Inner Path Acupuncture

Inner Path Acupuncture

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A Chinese Medicine approach to Wellness, Healing and Empowerment. Rachel Berners (Registered Chines Acupuncture, Esoteric Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine.


My rescue Cat Laurence says it all with her effortless Resting Bitch Face..!

I have stepped back from clinical Practice during Victorian Lockdown #6.

Sending BIG HUGS to all of my clients, colleagues and friends as we ride yet another wave. Lets all acknowledge the mental and emotional exhaustion that is present.. Let’s collectively breathe together, in softening the resistance and hard parts within ourselves.

If you have an upcoming Acupuncture session with me, I will be in touch to reschedule. Please be patient, as I am only dealing with 1 day at a time. I have never done so much reception work in my life!

I will be offering Demartini Method Facilitation via Zoom over the next 6 days. If you would like to know more about my facilitation work, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

I am here to Support YOU.. ⚡️⚡️

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine BaddAss, Acupuncturist, Demartini Method Facilitator & Cat Lover).

Acupuncture & Coaching Enquires: 0417 325 393.


When life feels upside down, try flipping your perspective.

If you perceive limitation, where are you unlimited?

If you perceive set back, where are you moving forward?

If you perceive only drawbacks, what are the benefits?

Opening our mind so that we see both sides of life is essential in keeping us Centred & Balanced.

I am certainly not saying that it’s wrong to feel our feelings, that’s missing the point. The power that we do have however lies in our ability to change the lens through which we are seeing life.

HUGS to all of my Melbourne colleagues & friends!

Hang in There, even if it’s by the last thread of your pants!


Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist & Cat Lover).


I am officially back in clinic for Routine Care today…!

(Totally doing a little break dance before I start work today..).

I am SO Grateful to be able to Support my Community again.

Acupuncture is a WHOLE PERSON focused energetic medicine- treating body, mind, emotions and spirit.

If you have postponed your Acupuncture “tune-up” with me due to the Victorian Lockdown, you can now re-book.

Please wear a mask and check in before your session using the QR code at reception.

Hear is a snap of my Smile before I mask up.

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist & Aspiring Break Dancer).

Enquires: 0417 325 393.
—-———- 🖤🖤——————


SHEN TING (Courtyard of the Spirit).

This is one of my all time favorite Acupuncture points to calm the Shen (spirit) and reduce mental agitation.

It helps to keep ones mind and thoughts poised, centred and balanced.

Like a big collective Ahhhhhhhhhh.

Allowing Grace to enter.

In other exciting news, I will be returning to clinic to provide Routine Care from tomorrow.

Woo Hoo………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

We did it Melbourne!

Give me a buzz to schedule in your Acupuncture “Tune-Up”!

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist & Cat Lover).

Enquires: 0417 325 393.



The winter period in Chinese Medicine is related to the function of the Kidney system. This period is marked by the drawing inward and conserving of our Yang Qi (energy).

We can stay in Harmony with this phase of the Energetic Cycle by:

- drawing our attention and energy inward for preservation.

- taking time for reflection and introspection (writing and journaling is a great winter practice!).

- replacing more exertive forms of exercise with gentler forms (eg gentle yoga, walking).

- practicing softness and flexibility.

- reassessing priorities, and letting go of what is not necessary.

- remembering WHO WE ARE by taking time for our own Stillness and engaging in a form of Spiritual practice that feels right for us.

- going to bed a little earlier than normal and rising earlier.

If we “Frazzle” our way through the winter period, we are not honoring the DEEP RESTORATIVE function of this phase.

Being IN TUNE during this phase is absolutely essential.

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist & Cat Lover).

Acupuncture Enquires: 0417 325 393.



**Lockdown Update to all of my clients**

Due to the recent Covid outbreak, I will only be providing essential (critical) care for the next 7 days.

That means no usual routine care (eg general maintenance tune ups).

