Jemma Doak

Online or in person
Fremantle, Western Australia Welcome, I sincerely hope that you find a sanctuary here.

The Alchemy of Dreaming:

A psycho-spiritual journey through Ancient Alchemical practices, Jungian, Depth and Somatic Psychotherapy teachings, to develop unrecognised qualities in ourselves. Inner Work . Dreaming . Meditation . Movement. Art Therapy

Wake up to living with more awareness by bringing more awareness to your dreaming. Soul medicine to awaken to a greater wisdom and healing for mind,

Unlock Body Wisdom — Jemma Doak: Somatic Psychotherapist and Coach 24/07/2024


Discover How Your Body Holds the Key to Emotional Healing

From birth, our primary experiences of life are through bodily sensation. The body is our first responder.

Our emotional patterns are learned and come from the experiences of our bodily sensations. The emotions are our second responder. They are a response to our bodily sensations.

The mind and its thoughts develop consequentially to these. Thoughts are our third responder. The thoughts are trying to make sense of the sensations and emotions we experience.

The body doesn't lie or misinterpret our experiences. It is our living history of what we've experienced. The truth of our life experiences is held in our tissues.

The mind is not as reliable or trustworthy as the body. Our self-understanding and healing are found in the wisdom of our biology and our body, with connection to our soul. This is our compass.

Not just to direct us to healing from our traumatic and stressful experiences, but to direct us to a life path where we can allow and embrace joy, awe, pleasure, and more presence in our life.

A somatic psychotherapy approach will help you to feel more balance, connection, safety, pleasure, clarity, and strength in life. We do talk, and that is an important aspect of a session. But we always return to the truth and wisdom of the body to guide us.

Practical Applications of Somatic Psychotherapy:

Body Awareness and Nervous System Regulation Exercises: You learn techniques and resources to help you become more aware of your bodily sensations and how the body holds and expresses tension or trauma.

Grounding Techniques: Practices that help you to feel connected to your body and the present moment.

Movement Therapy: Incorporates movement to access the subconscious and to release stored tension and trauma from the body.

Breathwork: Gentle and mindful breathing techniques to regulate the nervous system, reduce stress, and promote calm and well-being.

Mindfulness and Meditation: Practices that help you to stay present with your bodily experiences, fostering a deeper connection between mind and body that you can work with in every day life to support yourself.

By integrating these practices, somatic psychotherapy offers holistic healing that is gentle and sustainable. Helping you to lead more fulfilling and present lives.

Artwork by Catrin Welz-Stein

Unlock Body Wisdom — Jemma Doak: Somatic Psychotherapist and Coach Discover How Your Body Holds the Key to Emotional Healing


🦋 THE BUTTERFLY WITHIN: Transformative Trauma Therapy 🦋

I sadly often hear from new clients about their unsatisfying experiences with therapy and coaching. They describe spending years and considerable money seeking help, yet feeling unseen, unheard, unsafe, and misunderstood.

Creating a space where clients feel seen, heard, and understood is a privilege and a wonder for me. In this space, clients can unravel and dissolve their old 'self' to explore and reveal their true nature. They may feel like they're dissolving into a state of vulnerability, only to slowly reform and emerge as their unique, empowered selves. The joy, self respect, safety, and strength they discover within shines through them.

In psychology, the body has traditionally been viewed as an isolated system with its own drives and workings. However, interest in the body's role in mental health has grown recently, and it's now considered cutting-edge to explore this connection. How can we understand the unconscious mind while dismissing the body, which accounts for 90% of the communication to the mind?

The relationship between the physical body and consciousness has a long history. In ancient wisdom, the body and soul were seen as inseparable. This view persisted until the late 17th and early 18th centuries when Descartes introduced Cartesian dualism, separating the mind and body. The beginning of industrialisation. This split explained the mind-body connection in mechanical terms, elevating the mind above the body.

With this shift, mental illness came to be viewed either as a purely physical condition requiring medication or as a behavioural issue requiring moral therapy. The term hysteria was coined and asylums developed, housing mainly women to receive the benefit of “moral treatment” for their ny*******ia, hysteria and melancholy. Maybe a more humanistic approach than the witch hunts of earlier years?

