Whole Roots Health

Whole Roots Health

Integrating current science with ancient clinical wisdoms to provide a functional, holistic approach

Whole Roots Health is an Acupuncture & Functional Medicine practice providing integrative medical services, specialty lab diagnostics, top-quality herbal remedies, supplements, and health education based on current research to Truckee, Tahoe and surrounding communities. Brianna Browning, licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, is dedicated to helping her patients achieve optimal health and vitality.


I am a finalist for Best in Holistic Health and would love your vote! Thank you! 💗✨

VOTE HERE - https://www.sierrasun.com/best/ #/group/453/nominee/7642/22527


🐆🐆🐆This is a Shamanic level of breathwork where you have the opportunity to go into your jungle and encounter your personal medicine and truth.

🌀🌀🌀 This breathing experience is a self exploration journey in a sacred space of surrender. Explore your heart’s purpose, release the past, gain clarity on your soul’s path. This is powerful work where you are your own healer!

🪘🎶🪘A mixture of curated journey music with the live sounds of buffalo drums, rattles, and voice. You go deeper and the music encourages you to access what you haven’t before!

🙏 Be lovingly supported and held throughout the experience by Breathwork facilitators Ben Fuller and Shaman Tanya, owner of Three Feathers as we move energy in the space and in your body and assist through touch powerful clearing & releases.

Sign Up for TRIBE BREATHWORK on my website under sessions ✍️


Tahoe Doula


Happy Lunar New Year!

Today marks the beginning of the lunar calendar – the first new moon of the year.

A significant shift in energy as we say goodbye to the Yin Water Rabbit and hello to the Yang Wood Dragon.

I have always found this time of year much more fitting for a new year celebration and sparking change. Post holidays – January 1st – I am never feeling the motivation for new beginnings. I need more rest and reflection.

So here we are. Closing the chapter of Yin Water Rabbit. A year that you may have noticed feeling more contractive and introspective, swimming through the watery depths of your emotional landscape. Collectively, I saw many of you working through some challenging times, doing a lot of internal work, facing some shadowy truths within. This is common in Water years, as it allows us to tap into our intuition and the depths of who we are. The Rabbit, known for its gentle demeanor, intellect, and exponential reproduction and growth, gave a safe space for this work to be done. For those who did not shy away from it, despite how uncomfortable it may have been, there was an opportunity for much internal growth. You now get to take that with you as we dramatically transition into the new year.

Today, we shift from Yin to Yang. This allows more expansion, movement, and outward expression. Moving from Water to Wood (think winter to spring), the youthful energy of new growth, beginnings, forward momentum, and playfulness. Woods asks us to reflect on our relationship to vision, purpose, flexibility, intention, and aligned action.

To top it off with a Dragon year, we are in for a ride! The Dragon is an auspicious one, considered to bring good luck and fortune. It is the culmination of all 12 animals in the zodiac. It possesses the body of a Snake, legs of a Horse, beard of a Goat, horns of an Ox, and so on. This means that all 12 animal gifts and toolkits are available for you to use this year. It is a year of infinite potential. The Chinese Dragon does not have wings, yet it is the only animal that can fly. Consider what that means for any limiting beliefs you carry about what is possible for you...

Dragon years invite us to tap into the mysteries of the world, have some imagination, and curiosity, and let our creative energy flow.
The convergence of the Yang Wood Dragon signifies an auspicious year ripe with opportunity, expansion, and growth, especially if you can stay rooted in your intentions and take inspired action toward your dreams.

Rooting for you always,

P.S. WHOLE By Design kicks off this weekend! In the spirit of the Lunar New Year, I am extending enrollment for an extra day. There are 2 spots available to join this amazing group of women. If you have been intrigued and looking for a sign, consider this it.


✨WHOLE By Design✨ launches in just 10 days at the Lunar New Year!🐉

A vision YEARS in the making.

A course and live group program that connects the dots with ALL body systems, hormones, mindset, and more.

A collaborative effort with over 14+ health experts ready to educate, guide, and support you along your health journey.

A deep dive into your WHOLE Health.