If you have a consultation booked with me over the next 7 days, I will be getting in touch with you to confirm or postpone your session.


Rachel Berners.


Has anyone else been craving NATURE lately?

I had a chance to get my gum boots in the mud at the Forest Glade Gardens on Sunday (Macedon Ranges). It was absolute MAGIC. Mountainous areas always help my body to feel Anchored & Grounded.

This was the Maple Leaf walk. Super Delightful, like falling stars at my Feet.

I am back in clinic tomorrow, practicing at Bikram Yoga Fitzroy. It’s going to be Mellow & Rainy, a perfect day for an Acupuncture treatment..!

I have 1 availability left if anyone would like to snap it up.. 🖤.


Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine BaddAss, Acupuncturist, Feminist, Cat Lover).


Grounding Points (with a little bit of a side show!).


Harmonizing the Kidney System.


As a Chinese Medicine Practitioner, I am passionate about connecting with YOU (my clients), allowing you the space to simply show up (exactly as you are), and be fully seen and fully heard. This is such an important (and often overlooked) aspect of Healing.

We all have our unique life journey, areas where we feel strong within ourselves, and areas that we struggle with.

I love being able to provide a safe and supportive space for my clients to simply BE THEMSELVES. And I feel deeply honored to be able to help people overcome obstacles and challenges.

A huge part of Healing and Transformation is realizing that we don’t have to do this life journey all on our own. We are here to CO-JOURNEY together.

If you are interested in how Acupuncture may benefit you, feel free to leave a comment and let’s connect.. 🖤.

Oh, and isn’t the Autumn sunshine pretty in my treatment room today?
Truly Glorious.

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist & Cat Lover).


How often do you let yourself have “You Time”..?

The outer world is important, but if you are noticing that your commitments to the outer world are causing you to abandon, betray or excessively sacrifice yourself, you are not living in Alignment. It’s OK to step back, it’s OK to re-assess your priorities, it’s OK to allow yourself “You time”.

Sometimes showing up for our SELF NOURISHMENT is how we best serve the world around Us.

Rachel Berners,

(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist & Cat Lover).

Enquires: 0417 325 393.


A little Autumn sunshine greeting me in the clinic this morning..!

Autumn is a time of PURIFICATION.

We are being guided to clean out (release) what is old, outdated and no longer serving us. This can be physical objects around our living abode, mental thought patterns, emotional addictions (that keep us rooted in past), and even spiritual practices that are no longer aligning or feeling right.

Your Intuition (heart intelligence) will bring your attention to what needs to be released.

Pay attention.


Rachel Berners,

(Chinese Medicine BaddAss, Acupuncturist, Qualified Demartini Facilitator, Feminist & Cat Lover).

Enquires: 0417 325 393.


Celebrating WOMEN!

Happy International Women’s Day...

Today I am grateful for all of the incredible women in my life that inspire and support me.

Together we can achieve the Extraordinary!

Tag a woman in your life that you are grateful for in the comment section ... 👇🏼.

Photo by one of my favorite artists


AUTUMN: Contraction & Release Phase 🍁 .

If you’re feeling a bit mellow, flat, sad, irritable or “out of sorts”, you may be responding to the energetic shift into AUTUMN.

Autumn is a major pivot in the energy cycle, marking the contraction of Yang Qi and the beginning of the Yin cycle in Chinese Medicine.

Nature is guiding us to contract INWARDS at this time. It’s a great time for self reflection, introspection and spiritual practice.

Autumn is the time to organize our priorities and let go of what is not necessary to carry forward.

What needs to be released in your life?
What is no longer serving you?

Emotional eruptions that occur during the Autumn period point us to what needs releasing.

Releasing is difficult, as our natural tendency is often to hold on. But it is only by releasing that we create space for new blessings to enter our lives.

If you have difficulty with this major transitional phase, Acupuncture is a fantastic energy medicine to assist the letting go function in the body.

