International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana

International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana

The festival takes place during Sep 26-Oct 22 2023, under the artistic directon of Angelin Preljocaj

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 23/10/2023

🎭 We were overjoyed to welcome Fondazione Nazionale della Danza Aterballetto for 'Stravaganze in Sol Minor,' a delightful performance designed just for our young audience during the third week of the festival ICDF.✹ 🌈

Photos: © for

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 23/10/2023

🎭 We were overjoyed to welcome Fondazione Nazionale della Danza Aterballetto for “Stravaganze in Sol Minor”, a delightful performance designed just for our young audience during the third week of the festival ICDF.✹ 🌈

Photos: © for

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 21/10/2023

Two weeks ago, as part of the parallel program of ICDFT, the dance community came together for a workshop led by Marina Rodriguez from La Veronal dance company.
This two-hour session was held at the Opera and Ballet Theatre's classroom and gathered dance students and professionals from Albania and the Balkans to share their passion and skills. đŸ©° ✹


Dy javë më parë, si pjesë e programit paralel të ICDFT, komuniteti i kërcimit u mblodh në një workshop të drejtuar nga Marina Rodriguez nga kompania spanjolle e baletit La Veronal.
Ky sesion dy-orĂ«sh u mbajt nĂ« klasĂ«n e Teatrit tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit dhe mblodhi studentĂ« dhe profesionistĂ« kĂ«rcimi nga ShqipĂ«ria dhe Ballkani pĂ«r tĂ« ndarĂ« pasionin dhe aftĂ«sitĂ« e tyre tĂ« baletit. đŸ©°âœš

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 20/10/2023

ICDFT is closing with a vibrant fiesta at the Opera and Ballet Theatre’s first floor this Saturday, October 21st!đŸ’ƒđŸ»

The excitement begins at 4:00 PM with Latin dance classes where you can learn the sizzling moves from international professional couples. From 8:00 PM, we’ll keep the party going with a latin dance event.

Don't miss this dazzling wrap-up event. We're ready to dance, are you? đŸ’«đŸ•ș âœšđŸŽ¶

The entrance is free.

ICDFT po mbyllet me njĂ« festĂ« energjike nĂ« hollin e katit tĂ« parĂ« tĂ« Teatrit tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit kĂ«tĂ« tĂ« shtunĂ«, mĂ« 21 tetor!đŸ’ƒđŸ»

Eventi fillon në orën 16:00 me klasat e kërcimit latin ku mund të mësoni lëvizje të ndryshme nga çifte profesionistësg ndërkombëtarë. Nga ora 20:00 deri në mesnatë festa do të vazhdojë me një event kërcimi latin.

Mos e humbisni këtë event përmbyllës të festivalit.
Ne jemi gati pĂ«r tĂ« kĂ«rcyer, po ju? đŸ’«đŸ•ș âœšđŸŽ¶

Hyrja është e lirë.


ICDFT is closing with a vibrant fiesta at the Opera and Ballet Theatre’s first floor this Saturday, October 21st!đŸ’ƒđŸ»

The excitement begins at 4:00 PM with Latin dance classes where you can learn the sizzling moves from international professional couples. From 8:00 PM, we’ll keep the party going with a latin dance event.

Don't miss this dazzling wrap-up event. We're ready to dance, are you? đŸ’«đŸ•ș âœšđŸŽ¶


ICDFT po mbyllet me njĂ« festĂ« energjike nĂ« hollin e katit tĂ« parĂ« tĂ« Teatrit tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit kĂ«tĂ« tĂ« shtunĂ«, mĂ« 21 tetor!đŸ’ƒđŸ»

Eventi fillon në orën 16:00 me klasat e kërcimit latin ku mund të mësoni lëvizje të ndryshme nga çifte profesionistësg ndërkombëtarë. Nga ora 20:00 deri në mesnatë festa do të vazhdojë me një event kërcimi latin.

Mos e humbisni këtë event përmbyllës të festivalit.
Ne jemi gati pĂ«r tĂ« kĂ«rcyer, po ju? đŸ’«đŸ•ș âœšđŸŽ¶

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 15/10/2023

The thrilling performance of La Veronal, “Sonoma” by Marcos Morau, stirred the audience during the second week of the festival. With unique gestural language and abstract movements this stormy and turbulent feminine energy galvanized the stage of the Opera and Ballet Theatre while combining physical theatre, ancient chants and hypnotic drumbeats.

A dark breathless story told by 9 dancers while they turn into nuns, witches, old women and lively young girls.


