Eckankar in Pensacola

Eckankar in Pensacola

"The purpose of Eckankar is to make God an everyday reality in your life. As Soul, you have the God-knowledge within you. What do they mean? It is the real you.

The teachings of ECK will awaken the knowledge and love for the divine things that are already in your heart." - Harold Klemp We live in a time of unprecedented interest in spirituality. Spiritual experiences are no longer the exclusive domain of religious leaders, saints, and mystics. They are part of everyday living for millions of people. And these people have questions: Are their experiences r


✨Words of wisdom by Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of ECKANKAR, the Path of Spiritual Freedom🌟

“The path of ECK is to teach us how to get to the kingdom of heaven. But as in games like Monopoly, you don’t bypass jail or any of the problem areas and get to pass ‘go’ again; you have to go through every square. And when you get through them and earn the right to buy Boardwalk or some other expensive place, it’s similar to reaching one of the heavens.

“We have to face this life. The fact is, we do have problems. Most of us would be lost without them. Yet our problems sometimes seem so heavy we cry for help to God, to the angels, or to anyone else who gives us at least a hope of lifting the burden, so we can face life with some measure of happiness, contentment, and peace. This is what many of us are looking for in life.”

—Sri Harold Klemp, “The Secret Teachings,”
Mahanta Transcripts, Book 3


💛✨💛Join us and RSVP to attend —
"A Simple Understanding of the Law of Love"
It can change your life!

“To get love, you must give love . . .”
—Harold Klemp, Love—The Keystone of Life, p. 80

Reflect on this simple, yet powerful universal truth by joining us online for an ECK Light and Sound Service this Sunday, August 25, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time!

The service will present insights offered by speakers sharing their personal experiences on this theme. Anyone can make life-enhancing changes in consciousness by contemplating the deeper spiritual meaning behind the Law of Love.

💛To RSVP and learn more, visit our Meetup page:


Soul’s Divine Journey: The Adventure of Many Lifetimes

“You are Soul, an eternal, individual spark of God. Soul is the true self, the real you. One of a kind, on a divine journey back to the heart of God.”

—Harold Klemp, ECK Wisdom on Soul Travel, p. 4


“HU is a love song to God. It uplifts and purifies us of the evils that make life too much to bear. Anytime you sing ‘HU’ as a love offering, your heart fills with the Light and Sound of God. They are the twin aspects of ECK, the Holy Spirit.”

—Sri Harold Klemp,
“The Temple of ECK”

Photo by Suzanne Daehlin


✨Special Event: “Awakening to The Call of Soul”

Eckankar in Florida will present the 2024 Florida ECK Soul Adventure Seminar on August 9_11:00 AM to 9:00 PM, August 10_8:00 AM to 9:00 PM, August 11_10:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Orlando Marriott Lake Mary, 1501 International Parkway, Lake Mary, Florida, 32746.

🎉This spiritually-focused event will be open to the public with complimentary admittance for those new to Eckankar.🎉

In his book The Call of Soul, Harold Klemp, spiritual leader of Eckankar, states “When you’re ready for something more durable than philosophy, metaphysics, or orthodox religion, then you’re ready for the knowledge that grants love, wisdom, and spiritual freedom. These three qualities are available through the teachings of ECK.”

The program will feature speakers, creative arts, informal discussions, workshops, and more. Attend one or all sessions as you choose. Topics to enhance your own spiritual journey will include dreams, past lives, Soul Travel, and spiritual awakening.



Inner Guidance Connections — Special Ways to Get Divine Help in Daily Life!.

You are welcome to explore this theme at an online ECK Light and Sound Service on Sunday, July 28, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time!

"Inner Guidance Connections—Special Ways to Get Divine Help in Daily Life!" will explore our relationship and communication with the Creator. Eckankar teaches that each of us is an eternal, multidimensional spiritual being — Soul — and in our true form, we are not bound by the limitations of time and space. Each person can, to some degree, experience this higher state.

This ECK Light and Sound service will include speakers, a musical presentation, and a video excerpt from a talk by Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. To allow a deep exploration of this theme, there will be two spiritual contemplations using HU, an ancient, sacred mantra anyone can use to open doorways to higher understanding.

To RSVP and learn more, visit our Meetup page:


“Living in Service to All Life”

Explore the Light and Sound of God.