Later, anatomical studies began locating mental disturbances as having a connection to, and coming from, the nervous system. Physicians like Thomas Willis even suggested that the soul could be situated in the body.

Also developing was Mesmer's system of therapeutics, known as mesmerism, a precursor to modern hypnotism and paved the way for the work of Charcot, Freud, and Jung at the turn of the 20th century.

Processwork Psychotherapy is colloquially known as “Jung's Daughter”. It's developer, Arnold Mindell, was a brilliant Psychotherapist, Jungian Analyst and Quantum Physicist with a passion for Daoism. Mindell extended Jungian analysis into the mind-body-soul relationship on an individual, relationship, and collective level during the late 70's as the hippy awakening era began to try to move society away form the cartesian model focus to one of more connectivity.

In my approach to Trauma-Informed Processwork Psychotherapy, I return to the ancient wisdom of the mind-body-soul connection. Combined with an embodied and modern understanding of the nervous system. To create an effective, beautiful, trauma-informed and sensitive environment for healing. Revealing the butterfly within.

Photos from Jemma Doak's post 13/08/2023


A beautiful 4 day retreat in Margaret River for women to gather in a nourishing sanctuary ​to rest, reflect and dream.

You are invited to join Mandy and Jemma in our lovingly curated space for women and women's practices, the Sanctuary.

This is a retreat program where women can come together in a safe and sacred space where they can connect with others and the sanctuary within their own Self.

Here we women gather to embrace deep rest, reflection, nourishment, and connection.

Collectively we dream in the woman who we are becoming. With the presence and wisdom of the woman that we are. While honouring with gratitude the woman and the girl that we were.

The Sanctuary is a celebration of our lives and experiences as women across time. This retreat is for all women in any stage of life.


• a lovingly designed program to support your healing and spiritual journey with time to rest and replenish.

• Professional, skilful, experienced, compassionate retreat leaders who safely support all attendees.

• Daily qi gong, yoga and meditation.

• Daily women's healing circle featuring guided enquiry, reflection and release.

• Satsangs to connect and explore women's lived experience.

• Dreaming and visioning meditations.

• Bedtime yoga nidra.

• Amazing vegetarian meals lovingly catered to your needs.

• Peaceful homestead venue amongst the Karri trees in stunning Margaret River​.

• single and shared accommodation options in beautiful, luxe rooms garden apartments and cottages.

Our venue is beautiful Gilgara Retreat in stunning Margaret River in the southwest of WA, and you have the option of staying onsite in the homestead in a beautiful single or shared room, in a luxury garden apartment, or in a tranquil rammed earth cottage.

Dates: 14-17 October, 2023.
Please see our website for the full program, accommodation options, pricing and to book. Price is from $1390. Payment plans available. We do hope you can join us. 💛

Details in bio.


"The Investor’s Mind: Building Generational Wealth from the Ground Up".

In this transformative session, we dive deep into the psychology behind successful, long-term investing.

Our primary focus is not just on tactics, but rather on the crucial mindset shifts required to turn your investments into a source of generational wealth.

You'll learn how to overcome common psychological barriers, nurture a positive money mindset, and foster financial discipline for investment longevity.

Through interactive discussions, real-life investment situations, and expert-led presentations, we'll show you how to think like a seasoned investor, setting your path toward financial freedom. By mastering your mindset, you can start seeing every decision, every risk, and every opportunity from the perspective of potential generational wealth.

Whether you're a beginner at investing, or looking to take your wealth creation journey to the next level, this webinar promises to provide valuable insights to help you harness the power of your mind for superior investing outcomes.

Join us to transform your financial future and begin building wealth that lasts, from the ground up.

🗓️ U.S.A. Thursday August 10th 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT
Australia Friday August 11th 7am AWST

💥 Space is limited - Register using the link in my BIO to attend live or receive the recording.


Unlock your inner power and transform your life with:

🌟 CONSCIOUS WEALTH - Create with Intention!