The final week of the festival ICDF will embark you on an journey into “The Dawn of Time” by choreographer Blenard Azizaj. For the past months, Azizaj has been collaborating intensively with the dancers of the Opera and Ballet Theatre to bring a mesmerizing new piece that will take place on October 19th and 20th at 7PM.

Set against a fragmented landscape that mirrors life's complexities, 'The Dawn of Time' becomes a metaphor for the human journey. Memories from the past linger, both haunting and true, compelling us to confront uncharted paths. This piece is a reflection on our collective past, a poignant reminder to embrace and move forward.

Don't miss this premiere at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet, where the dancers guide us through the passage of time and the depths of human emotion. 🌌✹

đŸŽŸïž Tickets are available at TKOB everyday:
10:00-14:00 to 16:00-20:00.


Java e fundit e festivalit ICDF do tĂ« mbyllet me njĂ« udhĂ«tim nĂ« “The Dawn of Time” (“Agimi i kohĂ«s”) nga koreografi Blenard Azizaj. GjatĂ« muajve tĂ« fundit, Azizaj ka punuar intensivisht me balerinĂ«t e Teatrit tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit pĂ«r tĂ« sjellĂ« njĂ« pjesĂ« tĂ« re e cila do tĂ« vendoset nĂ« skenĂ« nĂ« datat 19 dhe 20 tetor nĂ« orĂ«n 19:00.

E vendosur pĂ«rballĂ« njĂ« peizazhi tĂ« fragmentuar qĂ« pasqyron kompleksitetin e jetĂ«s, “The Dawn of Time” bĂ«het njĂ« metaforĂ« pĂ«r udhĂ«timin njerĂ«zor. Fillojne tĂ« dalin kujtimet nga e kaluara, duke na detyruar tĂ« pĂ«rballemi me shtigje tĂ« paeksploruara. Kjo pjesĂ« Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« reflektim mbi tĂ« kaluarĂ«n tonĂ« kolektive, e cila na kujton se si tĂ« ecim pĂ«rpara.

Mos e humbisni kĂ«tĂ« premierĂ« nĂ« Teatrin KombĂ«tar tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit. 🌌✹

đŸŽŸïž Biletat mund t’i gjeni çdo ditĂ« nĂ« TKOB:
Nga ora 10:00-14:00 deri në ora 16:00-20:00.


This week the program of the festival ICDF was focused on the younger audience.

After yesterday’s magical performance đŸ©° ✹ get ready for an incredible workshop led by Vittoria Franchina from Aterballetto. This is an exclusive opportunity for dance students from 14 to 18 years old that will take place today at 15:00, at the High School of Ballet in Tirana.🌟 Don't miss your chance to refine your skills and embrace the art of contemporary dance.


Programi i festivalit ICDF këtë javë kishte në fokus audiencën e re.

Pas performancĂ«s magjike tĂ« djeshme đŸ©° ✹ bĂ«huni gati pĂ«r njĂ« punĂ«tori tĂ« udhĂ«hequr nga Vittoria Franchina nga Aterballetto. Kjo Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« mundĂ«si ekskluzive pĂ«r nxĂ«nĂ«sit e kĂ«rcimit nga mosha 14 deri nĂ« 18 vjeç qĂ« do tĂ« zhvillohet sot nĂ« oren 15:00 nĂ« ShkollĂ«n e Mesme tĂ« Baletit nĂ« TiranĂ«.🌟


OPEN CALL đŸ„ Part of the festival ICDFT 2023 is the workshops program, where you will be able to join for FREE dance classes tailored for students and dance professionals in Albania and the region. ✹

Join us on October 6th from 12:00-14:00 at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet for the second workshop led by a La Verona choreographers. đŸ—“ïžđŸ’ƒ

The workshop is open to dance professionals and ballet students.

Please send your application (CV, professional experience) at:
[email protected]
+355 67 664 5757


OPEN CALL đŸ„ PjesĂ« e festivalit ICDFT 2023 Ă«shtĂ« dhe programi i workshop-eve, i cili ofron klasa kĂ«rcimi FALAS pĂ«r studentĂ«t dhe profesionistĂ«t e kĂ«rcimit nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri dhe rajon. ✹

Bashkohuni me ne nĂ« datĂ«n 6 tetor 2023 nga ora 12:00 - 14:00 nĂ« Teatrin KombĂ«tar tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit pĂ«r punĂ«torinĂ« e dytĂ« tĂ« drejtuar nga njĂ« koreografĂ« tĂ« kompanisĂ« sĂ« kĂ«rcimit La Veronal. đŸ—“ïžđŸ’ƒ

Workshop-i është i hapur për profesionistë të kërcimit dhe studentë të shkollës së baletit.

