Talbot Asset Management: An Independent Office

Talbot Asset Management: An Independent Office

Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC

Important Disclosure Information: http://raymondjames.com/smicd.htm

Our team combines technical and fundamental analyses - both highly regarded methodologies for securities analysis. By combining these two techniques, we thoroughly examine the risks and rewards for specific asset categories then determine which may be the most appropriate alternatives for you. Technical analysis is the cornerstone of our team's practice. We utilize an authoritative stock chart ind

Why China Remains a Major 2020 Theme in Washington Policy 08/07/2020

A variety of notable actions have come from the White House, Congress, and federal agencies increasing pressure on China in areas such as technology, capital markets, human rights, and supply chain security. Read on:

Why China Remains a Major 2020 Theme in Washington Policy The strength of Raymond James is reflected in both these ongoing accomplishments and in the consistent recognition we receive from our industry and our peers.

Stocks Had Range-Bound Week Amid Nonstop Pandemic News - www.raymondjames.com 27/04/2020

Alongside the fiscal stimulus approved by Congress last month, Washington Policy Analyst Ed Mills expects additional relief packages to develop over the coming weeks, providing support for individuals, the economy and financial markets.

Stocks Had Range-Bound Week Amid Nonstop Pandemic News - www.raymondjames.com www.raymondjames.com

CIO Larry Adam Has High Hopes for 2020 – but Not 30% High - www.raymondjames.com 30/01/2020

Raymond James CIO Larry Adam estimates that returns will be "more modest" compared to what investors saw last year. Learn more:

CIO Larry Adam Has High Hopes for 2020 – but Not 30% High - www.raymondjames.com www.raymondjames.com

2020 Should Offer an Encouraging Environment for Stocks - www.raymondjames.com 07/01/2020

Multiple factors are expected to contribute to a positive overall picture for the U.S. and global equities in 2020. Click to learn more:

2020 Should Offer an Encouraging Environment for Stocks - www.raymondjames.com www.raymondjames.com

Timeline photos 16/08/2019

The start of the new school year may have you thinking about the future of your child's education. It's never too late to start saving. Learn more: https://go.rjf.com/2Z6XGtD .


Timeline photos 24/07/2019

5G promises to unlock even more technological possibilities than we already have with our smartphones. Take a look: https://go.rjf.com/2K3bShR .

Timeline photos 11/07/2019

There have been 17 rate cuts when stocks are at (or very near) new highs since 1980. The S&P500 was higher one year later all 17 times.


Timeline photos 09/07/2019

Review this week’s Weekly Market Flash for timely capital markets performance data http://bit.ly/2wlJtMu .


Timeline photos 02/07/2019

With trade tensions decreasing and the S&P closing out with the best performance since the start of the year, July has begun with promise. https://go.rjf.com/2Xl1YS7 .

Timeline photos 28/06/2019

Caregiving can often involve the unexpected. The time to research your long-term care and aging options is before you need it. Click to learn more on how to become the strongest caregiver you can be. https://go.rjf.com/2NhkaHy .

Timeline photos 10/06/2019

Larry Adam covers several market and economic streaks in the latest Weekly Headings. https://go.rjf.com/2WrNijH .


Timeline photos 04/06/2019

“Compounding is mankind’s greatest invention because it allows for the reliable, systematic accumulation of wealth.”- Albert Einstein

Compound interest and the Rule of 72 are simple concepts that can have a huge impact on your portfolio over time. Call us at 407-877-2297 or visit our website to set up an appointment where we can discuss putting these principles to work for you.


Raymond James | WEEKLY MARKET SNAPSHOT 31/05/2019

Review the latest thoughts on market activity from Chief Economist Scott Brown of Raymond James.

Raymond James | WEEKLY MARKET SNAPSHOT The economic calendar was thin. President Trump’s lengthy State of the Union address was not market-moving. The stock market did react, however, to shifting perceptions of the likelihood of a US/China trade deal – up in the first half of the week, down on Thursday and Friday. Bond yields drifted...

Timeline photos 27/05/2019

In observance of the holiday, our offices will be closed on Monday, May 27th, 2019.

Timeline photos 16/05/2019

Did you know that approximately 70% of family wealth disappears when distributed across multiple generations? Preserving your wealth can be challenging but it is achievable. Learn more: https://go.rjf.com/2YoH5BE .

Timeline photos 14/05/2019

"Overall, trade between the U.S. and China is relatively small and China alone should not tip the U.S. economy into a recession." Learn more: https://go.rjf.com/2YldGbo .

Timeline photos 08/05/2019

While it’s never easy to watch stocks fall, CIO Larry Adam sees any current weakness in the market as a potential buying opportunity. https://go.rjf.com/2Ydv2qH .


Timeline photos 26/04/2019

For a technical view on current portfolio strategy, read the latest Weekly Market Guide: https://go.rjf.com/2zmMjm2 .

Timeline photos 24/04/2019

With new federal tax legislation in place, 529 plans can now be used for more than just college savings. Learn more: https://go.rjf.com/2UUF2rB .


Timeline photos 22/04/2019

Want to learn more about what’s ahead for the global economy and capital markets? Check out the newest commentary from Chief Investment Officer Larry Adam and members of the Investment Strategy Committee. https://go.rjf.com/2GtDATa .

The 5 market crashes I lived through and what I learned 16/04/2019

Don’t get caught up in the panic.


The 5 market crashes I lived through and what I learned Don’t get caught up in the panic.

Timeline photos 09/04/2019

Are you on track with your retirement? The graphic shown here is a general benchmark to use as a reference point; however there are many variables to consider when retirement planning such as your target age and lifestyle expectations. Let us know if you need assistance or a second opinion on your retirement planning.


Timeline photos 08/04/2019

Social Security is complicated. We have the resources to help you navigate the twists and turns: https://go.rjf.com/2U3PpUG .

Timeline photos 01/04/2019

Review this week’s Weekly Market Flash for timely capital markets performance data http://bit.ly/2wlJtMu .

Raymond James | WEEKLY MARKET SNAPSHOT 01/04/2019

Raymond James Chief Economist Scott Brown recaps economic activity in the Weekly Market Snapshot.

Raymond James | WEEKLY MARKET SNAPSHOT The economic calendar was thin. President Trump’s lengthy State of the Union address was not market-moving. The stock market did react, however, to shifting perceptions of the likelihood of a US/China trade deal – up in the first half of the week, down on Thursday and Friday. Bond yields drifted...

Timeline photos 29/03/2019

Sometimes, things don't always go according to plan. Review a list of retirement plan blind spots and how to correct them: https://go.rjf.com/2uwmbn4 .


Timeline photos 25/03/2019

"71% of Americans have not saved enough to live well into their 70s and 80s." With people living longer, effective retirement planning is more important than ever. https://go.rjf.com/2U5EKNn .


Timeline photos 06/03/2019

Sudden wealth due to loss can be overwhelming. Find out how to play a proactive planning role with your partner today: https://go.rjf.com/2EALjOf


The March 1 tariff increase deadline for U.S.-China trade talks will be extended as negotiators have made “substantial progress,” but risks remain. Read on for Washington Policy Analyst Ed Mills' analysis.


Timeline photos 18/02/2019

In observance of the holiday, our offices will be closed on Monday, February 18th, 2019.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00