Caregiver Action Network

Caregiver Action Network is the nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for more than 90 million Americans.

Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams 07/25/2024

Caring for a loved one with progressing Alzheimer's disease is never easy, but there are warning signs or "red flags" you can notice first to get ahead of the curve.

Thanks to Embodied Labs, you can join us as we step into the life of an individual living with progressing Alzheimer's and learn more about warning signs and what we can do to prevent a negative situation or make the lives of our loved ones easier.

Join us for a free webinar on "Red Flags: Exploring the Signs of Progressing Alzheimer's" on August 1 at 12 pm (Eastern). To register, go to:
451871d5-a341-434c-8d5f-73e07377078e@df5f1ced-5385-4f88-938b-461f76c1e8c4" rel="ugc" target="_blank">

Hope to see you there!

Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams


ICYMI: Yesterday's Real Talk Tuesday discussed being a new caregiver--challenges in being new to the role, tips and resources for navigating those challenges, and the importance of giving yourself grace to not know everything (and ask questions) at the start of your caregiving journey. Click to watch:

We hope you will join us for next week's Real Talk Tuesday (July 30) at 1:00 p.m. EST for Real Talk: Accepting Help and Taking Care of Yourself featuring Nichole Goble, CAN's Director of Community Initiatives.

If you have not yet joined the Caregiver Action Network Community, go to: As a member of the Group, you can participate in Real Talk Tuesdays--Facebook Live events taking place every Tuesday on various caregiving topics. Hope to see you there!


Today is International Self-Care Day. You've most likely heard it before: "You have to take care of yourself so you can be strong enough to care for your loved one." That may sound good in theory, but when are you supposed to fit that into your already busy day? For some suggestions on how to care for yourself and avoid burnout, go to:

Self-Care Tips for Caregivers: Prioritize Your Well-being Caregiver Action Network (CAN) is the nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for the more than 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, or disease, as well as those supporting the living needs of older adults...

Talking with Healthcare Providers | Help for Cancer Caregivers 07/23/2024

When your loved one is diagnosed with cancer, what happens next? What questions should you be asking? What information do your loved one's healthcare providers need to have? Go to for information that can help you get started.

Talking with Healthcare Providers | Help for Cancer Caregivers If you stay in touch with healthcare providers treating the cancer, you’ll likely have a better understanding of the disease and treatment. You’ll be better able to help the patient make decisions, and better able to anticipate his or her needs. 07/22/2024

Join us for an important virtual discussion on "The Family Frontline: Overlooked in the Opioid Crisis", presented by RealClearPolitics and Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse.

The discussion will feature Mary Bono, former Congresswoman, Co-Founder & CEO, Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse; Patrick J. Kennedy, Former Congressman, Founder of The Kennedy Forum, and author of Profiles in Mental Health Courage; Dr. Ebony Copeland, Director of Student Health at Howard University; Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director at the National Council on Aging; and Marvell Adams, CAN CEO.

Date: July 23, 2024 Time: 1:00 PM ET

To register and learn more about the impacts on families in the opioid crisis, go to: Don’t miss out on this important event. Amidst an ongoing opioid crisis that has ravaged America for more than two decades, new challenges have emerged. One of them is bolstering family caregivers – and crafting strategies designed to safeguard them from harm.

Topic | Help for Cancer Caregivers 07/22/2024

It is World Brain Day, a day to raise awareness of the importance and role of optimizing brain health over the lifespan for the prevention of neurological disease. There are some ways to reduce your risk for preventable brain disease--including adopting a healthy lifestyle, eating well, and getting exercise. For more information, go to:

Topic | Help for Cancer Caregivers


Are you part of the Caregiver Action Network Community Facebook group? The group is a safe and supportive space for caregivers of all backgrounds who are caring for a loved one to share their story, ask questions, offer support, and connect with others who understand their journey. To join the group, go to: .

Members can participate in Real Talk Tuesday. Each week at 1:00 pm (Eastern), we host a Facebook Live on various caregiving topics.

Join us tomorrow (7/23), for Real Talk: Are You New to Caregiving?, featuring Nichole Goble, Director of Community Initiatives at CAN.

Hope to see you there!