Aplikoni duke dërguar CV dhe eksperiencën tuaj profesionale në:

[email protected]
+355 67 664 5757


While we’re still drunk on the absolute success of the first two nights of the festival, we’re looking forward to bring you yet another unique experience:

“Sonoma” by La Veronal and the brilliant choreographer Marcos Morau, on the 5th and 6th of October, at 19:00, at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet.

Tickets are available at the Opera and Ballet Theatre every day: 10:00 - 14:00 and 16:00 - 20:00.

ICDFT 2023
Artistic Director: Angelin Preljocaj
Festival Director: Ajola Xoxa
Producer: Tim Newman
Supported by:

Sponsored by: .invest.shqiperi

“Sonoma” La Veronal
Coproduction: Les ThĂ©Ăątres de la Ville de Luxembourg, Tanz im August/ HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Grec 2020 Festival de Barcelona – Institut de Cultura Ajuntament de Barcelona, Oriente Occidente Dance Festival, Theater Freiburg, Centro de Cultura ContemporĂĄnea CondeDuque, Mercat de les Flors, Temporada Alta, Hessisches Staatsballett in the frame of Tanzplattform Rhein-Main, Sadler’s Wells

In collaboration with Graner – Fàbriques de Creació and Teatre L’Artesà
Beneficiary project of the PYRENART cross-border cooperation project, within the framework of the Interreg VA program Spain-France-Andorra POCTEFA 2014-2020 – European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
With the suppport of INAEM – Ministry of Culture and Sports of Spain and ICEC –Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya


E ndërsa jemi ende të dehur nga suksesi absolut i dy netëve të para të festivalit, mezi presim t'ju sjellim një tjetër eksperiencë unike:

“Sonoma” nga La Veronal dhe koreografi brilant Marcos Morau, nĂ« datat 5 dhe 6 tetor, ora 19:00, nĂ« Teatrin KombĂ«tar tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit.

Biletat i gjeni në sportelin e TKOB çdo ditë: 10:00 - 14:00 dhe 16:00 - 20:00.

ICDFT 2023
Artistic Director: Angelin Preljocaj
Festival Director: Ajola Xoxa
Producer: Tim Newman

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 26/09/2023

Today at the National Opera and Ballet Theatre, the workshop led by the world renowned choreographer Angelin Preljocaj and Natalie Naidich for our Albanian dance professionals within the framework of the International Contemporary Dance Festival. They worked on the masterpiece 'Romeo and Juliette.' đŸ©°đŸ’«


Sot nĂ« Teatrin KombĂ«tar tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit, nĂ«n drejtimin e koreografit tĂ« mirĂ«njohur Angelin Preljocaj dhe Natalie Naidich, u zhvillua workshopi me balerinĂ« profesionistĂ« shqiptarĂ«, nĂ« kuadĂ«r te Festivalit tĂ« KĂ«rcimit BashkĂ«kohor. Ata punuan me kryeveprĂ«n 'Romeo dhe Zhulieta'. đŸ©°đŸ’«

Photos from Ballet Preljocaj - Pavillon Noir's post 23/09/2023

⚜ Festivali NdĂ«rkombĂ«tar i KĂ«rcimit BashkĂ«kohor nĂ« TiranĂ« çel siparin e tij mĂ« 27-28 shtator, me spektaklin “Gravity” tĂ« Preljocajt!

đŸ”ș Graviteti, njĂ« nga forcat themelore tĂ« universit, orkestron nĂ« heshtje kĂ«rcimin e kozmosit, si fill i padukshĂ«m qĂ« lidh dy masa, duke krijuar tĂ«rheqjen qĂ« ne e quajmĂ« peshĂ«.

✹ Angelin Preljocaj, koreografi vizionar, thellohet nĂ« kĂ«tĂ« forcĂ« enigmatike. GjatĂ« gjithĂ« karrierĂ«s sĂ« tij, Preljocaj ka qenĂ« i mahnitur nga pesha, hapĂ«sira, shpejtĂ«sia dhe masa. KĂ«to koncepte abstrakte por thellĂ«sisht tĂ« prekshme kanĂ« qenĂ« frymĂ«zimi i eksperimenteve tĂ« tij koreografike. 💃đŸ•ș

📌 NĂ« "Gravity", syri i mprehtĂ« artistik i Preljocajt bĂ«het qendra e vĂ«mendjes, mĂ« 27 dhe 28 shtator, ora 19:00, nĂ« TKOB.