Learn the art of conscious manifestation, mindset mastery, and somatic practices to manifest prosperity and align your wealth with purpose.

Benefit from increased confidence and a sense of empowerment as you create the life you desire.

Join now and embark on a journey of personal growth and abundance!

Link in bio.


A great women's night with my fellow presenters sharing our spiritual connection to our work.

Thank you for inviting me to share my love for my work and helping people to come home to themselves.

Reducing Stress + Restoring Balance Practice 18/06/2023


This practice is simple and supportive for when you are feeling stressed about something in your life and are finding it difficult to relax or let go of thinking about the stress source.

It will help strengthen self-regulation and resilience so you can live life to its full range and still find sanity, balance, flow and transformation.

It works at a nervous system and neural circuitry level to help protect the body and mind form the impact of acute or chronic stress and trauma.

If the space that you’re in is the cause of stress then I encourage you to do my Cultivating the Bhava Meditation instead:

Join our Re-Energise Your Thoughts community here:

Please remember to take full responsibility for your own well-being. Contact Jemma if you'd like to join our group offerings or book a private session. [email protected]

I much appreciate if you share this video with others and subscribe. It helps me to help more people.

Reducing Stress + Restoring Balance Practice This practice is simple and supportive for when you are feeling stressed about something in your life and are finding it difficult to relax or let go of thin...



🍹ALL of these inclusions, entertainment and connection packed into our in-person experience 🔥

Don’t miss these amazing ladies in their absolute element!
✨ Multidimensional Quantum Healer + Teacher: Kerrie J White from

✨ Holistic Practitioner + Healer:

✨ Qi Gong Facilitator + Somatic Psychotherapist:

✨ Nurture + Intuition Coach:

✨ Ceremonial Gongs + Sound Bowls by

🎤 Epic spiritual interviews + live comedy! 🎤
🙏🏼 Ceremonial Gongs + Meditation 🙏🏼
🥋 Qi Gong Demonstration 🥋
🥂 Mimosa Bar 🥂
🧁 Grazing Sweet Treats High Tea 🧁
🎼 Sound Bowls + Soul Activation 🎼
🎧 + Content Creator + Prizes
✅ Biz expos/stalls

🖍️ With funds being raised for and our ladies shed
�... Plus even MORE surprises on the day! 🙌🏻

Get in quick as last events old out early! Link in bio

Nourishing Your Relationship With Success Tapping Meditation 10/03/2023


“Success is the Progressive Realisation of a Worthy Ideal”
Earl Nightingale

Every aspect of our lives is a relationship. A dynamic. A dance.
It takes clarity, patience, practice, commitment and consistency over time to create healthy relationships that we desire to be in.

In our relationship with success there are inner and outer attitudes that can dramatically enhance that relationship.

One of those is to share your goals, dreams and visions.

Research has shown that social accountability plays a crucial role in how likely you are to achieve your objective. Finding that people are 65 percent more likely to meet a goal after making a commitment to someone else.

BUT, to achieve this who you share your goal commitment with is what creates the higher success rate. It must be with someone, or within a community, that you hold in high esteem.

Who are you sharing your heart felt dreams with?
Join our Re-Energise Your Thoughts community here:

Nourishing Your Relationship With Success Tapping Meditation “Success...


“I found an inner voice and trusted my own guidance and timing. I gained energy and excitement for the next chapter without the hustle. I found a new way of being.” Amanda


“People With Goals Succeed Because They Know where They’re Going”
Earl Nightingale

The research on goals and success also supports this. Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor in California, did a study on goal setting and found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down on a daily basis.

Out of 10 how clear and safe do you feel on your authentic goals to write them down daily?

You can do this tapping meditation as often as needed to help you become more clear on what you want and where you're going.

Please remember to take full responsibility for your own well-being. Contact Jemma if you'd like to join our group offerings or book a private session. [email protected]

I much appreciate if you share this video with others and subscribe. It helps me to help more people.

If you are new to tapping, please watch this video so you understand what it is about:





There are four major phases and a transition period that is part of a woman’s life cycle.