My Autumn Necessities are:

Thick bright orange Socks, Gum boots and turtle neck sweaters, Miso soup, Cat cuddles, Earl Grey tea and old school Alfred Hitchcock films.

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist, Energetic Healer, Feminist, Cat Lover).

Acupuncture Enquires: 0417 325 393.


What would fully showing up for yourself in your life feel like?

What would Honoring your body feel like?

What would Letting go of all that doesn’t serve you feel like?

What would allowing yourself space to find your Inner Stillness feel like?

If any of these FEELS resonate, I am super inspired to announce that I am back in practice today, offering Acupuncture, traditional Chinese Medicine and transformational coaching.

This is a space for you to SHOW UP exactly as you are. A space for YOU to reconnect with YOU. A space to be seen, heard, acknowledged and honored fully. A space to return to your CENTRE and listen to the voice within that so easily gets drowned by the noise of the outer world.

Get in quick, as spaces are filling due to post Lockdown re-booking.

I am really excited to be back doing what I LOVE!

Rachel Berners,

(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist, Feminist, Cat Lover).

Enquires: 0417 325 393.


What do you need to do today to stay PRESENT?

Victoria has just announced the lifting of the state wide 5 day Lockdown, tonight at midnight. This is Fabulous news for all of us, yet we also need to be very present and listen to what our nervous systems need at this time. On day 1 of the Lockdown, I was at the grocery store, looking at which brand of tomatoes that I wanted to purchase, and I suddenly (and very quietly) had a mini meltdown, that manifested as not being able to make the simple decision of choosing which tomatoes to buy. I had an explosion of anxiety and indecision.

This feeling passed, thanks to the help of a store attendant who obviously noticed my indecisive state and told me which ones were his favorite.

After the announcement today of the Lockdown ending, I have become aware of a similar feeling, a slight uneasy feeling running through my body. I had a few things that I wanted to do today, but when I tuned into my body, I gently asked it, “what do you need to stay grounded?”...

It wanted: miso soup, yoga, cuddles with Laurence (my rescue cat) and a night time meditation before bed.

The point of this post is 👉🏼Please make sure that you are taking care of yourself and your body (and mind) through the ups and downs (contractions and expansions) of this current reality that we are moving through.

Look after yourself first.
Slow down and listen, ♥️.

I am looking forward to reconnecting with all of my wonderful clients in clinic tomorrow..!


Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Cat Lover).
Enquires: 0417 325 393.


It only takes a few moments to Breathe & Come Back to your own Heart.


We are wired to seek connection in the outer world, but real Unification comes from our connection to our inner world, our connection to our own Heart, our INNER STILLNESS.

If life is a little “whirly” and you are feeling overwhelmed, it’s time for you to reconnect.


Rachel Berners,

(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Cat Lover).


The Ren Mai is the primary YIN vessel in Chinese Medicine.

It is the vessel that infuses us with unconditional acceptance, nurturing and SELF LOVE.

It is essential for healthy bonding and the ability to connect with others in a way that is nourishing.

It also governs our ability to LET GO (release) what is no longer serving us in a healthy way (as part of the self care process).

Ren Mai treatments are a real treat, a soothing and gentle return to self, ♥️.


I’m really grateful to be Supporting my Community on this hot Melbourne day.

The cooler is on, Sandalwood is burning away and the sound of gentle rain to balance all of that Yang Fire.

Stay Cool Folks!

Rachel Berners,

(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist).


It’s always such an honor to support women at such a magical time. The bodies innate intelligence really does amaze me. It’s ability to hold, nurture and create.

Just AWE.

If you are interested to find out how Acupuncture can help you, give me a call on 0417 325 393. I would love to answer any questions that you may have..!

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Cat Lover).
0417 325 393.


Fear cannot enter when you are Centred in your Heart.


How are you moving through 2021 so far?

It’s all too easy to fall back into old patterns and habits (physically, mentally & emotionally).

This is a reminder to Show Up for yourself, to allow Space and Time for Relaxation, to Choose Balance.