đŸŽŸïž Biletat mund t’i merrni çdo ditĂ«, nĂ« 📍sportelin e TKOB-sĂ«, nga ora 10:00-14:00 dhe nga ora 16:00-20:00.

International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana | 26 Sep. - 20 Oct. 2023 18/09/2023

International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana | 26 Sep. - 20 Oct. 2023 Under the artistic direction of the internationally acclaimed Albanian choreographer Angelin Preljocaj, Harabel Contemporary and D18 Paris with the support of the Albanian Ministry of Culture and the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet, is organizing the second edition of the festival, that proudly...


Mos humbisni edicionin e dyte te Festivalit Nderkombetar te Kercimit Bashkekohor ne Tirane.

Shfaqja e pare “Gravity” nga Ballet Preljocaj gjate datave 27-28 shtator ne Teatrin Kombetar te Operes dhe Baletit.

Biletat i gjeni ne Teatrin e Operas çdo dite gjate:
10:00 - 14:00 dhe 16:00 - 20:00

The International Contemporary Dance Festival in Tirana starts on September 27-28 with the show “Gravity” by Ballet Preljocaj.

Gravity, one of the universe's fundamental forces, silently orchestrates the dance of the cosmos. It's the invisible thread that binds two masses, creating the attraction we call weight. Angelin Preljocaj, the visionary choreographer, delves deep into this enigmatic force.

Throughout his career, Preljocaj has been captivated by weight, space, speed, and mass. These abstract yet profoundly tangible concepts have been the heartbeat of his choreographic experiments. 💃đŸ•ș

In Gravity, Preljocaj's keen artistic eye takes center stage. Get ready to witness movement as you've never seen it before.

đŸ—“ïž 27-28 September 2023, 19:00
📍 National Theatre of Opera and Ballet
â„č Tickets are available every day at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet at 10:00-14:00 & 16:00-20:00

Contact us at:
[email protected]
+355 69 664 5757

Festivali NdĂ«rkombĂ«tar i KĂ«rcimit BashkĂ«kohor nĂ« TiranĂ« nis nĂ« datat 27-28 shtator 2023 me spektaklin “Gravity” tĂ« Baletit Preljocaj.

Graviteti, njĂ« nga forcat themelore tĂ« universit, orkestron nĂ« heshtje kĂ«rcimin e kozmosit. ËshtĂ« filli i padukshĂ«m qĂ« lidh dy masa, duke krijuar tĂ«rheqjen qĂ« ne e quajmĂ« peshĂ«. Angelin Preljocaj, koreografi vizionar, thellohet nĂ« kĂ«tĂ« forcĂ« enigmatike.

GjatĂ« gjithĂ« karrierĂ«s sĂ« tij, Preljocaj ka qenĂ« i mahnitur nga pesha, hapĂ«sira, shpejtĂ«sia dhe masa. KĂ«to koncepte abstrakte por thellĂ«sisht tĂ« prekshme kanĂ« qenĂ« frymĂ«zimi i eksperimenteve tĂ« tij koreografike. 💃đŸ•ș

Në Gravity, syri i mprehtë artistik i Preljocajt bëhet qendra e vëmendjes. Bëhuni gati për të parë lëvizje baleti siç nuk e keni parë kurrë më parë.

đŸ—“ïž 27-28 shtator 2023, ora 19:00
📍 Teatri KombĂ«tar i OperĂ«s dhe Baletit
â„č Biletat ofrohen çdo ditĂ« nĂ« Teatrin KombĂ«tar tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit nĂ« orĂ«n 10:00-14:00 & 16:00-20:00.

Na kontaktoni në:
[email protected]
+355 69 664 5757

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 16/09/2023


Ready to secure your front-row seat and witness performances by some of the world’s most renowned dance companies?

đŸŽŸïž Ticket are available at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet every day:
10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 20:00

Save the dates for this 1-month-journey into the world of Contemporary Dance with:
🟣 performances by international
🟣 free masterclasses for students and
dance professionals
🟣 a parallel program of art events that are
open to the public


Jeni gati për të siguruar vendet në rreshtat e parë dhe për të ndjekur performancat e disa prej kompanive më të njohura të kërcimit në botë?

