We Need a Miracle EveryDay

We Need a Miracle EveryDay

Putting out Positives...Showing miracles of life's happenings and nature we so often forget... Some classes have been taught pro-bono. Marine.

A “chameleon writer” with the capacity to capture sarcasm, tongue-in-cheek, and simplicity across both fiction, non-fiction works, as well as screenplays and marketing anecdotes. The entrepreneurial journey from her military experiences to the corporate accounting and financial fields; thereafter founding and running a successful caregiving business, propelled a track record of her successes in le

Death in the Distant Future... 22/01/2023

Death in the Distant Future... The blog of a writer. Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.

Christmas is Full of ... 25/12/2022

Christmas is Full of ... The blog of a writer. Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.

What Humanity Must Face 16/12/2022

What Humanity Must Face The blog of a writer. Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.

If You Stick Around (A Letter to Those Wanting to Leave this Life) 08/12/2022

If You Stick Around (A Letter to Those Wanting to Leave this Life) Dear Friend, I don’t know you, but I know something about you: I know you’re tired. I know you live with demons, ones that are close and loud. I know how relentless they are in their pursuit of you. I know that you spend your days trying to silence them and your nights trying to hide… Continue...

Can We Conquer the Last Mile? 06/10/2022


Can We Conquer the Last Mile? The blog of a writer. Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.

It's Only the Store... 26/09/2022

It's Only the Store... The blog of a writer. Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.

The Roots of Success: Humility, Curiosity, Purpose 26/09/2022

Three minute read...

The Roots of Success: Humility, Curiosity, Purpose What young people can teach us about excellence and achievement.

The 3 biggest signs of 'passive aggressive' and 'childish' behavior: Harvard body language expert 25/09/2022

The 3 biggest signs of 'passive aggressive' and 'childish' behavior: Harvard body language expert No one likes dealing with passive aggressive behavior, yet we often have to — whether it's at work or in our personal life. Communication and body language expert Erica Dhawan shares how to spot the signs and respond effectively.

Do It for Your Brain: 3 Habits That Improve Learning 15/09/2022

Do It for Your Brain: 3 Habits That Improve Learning Start the school year strong with psychological science.

Dementia Risk Tied to Daily Step Count 10/09/2022

Dementia Risk Tied to Daily Step Count Incident dementia dropped by 25% with as little as 3,800 steps per day, study found

Tattoo inks may have cancer-causing chemicals, study shows 29/08/2022

Always thought they did...

Tattoo inks may have cancer-causing chemicals, study shows A potential carcinogen was identified in nearly half of the ink samples analyzed by researchers. Tattoo inks are largely unregulated in the U.S.

7 Signs You're Secretly Dehydrated (That Have Nothing to Do With Thirst) 29/08/2022

Good article it covers much of what I've written on in articles and published materials.

7 Signs You're Secretly Dehydrated (That Have Nothing to Do With Thirst) These mental and physical signs of dehydration are asking you to drink more water. Here's how to tell if you're dehydrated and signs to watch out for.

Our Story

Therapist and owner Jody-Lynn Reicher has been practicing massage therapy since 1992 and received her first Active Release Therapy (ART) certification October 1997. Jody-Lynn is New Jersey State Licensed in Massage Therapy, Nationally Certified in Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) 1994, and is a member of the AMTA (American Massaged Therapy Association). Jody-Lynn attended Healing Hands Institute, NJ.

Jody-Lynn can work with you as stand-alone therapy or as a compliment to other medical and holistic treatments to help relieve your pain, and get you to an optimal state of wellness. Jody-Lynn is New Jersey State Licensed in Massage Therapy, Nationally Certified in Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB), ART Certified, and a member of the AMTA (American Massaged Therapy Association).

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First night of Chanukah...
An idea for lower leg issues....Remember before doing any stretch or exercise kindly consult your physician and or your ...
The things that may frustrate your practitioner...
You want to know what...