Find medical labs in Vlorë. Listings include Klinika Bakaj, Klinika Mjekesore Dr.Maks Gega, Laborator Mjekesor Genetics, Primus Medical Center.
Klinika Bakaj eshte e angazhuar per te ofruar sherbime te kualitetit te larte nga specialiste te fushave te ndryshme te mjekesise.
Imazheri-CT; Laborator Analizash; Konsulta Mjekesore; Radiografi; Ekografi; Analiza Biokimike; Anali
🏥Genetics by Genius LAB VLORË🔬 ✅️AKREDITUAR 🧪ISO 15189:2012 ✅️ÇERTIFIKUAR🧫ISO 9001:2015 🤝Partner i SynLab- Germany 🇩🇪
Primus Medical Center is a modern private hospital, in the city of Vlora, with specialised medical departments, micro and general operating rooms, diagnostic laboratory, Pcr test f...