Stay Grounded and in your Heart Center.

If you are interested in how Acupuncture can benefit your life, contact me on 0417 325 393.

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Cat Lover).


Officially Re-Open for 2021 Bookings.... !

After a rejuvenating few days of relaxation, and spending quality time with my favorite beings (of the human and feline variety), I am inspired to re-open my practice today.

Now is a fantastic time to recommit to, or resume your Self Care (Wellness) Plan.

Taking the time to schedule your Self Care means that you are showing up for yourself first, giving your body the support that it needs and allowing the space to return to your Heart Center.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about how Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can help you, please call me for a friendly chat on 0417 325 393.


Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Cat Lover).


In order to integrate our experiences in a healthy way, we have to remain open to seeing both sides of life.

If you have doubt, where are you certain?
If you perceive lack, where have you gained?
If one door is closing, what else is opening up?


It’s been a busy week in Clinic and I am really happy that so many of my clients are choosing to stay on track with their Acupuncture treatments. Life does not stop, and let’s face it, it’s all too easy to let self care practices slide at this time of year.

Remember to Choose You.

Showing up for Ourselves first is the way that we change this world. Only when we have shown up for Ourselves can we effectively take care of and show up for others, ♥️.

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Cat Lover).

0417 325 393.


Beware of “I can finally relax when ............” syndrome.

I am noticing this a lot with myself and my clients lately, especially with so many perceived expectations in the lead up to Christmas.

Take a few moments to Centre into your Heart and breathe fully and deeply into your chest. Honor exactly where you are right now. Breathe into that. Feel your body, your feet resting on the surface of the ground, feel your calves and relax them.

Re-Anchor yourself.

Love Bombs.

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist & Cat Lover).

Enquires 👉🏼0417 325 393.


When you take the time to be Still, the body and mind Acquiesces, allowing the restoration of Equilibrium.


Acupuncture is not just about sticking tiny pins in people, it’s about reconnecting to a vast and infinite intelligence that guides the body back into a state of self-regulation and self-healing.

The body experiences symptoms and disease when it’s out of balance and has forgotten this original instruction.

Acupuncture does not heal the body.

Acupuncture awakens the bodies capacity to heal itself.
As nature intended.

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Cat Lover).

To book an Appointment, please call Rachel on 0417 325 393.


A pretty Glorious Spring day in the clinic.

The birds are chirping, sandalwood is burning, and the faint sound of gentle rain to mellow your senses.. 🖤.


Today is my first day back in clinic after a pretty intense Stage 4 Lockdown in Melbourne.

So many Feelings are swirling around. I woke at sunrise and did some gentle yoga to iron out any bumps. Trying to contain my excitement didn’t stop me from spilling coffee down my T-shirt. I am wearing my favorite Orange socks.

I am SO GRATEFUL to be able to return to doing what I Love most, practicing Acupuncture!

I am Looking Forward to connecting with all of YOU, my clients, to hear how your Journeys have been. How you have been navigating the waves of this new world. It most certainly has been a transformational ride.

Let’s hold our Hearts GENTLY as we Emerge. Breathe deeply and gently into the present moment. Hold ourselves and others with Care.

If you need a “tune-up” please get in touch, 0417 325 393.

I will be masked up, and following strict hygiene protocol for your safety. Covid Safe plan check. Infection control training check. Let’s Rock.


Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Cat Lover).


I’m Emerging from Lockdown Y’all!

I just wanted to announce that after some serious time in my own private monastery bubble, I am getting ready to re-open my practice!

I am SO FU***NG excited, and inspired to be returning to my Acupuncture practice, and to re-connect with all of my beloved clients.

There have been major transformational shifts for me in my life. I have had the time and space to sink deeply into my meditative practice, recondition my body with yoga, and reflect and acknowledge my life journey.

This pandemic was pretty brutal to begin with, but now I can say with certainty that it is one of the best things that has happened in my life. It has brought so many gifts.