These phases correspond with the external seasonal cycle.

These phases are not cut and dry; they exist at all times within each other. Their transitions don’t always happen at the same age for all women.


The maga-healer phase is often a forgotten one; we tend to only talk about the other three seasons in a woman’s life; maiden, mother and crone.

This phase can encompass a lot of different things. It might refer to being a spiritual or energetic healer or being a mentor.

We'll be exploring the Maga-Healer phase deeper in this sundays The Women's Web circle; Sacred Practices For Women at . Come join us to explore and nourish your connection, self love and intuition.

Link in bio.



Yin Water Rabbit is a mystical and mysterious year.

A year of transition and illusions of what is real internally, dropping.

An opportunity for a shift in our belief systems as we visit the dark side of our inner moon.

Our body as our portal of transcendence; inner alchemy.

This weekend I celebrate Chinese New Year with my internal martial arts school, and with a Somatic Desire Mapping workshop offering on Sunday which is open for all to attend.

This workshop will offer a more indepth exploration of the energies of the year of Yin Water Rabbit.

What is somatic desire mapping?

It’s embodied manifestation which works at a deeper, more effective level than more commonly used manifestation, affirmation and goal setting techniques.

It provides connection to your true nature and desires, clarity, inner knowing and a sustainable ability to take aligned action.

Sunday 5th February
1 – 4.30pm AWST
Attend live online or buy the recording.
Booking + details:


Change and creation is an inside job.

Your feelings turn to thoughts.

Your thoughts turn to action.

If you cant or dont know how to be with your body, feelings and nervous system your feelings can turn into thoughts, that can turn into inaction or self sabotage.

These two are protective responses.

As limiting and frustrating as it can feel. These behaviours are your system loving you on an old record groove.

Consider the past, and what doesn’t suit the intentions of who you are becoming.

How can you not press repeat if you don’t feel into your personal journey as the foundation to create your new groove?

How do you know what is your truth and not others if you don’t know what your truth feels like?

To evolve is a discipline and a flow rooted in nervous system safety and felt sense reality.

This consequentially creates the neural networking and aligned actions which create sustainable change.

At your pace, in your unique way and time.

This sunday's Create 2023 workshop is a relaxing and deep inner experience where you will learn how to do this.

Sunday 5th February
1 - 4.30pm AWST
Attend live in person, live or buy recording.

Photos from Jemma Doak's post 25/01/2023


The standard practice of goal setting, or often resolution making at this time of year, doesn't create sustainable change or healing.

It creates concepts.

Change and healing aren't a cognitive process.

They happen below the brain stem, in our body. In our autonomic nervous system.

Change and healing that is true to our nature is rooted in a felt sense connection to our self, the world around us, and the Divine.

Effective, authentic change and creation is part of an embodied and sacred process. It's part of a bigger cycle like ovulation is to giving birth.

This is part of what we will be exploring through Somatic Desire Mapping in our CREATE 2023 Workshop.

Join us live in person or online. Or buy the recording.

Sunday 5th February 1 - 4.30pm AWST


THE SANCTUARY A beautiful 4 day retreat in Margaret River for women to gather in a nourishing sanctuary ​to rest, reflect and dream.

You are invited to join Jemma and Mandy from Kookaburra Yoga in our lovingly curated space for women and women's practices, the Sanctuary.

This is a retreat program where women can come together in a safe and sacred space where they can connect with others and the sanctuary within their own Self.

Here we women gather to embrace deep rest, reflection, nourishment, and connection.

Collectively we dream in the woman who we are becoming. With the presence and wisdom of the woman that we are. While honouring with gratitude the woman and the girl that we were.

The Sanctuary is a celebration of our lives and experiences as women across time. This retreat is for all women in any stage of life.

• a lovingly designed program to support your healing and spiritual journey with time to rest and replenish.
• Professional, skilful, experienced, compassionate retreat leaders who safely support all attendees.
• Daily qi gong, yoga and meditation.
• Daily women's healing circle featuring guided enquiry, reflection and release.
• Satsangs to connect and explore women's lived experience.
• Dreaming and visioning meditations.
• Bedtime yoga nidra.
• Amazing vegetarian meals lovingly catered to your needs.
• Peaceful homestead venue amongst the Karri trees in stunning Margaret River​.
• single and shared accommodation options in beautiful, luxe rooms garden apartments and cottages.