đŸŽŸïž Biletat mund t’i gjeni te sporteli i Teatrit KombĂ«tar tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit çdo ditĂ« gjatĂ« orĂ«ve:
10:00 - 14:00
16:00 - 20:00

Ruajinj datat e këtij udhëtimi 1-mujor në botën e kërcimit Bashkëkohor me:
🟣 Performanca nga kompani
🟣 masterklasa falas pĂ«r studentĂ« dhe
profesionistët e kërcimit
🟣 njĂ« program paralel eventesh artistike qĂ« janĂ« tĂ« hapura pĂ«r publikun

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 13/09/2023

OPEN CALL đŸ„ Our festival ICDFT 2023 is bringing you FREE dance workshops tailored for students and dance professionals in Albania and the region. ✹

Join us on September 26th from 14:00-16:00 at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet for the first workshop led by a Ballet Preljocaj choreographer. 📆💃

Don't miss this golden opportunity to be part of the festival’s workshop program and gain insight from world-class choreographers, elevate your dance skills and expand your network đŸ•șđŸ»

Apply until September 24th at:

[email protected]
[email protected]
+355 664 5757


OPEN CALL đŸ„ Festivali ICDFT 2023 ju ofron klasa kĂ«rcimi FALAS pĂ«r studentĂ«t dhe profesionistĂ«t e kĂ«rcimit nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri dhe rajon. ✹

Bashkohuni me ne nĂ« datĂ«n 26 shtator nga ora 14:00-16:00 nĂ« Teatrin KombĂ«tar tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit pĂ«r punĂ«torinĂ« e parĂ« tĂ« drejtuar nga njĂ« koreograf i Baletit Preljocaj. 📆💃

Mos e humbisni mundĂ«sinĂ« pĂ«r tĂ« qenĂ« pjesĂ« e programit tĂ« masterklasave tĂ« festivalit dhe pĂ«r tĂ« fituar njohuri nga koreografĂ« tĂ« klasit botĂ«ror, pĂ«r tĂ« zhvilluar aftĂ«sitĂ« tuaja tĂ« baletit dhe pĂ«r tĂ« zgjeruar rrethin tuaj te networkđŸ•șđŸ»

Aplikoni deri në 24 shtator përmes:

[email protected]
[email protected]
+355 664 5757


OPEN CALL đŸ„ Our festival ICDFT 2023 is bringing you FREE dance workshops tailored for students and dance professionals in Albania and the region. ✹

Join us on September 26th from 14:00-16:00 at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet for the first workshop led by a Ballet Preljocaj choreographer. 📆💃

Don't miss this golden opportunity to be part of the festival’s workshop program and gain insight from world-class choreographers, elevate your dance skills and expand your network đŸ•șđŸ»

Apply until September 24th at:
[email protected]
[email protected]
+355 664 5757


OPEN CALL đŸ„ Festivali ICDFT 2023 ju ofron klasa kĂ«rcimi FALAS pĂ«r studentĂ«t dhe profesionistĂ«t e kĂ«rcimit nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri dhe rajon. ✹

Bashkohuni me ne nĂ« datĂ«n 26 shtator nga ora 14:00-16:00 nĂ« Teatrin KombĂ«tar tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit pĂ«r punĂ«torinĂ« e parĂ« tĂ« drejtuar nga njĂ« koreograf i Baletit Preljocaj. 📆💃

Mos e humbisni mundĂ«sinĂ« pĂ«r tĂ« qenĂ« pjesĂ« e programit tĂ« masterklasave tĂ« festivalit dhe pĂ«r tĂ« fituar njohuri nga koreografĂ« tĂ« klasit botĂ«ror, pĂ«r tĂ« zhvilluar aftĂ«sitĂ« tuaja tĂ« baletit dhe pĂ«r tĂ« zgjeruar rrethin tuaj te networkđŸ•șđŸ»

Aplikoni deri në 24 shtator përmes:
[email protected]
[email protected]
+355 664 5757


The International Contemporary Dance Festival in Tirana starts on September 27-28 with the show “Gravity” by Ballet Preljocaj.

Gravity, one of the universe's fundamental forces, silently orchestrates the dance of the cosmos. It's the invisible thread that binds two masses, creating the attraction we call weight. Angelin Preljocaj, the visionary choreographer, delves deep into this enigmatic force.

Throughout his career, Preljocaj has been captivated by weight, space, speed, and mass. These abstract yet profoundly tangible concepts have been the heartbeat of his choreographic experiments. 💃đŸ•ș

In Gravity, Preljocaj's keen artistic eye takes center stage. Get ready to witness movement as you've never seen it before.

