Brain Balanz, Gold Coast, QLD Videos

Videos by Brain Balanz in Gold Coast. The purpose of the page is to promote brain health and to educate people about Brain Balanz services. You will find information on the vestibular system, concussion, balance, eye-tracking, and more.

Eye movement assessments can be helpful for identifying functional issues in neurological pathways of the brain. This patient presents with migraine, dizziness, fatigue, sensitivity to light, and sensitivity to pain. Her vertical saccadic eye movements can be seen in the video to pause as they move. This would be classified as hypometric, meaning that she cannot move completely from one target to the other. #brainhealth #neuro #balance

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Other Brain Balanz videos

Eye movement assessments can be helpful for identifying functional issues in neurological pathways of the brain. This patient presents with migraine, dizziness, fatigue, sensitivity to light, and sensitivity to pain. Her vertical saccadic eye movements can be seen in the video to pause as they move. This would be classified as hypometric, meaning that she cannot move completely from one target to the other. #brainhealth #neuro #balance

We all rely heavily on our visual inputs to inform us about our position and how we are moving in relation to our environment. Due to a head injury, this client has suffered a loss of vestibular function and consequently has become too reliant (theoretically) on his vision. This visually complex video is causing him to “over-react” to the visual input. We hope that by placing him in this challenging situation he will be forced to recruit the vestibular (inner ear balance) and proprioceptive (body position sense) inputs to the brain, enabling again a better integration of all three sensory inputs. Ps a virtual reality environment would be even harder/better for him . #balance #concussionrecovery #vestibularrehabilitation

Easier to see in the dark... Movements of the eyes in the dark are often more informative than what we can observe in the light. This is because the eyes can FIXATE onto targets in the light, therefore suppressing vital clues. This video shows downbeat nystagmus after a headshake test, indicating a “central”, brain dysfunction. The eyes are observed via infrared goggles which allow us to see video through a lens. The lens is designed to remove vision from the client, therefore denying fixation. The likely diagnosis is Vestibular Migraine. #vestibular #migraine #vestibularmigraine #videonystagmography