
Массаж лица номер 1 в Дубае!


Pigmentation is a marker of age.

Freckles are one thing, but spots on your temples and arms are signs of aging that are visible to everyone. There can be many reasons for the appearance of pigmentation: hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition, age-related changes, chronic diseases, etc. And, of course, ultraviolet radiation.

It acts as an abuser - it forces skin cells to actively defend themselves and produce pigment. Most often it affects the nose, cheekbones, forehead, hands, and décolleté.

If the trigger for pigmentation in your case is the sun, remember the most important thing. The first thing is that you definitely won’t be able to lighten your skin while the sun is very active. Second, you need SPF 50 for your face all year round, especially when undergoing whitening therapy.

In general, using Sunscreen for the face all year round does not interfere with all of us - the sun emits ultraviolet light constantly, only its activity changes.

In case of hyperpigmentation in the active sun, a product with SPF will not protect 100%, but there will be fewer spots than if there was no protection at all.


we at Gocosmo will always repeat that the basis of the result is regularity. Only through regular work we give you the result that you admire every day



But what is eco-cosmetic?

Products containing natural ingredients, unlike conventional cosmetics containing silicones, parabens and other synthetic additives, have a beneficial effect on the skin and heal it. Conventional cosmetics most often simply mask imperfections and create the “appearance” of healthy skin.

Natural cosmetics have a number of other advantages, namely:

Soft effect on the skin, without disturbing the acid-base balance, while maintaining the protective lipid barrier;

Ecocosmetics are absolutely safe, do not contain hazardous substances;

Suitable for use at any age, there are a series of products specifically for baby care;

Not addictive;

Natural cosmetics do not harm the environment, not tested on animals.

Natural ingredients, unlike synthetic ones, start the natural process of skin regeneration. As a result, the skin is restored and independently gets rid of various problems.



В запрещённом списке - салфетки для макияжа.

Это худший продукт для лица, который только можно было придумать. Во-первых, они засоряют окружающую среду. Во-вторых, не смывают косметику, а просто размазывают ее по всему лицу

Кроме того, многие салфетки для снятия макияжа содержат спирты, и в дуэте с постоянным трением они раздражают кожу.

Вместо салфеток мы советуем пользоваться гидрофильными маслами и мицеллярной водой, которые, конечно, нужно смывать гелем для умывания.

А есть ли у Вас в косметичке такие салфетки?

Photos from Gocosmo_dubai's post 30/07/2023

в Москве.
А в подборке -> Ваши любимые процедуры, которые можно сделать каждый день

Запись :


За ночь можно восстановить не только свои душевные и физические силы, но и кожу – в этом помогает специальный уход. Именно в темное время суток процесс регенерации клеток протекает в 30 раз активнее, чем днем. Еще бы – в тишине и покое, когда нервная система и мозг наконец-то могут позволить себе отдых, эпидермис тоже начинает как следует обновляться. Какие компоненты искать в ночных продуктах — рассказываем на примере 3-х новинок по уходу.


Лекарственное растение люцерна широко используется не только в фармакологии. В косметике его действие сравнивают с ретинолом, главным героем антивозрастного ухода. За это благодарим химический состав растения: в нем полно витаминов Е, А, К, а также группы С и В. Ночные средства благодаря этому компоненту действуют на двух уровнях: усиливают синтез коллагена в коже и стимулируют активность клеток в ночное время.


Церамиды представляют собой молекулы липидов. Они отлично восстанавливают защитный слой кожи, защищающий ее от внешних воздействий. За ночь этот компонент как бы заполняет все повреждения и неровности, уплотняя дерму и удерживая ее в ней. При этом утром исчезает стянутость, сухость и признаки усталости.

яблочный пектин

Пектин — натуральное вещество, которым богаты яблоки, он отвечает за твердость плода — именно поэтому плод не высыхает сразу после того, как мы его разрезаем. На поверхности кожи этот компонент действует аналогично: обеспечивает увлажнение, практически полностью устраняет шелушение и микротрещины за ночь. В холодное время года этот эффект просто незаменим.


Москва! Мы ждём Вас на лучшем массаже лица.

Будем с Вами до конца лета, чтобы успеть сделать максимум красоты -> результат сохранится на год!

