liwacapital, Abu Dhabi Videos

Videos by liwacapital in Abu Dhabi. Managing capital with geographic diversification and economic balance

The game of the elites!

Learn more about the proper way to approach Private Equity and Venture Capital investments on our website.

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The game of the elites! Learn more about the proper way to approach Private Equity and Venture Capital investments on our website. Visit through the link in bio.

Recap of today’s event at @adfinanceweek ! Thank you for having us @hub71ad @adglobalmarket #ADFW2023 #InAbuDhabi

Your invitation to a future redefined. Embark on a journey of innovation with Liwa Capital Advisors. Visit our website and be at the forefront of transformative investments. Link in bio. #liwacapitaladvisors #investing #investmentstrategy #finance #financialadvisors #wealthadvisors #wealthmanagement #venturecapital #privateequity #UAE #AbuDhabi #Dubai #SaudiArabia #KSA

Private equity & venture Capital are very appealing for sophisticated investors, but how do you approach this type of investment in your portfolio?� Find out all what you need to know on our website through the link in bio. #liwacapitaladvisors #investing #investmentstrategy #finance #financialadvisors #wealthadvisors #wealthmanagement #venturecapital #privateequity #UAE #AbuDhabi #Dubai #SaudiArabia #KSA

Liwa Capital Advisors wishes you and your family a prosperous Diwali! 🪔

Why invest in venture capital and private equity funds, and why now? #liwacapitaladvisors #investing #investmentstrategy #finance #financialadvisors #wealthadvisors #wealthmanagement #venture #venturecapital #privateequity #tech #UAE #AbuDhabi #Dubai #SaudiArabia #KSA

Celebrating unity, prosperity, and progress. Happy UAE Flag Day. 🇦🇪 🇦🇪 🇦🇪 #liwacapitaladvisors #flagdayuae #uae #abudhabi

As the central bank injects liquidity, investment prices rise. Now, the central bank is sucking liquidity out and pushing investment prices down. From 2009, the central bank’s injection of liquidity made its way into every corner of the financial system. Now we are seeing the reverse, which is primarily affecting liquid investments such as bonds and stocks, and then moving on to other financial assets!

As the central bank injects liquidity, investment prices rise. Now, the central bank is sucking liquidity out and pushing investment prices down. From 2009, the central bank’s injection of liquidity made its way into every corner of the financial system. Now we are seeing the reverse, which is primarily affecting liquid investments such as bonds and stocks, and then moving on to other financial assets!

Inflation linked bonds are the only liquid instrument that can provide inflation protection. From our archives, Hashim Kudsi explaining inflation linked bonds.

Let’s go back in time and study what we experienced in 2000 to growth equity, venture, and private equity investments. In the late 90’s, the growth and accessibility of the Internet created excitement among investors who were quick to pour capital into Internet-based startups (especially in ones who produced negative earnings with promise to be profitable way into the future!), resulting in the rapid rise of US tech stock equity valuations. When those companies failed to turn a profit, the bubble ultimately burst, causing the valuations of these investments to drop, a shortage of capital, and eventually some companies going out of business. As we’re starting to experience a similar trend, it’s important to revisit the events of history to deal with what’s happening today and learn how to navigate challenging times in the future. دعنا نعود بالزمن إلى الوراء وندرس ما عشناه في عام 2000 بشأن نمو استثمارات الأسهم والمشاريع والأسهم الخاصة. في أواخر التسعينيات ، أدى نمو الإنترنت وإمكانية الوصول إليه إلى إثارة الإثارة بين المستثمرين الذين سارعوا إلى ضخ رأس المال في الشركات الناشئة القائمة على الإنترنت (خاصة في بعض الشركات التي حققت أرباحًا سلبية مع وعد بتحقيق أرباح في المستقبل!) ، مما أدى إلى الارتفاع السريع في تقييمات أسهم شركات التكنولوجيا الأمريكية. عندما فشلت تلك الشركات في جني الأرباح ، انفجرت الفقاعة في النهاية ، مما تسبب في انخفاض تقييمات هذه الاستثمارات ، ونقص رأس المال ، وفي النهاية توقف بعض الشركات عن العمل. نظرًا لأننا نبدأ في تجربة اتجاه مماثل ، ف

About a year ago, co-founder, Hashim Kudsi, had a discussion with Dan Bernstein, Alumus and Advisor to Bridgewater Associates, about Inflation Linked Bonds. During their conversation, they were looking ahead on what could transpire with all the money printing and inflation being a major concern, and with that how inflation linked bonds could come to the rescue in an investor’s portfolio. We would like to reshare this discussion as it is very timely with everything happening in the market. Click the link in bio to watch the full video.

About a year ago, co-founder, Hashim Kudsi, had a discussion with Dan Bernstein, Alumus and Advisor to Bridgewater Associates, about Inflation Linked Bonds. During their conversation, they were looking ahead on what could transpire with all the money printing and inflation being a major concern, and with that how inflation linked bonds could come to the rescue in an investor’s portfolio. We would like to reshare this discussion as it is very timely with everything happening in the market. Click the link in bio to watch the full video.

About a year ago, co-founder, Hashim Kudsi, had a discussion with Dan Bernstein, Alumus and Advisor to Bridgewater Associates, about Inflation Linked Bonds. During their conversation, they were looking ahead on what could transpire with all the money printing and inflation being a major concern, and with that how inflation linked bonds could come to the rescue in an investor’s portfolio. We would like to reshare this discussion as it is very timely with everything happening in the market. Click the link in bio to watch the full video.

About a year ago, co-founder, Hashim Kudsi, had a discussion with Dan Bernstein, Alumus and Advisor to Bridgewater Associates, about Inflation Linked Bonds. During their conversation, they were looking ahead on what could transpire with all the money printing and inflation being a major concern, and with that how inflation linked bonds could come to the rescue in an investor’s portfolio. We would like to reshare this discussion as it is very timely with everything happening in the market. Click the link in bio to watch the full video.

About a year ago, co-founder, Hashim Kudsi, had a discussion with Dan Bernstein, Alumus and Advisor to Bridgewater Associates, about Inflation Linked Bonds. During their conversation, they were looking ahead on what could transpire with all the money printing and inflation being a major concern, and with that how inflation linked bonds could come to the rescue in an investor’s portfolio. We would like to reshare this discussion as it is very timely with everything happening in the market. Click the link in bio to watch the full video.

About a year ago, co-founder, Hashim Kudsi, had a discussion with Dan Bernstein, Alumus and Advisor to Bridgewater Associates, about Inflation Linked Bonds. During their conversation, they were looking ahead on what could transpire with all the money printing and inflation being a major concern, and with that how inflation linked bonds could come to the rescue in an investor’s portfolio. We would like to reshare this discussion as it is very timely with everything happening in the market. Click the link in bio to watch the full video.

About a year ago, co-founder, Hashim Kudsi, had a discussion with Dan Bernstein, Alumus and Advisor to Bridgewater Associates, about Inflation Linked Bonds. During their conversation, they were looking ahead on what could transpire with all the money printing and inflation being a major concern, and with that how inflation linked bonds could come to the rescue in an investor’s portfolio. We would like to reshare this discussion as it is very timely with everything happening in the market. Click the link in bio to watch the full video.