PortRio Global Solutions SRL, Dubai Videos

Videos by PortRio Global Solutions SRL in Dubai. Upon personal experience, with processes & documents preparedness, we are here to HELP YOU FIND THE BEST RATES AND SOLUTIONS for shipping out your goods and we are here for you to HELP YOU ALONG THE PROCESS!

Are you ready to ship your goods back home?

Here’s some space available on the next container, departure from Dubai (UAE) to Constanta (Romania), although the end destination can be anywhere in Romania!

More info: WhatsApp at +971554124155

Other PortRio Global Solutions SRL videos

Are you ready to ship your goods back home? Here’s some space available on the next container, departure from Dubai (UAE) to Constanta (Romania), although the end destination can be anywhere in Romania! More info: WhatsApp at +971554124155

‼️ LAST CALL ‼️ Pentru toti cei interesati sa iti trimita bunurile personale acasa, din UAE in Romania, mai avem spatiu pentru o masina sau pentru echivalentul in bunuri personale (mobila, haine, electronice, electrocasnice, etc.). PM WhatsApp: +971554124155 pt mai multe detalii

Shipping your goods from UAE to Romania
Pentru toti cei interesati! ‼️ LAST CALL! ‼️ Exista un spatiu de pana la 15 metri cubi disponibili pt transportul bunurilor dvs din UAE catre Romania (orase vizate: Constanta, Bucuresti, Brasov, Timisoara) Colectarea se poate face pana pe 23 August. Incarcarea containerului are loc pe 24 August. Plecarea vasului are loc pe 30 August. Data estimata pt ajungere in Constanta: 30 Sept, Iar predarea bunurilor catre destinatiile finale: 7-9 Oct. DM pt mai multe info WhatsApp: +971554124155

Shortage of containers on a pandemic crisis
....so the crisis is not yet over, but could last until end of year 2021 😭😰