Для записи пишите:


Facial muscles are a very important component of our appearance, their condition directly affects our mood, well-being and attractiveness. Unfortunately, facial muscles are often neglected, which can lead to weakness and relaxation.

Facial massage is a great way to strengthen and tone the facial muscles. It improves blood circulation, stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, removes puffiness and reduces wrinkles.

During the massage, the muscles of the face relax and then contract, which allows them to become stronger and more elastic. This is especially useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer or in a sitting position.

Facial massage can be done both independently and contact a professional. It is important to remember that the massage should be gentle and not cause pain. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin and the condition of the muscles.

As a result of regular facial massage, the muscles become more elastic, the skin becomes smoother and firmer, and the number of wrinkles decreases. In addition, facial massage helps to relax and reduce stress, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

Thus, facial massage is a great way to strengthen facial muscles and improve skin condition. Regular massage will help keep your face youthful and attractive for many years.


What is the go cosmo professional myostimulation procedure?

This is a unique treatment for the muscles of your face. You have probably heard about EMS-training for the body, which enhance the effect of training dozens of times due to muscle microstimulations.

Pure Lift Face Pro does the same for your facial muscles, increasing the effectiveness of facial massage by at least 58%!



PureLift Face vs. PureLift Pro?

If you are a person who likes to do everything on the fly and not spend a lot of time on facials, then PureLift Face is your choice. It fits perfectly in any bag, pocket or box.

The small size allows it to be used in almost any environment, and the beautiful colors make it suitable and stylish with any outfit. If you like to spend more time caring for your face, then PureLift Pro is right for you.

A larger battery, more treatments and a longer handle make it ideal for meticulous and professional use. Since both devices charge via a USB cable, neither option will leave you unsatisfied with your choice.

PureLift Face or PureLift Pro - the choice is yours!


Summer is the time when our skin needs special care!
Here are some simple tips to help her stay healthy and radiant during the heat:

1️⃣ Sun Protection: Don't forget to use a high SPF sunscreen to prevent sunburn and premature skin aging.

2️⃣ Hydration: Drinking more water and using light moisturizers will help keep your skin hydrated and smooth.

3️⃣ Cleansing: After a day at the beach or in the heat of the city, don't forget to cleanse your skin of dirt and sweat. Use gentle cleansers to avoid overdrying.

4️⃣ Exfoliation: Regular removal of dead cells will help maintain a healthy glow of the skin. Use a mild scrub or fruit acids for gentle exfoliation.

5️⃣ Nutrition: Don't forget about proper nutrition, including fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain vitamins and antioxidants necessary for healthy skin.

Remember that skin care is a daily process that takes time and effort. But the results are worth

Share your summer skin care tips in the comments!


Why do we recommend taking a course of facial massage sessions?

After the first session, you will definitely see results. In addition, often, it is really very noticeable, especially if your face is not used to such loads. Just like a body that is not accustomed to training, it gives results very quickly.

But our goal is not a one-time result, but a result that will be with you for a long time.


With the advent of heat, the face begins to treacherously shine?

Do not rush to powder - better look at mattifying skin care products. We figure out what components to look for in their composition and what should be used with caution so as not to cause a violent skin reaction.

excess work of the sebaceous glands is a global problem that can be solved not only with proper care. “For example, there are foods that provoke the production of sebum - coffee, chocolate, smoked meats. But home care is also important: you need to select products with a drying effect that eliminate oily sheen and narrow the sebaceous glands, but do not overdo it. It is necessary to build a care ritual in such a way that it includes not only products that reduce sebum secretion, but also those that have anti-inflammatory activity, as well as products that will effectively restore and moisturize your skin type. And oily skin needs moisturizing no less than dry skin, because the shine on the face is one of the main signals that it lacks moisture.


I want to share with you my impressions about the course of 10 sessions of author's facial massage from gocosmo. This course is a real discovery for me!

Each of the 10 sessions is a real relaxation for my face and soul. I feel that my skin becomes firmer and fresher, and the number of wrinkles is noticeably reduced.

But the most important thing is the right choice! When we take care of our health and beauty, we take an important step towards a fulfilling life. And a course of 10 sessions of author's facial massage from gocosmo is exactly what will help us achieve this goal.