đŸ—“ïž 27-28 September 2023, 19:00
📍 National Theatre of Opera and Ballet
â„č Tickets are available every day at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet at 10:00-14:00 & 16:00-20:00

Contact us at:
[email protected]
+355 69 664 5757

Festivali NdĂ«rkombĂ«tar i KĂ«rcimit BashkĂ«kohor nĂ« TiranĂ« nis nĂ« datat 27-28 shtator 2023 me spektaklin “Gravity” tĂ« Baletit Preljocaj.

Graviteti, njĂ« nga forcat themelore tĂ« universit, orkestron nĂ« heshtje kĂ«rcimin e kozmosit. ËshtĂ« filli i padukshĂ«m qĂ« lidh dy masa, duke krijuar tĂ«rheqjen qĂ« ne e quajmĂ« peshĂ«. Angelin Preljocaj, koreografi vizionar, thellohet nĂ« kĂ«tĂ« forcĂ« enigmatike.

GjatĂ« gjithĂ« karrierĂ«s sĂ« tij, Preljocaj ka qenĂ« i mahnitur nga pesha, hapĂ«sira, shpejtĂ«sia dhe masa. KĂ«to koncepte abstrakte por thellĂ«sisht tĂ« prekshme kanĂ« qenĂ« frymĂ«zimi i eksperimenteve tĂ« tij koreografike. 💃đŸ•ș

Në Gravity, syri i mprehtë artistik i Preljocajt bëhet qendra e vëmendjes. Bëhuni gati për të parë lëvizje baleti siç nuk e keni parë kurrë më parë.

đŸ—“ïž 27-28 shtator 2023, ora 19:00
📍 Teatri KombĂ«tar i OperĂ«s dhe Baletit
â„č Biletat ofrohen çdo ditĂ« nĂ« Teatrin KombĂ«tar tĂ« OperĂ«s dhe Baletit nĂ« orĂ«n 10:00-14:00 & 16:00-20:00.

Na kontaktoni në:
[email protected]
+355 69 664 5757


✹Harabel Contemporary and D18 Paris are thrilled to announce the second edition of the International Contemporary Dance Festival in Tirana. With a vision to create an immersive and inclusive experience, this year's festival goes beyond mesmerizing performances to encompass a dynamic array of workshops, public engagements, and parallel art events.

Under the artistic direction of internationally acclaimed Albanian choreographer Angelin Preljocaj, and the programming by Nicole SaĂŻd, the festival promises an exceptional lineup of captivating choreographies by esteemed dance companies from around the world such as Ballet Preljocaj, La Veronal & Marcos Morau, Blenard Azizaj, and Aterballetto.

The Festival takes place from September 23 to October 22 at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet.

Join us at the International Contemporary Dance Festival in Tirana and let us celebrate the power of movement and create lasting memories.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or
+355 67 664 5757

Photos © JC Carbonne for


✹Harabel Contemporary dhe D18 Paris shpallin edicionin e dytĂ« tĂ« Festivalit NdĂ«rkombĂ«tar tĂ« KĂ«rcimit BashkĂ«kohor nĂ« TiranĂ«. Me njĂ« vizion pĂ«r tĂ« krijuar njĂ« pĂ«rvojĂ« gjithĂ«pĂ«rfshirĂ«se, festivali i kĂ«tij viti shkon pĂ«rtej shfaqjeve magjepsĂ«se tĂ« kĂ«rcimit bashkĂ«kohor, duke pĂ«rfshirĂ« njĂ« program paralel dinamik me klasa kĂ«rcimi, evente publike dhe aktivitete tĂ« artit bashkĂ«kohor.

Nën drejtimin artistik të koreografit të mirënjohur ndërkombëtar me origjinë shqiptare, Angelin Preljocaj, dhe programimin e Nicole Saïd, festivali premton një formacion të jashtëzakonshëm koreografish magjepsëse nga kompanitë e njohura të kërcimit nga e gjithë bota si Ballet Preljocaj, La Veronal & Marcos Morau, Blenard Azizaj dhe Aterballetto.

Festivali zhvillohet gjatë datave 23 shtator - 22 tetor në Teatrin Kombëtar të Operës dhe Baletit.

Bashkohuni me ne në edicionin e dytë të ICDFT 2023 dhe le të festojmë së bashku fuqinë e lëvizjes.