Our venue is beautiful Gilgara Retreat in stunning Margaret River in the southwest of WA, and you have the option of staying onsite in the homestead in a beautiful single or shared room, in a luxury garden apartment, or in a tranquil rammed earth cottage.

Two dates in 2023: 11-14 March and 14-17 October. Please see our website for the full program, accommodation options, pricing and to book. Price is from $1390. Payment plans available.

We do hope you can join us. 💛
Details + Bookings:




Somatic Desire Mapping

Sunday February 5th 1pm - 4.30pm

Working with the body and subconscious to enjoy the present and create your future, naturally.

Are you looking to Connect more with Self?

To go deeper within to get clearer and stronger?

Create 2023 is a practical workshop which embraces a holistic, neurobiological and somatic approach to reflect, feel desires, plan goals, manifest and create aligned momentum.

With background in areas of Trauma informed Somatic Psychotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yoga, Breathwork, Jemma offers a holistic approach to help you Connect to Self through modalities such as nervous system regulation, internal parts work, journaled self-enquiry, meditation, breath, felt sense exploration and EFT (tapping).

Attend in person, live online or buy the workshop recording.

Details + bookings:


A double dose of qi gong medicine for me today with teaching my regular saturday morning Qi Gong in the Park class in Winthrop.

Then up to teach some of the lovely VIP Members of Ladies HQ. The space and the group had a beautiful, safe and caring energy. So much goodness happens within that space.

When women gather with collective intent magic happens.

Photos from Jemma Doak's post 15/01/2023

How often do you deeply connect to your inner self, listen, and act upon the whisperings of your intuition?

How often do you connect and listen to the quiet wisdom and guidance of what life and nature is offering you, and surrender to it?

Can you tell the difference between your gut instinct as a possibly out dated survival response, and your wise present time intuition?

Connection and safety is essential to creation, and it must pre-ceed it.

This is part of what we will be exploring through Somatic Desire Mapping in our CREATE 2023 Workshop.


Year of the Water Rabbit

Somatic Desire Mapping

Are you looking to Connect more with Self?

To go deeper within to get clearer and stronger?

Create 2023 is a practical workshop by Jemma Doak which embraces a holistic, neurobiological and somatic approach to reflect, feel desires, plan goals, manifest and create aligned momentum.

With background in areas of Trauma informed Somatic Psychotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yoga, Breathwork, Jemma offers a holistic approach to help you Connect to Self through modalities such as nervous system regulation, internal parts work, journaled self-enquiry, meditation, breath, felt sense exploration and EFT (tapping).

Create 2023 hopes to help with co-creation of the life you desire through:

❤️ Reflection of challenges in 2021 and 2022 and the impact of these on creation of your desired life in 2023.

❤️ Empowerment of your authentic self to work on Intentions and Goal setting.

❤️ Building of internal resources and toolkit - increasing your self-awareness, self-care, self-love, self-acceptance and self-compassion, with the aim of bringing authentic clarity, inner strength, healthy boundaries, and follow through.

❤️ Sharing of strategies to course correct, strengthen, and soften into your resolve and create the life, work, love you desire with focus and at a sustainable pace.

There will be the option to continue on as an accountability group to 'Create 2023".

The workshop is available to attend in person or online. Or if the date doesnt suit you you can access the recording option.

Details + Bookings:


Cultivate the positive feelings for your new year at Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra with me.

New Years Day 1st Jan
Spanda Yoga School


NURTURING SELF COMPASSION - one day retreat this sunday.

Last day to book!

Self Love Sanctuary - One Day Retreat
Theme: Compassion and Self compassion
Sunday 27th November, 2022
10am - 4pm

This day retreat offers a soothing bath for your soul.