I am sure that each of you deserves the best, so I strongly recommend that everyone purchase a package to this course. You won't regret your choice!


Beauty has no age” – fashion houses around the world have been following this policy for decades, and the trend for age modeling continues to grow. For example, in 2016, Harvey Nichols hired Marjorie Gilbert, then 100 years old, for their ad campaign.

Age modeling is a trend of modern society, and some well-known models are 60-80 or more years old. In Russia, the trend of modeling at any age is also relevant.

What do you think, is there an “age limit” for beauty?


we are creating a new system for working with the face.

for us, this is the main task that we try to fulfill every day in the most efficient, effective and productive way.

And our technique is a unique facial massage.

Want to try ?
Send + to comment


The skin is our first line of defense against external factors, so its health and beauty are of the utmost importance. But how is our skin arranged and how to properly take care of it?

The skin consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. The epidermis is the top layer of the skin that protects us from external influences. The dermis is the middle layer that contains collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. The subcutaneous adipose tissue is the bottom layer that contains the fat needed for thermal insulation and cushioning.

It is important to understand that each layer of the skin needs special care. For the epidermis, it is necessary to cleanse the skin regularly to get rid of impurities and dead cells. It is important for the dermis to maintain its firmness and elasticity through hydration and the use of products with collagen. And subcutaneous fat needs proper nutrition and exercise to keep its shape.

Do not forget that the skin is our business card, so its care is necessary to maintain beauty and health. Regular skin care will help avoid problems such as dryness, flaking, wrinkles and age spots. And don't forget to use sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.

Take care of your skin and it will answer you with beauty and health!


The author's Gocosmo facial massage technique is a patented technique that was developed by the leading specialist in facial massage, the creator of Gocosmo Yulia Viktorovna.

The technique is based on lymphatic drainage and deep tissue massage, so to speak, combines them in a unique combination, due to which it makes it more effective. Our facial massage is a real workout in the gym, with a complete pumping of every muscle.

As you rightly noted, it is necessary to take a course of sessions to get the full result.

The course consists of 10 sessions.
The effect, of course, is individual and will depend, among other things, on your wishes and goals.

But there are standard results:

- Clear contours of the oval face
- high cheekbones
- Remove puffiness
- Normalize lymphatic exchange,
- We remove the cheeks, the second chin
- Remove or reduce the appearance of wrinkles
- We remove spasms, make the face symmetrical

Booking :


Everyone who is interested in skin care has heard that basic skin care includes two mandatory steps - cleansing and moisturizing the skin. These steps are, without exaggeration, indestructible pillars if we want to keep our skin young, healthy, and beautiful for as long as possible. But even with them, confusion can arise - especially when it comes to moisturizing. Do I need a serum or is a cream enough? Why moisturize oily skin if it is already shiny all the time? How can hyaluronic acid moisturize if acids dry and exfoliate?


It is always worth paying attention to how the skin feels after washing. The feeling of tightness, peeling, the appearance of fine wrinkles are sure signs that there is not enough moisture. In addition, experts advise paying attention to skin turgor - how smooth, elastic it is, whether makeup fits well on it. If something doesn’t suit you here, it’s definitely worth moisturizing your skin more.

The thin skin of the eyelids loses moisture most of all and fastest, where creases and fine wrinkles begin to appear. There is a simple test for lack of moisture that cosmetologists advise: you need to lightly pinch a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin right under the eye. Is there a crease left at the place of the pinch? The skin lacks moisture.



Of course, I would like to have a magic wand and, with one wave of it, get rid of everything that has accumulated over the years.

- emotions frozen on the face with wrinkles
- a sedentary lifestyle, resulting in puffiness and "floating oval of the face"
- lack of proper skin care

All this accumulates over the years.

Outwardly, of course, the effect will be after the first session.
By the way, it is very tangible, because for the first time the muscles received the proper load, the lymphatic system started working.

But, do you want a temporary effect or a result and a complete transformation?

If your answer is number 2.
Then we will work with you in a comprehensive manner, according to a personally selected system aimed at obtaining results.

Regularly: 2-3 times a week.
By subscription to the course of sessions.