You only have a few more days to lock in your spot at a 30% discount. My gift to you as the trailblazers in the 1st cohort. 💝

Check out the Link In Bio for all the details.

Care Team & Restorative Class Teachers



Questions? Comment below. Let’s chat!

Photos from Whole Roots Health's post 26/01/2024

Five Element Model is an eastern medical system that systematically organizes the laws of nature and observes their relationships and interactions. It applies its insights to various dimensions, such as seasons, cycles, motion, functionality, and physiological processes — illuminating the interconnected nature of all things. These dynamic interactions and relationships are in a constant state of flux, never static.

My attraction to functional medicine stemmed from its holistic approach. Finally, there was a scientific exploration of the mind-body connection, where patients were viewed as complete ecosystems, and the focus shifted towards identifying the root causes of systemic dysfunctions rather than merely managing symptoms. It did not take long for me to recognize that the ‘Functional Medicine Matrix’ essentially elucidates the Five Element theory in biomedical terms. Each element, phase, or node (however you choose to refer to it) directly influences the others, for better or worse. While each system holds its complexities, there is valuable knowledge to be gained when we approach health with an open-minded synthesis of Eastern and Western perspectives.

✨WHOLE By Design✨ is set to launch on February 10th, to ring in the Lunar New Year! 🐉🐉

A special gift of 30% off for the members of this first cohort. 🤩

Join us on an immersive journey that bridges the gap between Eastern and Western approaches to support your whole health from the inside out.

👉🏼Find all the details in the link provided in comments.


You intuitively know when your body isn’t functioning optimally.

Seeking holistic solutions as a woman is not always easy, but you are not alone in this search.

You’re in the right place if you are…

Feeling like something is off, but all standard lab work looks “normal.”

Looking for a deeper understanding of your body.

Ready to take charge of your health, but don’t know where to start.

Eating well, but still not feeling at the top of your game.

So used to living with gut issues, low energy, overwhelm and brain fog that it feels like a normal part of life now.

⌃⌃⌃ It’s a lot.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

You are invited to join us in a highly personalized group program that explores your whole being.

We’ll address the root causes of hormone-related issues, gut health, energy, and mindset, so you can feel good in your body and live a rich and inspired life.

✨WHOLE By Design✨ is built to connect the dots in your health journey…

Take control of your health with my signature Five Element Functional Approach.

Uncover and restore the root causes of your hormone and gut imbalances.

Integrate evidence-based Functional Medicine with time-honored East Asian philosophies.

Enrich your knowledge with a team of 8+ specialized health experts.

Learn the WHY, WHAT, and HOW behind the science of your symptoms.

Apply the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit for sustainable holistic healing.

Create a comprehensive and personalized plan, just for you.

✨✨Founders Cohort launches Feb 10th, at the Lunar New Year✨✨

👉🏼 Link In Bio for details

Photos from Whole Roots Health's post 24/01/2024

This is not a generic one-size-fits all protocol based program.

This is a deep dive into your unique story. Your individual physiology. ✨Your Whole Design.✨

This is unpacking not only WHAT your symptoms mean, but WHY they got here. This is about building awareness, deepening connection, and formulating a personalized toolkit to carry with you throughout your lifetime.

With education comes power – especially with health.

Our paradigm of care values your unique story, seeks the root causes, and offers transparent and natural solutions.

✨WHOLE By Design✨is now enrolling with limited spaces. We begin February 10th at the Lunar New Year.

👉🏼Link in Comments for all the details.

Photos from Whole Roots Health's post 23/01/2024

✨WHOLE By Design✨has a DREAM TEAM of specialized health experts to guide, support, educate, and cheer you on.

This is truly collaborative care. It takes a village, and you are welcome in ours. ✨✨

👉🏼More details in link in Bio.

hosoo.lee rebalance.wellness


Healthcare is changing at a rapid pace.

We are shifting from the conventional approach of treating isolated body systems to one that embraces the concept of wholeness. ☯️

We are moving away from the idea that genes are our destiny and embracing the fact that our genetic expression is influenced by our environment – our mindset – our choices. 🧬✨

Science is now catching up to what indigenous and traditional models of healthcare have known all along. We must look at our body and mind as an integrated whole. We must consider the symbiotic relationships between all our body systems and organs and how they influence each other.