Getting Help | Help for Cancer Caregivers 07/21/2024

If your grandma has cancer and you're her caregiver, it can be stressful. Stress can lead to caretaker burnout over time, but it's okay to ask for help. Visit this website for free help on how and when to ask for support: CancerCare Elevance Health Foundation Genentech

Getting Help | Help for Cancer Caregivers Caring for someone with cancer can be hard, time-consuming, and stressful. As a caregiver, you are at increased risk of emotional, mental, and physical health problems. You may feel stress, anger, anxiety, depression, fatigue, loneliness, and uncertainty. Caregivers need help.


July is Disability Pride Month and this year marks the 34th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The theme "We Want a Life Like Yours" celebrates the achievements of the disability community as well as highlights their struggles and dreams.

Join the Caregiver Action Network Community—a closed Facebook group just for caregivers—and share how you think the ADA has changed life for your loved one. Go to: to join.

Understanding Dementia & Behavioral Symptoms in BIPOC Communities | Caregiver Action Network 07/20/2024

When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, there are challenges. The caregiving journey might be extra challenging in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities where unique cultural and social factors influence care. To read more, visit:

Understanding Dementia & Behavioral Symptoms in BIPOC Communities | Caregiver Action Network When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, it can be a challenging journey, especially in BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities where unique cultural and social factors influence care. Initially, subtle symptoms like memory loss or increased disorganiz...


CAN is honored to participate in an important virtual discussion on "The Family Frontline: Overlooked in the Opioid Crisis," presented by RealClearPolitics and Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse. The discussion will feature Mary Bono, former Congresswoman, Co-Founder & CEO, Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse; Congressman Patrick J Kennedy, Former Congressman, Founder of The Kennedy Forum, and author of Profiles in Mental Health Courage; Dr. Ebony Copeland, Director of Student Health at Howard University; Kathleen Cameron, Senior Director at the National Council on Aging; and Marvell Adams, CAN CEO.

Date: July 23, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM ET

Don’t miss out on this important event. Click the link below to register now and learn more about the impacts on families in the opioid crisis.

To RSVP, go to:


📸 Feature: CAN Vice Chair, Dawn Shedrick 📸
My mother was diagnosed with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis in 1982, although she traces the earliest symptoms back to the late 1960s. By the time I graduated college, my mother was experiencing advancing symptoms and walking with the assistance of a cane. So I headed back home to New York to begin the journey as my mother's primary caregiver, although I didn't identify as a caregiver at that time. It's been quite the journey over the past 28 years--witnessing the progression of my mother's disease and figuring out how to be the best caregiver (while often failing at it) while building my own personal and professional lives. It has certainly had its challenges and I have experienced caregiver stress and burnout, at times with debilitating effects. But along the way I have learned to ask for support (professionally and from loved ones) and have found purpose in supporting other caregivers.


As a caregiver, what three things bring you the most comfort?

Homepage | Eisenberg Family Depression Center 07/18/2024

Join the Eisenberg Family Depression Center for the fifth annual Workplace Mental Health Conference Wednesday, August 7, 2024. This half-day virtual event explores real-world solutions to improve worker well-being. This event brings together employers across sectors looking to improve how their organizations address employee mental health.

Register now to join the conversation and gain valuable insights to help you create a healthier workplace! Go to:

Homepage | Eisenberg Family Depression Center Accelerating Discovery Innovations that transform the way we understand and prevent depression. Learn more about our mission


ICYMI: Yesterday's Real Talk Tuesday focused on self-identification and why claiming the role of caregiver matters. Stating that you're a caregiver lets healthcare providers know that role that you have, that you are part of your loved one's healthcare team, and a source of information. Click to watch:[0]=AZXYqrub3fPFzyQuO_PsksHoq_KdNkEGaUiWnT1nGWExYjBkvoqbNdOA1Y5N32Jw4vcUIXRFDLTwgFysGGAzNiKq1tl_dHzRdq59umLveqoCyuvfJsHgUtE2qwMLLXWgBUOdaWlq82LfATdtXDRDo0RSBhV9CPM8vFIkbk2d6kwgxtBSILTxUo9vfjTEik8JFEm9mGJbDM4KRxOJOvKnIMmgeTwOHjRXgR-BAB67WBz7LHPzBj1K0YUTflYJp_OCMH4&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

We hope you will join us for next week's Real Talk Tuesday (July 23) at 1:00 p.m. EST for Real Talk: Are You New to Caregiving? featuring Nichole Goble, CAN's Director of Community Initiatives.