PĂ«r mĂ« shumĂ« informacion, kontaktoni nĂ« [email protected] ose
+355 67 664 5757

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 05/09/2023

🌟And finally, a show for children couldn’t have missed! Glimpses of some unforgettable moments for our adorable audience.

Last year's edition embraced the joyous laughter and boundless wonder of our youngest audience members with two enchanting shows dedicated to children. 🎈✹ These magical performances unfolded at the Arturbina Theatre, weaving imagination and delight.

The shows "Peter and the Wolf" by with choreography by Émilie Lalande, ventured beyond the realms of storytelling. đŸŽ¶ As the dance unfolded, characters emerged, each step carefully crafted to mirror the notes of Sergei Prokofiev's composition.

"Peter and the Wolf" celebrated the essence of growth and empowerment, inviting the children to journey alongside characters that mirror their own aspirations and strengths. đŸŒ±From the exploration of fears to the camaraderie with wild animals, this heartwarming performance left an indelible mark on both the young and the young at heart.

đŸ’« Stay tuned for this year's festival, where we promise even more magic! Two delightful shows await our littlest audience members, along with a different number of workshops that are not only captivating but also free to attend.

🌟Dhe sĂ« fundi, nuk mund tĂ« mungonte njĂ« shfaqje pĂ«r fĂ«mijĂ«! Pamje tĂ« disa prej momenteve tĂ« paharrueshme pĂ«r publikun tonĂ« tĂ« vogĂ«l.

Edicioni i pare ICDFT 2022 solli tĂ« qeshura te audienca jonĂ« mĂ« e re me dy shfaqje magjepsĂ«se kushtuar fĂ«mijĂ«ve. 🎈✹ KĂ«to shfaqje magjike u zhvilluan nĂ« Teatrin Eksperimental Arturbina.

Shfaqja "Peter and the Wolf" nga me koreografi nga Émilie Lalande, doli pĂ«rtej sferave tĂ« tregimit. đŸŽ¶

Kjo shfaqje thekson thelbin e rritjes dhe fuqizimit, duke i ftuar fĂ«mijĂ«t tĂ« udhĂ«tojnĂ« pĂ«rkrah personazheve qĂ« pasqyrojnĂ« aspiratat dhe pikat e tyre tĂ« forta. đŸŒ±Nga eksplorimi i frikĂ«s e deri te shoqĂ«ria me kafshĂ«t e egra, kjo performancĂ« emocionuese la gjurmĂ« tĂ« pashlyeshme te fĂ«mijĂ«t.

đŸ’« QĂ«ndroni me ne gjatĂ« festivalit tĂ« kĂ«tij viti, sepse ju premtojmĂ« edhe mĂ« shumĂ« magji! Dy super shfaqje pĂ«r fĂ«mijĂ«t, si dhe njĂ« numĂ«r i madh puntorish tĂ« lira pĂ«r t’u ndjekur nga kushdo (crafts, vizatime dhe klasa kĂ«rcimi).

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 05/09/2023

✹The last two days of last year’s edition of ICDFT 2022 featured another work by Angelin Preljocaj, where he plunges into the choreographer’s imagination when he had the idea of creating his famous “Swan Lake”. đŸŠąđŸ©° With this choreographic wink, he amuses himself going back and forth between our time and the past of Imperial Russia. “Ghost” evokes for Angelin Preljocaj the trace left in our collective unconscious by the great figures of artistic creation. A ‘phantom’ existence in the poetic sense of the term.

“Ghost” was interpreted by dancers of the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet of Albania: Adela Muçollari, Loreta Bala, Ambra Troplini, Elda Logo, Eltion Merja, Kristi Dushmani. đŸŒ±âœš


✹NĂ« dy netĂ«t e fundit tĂ« edicionit tĂ« parĂ« tĂ« ICDFT 2022, u shfaq njĂ« tjetĂ«r vepĂ«r e Angelin Preljocaj, i cili zhytet nĂ« imagjinatĂ«n e koreografit kur i lindi ideja e krijimit tĂ« famshĂ«m "Liqeni i Mjellmave". đŸŠąđŸ©° Me kĂ«tĂ« koreografi, ai zbavitet duke shkuar e mbrapa midis kohĂ«s sonĂ« dhe tĂ« kaluarĂ«s sĂ« RusisĂ« Perandorake. “Fantazma” ngjall pĂ«r Angelin Preljocaj gjurmĂ«n e lĂ«nĂ« nga figurat e mĂ«dha tĂ« krijimit artistik, nĂ« pavetĂ«dijen tonĂ« kolektive. NjĂ« ekzistencĂ« ‘fantomike’ nĂ« kuptimin poetik tĂ« termit.

“Ghost” u interpretua nga balerinĂ«t e Teatrit KombĂ«tar tĂ« Operas dhe Baletit: Adela Muçollari, Loreta Bala, Ambra Troplini, Elda Logo, Eltion Merja, Kristi Dushmani. đŸŒ±âœš

ICDFT 2022

Artistic Director: Angelin Preljocaj
General Director: Ajola Xoxa
Programming: Nicole Said
Producer: Tim Newman
Organizers: Harabel Contemporary & D18 Paris

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 05/09/2023

đŸŒŹïžâœšâ€œWinds and Waltzes” duet, choreographed by Gentian Doda and Dimo Milev during ICDFT 2022, encapsulated the profound challenge of waltzing with one's inner shadow, a delicate dance between light and darkness that resonates deep within the soul, the intricate tango between self and shadow. 🌑✹


đŸŒŹïžâœšDueti “Winds and Waltzes” nga koreografĂ«t Gentian Doda dhe Dimo Milev gjatĂ« ICDFT 2022, pĂ«rmbledh sfidĂ«n e thellĂ« tĂ« valsit me hijen e brendshme, njĂ« vallĂ«zim delikat midis dritĂ«s dhe errĂ«sirĂ«s qĂ« rezonon thellĂ« brenda shpirtit, njĂ« tango e ngatĂ«rruar mes vetes dhe hijes. 🌑✹

ICDFT 2022

Artistic Director: Angelin Preljocaj
General Director: Ajola Xoxa
Programming: Nicole Said
Producer: Tim Newman
Organizers: Harabel Contemporary & D18 Paris

Photos from International Contemporary Dance Festival Tirana's post 04/09/2023

Last year’s edition of the festival featured two choreographies by Eno Peçi that drew in audiences from every corner.

🎧 "Zeitraum": Through the dancer's journey, guided by the rhythm of music and wrapped in headphones, a world of wonder and detachment unfolds. A choreography that follows its own enigmatic laws - is it a wonderland, or a journey to the depths of the soul?

In a digital age, the boundaries between reality and unreality blur. The dancer escapes into a dreamlike universe, a cocoon of technology and ambiance that transcends time. Eno Peçi masterfully unravels the layers of modern existence, inviting us to ponder the consequences of digital isolation and the emergence of surreal realms within.

🌌 "Opus 25", a poignant duet that navigates the intricate paths of a couple's journey. 💔 As the dancers entwine, striving to hold their bond intact, their steps lead them down separate ways.


Edicioni i vitit të kaluar i festivalit shfaqi dy koreografi të Eno Peçit që mbushën plot sallën e TKOB gjatë dy netëve.

🎧 Shfaqja "Zeitraum" tregon sesi pĂ«rmes rrugĂ«timit tĂ« balerinit, i udhĂ«hequr nga ritmi i muzikĂ«s dhe i mbĂ«shtjellĂ« me kufje, shpaloset njĂ« botĂ« mrekullie dhe shkĂ«putjeje. NjĂ« koreografi qĂ« ndjek ligjet e veta enigmatike - Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« vend i çudirave, apo njĂ« udhĂ«tim nĂ« thellĂ«si tĂ« shpirtit?

Në një epokë dixhitale, kufijtë midis realitetit dhe jorealitetit mjegullohen. Balerini arratiset në një univers ëndërrimtar, një mbështjellje teknologjie dhe ambienti që kapërcen kohën. Eno Peçi zbërthen me mjeshtëri shtresat e ekzistencës moderne, duke na ftuar të mendojmë për pasojat e izolimit dixhital dhe shfaqjen e mbretërive surreale brenda.

🌌 "Opus 25", njĂ« duet qĂ« pĂ«rshkon shtigjet e ndĂ«rlikuara tĂ« udhĂ«timit tĂ« njĂ« çifti. 💔 NdĂ«rsa kĂ«rcimtarĂ«t ndĂ«rveprojnĂ«, duke u pĂ«rpjekur tĂ« mbajnĂ« lidhjen e tyre tĂ« paprekur, hapat e tyre i çojnĂ« nĂ« rrugĂ« tĂ« ndryshme.
ICDFT 2022

Artistic Director: Angelin Preljocaj
General Director: Ajola Xoxa
Programming: Nicole Said
Producer: Tim Newman
Organizers: Harabel Contemporary & D18 Paris

📾 ©

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