It is time we embrace that we are intrinsically connected to nature’s cycles and rhythms. From circadian rhythms to infradian cycles, our physiology echoes the cyclical transformation of nature’s flow.

We are not just merely inhabitants on Earth, we are an integral part of it. 🌏

The future of medicine is honoring nature to understand and heal ourselves.

✨ Tell me, what does WHOLENESS mean to you? Comment below. ✨


The first step towards optimizing health is mapping out your unique terrain.

✨WHOLE By Design✨ kicks off with a one-of-a-kind comprehensive assessment and proprietary report. This whole health assessment offers insight into your present physical well-being, hormonal balance, lifestyle choices, and inherent constitution.

Let’s unpack the 4 pillars that are covered in the assessment…..


Each physical symptom serves as a signal from your body, hinting at underlying imbalances. We start by evaluating which body systems need the most attention.

👉🏼Digestion & Assimilation
👉🏼Immune & Microbiome
👉🏼Neuro - Endocrine
👉🏼Cardio & Lymph


Hormones serve as the body’s messengers, orchestrating a symphony of functions, from regulating metabolism and mood to influencing growth and reproduction. This pillar tours your unique hormonal picture.

👉🏼Blood Sugar Regulation
👉🏼Adrenal Stress Response
👉🏼Sex Hormone Balance
👉🏼Thyroid Function


We examine the everyday decisions and routines that form the bedrock of your health. By exploring your lifestyle choices, nutrition and behavioral patterns, we aim to bring clarity as to how we can support you best in the program.


The 5 Elements create a roadmap of the human psyche. They provide insight into how we show up in the world, interact and express ourselves, and navigate experiences. While we house all 5 Elements within us, typically, one or two dominate. Understanding your 5E constitution helps us tailor health strategies specifically for YOU while also honoring your unique nature.

The WHOLE By Design assessment maps out your unique terrain, gives you a visual representation of areas to prioritize, and allows for customization of the program for your specific needs.

Questions? Comment below and check the Link in comments for more details.


What would happen if we began trusting our body’s innate intelligence to heal?

Instead of viewing symptoms as inconveniences and a sign of brokenness, we understood that they are our body speaking to us, guiding us, telling us what is needed. Symptoms are messengers and insight into what our body needs to achieve homeostasis.

✨ Are you listening? ✨

Our bodies are constantly regenerating, rebuilding, repairing on a cellular level. Just as nature has cyclical processes of death and regeneration with the changing seasons, every cell within us follows a similar path. The demise of damaged cells allows for the growth of new, more adapted, finely tuned, healthier cellular offspring.

The inputs we provide to our bodies exert a direct influence on the behavior and function of these newly formed cells.

The food we eat.

The voice in our head.

The environment we live in.

The people we surround ourselves with.

The unprocessed emotions in our tissues.

It all makes a difference in the health of your future self.

✨ WHOLE By Design ✨ is a place where you learn to interpret the signals your body is sending. Deep self-inquiry, to build awareness, more presence, and confidence that you have everything you need inside you. You will learn the science behind your symptoms, while honoring your individuality. Build intuition into your unique needs with the understanding that these needs will evolve over time. Equipped with a versatile toolbox, you can draw upon it as these needs change throughout your lifetime.

Want to learn more? Check out the link in comments for more information or comment below with any questions.


I have intentionally been avoiding posting on Instagram for months. What once felt like a creative outlet turned into a procrastination device. A place of avoidance to what I truly wanted to create. Consistently posting tidbits of my knowledge provides value, but the depth of what I want to share could never be contained in a 2200-character limit IG post or even the time allocated for consults at the office.