If you have not yet joined the Caregiver Action Network Community, go to: As a member of the Group, you can participate in Real Talk Tuesdays--Facebook Live events taking place every Tuesday on various caregiving topics. Hope to see you there!

Parkinson's Caregiving: A Compassionate Journey 07/17/2024

If you’re caring for your wife with Parkinson’s Disease, CAN’s Family Caregiver Toolbox has a Parkinson’s Video Series that could help you. Go to:

Parkinson's Caregiving: A Compassionate Journey As many as one million people live with Parkinson’s in the US. Family members, friends, and neighbors are the ones who care for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease. Are you one of these selfless heroes providing care? Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone by hearing what your fellow ca...

Tips to Keep Your Loved One Safe at Home & Behind the Wheel 07/16/2024

It's Rural Road Safety Awareness Week, and we're joining the Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety to talk about how to keep your aging loved one safe if and when they get behind the wheel--as well as when they're at home. Go to to read more.

Tips to Keep Your Loved One Safe at Home & Behind the Wheel Keeping your aging loved one safe at home and on the road is a top priority for families and crucial for their well-being and independence. Falls are a major cause of injury for older people. At home, ensure their living space is free from hazards such as loose rugs or clutter. Make sure there is a


If you have a loved one who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, have you noticed that their symptoms have gotten a bit worse? Maybe your dad can't remember his address or your grandma has started wandering off and has gotten lost. These are symptoms that their Alzheimer's disease is progressing. Now, thanks to a partnership with Embodied Labs, you can experience the world through your loved one's eyes.

Join us for a free webinar on "Red Flags: Exploring the Signs of Progressing Alzheimer's Disease" on August 1 at 12 pm (Eastern). To register, go to: 451871d5-a341-434c-8d5f-73e07377078e@df5f1ced-5385-4f88-938b-461f76c1e8c4" rel="ugc" target="_blank">

We hope to see you there.


Join us tomorrow at 1:00 pm (Eastern) for Real Talk: Self-Identification & Why It Matters, featuring Nichole Goble, Director of Community Initiatives at CAN. Real Talk Tuesdays are Facebook Live sessions on various caregiving topics that are open to members of the Caregiver Action Network Community Facebook group. To join the group, go to: Hope to see you there!

Medication Checklist for Caregivers - Caregiver Action Network 07/15/2024

Do you know the importance of keeping the medication list updated? People with chronic diseases or disabilities take more medications than any other group of patients. If they are not properly controlled, it can cause terrible consequences.

Use our medicine tracker to help keep you organized!

Medication Checklist for Caregivers - Caregiver Action Network Download CAN's Medication Checklist Form Para ver esta lista de verificación en español, haga clic aquí An up-to-date medication list is an important tool for the family caregiver and your care recipient’s doctor(s). People with chronic diseases or disabilities take more medications than any ot...


July is National BIPOC Mental Health Month, but the stress of being a caregiver for someone with mental health issues isn’t confined to just one month. Being a family caregiver can be stressful and leave you feeling overwhelmed and depressed. If this sounds familiar, turn to CAN’s free Caregiver Help Desk for support.

Staying Healthy | Help for Cancer Caregivers 07/13/2024

When you care for a family member with cancer, you may be busy with doctor appointments as well as work. Don't forget about your own health. Visit this website for free, helpful tips on staying healthy: CancerCare Elevance Health Foundation Genentech

Staying Healthy | Help for Cancer Caregivers Caregivers often brush aside their own needs. They tend not to go to the doctor as often as they should, and many do not get the preventative care that they need. Caregivers should especially go to the doctor on a regular basis if any chronic illness should occur. But caregiving can be physically an...

Alzheimer's Disease Educational Webinar Series | Caregiver Action Network 07/12/2024

If you missed yesterday's webinar on "The Impacts on Family Members as Alzheimer's Symptoms Progress", or want to share the webinar with other caregivers, it's not too late. You can access a recording of the webinar here:

Stay tuned for information on the next opportunity to view the world through the eyes of someone with Alzheimer's, on August 1.