I will announce my actual start date in the coming weeks. If you need a tune-up, please get in contact and I will add you to my waiting list. I have completed my Covid-Safe plan, infection control training, and will be practicing strict hygiene and physical distancing protocol.

I Love You All & Miss You All Loads..!!!!!!!!!!!.

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Feminist, Tarot Nerd & Cat Lover).

Oh, and here is a picture of my Rescue Cat Laurence fantasizing about eating a bird whole.

Timeline photos 19/08/2020

Hello to my beloved Tribe & Community....

Closing my practice was a HUGE shock, and I’ve taken some time to integrate and reflect. Events that happen are not good/bad, right/wrong, they just are. It took me a while to Let Go and just Allow myself to feel and move through this new space.

I miss treating, it makes my Heart hurt. But life has also provided me with time to reconnect within, and take valuable rest after the last 18 years of practice.

After completing recent training with Dr John Demartini (Human Behavior Specialist), I am now offering online Demartini Method Facilitation for Support & Emotional Empowerment. The Demartini Method helps to neutralize emotional charges in the body, liberate stress, tension and trauma, and return a person back into a state of Presence and Certainty. It helps an individual to find the hidden universal order in even the most challenging life events.

I Really Really DIG THIS WORK, it has had a profound effect on my own life, and I would love to share it with you.

So, if this information resonates, and you are interested or intrigued to know more, please contact me on 0417 325 393. Let’s Connect.

BIGLOVE From my Heart to Yours,.. 🖤.

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist, Qualified Demartini Method Facilitator, Cat Lover).

Timeline photos 01/08/2020

Feeling super INSPIRED after spending 5 days with human behavior specialist Dr John Demartini, exploring the fundamental nature of reality and human consciousness. We are journeying through a very polarizing time in human history, a time of relative outer chaos that is re-directing us back towards who we really are and what is most important. For the past 5 days I journeyed deep within myself, witnessed the places in my past where I fractured, and had the opportunity to take my power back. Tears of gratitude flowed! Events themselves do not cause suffering, only our perceptions of them do. In Classical Chinese Medicine, when we are able to access the higher intuitive intelligence of our Heart, we can appreciate the inherent purpose in all moments. When we are able to perceive the perfect synchronicity and hidden universal order that is present in even the most painful experiences, energy is liberated that initiates the bodies healing potential.

One of the most effective ways to strengthen your immune system and enhance your well-being is to neutralize your emotional charges.

As a trained Demartini Method Facilitator, I am really looking forward to sharing this incredible information with my clients and my community. I will only be offering one on one sessions at this stage, but in the future when restrictions have eased, I will be offering facilitation for groups also.

If you or someone you know might be interested in the Demartini Breakthrough Method, I would love to connect with you! (Please send me a private message).

Have a Glorious Day...!

Rachel Berners,
(Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Cat Lover & Tarot Nerd).
0417 325 393.

Timeline photos 24/07/2020

A Lovely Warming Winter Treatment.


Timeline photos 22/07/2020

The Acupuncture room is Warm, there is a gentle Sound of Rain, and Sandalwood is Burning..

A Beautiful and Peaceful day in the Clinic today....🖤.

Timeline photos 17/07/2020

Harmonizing the Heart (Xin) and Kidney (Zhi).

Balancing Yin and Yang energies in the body.

Timeline photos 16/07/2020

What goes down must come up, what is dark must become light, what has been hidden must emerge.

Beautiful illustration by

Timeline photos 13/07/2020

Zhong (Centre).

Nothing can avoid the principle of the Centre in the Cosmos.

In Chinese Medicine, Spirit is present in every physical form, behind every person, and behind every event (regardless of whether we judge it as “good” or “bad”).

Spirit is always guiding us back to our Centre, connecting us back to our personal mandate (inner authority).


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Endota Spa Eltham, Natural Therapeutics

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 3pm - 10pm
Thursday 1pm - 10pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm