Eartheaven, Adelaide, SA Videos

Videos by Eartheaven in Adelaide.

Employing the pinnacles of the year such as Winter Solstice is beyond helpful for really moving through outdated paradigms and creating new ways in alignment -- something as coach and healer I'm continually focused on in my own life's growth ✨️☺️

Sarandei --

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Employing the pinnacles of the year such as Winter Solstice is beyond helpful for really moving through outdated paradigms and creating new ways in alignment -- something as coach and healer I'm continually focused on in my own life's growth ✨️☺️ Sarandei -- #EartheavenAscensionProgramme

HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO LEARN REIKI?🙌 or perhaps... you'd like to 🌬 refresh🌱 your Attunements? In January we are facilitating Reiki Usui 1 and 2 Reiki 1 🌸 Reiki 2 🌺 🤲 Practice and learn about hands-on healing and the in-depth understanding of working with life-force energy 🤲 Expand your healing skills, spiritual development and energetic experience for yourself, friends, family and/or healing practice Reiki is an ancient healing art used for enhancing practically any area of life -- the sacred life-force energy which is the basis of our creative force -- at once gentle and powerful SARANDEI has over 20 years experience working with Reiki in many diverse areas of life including self healing and mastery #reiki #reikihealing #universallifeforceenergy #universalenergetics #quantumhealing #healinghands #healingtouch #spiritualjourney #reikiprinciples #sacredjourney #healingenergy #eartheavenlifestyle

FALLING OFF THE HORSE AIN'T A FOOL'S EFFORT// 🏆 Recommittment: The practice of softening into the experience of beginning again inclusive of the feedback of the least desired outcome In my experience the one purpose which compells me to begin again is the simple act to recommit When it seems like failure has occurred the remedy is remembering that it's simply feedback, to take stock of the perceived mistake and begin again EVERY GREAT PERSON HAS COMPLETELY STACKED IT AGAIN AND AGAIN ❤ Recommittment is about getting back up and learning from the experience, richer for it It's all perception and of equal value so it's worth the flexibility of mindset to actually expect richer creative experience during the Recommittment process Our sincere efforts here are truely life transformative... in every moment we can choose again DM for guidance getting back on track Sarandei 🌹 Former champion horserider 🐎 #resilience #backinthesaddle #nlpcoach #dontgiveup #therapeuticartcoach #nlp #hypnotherapist #hypnotherapy #TimeLineTherapy #reiki #courage #learning #doitforyou #eartheavenlifestyle

WOMEN. MOTHERS. DAUGHTERS.// 🌹 When did we decide that it was safe to abandon ourselves just to keep the peace? How did we become so tired, so run-down that it was preferable to give ourselves away? The feeling that we're slowly becoming lost in our families - our "roles"; losing our hobbies, our own passions that aren't anything to do with the household There's so many roads to this outcome 🥀🥀🥀🥀 The belief that it will create a happy harmonious homelife The fear of conflict, rejection or shaming Where, how, who and what did it stem from... and Why? There can be some incredible healing and transformational work achieved through Hypnotherapy Inner Tours and Time Line Therapy when targeting this type of gnawing, dense and often elusive patterning 🌹 Coaching to Return Ourselves to Ourselves when we have lost ourselves in our family lives is the greatest gift we can give to and receive for ourselves Reigniting our fire within through delving into the unconscious mind for deep rediscovery of our true selves becomes a great gift to our families and loved ones When we invest in our own alignment and embodiment, all of our relationships flourish in ways beyond our wildest dreams From one mother/sister/daughter/WOMAN to another..... ❤Coaching and Healing Facilitator Sarandei #findingourselvesagain #sovereignwoman #quantumhealing #coachingforwomen #coachingforwomenbywomen #returnhome #hypnotherapy #therapeuticart #hypnosis #TimeLineTherapy #nlpcoach #NLP #lifecoach #breathwork #healingfamilies #empowerment #eartheavenlifestyle

We do not lose the battle, we get to leave the battle 🙌