Alzheimer's Disease Educational Webinar Series | Caregiver Action Network Did you know that there are nearly 15 million family members, friends, and neighbors who care for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease? Caregiver Action Network developed a series of educational webinars to share information and answer questions during monthly live presentations. The Impacts on Fami...


If you could share a tip with someone who’s just starting to care for a loved one, what would it be?


If you have a loved one who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, you won't want to miss today's webinar. Thanks to a partnership with Embodied Labs, you can experience the world through your loved one's eyes.

Join us for a free webinar on "The Impact on Family Members as Alzheimer's Symptoms Progress" today at 12 pm (Eastern). To register, go to: eb92c737-bfd7-4d85-a65f-7b0871c2fa54@df5f1ced-5385-4f88-938b-461f76c1e8c4." rel="ugc" target="_blank">


ICYMI: Today's Real Talk Tuesday focused on caregiving complications you could have during the summer--extreme weather, power outages, heatwaves--and how to navigate them. Click to watch:

We hope you will join us for next week's Real Talk Tuesday (July 16) at 1:00 p.m. EST for Real Talk: Self-Identification & Why It Matters featuring Nichole Goble, CAN's Director of Community Initiatives. And if you have not yet joined the Caregiver Action Network Community, go to:

As a member of the Group, you can participate in Real Talk Tuesdays--Facebook Live events taking place every Tuesday on various caregiving topics. Hope to see you there!


If you have a loved one who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, thanks to a partnership with Embodied Labs, you can experience the world through your loved one's eyes.

Join us for a free webinar on "The Impact on Family Members as Alzheimer's Symptoms Progress" on July 11 at 12 pm (Eastern). To register, go to: eb92c737-bfd7-4d85-a65f-7b0871c2fa54@df5f1ced-5385-4f88-938b-461f76c1e8c4." rel="ugc" target="_blank">

Families & Schizophrenia: Earlier Engagement, Bigger Benefit 07/09/2024

In honor of National BIPOC Mental Health Month, if you are a caregiver for someone with mental health issues or who you suspect might have mental health issues, go to In the video, you can hear more about the importance of early diagnosis and intervention.

Families & Schizophrenia: Earlier Engagement, Bigger Benefit Caregivers, mental health professionals, and leading advocates discuss the importance of early diagnosis and intervention. Participants include representatives from Mental Health America, the National Council for Behavioral Health, and The Mindstorm and features resources that include ChoicesInRecov...


If you have a loved one who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, have you noticed that they're a bit more confused, maybe showing some agitation? Maybe your mom who loves to read is no longer able to? These are symptoms of advancing Alzheimer's disease. Now, thanks to a partnership with Embodied Labs®, you can experience the world through your loved one's eyes.

Join us for a free webinar on "The Impact on Family Members as Alzheimer's Symptoms Progress" on July 11 at 12 pm (Eastern). To register, go to:

Get Started - Silverbills 12/06/2023

to resources that can help them manage their loved one’s finances.

If you’re caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or another dementia, visit to learn more about this free opportunity that can help in processing your loved one's monthly bills.

Get Started - Silverbills To Learn More

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Videos (show all)

July is Disability Pride Month and this year marks the 34th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilitie...
Join us tomorrow at 1:00 pm (Eastern) for Real Talk: Self-Identification & Why It Matters, featuring Nichole Goble, Dire...
Lisa is the Program Team Lead for Aging Strong Programs by Jannus in Boise, ID, a Community Care Corps grantee. Aging St...
Help for Cancer Caregivers
Joyce's Story
Katherine's Story
When your child has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, it can be overwhelming. If you need information on managing med...
If you missed yesterday's webinar on "Understanding the Early Stages of Alzheimer's", it's not too late to see the world...
As a family caregiver, your role in supporting your loved one with mental illness is vital. Our Blueprint can connect yo...
On National Wear Gray Day, we know that looking after a loved one with brain cancer can be hard emotionally, financially...
El documental del cineaste Ernesto Quintero Un Viaje Sagrado trata sobre la lucha de su hermano contra la ELA, su negati...
Filmmaker Ernesto Quintero’s documentary A Sacred Journey is about his brother’s fight with ALS, his refusal to accept h...



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