“Living in Service to All Life”
Explore the Light and Sound of God

Sunday, July 21st at 11:00 AM
An ‘in-person’ event
Treasure Coast Eckankar Center
541 SE Central Parkway, Stuart, FL 34994
Theme of this month's service: “Living in Service to All Life”
You are invited to join in a service to explore the Light and Sound
of God in celebration of God’s love for Soul.
Each service is designed to help individuals have their own experi-
ences with the creative spiritual life force, the Light and Sound of
People of all backgrounds and beliefs are welcome, For further in-
formation please call 772-223-1188 or visit
Conversation and light refreshments will follow this service.


“Our goal in this life is not to find out how to use Spirit in our life, but how to open ourselves as a vehicle for Spirit to use as It will. Life becomes an adventure. We are opened to learning in a way we have never been before. I won’t guarantee that the path of ECK will be easy, but I will guarantee that it is going to be different from anything that you have ever done before. If we give up to Spirit as It leads us into greater awareness, we can build and expand into a greater life. It’s when we hold back—when Spirit opens the door and we refuse to walk through—that we find life becomes difficult.”

—Sri Harold Klemp, “How to Find God,” Mahanta Transcripts, Book 2

Photo by Corey Austin


✨Getting Answers from God —What to Do Before Prayer (Online)

"A spiritual exercise is different from prayer because it encourages us to listen to God. In other words, we let the Creator talk to us, instead of the other way around."
—Sri Harold Klemp, ECKANKAR Ancient Wisdom for Today, pp. 20-21

You are welcome to explore this theme at an online ECK Light and Sound Service on Sunday, June 23, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time!

"Getting Answers from God—What to do Before Prayer" will explore our relationship and communication with the Creator. Eckankar teaches that each of us is an eternal, multidimensional spiritual being — Soul — and in our true form, we are not bound by the limitations of time and space. Each person can, to some degree, experience this higher state.

To RSVP please visit our Meetup page,

To learn more about other Eckankar events in Florida visit,


✨ECK Wisdom on Prayer, Meditation and Contemplation✨

Bring balance and wonder to your life!
This booklet is a portal to your direct, personal connection with Divine Spirit.

Harold Klemp shows how you can experience the powerful benefits of contemplation— “a conversation with the most secret, most genuine, and most mysterious part of yourself.”

Move beyond traditional meditation via dynamic spiritual exercises. Learn about the uplifting chant of HU (an ancient holy name for God), visualization, creative imagination, and other active techniques.

▶You can obtain your copy with this link, for the Eckankar online bookstore or your online favorite retailer.


“The search for God requires a deep yearning. Soul hears the Voice of God and wants to return to Its home in heaven. In the meantime, it’s up to Soul, in one way or another, to find a path that gives the help It needs to take this step. When you graduate from one level of education in the spiritual works, God provides a step, then another and another.

“No matter what path you are on or what faith you follow, be the best there is in it, be the cream of the crop. Because until you are that, you haven’t learned the lessons that you need to learn; and until they are learned, you will not be able to graduate to the next step and learn the greater truth.”

—Sri Harold Klemp, “The Secret Teachings,” Mahanta Transcripts, Book 3

Photo by Art Galbraith


Seed of contemplation:

We always have to remember why we are here. Is it to gain something for ourselves in some material way?
Or is it to love and give service to God?

—Sri Harold Klemp, Ask the Master, Book 2, pages 246-47


Discover the sound of Soul that connects all living things...


“The spirit of love brings compassion and understanding.”

—Harold Klemp, Unlocking the Puzzle Box, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 6, page 84


Transform Your Life with the Spiritual Exercises of ECK an online ECK Light and Sound Service.

"The purpose of the spiritual exercises of ECK is simply to open a conduit or a channel between yourself and the Holy Spirit . . ."
—Harold Klemp, The Golden Heart, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 4, p. 87

Join us for this online ECK Light and Sound Service on Sunday, April 28, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time!

This ECK Light and Sound service will focus on personal transformation through spiritual exercises that you can adapt to fit you. There will be speakers, a musical presentation, and a video excerpt from a talk by Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. To allow a deep exploration of this theme, there will be two spiritual contemplations using HU, an ancient, sacred mantra anyone can use to open doorways to higher understanding.

Please RSVP by 1:00 PM Eastern time on Sunday, April 28 to attend,


Be a Light to the World
Episode 12
“Soul is in this life to learn to give and receive divine love, and Its ultimate goal is to become a Coworker with God. To be a Coworker means that no matter what you are doing, you make it easier for the next person.”