Have you seen the face of a truck driver who turned one cheek to the sun for decades? Or have you noticed blood vessels and age spots that appeared on your face after a beach holiday? Read our text if you want to know the important facts about photoaging and buy the right sunscreen.

Fact #1: Sunburns are cumulative

For some reason, there is a belief that sunscreen prevents the skin from sunbathing. This is wrong! The filters in the composition of the products reflect harmful rays from the skin, but do not interfere with the production of melanin. You will still get a tan, just not as dangerous and more even. On the other side of the scales there is a skin burn. It is important to know about him that he is bad not only with pain and redness, the consequences can be deeper.

Fact number 2. Ultraviolet destroys collagen - after a holiday, the skin needs support

If the organs and systems of our body age naturally with age, then the skin - due to both age-related changes and the sun. The more often and longer the meetings, the more traces on the skin in memory of them. The term "photoaging" is, by the way, only about the skin.

Fact number 3. Pigmentation is a marker of age

Freckles are one thing, but spots on the temples and hands are signs of aging that are visible to everyone. There can be many reasons for the appearance of pigmentation: hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition, age-related changes, chronic diseases, etc. And, of course, ultraviolet radiation.


GOCOSMO is a unique, authentic project with its own mission and concept. Our mission is to give people natural beauty through love and self-care. The project is based on the author's patented Gocosmo facial massage technique.

About our method

We work according to the author's method of facial massage, developed by Yulia Viktorovna Malashonkova.
The path to the creation of this technique began more than 16 years ago, when Yulia Viktorovna decided to connect her life with this direction.


3 rules that will help you keep your skin healthy and help you avoid unnecessary expenses.

Sunscreens. “In advertising for anti-age products, everything is advertised, but not SPF. And this is surprising, because sunscreens play a big role in preventing the appearance of wrinkles, ”says Deniss. Moreover, she does not call for buying expensive SPF products - just take proven cosmetics from the middle segment.
Cosmetics with retinol.

The main anti-aging ingredient is retinol. It is he who needs to pay attention, and not overpay for creams with patented complexes, collagen and peptides. “It helps to shrink pores, remove acne and acne, and also fight wrinkles and dull complexion,” she says.

Products with vitamin C. “And the third rule that you should pay attention to is to buy cosmetics with vitamin C. And use it in the morning,” advises Deniss. According to her, retinol and vitamin in a duet can smooth your skin and produce an anti-aging effect. And you don’t have to spend money on the rest of the funds - except for a basic moisturizer to cover the serums.


if you want to learn how to do facial massage professionally and get unforgettable impressions from the procedure, then join our online training on the author's method of facial massage!

Here you can learn all the intricacies and secrets of this unique and useful process, which not only helps to maintain the youth and beauty of the skin but also has a beneficial effect on the health of the whole body.

Our experienced teachers will help you understand the massage technique, give useful advice and recommendations on choosing cosmetic products, and monitor your progress at every stage of learning.

Don't miss the chance to become a real professional in the field of facial massage and gain new knowledge that will help you become a more confident and successful person!

We are waiting for you on our online course!


Wrinkles are a natural phenomenon that happens to all people as we age. They are formed due to the loss of skin elasticity and a decrease in the amount of collagen that maintains its tone. In addition, wrinkles can appear due to repetitive facial movements, such as smiling, frowning, or creases in the pillow we sleep on.

Facial massage can help fight wrinkles. It improves blood circulation and stimulates the production of collagen, which helps to increase skin elasticity. In addition, massage can help relax facial muscles that can be tense due to repetitive movements.

If you want to get rid of wrinkles, try to massage your face regularly. Remember that regularity is the key to success. The more often you massage, the better results you will get.

Booking package GoCosmo:


Facial massage is one of the most popular procedures in modern cosmetology. It allows not only to relax and have fun, but also to improve blood circulation, increase skin tone and improve its color.

The modern eco-concept of working with the face involves the use of natural and environmentally friendly products, as well as special massage techniques that help to achieve the maximum effect.

One of the most popular techniques is lymphatic drainage massage. It is aimed at improving lymphatic flow, which helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body. This massage helps fight puffiness, improves skin color and makes it more elastic.

Another interesting technique is gouache massage. This technique came to us from China and consists in the use of special stones for massage. They help improve blood microcirculation, improve skin tone and reduce wrinkles.

