Melbourne Mini Painter, Corryong, VIC Videos

Videos by Melbourne Mini Painter in Corryong. Award winning miniature painting commission artist servicing all of Australia. High quality, detailed miniatures for board games, TTRPGS and collectors alike. Specialising in Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar and Dungeons and Dragons models.

I created this little diorama in honour of my husband's PhD coming to an end. There's a lot of fun little details in this including fish he studied, snakes he nearly stepped on and insects he worked on.

His research will hopefully lead to better freshwater management across Australia and I can't wait to see what he does next!

Other Melbourne Mini Painter videos

I created this little diorama in honour of my husband's PhD coming to an end. There's a lot of fun little details in this including fish he studied, snakes he nearly stepped on and insects he worked on. His research will hopefully lead to better freshwater management across Australia and I can't wait to see what he does next!

I love sharks so when I saw this bust I had to have it. Now I just have the paint the rest of the model!

Little joys at work, this is my favourite metallic paint for when I want something SUPER shiny. It is suspended in alcohol and the pattern it makes are hypnotic.