ECK News

1:25 PM (3 hours ago) made available to us a new podcast.

to ECK
Be a Light to the World

Episode 12

“Soul is in this life to learn to give and receive divine love, and Its ultimate goal is to become a Coworker with God. To be a Coworker means that no matter what you are doing, you make it easier for the next person.”


Seed of contemplation for the week:

“We each choose our own state of consciousness. It takes a while for many individuals to recognize this. We make our own worlds. What we are today is the sum total of everything we thought or been throughout the ages.”

—Harold Klemp, Touching the Face of God, p. 5

Eckankar: Spiritual Grace 14/03/2024

"Sometimes it's important to just stop and be grateful for the blessings that you already have."

—Harold Klemp, The Book of ECK Parables, Volume 3, page 299


Enjoy this amazing and uplifting video on 'Spiritual Grace'.

Eckankar: Spiritual Grace If you liked what you saw here, visit


💛Stay tuned for more details on Giving — the Secret to Receiving an online ECK Light and Sound Service.

"Before you can improve your life and find a measure of happiness, you must learn to do one thing every day out of pure love.”
—Harold Klemp, The Language of Soul, p. 16

Join us for our next online ECK Light and Sound Service this Sunday, February 25, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time!

You can visit our Meetup page to learn more,


Open a gateway to spiritual experiences! 🖼️ Read the ECKANKAR Soul Adventure Magazine—HAVE YOU HAD A SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE?

Includes a FREE PDF of "ECKANKAR's Spiritual Experiences Guidebook."

➡️Available free at


Seed of contemplation for the week:

“The most important love that people can have for God is to love some other human being first.”

—Harold Klemp, The Drumbeat of Time, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 10, page 247


💙 You are warmly invited to attend!

Dreams and how they can bring us answers and insights will be the focus for our next online ECK Light and Sound Service on Sunday, January 28, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time.

An ECK Light and Sound Service is a celebration of God’s love for Soul. Eckankar teaches that Divine Spirit expresses Itself as Light and Sound—aspects of God you can experience directly and personally. The service will last a little over an hour.

There will be speakers, a musical presentation, and a video excerpt from a talk by Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. To allow a deep exploration of this theme, there will be two spiritual contemplations using HU, an ancient, sacred mantra that can open doorways to higher understanding.

To attend, please RSVP by 1:00 PM Eastern time on Sunday, January 28, please visit our Meetup page:


“Begin with the love you have.
Love gratefully. This love expands your
heart into a greater vessel which can hold
yet more love.”
—Harold Klemp, The Language of Love, p. 116


💙Join us this Sunday, December 17 at 4:00 PM Eastern time as we discover how to master your spiritual destiny. This dynamic theme will be the focus of our next online ECK Light and Sound Service.

An ECK Light and Sound Service is a celebration of God’s love for Soul. Eckankar teaches that Divine Spirit expresses Itself as Light and Sound—aspects of God you can experience directly and personally. The service will last a little over an hour.

There will be speakers, a musical presentation, and a video excerpt from a talk by Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. To allow a deep exploration of this theme, there will be two spiritual contemplations using HU, an ancient, sacred mantra that can open doorways to higher understanding.

To learn more and RSVP, visit our Meetup page:


Stumbling Blocks — or Stepping Stones? It all depends on your attitude!

You are invited to explore this theme at an online ECK Light and Sound Service this coming Sunday, November 26 at 4:00 PM Eastern time.

The service will last a little over an hour. There will be speakers, a musical presentation, and a video excerpt from a talk by Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. For your personal exploration of the theme, there will be two spiritual contemplations using HU, an ancient, sacred mantra that can help anyone experience a higher level of spiritual freedom in this life!

An ECK Light and Sound Service is a celebration of God’s love for Soul. Eckankar teaches that Divine Spirit expresses Itself as Light and Sound—aspects of God you can experience directly and personally. Anyone of any background or belief is welcome to attend.

Log in or dial in on Sunday, November 26, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time. Anyone of any background or belief is welcome to attend this online service via Zoom. You may attend by computer, tablet, or phone.

To attend, please RSVP by 1:00 PM Eastern time on Sunday, November 26.

The Zoom link is available now for those who RSVP online. The full details for the call-in phone information will be emailed to all registered attendees before the event, please make sure that you have Meetup email or messages enabled.

It will be a pleasure to have you attend! To RSVP, visit our Meetup page:


Experience the spiritual wonders of the 2023 ECKANKAR Soul Adventure Seminar from anywhere! Now streaming through January 31, 2024.

