrontational language.

7. **Verify the Settlement Agreement in Writing:**
- Before making any payment, insist on receiving a written agreement detailing the terms of the settlement.
- Confirm that the settled amount will be considered as payment in full.

8. **Review the Offer:**
- If they agree to your proposed settlement, carefully review the terms before finalizing the agreement.
- Ensure it includes the agreed-upon settlement amount and the removal from credit reports.

Remember to document all communication, note the names of the representatives you speak with, and keep copies of any written agreements.


Not getting response from TransUnion with your disputes? Try this letter we crafted and send it into the CFPB.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
P.O. Box 4503
Iowa City, Iowa 52244

Subject: Complaint Against TransUnion for Non-Processing of Dispute Requests

Dear Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against TransUnion regarding their failure to process my dispute requests on negative credit items reporting to my credit report. I have encountered persistent issues with TransUnion's handling of my disputes, and despite multiple attempts, no resolution has been reached.

Details of the dispute requests:
1. Date of Dispute: [Insert Date]
2. Reference Number: [Insert Reference Number, if available]

I have diligently followed TransUnion's dispute process, providing all necessary documentation to support the inaccuracies I have identified in my credit report. However, despite these efforts, TransUnion has not taken appropriate action to investigate and rectify the disputed items.

This lack of responsiveness is not only affecting my credit score but also hindering my financial well-being. I believe that the delays in processing my dispute requests are a violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and its provisions for accurate and timely reporting.

I kindly request the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's intervention to investigate this matter and ensure that TransUnion fulfills its obligations under the FCRA. I am seeking a thorough review of my case and prompt resolution to rectify the inaccuracies on my credit report.

Enclosed with this letter, please find copies of the relevant dispute documentation and any correspondence exchanged with TransUnion for your reference.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a swift resolution.


[Your Full Name]


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