Do you desire to feel more connected to your hearts passion and purpose?
To feel to more self love, self worth, and self belief?
To feel more balanced, free, nourished and present in your life?
Do you desire to return to your souls's true nature, your destiny, and feel connected to the magic of life?

A day of self love and care to enjoy a nourishing, loving, mystical, soul healing spaces and experiences where we can reconnect to our heart, our true nature, our destiny and our passion.

Our unique method subtly combines sacred practices from ancient wisdoms, with gentle Psychotherapeutic practices and modern day neuroscience.

This retreat day brings you a holistic approach to rest, reflect and rejuvenate. A luxury day that combines my monthly offerings into one nourishing, life changing day.

You will spend you day in a loving and safe like minded community. Being guided through meditation, breathwork, Intuitive EFT Tapping, journalled self enquiry, Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra.

So we may all deeply connect to, and live from, our true nature.

Suitable for all levels of fitness and mobility.

Details + bookings:



In Dr Kristin Neff's work on self compassion she identifies the three elements of self-compassion:

1. Self-kindness vs. Self-judgment - being warm and understanding toward ourselves when we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate, rather than ignoring our pain or flagellating ourselves with self-criticism.

2. Common humanity vs. Isolation - recognising that suffering and personal inadequacy is part of the shared human experience – something that we all go through rather than being something that happens to “me” alone.

3. 3. Mindfulness vs. Over-identification - willingness to observe our negative thoughts and emotions with openness and clarity, so that they are held in mindful awareness.

We will explore these in our self compassion one day retreat so you may gently change in ways that allow you to be more healthy and happy, because you care about yourself, not because you are worthless or unacceptable as you are. Honouring and accepting your humanness

I hope to see you at the Self Compassion one day retreat. Bookings close friday.

Details + Bookings:


We close our spring calendar on the wood element with our Self Compassion One Day Retreat this Sunday. This is my last group offering this year other than saturday morning qi gong class.

In its most harmonious form the wood element brings reverence, compassion and is a space of enlightenment.

This is where we can all come to when we do our inner work to be with and evolve our anger, frustration, jealousy, stuckness, lack of energy and motivation, or difficulty relaxing and over competitiveness.

Naturally bringing into our lives more forward movement, growth, expansion, exuberance freedom of expression and open space for expansion.

I hope to see you at the Self Compassion one day retreat. Bookings close friday.

Details + Bookings:


“Where you long for the friend who calls only to find out if you’re well, be that caller for another.

Where you long for eloquent prayers to be made of everyday things, let your own clumsy words bless your meals out loud.

Where you wish for ritual under the moons, be the one who holds the heartbeat of gathering.

Where you ache to be recognised, allow yourself to be seen.

Where you long to be known, sit next to someone and listen for the apertures into what they love.

Where you wish you felt necessary, give those gifts away.”
Toko Pa Turner

What do you long for?

Please join us on this saturday's online tapping circle theme - Renewal; Envisioning Your Future

Or next sunday's one day self compassion one day retreat, to listen deeply.

Details + Bookings:

I am also available for 1:1 private sessions. Please message me for availability.

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Fremantle?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Healing comes from within.

“Everything in the Universe is energy, frequency, and vibration” Nikola Tesla.

Jemma Doak has exceeded 20 years experience in guiding people from all walks of life to self heal through Chinese medicine, energetic medicine, and psychology practices.

Her extensive background in EFT, Classical Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy, and sacred Daoist practices provide her with a unique and powerfully effective understanding of the connection between the mind and body, and more importantly how this connection can be utilised in healing.

Jemma is wholly committed to guiding people to a place of safety, sovereignty, and discernment, where they can be gently connected to holding the immense power of their soul. She passes on powerful tools and practices for people to hold with them and journey their pathway home to sacred wholeness.

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😍 NO PLANS NEXT FRIDAY? 😍Come hang with the Ladies HQ community on the 7/7!! We are going to have an EPIC ladies night o...
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The majority of our circumstances are the results of our behaviours, thoughts, and choices.They are a direct reflection....
This Sunday. A few places remain on this beautiful, healing one day women's retreat at tranquil Kookaburra Yoga in the P...


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