But the most important thing that distinguishes the modern eco-concept of working with the face is the use of natural products. Instead of chemical creams and masks, cosmetologists prefer to use organic oils, plant extracts and natural essential oils. They are not only effective, but also safe for health.

Thus, facial massage is not only a pleasant procedure, but also an effective way to improve skin condition. The modern eco-concept of facial treatment offers the use of natural products and special massage techniques that help to achieve maximum results.


Friends, we have amazing news for you! We present a new facial treatment with an alginate mask that will help eliminate puffiness and improve blood circulation in the skin of the face. This is an innovative product that creates a film on the skin and provides it with intensive nutrition and hydration.

We know that many of you are experiencing problems with puffiness and skin fatigue at the end of the month of Ramadan. That is why we invite you to this procedure only this week. Our professional cosmetologist will help you choose the right mask for your skin type and carry out the procedure as comfortably and efficiently as possible.

The alginate mask contains seaweed, which is rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for skin health. It will help your skin look healthy and fresh, as well as improve its texture and color.

Do not miss the opportunity to try the new facial treatment with alginate mask and give your skin health and beauty!

Booking for the procedure today and enjoy the result


Facial massage is not only a pleasant procedure, but also an important step in skin care. Daily stress, lack of sleep, poor environment and other factors negatively affect the condition of the skin of the face. Facial massage helps to improve blood circulation, increase muscle tone and improve complexion.

Facial massage not only relaxes and soothes, but also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which helps to maintain youthful and firm skin. In addition, facial massage helps to eliminate puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Regular facial massage helps improve skin texture, shrink pores, and reduce the chance of wrinkles. In addition, it helps improve skin tone and even out skin tone. All this makes the skin of the face healthier and more radiant.



we at Gocosmo select the best ingredients and formulations for your skin care. we do everything to make it radiant, bright, flawless.

See you today in Gocosmo


A whole new world opens up for you with Gocosmo face massage.

We work on a unique author's technology that allows you to completely change your faces.

The first stage is work at the lymphatic level.

We remove puffiness, make your face fresh and toned.

The second stage is a deep tissue study of each muscle of the face.

Booking appointment.



It turns out that not only the sun is to blame for pigmentation, but also our technique.

Tell us who is at risk.

Sometimes age spots appear due to the "toasted skin syndrome". Everyone who has laptops is at risk of getting it. More precisely, everyone who has a habit of putting a laptop on their knees or stomach

When the laptop processor heats up, the technique burns your skin. If this exposure is repeated, then erythema or pigmentation may appear on the skin. “Direct heat can cause the breakdown of elastic fibers and the release of free radicals in our skin, thereby releasing melanin and leading to hyperpigmentation.


we will send here, come to you to give results.

every day, no matter what - to create clear contours, a tightened oval of the face, model facial features.

This is a unique result that only a few can give you.

This is your natural transformation. We are glad to see every guest, we are ready to create all the conditions for our comfortable cooperation, and therefore we ask you to follow some of our rules. The Administrator will familiarize you with the rules at the time of registration.

But the most important thing is to come on time and, if necessary, cancel - inform in advance.

Yes, it's that simple. And this is important.


sea ​​water is a real natural medicine that can significantly improve your well-being.

Being in sea water opens the pores of the skin, which allows the sea minerals to be absorbed into the body. At the same time, toxins are released from the body through open pores, making the skin look healthier. Sea water is also high in magnesium, which is a very effective skin moisturizer. Studies have shown that sea water actually improves skin hydration, which in turn reduces unpleasant symptoms such as redness and roughness of the skin.

What do you choose, the sea or the pool?



trend treatment of the week

Peeling works well for
Strengthening blood vessels
Exfoliates the surface layer of the epidermis
Tightens pores
Lightening areas of hyperpigmentation
Improves skin color and texture
Working with comedones

- Can be applied to lips (if flaky, can be applied closer to the eye edge, if there is puffiness)

✅The juiciest result is always the next day

Total procedures from 4 to 8 times, this is enough

Peeling once a week




serotonin bath salt

Bath salt promises to stimulate the production of serotonin, the so-called happiness hormone. This substance is responsible for high spirits and a feeling of cheerfulness. Serotonin is produced by our brain at night and reaches its maximum concentration in the body from six to eight in the morning. During the day, its level decreases. If a person slept little, then there is not enough serotonin in the body.