I took the time and space away from posting and put it towards creating the program that I have been envisioning for years. ✨

A highly personalized group program that explores your whole being. Integrating East Asian philosophy of the body’s healing potential with evidence-based tools from Functional Medicine. 🙌

A trusted space of understanding, empowerment, and guidance to women who want a deeper connection with their Mind-Body-Spirit as a whole. A deep dive into ALL body systems, so you can understand HOW your hormones, gut, energy, and mindset are interconnected. To educate WHY symptoms show up as they do. And provide ample tools for WHAT to do about it. 👌🏼

With this intention, I invite you to join us. WHOLE By Design is officially open for enrollment with a limited number of spots. 🎉

This is a course AND group coaching program that uses my signature Functional Five Element system. Over 12 weeks, we will address the root causes of hormone-related issues, gut health, energy, and mindset, so you can feel good in your body and live a rich and inspired life.

👉🏼 ALL the details, curriculum, health advisor care team, and bonuses can be found by visiting the link in the comments!

Questions? Shoot me a DM. I’d love to hear from you.


Are you tired of being dismissed, ignored, or told everything is “normal” when you intuitively know something feels off?

If your intention for the New Year is to take charge of your health journey, I’m excited to introduce you to the MOST powerful gift you can give yourself.

→ A gift where you learn to listen to and interpret the signals your body is telling you…

→ To know HOW your hormones, gut, energy, and mindset are interconnected.

→ To know WHY symptoms show up as they do.

→ And to know WHAT to do when something feels off.

By understanding the inner workings of your body you take control over your own health and headspace.

Until now, this information has been reserved solely for your medical provider.

But if you’re here, it’s my guess you’ve felt at least one of the following…

Frustrated by the traditional healthcare system

– 5-minute consults, a “pill-for-everything” approach, and band-aid fixes for symptoms.

– You refuse to believe that gut issues, painful periods, low energy, and brain fog have to be part of your everyday life.

– An increasing need to take your health into your own hands.

You deserve to know how your body works, to feel empowered in making decisions, and to have holistic solutions.

⌃⌃⌃ this is why I created WHOLE By Design.

To bring a trusted space of understanding, empowerment, and guidance to women who want a deeper connection with their Mind-Body-Spirit as a whole.

It’s with this intention I invite you to join us – a community of like-minded women on this journey to revitalize from the inside out. A highly personalized women's group program that explores your whole being.

Together we will address the following imbalances using the power of modern science meets ancient wisdom:

--Digestive issues
--Hormonal imbalances
--Period problems
--Low energy and brain fog
--Anxiety and overwhelm
--Poor sleep

By joining WHOLE By Design, you’re making the choice to say ‘YES’ to yourself and to create the autonomy to achieve your healthiest and most inspired life.

Check out all the details in the COMMENTS!


THIS WEDNESDAY join us for a community INFORMATIVE GATHERING to learn about nutrition for pregnant and new moms with the incredibly knowledgeable and fun, Janel Anderson of Mountain Rebalance!
WHEN: THIS Wednesday Nov. 1, 6-7pm
WHERE: Uncovery Collective office
10015 Palisades Dr. ---->Suites 4
COST: Free with suggested donation $10

Marissa Mignone DoulaNourish Your NewbornThe Uncovery CollectiveWhole Roo

THIS WEDNESDAY join us for a community INFORMATIVE GATHERING to learn about nutrition for pregnant and new moms with the incredibly knowledgeable and fun, Janel Anderson of Mountain Rebalance!
WHEN: THIS Wednesday Nov. 1, 6-7pm

WHERE: Uncovery Collective office
10015 Palisades Dr. ---->Suites 4

COST: Free with suggested donation $10


Thank you for voting me Best in Holistic Health for the 3rd year in a row!!

I am honored to be recognized among all the incredible health professionals in our area and grateful that this work allows me to connect with so many amazing community members here in Truckee, Tahoe, Reno, and beyond.


Photos from Whole Roots Health's post 21/04/2023

Certainly not an exhaustive list, but I see these factors frequently in my practice. What questions do you have about heavy and painful periods? Comment below. 👇🏼

Photos from Whole Roots Health's post 13/04/2023

What are you doing this Spring to support your liver health? 🌱

Your liver is one of the most important organs when it comes to maintaining hormonal balance in your body. This powerhouse works tirelessly to detoxify hormones, regulate metabolism, and ensure that hormones are produced and eliminated as needed.