This year’s theme is The Power of Grace: A Secret to Spiritual Living.
Featured events include
• the keynote talk, Grateful for ECK and the Teacher Too!, by Sri Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of ECKANKAR;
• all main-stage talks and performances; and
• the 2023 digital Spiritual Art Gallery.


✔ NEW episode of the ECKANKAR Soul Adventure Podcast—Animals Are Souls Too: A Heartwarming Goose Tale.
✔ECK Soul Adventure Magazine—How Do We Soul Travel?
✔Youth and Family Adventures—A fun page of engaging videos and activities for youth and families.

New to ECK? Guests register free!

Take your next spiritual step today. Your life can truly be a Soul Adventure!

For more information and to register, please visit


“Begin with the love you have.
Love gratefully. This love expands your
heart into a greater vessel which can hold
yet more love.”
—Harold Klemp, The Language of Love, p. 116

The Secret to Spiritual Freedom, an online ECK Light and Sound Service , Sun, Jul 23, 2023, 4:00 PM | Meetup 21/07/2023

You are invited! Soar Higher and Discover . . .The Secret to Spiritual Freedom.

Log in (or dial in) to join us at this coming Sunday's online ECK Light and Sound Service!

An ECK Light and Sound Service is a celebration of God’s love for Soul. Eckankar teaches that the Holy Spirit expresses Itself as Light and Sound—aspects of God you can experience directly and personally. The service will last a little over an hour.

The Secret to Spiritual Freedom is the theme for this month's online service. There will be speakers, a musical presentation, and a video excerpt from a talk by Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. For your personal exploration of the theme, there will be two spiritual contemplations using HU, an ancient, sacred mantra that can help anyone soar to a higher level of spiritual freedom in this life!

Log in or dial in on Sunday, July 23, at 4:00 PM Eastern Time. Anyone of any background or belief is welcome to attend this online service via Zoom. You may attend by computer, tablet, or phone.

To attend, please RSVP by 1:00 PM Eastern time on Sunday, July 23 on our Meetup page:

The Secret to Spiritual Freedom, an online ECK Light and Sound Service , Sun, Jul 23, 2023, 4:00 PM | Meetup **Soar Higher and Discover . . .*The Secret to Spiritual Freedom*** Log in (or dial in) to join us at this coming **Sunday's online ECK Light and Sound Service!** An **EC

Our Story

We live in a time of unprecedented interest in spirituality. Spiritual experiences are no longer the exclusive domain of religious leaders, saints, and mystics. They are part of everyday living for millions of people. And these people have questions: Are their experiences real? What do they mean? How can a person have more experiences of the Divine?
Eckankar offers answers. It is a truly spiritual religion for the individual in modern times. The teachings provide a framework for people to explore their own spiritual experiences, which may include out-of-body adventures, near-death experiences, prophetic dreams, dreams with a departed loved one, a sense of having lived before, déjà vu, seeing an inner light, or hearing an inner sound.
Personal experience with the Light and Sound of God is the cornerstone of Eckankar. People who truly find these two aspects of God undergo a complete spiritual change. Life becomes fresh and new again, as it was in early childhood.

Sri Harold Klemp is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, spiritual leader of Eckankar. He has the special ability to act as both the Inner and Outer guide for ECK students. The prophet of Eckankar, he is given respect but is not worshiped.
His teachings uplift people and help them recognize and understand their own experiences in the Light and Sound of God.

He teaches the sacred name of God, HU. When sung just a few minutes each day, HU will lift you spiritually into the Light and Sound of God—the ECK (Holy Spirit). To experience the sound of HU, visit This easy spiritual exercise and others will purify you. You are then able to accept the full love of God in this lifetime.

“You are Soul. It is the real you. You are a timeless, deathless spark of God—in love, strength, and beauty—upheld by the always present Light and Sound, the Holy Spirit.”
Sri Harold Klemp, “The Spiritual Life"
The Temple of ECK in Chanhassen, Minnesota, is the worldwide center for the Eckankar teachings. Located at the heart of the Eckankar Spiritual Campus, it is a local community church and a Golden Wisdom Temple. Seekers of truth come here for the spiritual study of past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel.

To learn more about Eckankar, explore our answers to frequently asked questions at

This page is sponsored by the Florida Satsang Society, Inc., A Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp.

Copyright © 2019 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 U.S.A., SOUL TRAVEL and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 U.S.A.