It contains magnesium salts of the Zechstein Sea (a salt layer at a depth of 1500 meters underground, from the southeast coast of England to the east of Germany), French green clay, apple cider vinegar, seaweed extract and essential oils. These ingredients relax muscles and soothe not only irritated skin, but also nerves. Herbaceous eucalyptus scent. Just what you need for a relaxing bath.


if you have long wanted to be part of something big.

If you are energetic and ready to change this world.

If you are close to the Gocosmo concept, then we are glad to see you in our team. Very Soon, we are all waiting for a revolution in the beauty industry.

Gocosmo is a unique space and this summer we will open our doors to all of our beloved and new guests in Dubai.

We are waiting for your vacancies:
WA +798544411120


Весна. Москва. Gocosmo & Academy

Знаем, что Вы очень ждёте нас к себе в гости, а мы, уезжая - ждём новой встречи с Вами

И вот уже совсем скоро эта встреча состоится: в апреле нас ждёт очень (ОЧЕНЬ) насыщенная программа

- 14 будущий специалистов, которые уже совсем скоро станут потрясающими мастерами массажа лица и овладеют авторской методикой Gocosmo

- Наши обожаемые постоянные гости, запись которых идёт за 6-8 месяцев до начало сеансов.

- и, конечно же, Вы.
Да, да, если Вы сейчас в Москве или планируете быть там с 28 марта по 7 апреля - мы ждём Вас на курс массажа лица, от ведущего специалиста, автора методики Юлии Викторовны.

Все те, кто давно хотел попасть и ждал нужного момента - этот момент сейчас.

Для внесения бронирований:
WA +79854411120



Medicinal plant alfalfa is widely used not only in pharmacology. In cosmetics, its effect is compared with retinol, the protagonist of anti-aging care. For this we thank the chemical composition of the plant: it is full of vitamins E, A, K, as well as groups C and B. Night remedies due to this component act on two levels: they increase collagen synthesis in the skin and stimulate cell activity at night.


Ceramides are lipid molecules. They perfectly restore the protective layer of the skin, which protects it from external influences. During the night, this component, as it were, fills in all the damage and irregularities, compacting the dermis and keeping it in it. At the same time, tightness, dryness and signs of fatigue disappear in the morning.

Apple pectin

Pectin is a natural substance that apples are rich in, it is responsible for the hardness of the fruit - which is why the fruit does not dry out immediately after we cut it. On the surface of the skin, this component acts similarly: it provides moisture, and almost completely eliminates peeling and microcracks overnight. In the cold season, this effect is simply irreplaceable.

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Videos (show all)

Мы знаем, как Вы хотели услышать эти 3 слова!GOCOSMO В МОСКВЕ!Совсем скоро мы начнём дарить Вам безупречный результат:- ...
Our goal is to take care of the clarity of the contours of your face, session after session, creating perfect lines, mak...
powerful pumping of the muscles of your face, the most intense and effective in Dubaideep-tissue massage according to th...
The best idea for this Saturday is to please yourself with a facial massage according to the author's technique GOCOSMO....
imagine how your neck gradually relaxes, how with each movement of the therapist it becomes easier for you, you feel mor...
Полная проработка мышц лица по авторской методике - настоящая тренировка для Вашей молодости.Потрясающий результат:- Чет...
Гарантированно лучшая и наиболее эффективная неинвазивная процедура для безупречной четкости овала лица.Массаж лица по а...
Уникальная, авторская методика для получения восхитительного и неповторимого результата уже после первого сеанса.Как это...
Уникальная возможность записаться на массаж лица по авторской методике от ведущего специалиста.- В Москве - Уже завтра в...
GOCOSMO MASSAGE FACEmassage that does not need advertising.just book.  right now.Direct @go_cosmo
YOUR BEAUTY SECRET with @go_cosmo WHAT is facial massage?During the myofascial massage of the face, deep muscles are aff...
Максимальная интенсивность - гарантированный результат.Мы работаем по уникальной методике, сочетающей в себе лимфодренна...





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Mayfair Hotel, Al Rigga
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