If the liver is not functioning properly, over-burdened, or under nourished, it can lead to a wide range of hormonal issues. Common disharmonies include estrogen dominance, thyroid imbalances, anovulation and adrenal insufficiency. This often presents itself as stubborn weight gain, fatigue, mood swings, painful periods, and even infertility.
In my practice, I always prioritize liver health when working with patients to optimize their hormones. This may include nutritional and lifestyle changes, individualized supplements, and custom herbal formulas that support liver function. Acupuncture can be an essential tool as well for liver health, hormone balance, and everything in between.

Photos from Whole Roots Health's post 30/03/2023

At we merge modern science with ancient wisdom. Our East meets West approach offers a well rounded perspective on your unique case.

Our Philosophy of Healthcare:

✨Treat the individual, not the disease

✨Collaborative, patient centered partnership.

✨Your body is intelligent and has the ability to heal.

✨Empowerment through understanding: mind, body, and environment.

✨Health is defined as optimal vitality, not the absence of disease.

Does this method resonate with you? Leave a ✨✨ if so!

Photos from Whole Roots Health's post 27/03/2023

The 5 Spirits in TCM create a roadmap of the human psyche. They provide insight into how we show up in the world, interact and express ourselves, and navigate experiences. Just as our physical health can impact our emotions and mind, our spirit can influence the state of our physical body as well.

HUN is the ethereal soul, associated with the liver and the WOOD element. It is often referred to as the "wandering soul" because it is believed to leave the body during sleep and dream states. The Hun is associated with creativity, imagination, and visioning goals.

PO is the corporeal soul, associated with the lungs and the METAL element. It is often referred to as the "animal soul" because it is related to our physical and instinctual nature. The Po is associated with survival instincts, physical sensations, and our connection to the natural world.

YI is the intellect or the rational mind, associated with the spleen and the EARTH element. It is responsible for analytical thinking, reasoning, and the ability to focus. The Yi is associated with rational thought processes and study.

ZHI is the will or the spirit of the will, associated with the kidneys and the WATER element. It is responsible for our drive, determination, and ability to persevere. The Zhi is associated with wisdom, willpower, and purpose.

SHEN is the spirit, associated with the heart and the FIRE element. It is often translated as "mind" or "consciousness" and is considered the highest aspect of the human psyche. The Shen is associated with our sense of awareness, insight, and memory.

The Five Spirits are believed to work together to create a balanced and harmonious human psyche. When they are in balance, we experience mental and emotional health, clarity of thought, and a sense of purpose. When they are out of balance, we may experience emotional turmoil, mental confusion, and a sense of disconnection from ourselves and others.

Photos from Whole Roots Health's post 25/03/2023

To understand the Five Element framework of medicine, one must look to its origin. It is a system of organizing all phenomena and observing the interconnectedness and relationship between them all. When applied to the human body, we can use it as a tool to understand imbalances, connect the dots with symptoms, and untangle the web that is our whole being. While this philosophy is ancient, modern science is beginning to recognize the relationships between body systems, mind, and consciousness. The emergence of Functional Medicine is a perfect example of this. The wisdom is East Asian medicine will never lose its significance.


The Woodsy Herbal Mocktail with locally foraged herbs from the Sierras is such a treat! This taste of our local trees features Forest Dance Oxymel. Rich in vitamin C and Antioxidants, this beverage is anti-inflammatory, supportive of the respiratory system, and blood sugar regulation. Did I mention it is delicious?

Herbal Inclusions:
🌲White Fir Needles
🌲Douglas Fir Needles
🫐Juniper Berries
🍋 Lemon Peel
🤍 Marshmallow Root
🍏 Apple Cider Vinegar
🐝 Honey

Rumor has it this Oxymel may not be in production much longer. Reach out to reserve one of the few bottles I have left in stock!


The Equinox has arrived. A shift from Winter’s Water Element into Wood. A moment in time where nature reaches equilibrium between light and dark, cold and warmth, masculine and feminine. The equinox is associated with the balance of Yin and Yang, both opposing yet complementary forces. As we transition into spring here in the northern hemisphere, the energy shifts from a state of winter’s contraction into expansion, new growth, and forward momentum. Can you feel it?

This shift exists within us as well. You can use this potent season to envision your health goals, find inspiration, cultivate the seeds you planted this winter, and take action. The Wood Element is visionary, strategic, and thrives on movement and free flow. Its associated organs, Liver and Gallbladder, play a crucial role in Hormone Balance, Digestive Function, and the Biotransformation of our entire human experience --from the physical to the incorporeal.

While the equinox is a time of balance within nature, seasonal transitions can also highlight the imbalances within us. Aspects of our life, health, and relationships that do not feel in alignment. If you are feeling stuck or stagnant in any form, it may become more apparent at this time. Seasonal transitions tend to stir up symptoms, vulnerabilities, old patterns, and wounds.

Acupuncture can be especially beneficial at points of seasonal change—particularly in the spring when our bodies have to work harder to adapt to rapidly shifting temperatures and external conditions. I am here to support, educate, and inspire you through this season and beyond.

Photos from Whole Roots Health's post 25/01/2023

A common complaint I see on new patient intake forms is ‘Adrenal Fatigue’.

One of the top 3 self-prescribed herbs I see is an adaptogen called Ashwagandha, well known for its ability to support the adrenals.

I get it…. with the modern fast paced lifestyle, who doesn’t have adrenal glands that could use a little support?

If you have read my last few posts, you know that I also use adaptogenic herbs. They can be a therapeutic tool to help pull you out of the hole that’s been dug by burning the candle at both ends.

HOWEVER, if you are still digging that hole, then herbs and supplement utility is limited at best.

The reality is that your adrenal glands don’t just get tired. There are always lifestyle factors at play. If we are practicing ROOT CAUSE medicine, we need to go far beyond taking supplements and expecting to feel better.

✨The questions and inner work surrounding HOW and WHY you got this this point aren’t easy.✨

👉🏼It may be that the boundaries you need to set are with a loved one who depletes you.

👉🏼It may be that your form of “stress relief” needs to adjust from HIIT and extreme sports to more restorative movement.

👉🏼It may be that your weight loss goals are putting your body into survival mode.

👉🏼It may be that you are addicted to sugar and caffeine and don’t even realize it.

👉🏼It may be time to quit that toxic job that keeps you up with anxiety every night just thinking about having to go into the office the next morning.

🔈PSA 🔈

Supplements are just that… SUPPLEMENTAL.

The modifiable LIFESTYLE factors are the medicine.

Photos from Whole Roots Health's post 20/01/2023

What is the best way to test hormones?

The truth is all methods are great. It depends on what the goal is and what insights we are hoping to gain from testing. Each one gives us a little bit different information.

Below are a few considerations when choosing which testing medium is best for you.

✨Cost. All panels vary in price. Adding financial stress never is beneficial when working with hormones. Work with you provider to find a price point that works for you, while still getting helpful information.

✨Convenience. Hormones most often need to be tested on specific days/times of your cycle. If you can’t make it to the lab for a blood draw, then at-home testing may be the best approach.

✨Are you on HRT (hormone replacement therapy)? What form? If topical, then salivary testing will be the best way to monitor.

✨Are you needing to test other factors beyond hormones? Serum allows for a wide variety of testing options. Dried urine (DUTCH) offers additional markers beyond hormones, such as organic acids.

✨Do estrogen type cancers run in your family? Looking at hormone metabolites can be beneficial through urine.

Unfortunately, there is not one test that does it all (yet). I have not doubts that eventually there will be.

For now, make sure to choose a provider that understands ALL options and can find the right fit for you.

Our Story

Whole Roots Health is an Acupuncture & Functional Medicine practice providing integrative medical services and health education based both on current research and ancient holistic wisdoms. Brianna Browning, LAc, IFMCP specializes in Hormone Balance, Fertility Enhancement, Prenatal Care, and Digestive Restoration. She has a passion both for research-based medicine and ancient healing techniques. Whole Roots Health is a patient centered partnership that facilitates inspired health by focusing on the root cause of disease and supporting the mind, body, and spirit.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday 09:00 - 15:00