Fiona Tate - Holistic Psychotherapist & Healer

Counselling & Psychotherapy from Healesville. I offer Counselling & Psychotherapy and Shiatsu Therapy and meditation classes from Healesville.

I also see psychotherapy clients online, over zoom or telephone.


I work with children in clinic, helping with such things as anxiety, school problems, ASD/ADHD.
This is a picture done by an 8 year old client this week.
I gave him this as home work and mum sent me this pic.
When working with children, I often do nervous system regulation work through working with the felt sense and what colour the body is when experiencing different feelings .

This boy was experiencing night terrors and separation anxiety . When he experienced these feelings his body felt a dark blue and very heavy and scary.

We needed to remind his body what calm feels like, so we used his mums arms as she was in the room.
Otherwise i usually use Amber at this stage.

When his body was calm and safely connected his body felt this beautiful soft green.
So we mapped these feelings into his nervous system .

This is a deep psychotherapy process, to help rewire the body and nervous system and learning to self regulate.
The separation anxiety is an indication that the body is finding it difficult to self regulate .

After a beautiful session together i asked him to go home and draw this - as a way to integrate what we did in therapy.

Since this first session he has been sleeping better and much calmer.


To my lovely clients-
thank you so much for trusting me to share your journey.

it is an absolute privilege to support your growth and healing.

Wishing you a very happy and safe christmas and new year. πŸŽ„πŸŽ‰πŸ’•

just letting you know I will be available over the whole period if you need support-

much love and blessings
xo Fiona πŸŽ„

Photos from Fiona Tate - Holistic Psychotherapist & Healer's post 09/08/2023

I see a lot of children, teens and adults on the Autism Spectrum.
I have a lot of different resources in my clinic room to help with communication and to manage sensory processing-
Including a basket full of sensory toys, a therapy dog, chairs that rock, communication cards and a weighted blanket.

We also often play Uno together while we are talking, to help maintain focus.

The other day one of my teenage clients had some emotions surface, so grabbed her phone and text me saying she was unable to talk.
So we completed the remainder of our session texting each other, and exploring her feelings through text chat.

One of my other clients prefers me to turn off the lamp and overhead lights when he has his session.
Sometimes we sit on cushions on the floor for our session.

I have also recently written letters to various schools to advise how they can support my client in the classroom.

Understanding neurodiversity means understanding the different sensory and communication needs of my clients.

I also see clients through plan managed NDIS funding.

If you or anyone you know needs support in managing overwhelm, meltdowns or anxiety
Call me on 0401021800

Photos from Fiona Tate - Holistic Psychotherapist & Healer's post 09/05/2023

Hello friends -
Just a post to introduce myself properly for those who don’t know me.

I am a Psychotherapist, based in Healesville.
I also see clients online.
I see children, teens and adults.

I have
A Masters in Counseling and Psychotherapy
A psychology degree from Melbourne Uni.
A graduate diploma of Counseling
And a diploma of Shiatsu and oriental therapies.

I have also studied
Transpersonal counselling
Art therapy
Buddhist psychotherapy and meditation
Somatic psychotherapy
Energy psychology and

I bring to my practice over 25 years of experience, wisdom and learning.

I have a holistic, person centred approach.
I work with a range of different mental psychological end emotional presentations.
I have a therapy dog named Amber who can join you in our session if you would like.

I also see Plan managed NDIS clients.

I have experience working with
borderline personality disorder
Recovering from toxic relationships
Challenges in current relationships
Attachment difficulties
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Anxiety/ depression
Grief and Loss
Childhood trauma
Abandonment issues
Spiritual transitions
And different states of consciousness.

My appointment books are filling very fast, so
if you would like to call to discuss your needs and how I can support you, you are welcome to call me on
0401 021800

Photos from Fiona Tate - Holistic Psychotherapist & Healer's post 21/04/2023

This was a recent session I had with a teenager I am working with.
I have been seeing her regularly.
She has autism and often finds words difficult to find- so I find different therapeutic ways to facilitate her and help her to reintegrate.

The process of making this dream catcher was very therapeutic and calming for her.


I have been using art therapy in many of my sessions recently-
Art therapy has an incredible way of unifying dysregulated parts of us.
Making order of the chaos, allowing the subconscious to process that which is too buried or painful to speak.

I see incredible shifts in my clients through the therapeutic process of making art.

This is a therapeutic way to balance the neurophysiology of the brain.

This photo was taken with a client I have been seeing for over 6 months, and this was a healing mandala she created.

She felt whole, integrated healed and regulated after this session.


Amber is my beautiful therapy dog.
This photo was taken in a session doing deep trauma therapy.
My client had a big shift and got a bit teary as she re integrated herself.
Amber intuitively walked over to her and sat with her.
It was very calming, grounding and cantering for my client to have interaction with Amber.

I absolutely love working with Amber.
Sometimes she is not in the room, but most of my clients request her and get so much therapeutic benefit from her.


I am available to take on more clients in the coming weeks.

I help clients
- manage anxiety
- navigate lifes challenges
- make difficult decisions
- resolve trauma
- with parenting issues
- manage difficulties in relationships
- heal after relationship breakups
- with grief and loss.
- with mental health.

My approach is Holisitc, meaning I am qualified to address emotional, spiritual, mental and psychological issues, and how all of these factors contribute to mental health and wellbeing.

If you need help with managing your emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing, feel free to call me on 0401021800.

I see clients in Healesville and also online.


Wishing everyone a special Solstice πŸ’•

Just announcing that I am opening my books now to take bookings in the new year for
πŸŒΏπŸ’• Quantum Healing
πŸŒΏπŸ’• Readings
πŸŒΏπŸ’• Chakra healing and clearing

These sessions are powerful to activate your conscious Awakening, connect to guides and other dimensions.

And to locate and clear all lower energies and blocks that are holding you back.

These sessions are available online or in Healesville.
You can contact me on 0401 021800

Seasons Greetings to you all,
xo Fiona πŸŽ„πŸ’–

Photos from Fiona Tate - Holistic Psychotherapist & Healer's post 15/09/2022

Today I ran my
Intuitive Art Class.
It was amazing - the participants enjoyed it and got so much benefit.

I have run these workshops many times over the past 10-15 years, but due to lockdowns and finishing Masters, I have had a break from running them over the past few years.

Combining expressive therapy with psychotherapy, meditation and intuitive development- such deep and profound work happens in these sessions.
I’ll be running more next term… Locally and closer to the city.

Photos from Fiona Tate - Holistic Psychotherapist & Healer's post 25/05/2022

I am so happy to be offering Shiatsu again!
After a knee injury in January I have taken a break from offering Shiatsu as I was unable to kneel.
This week I have begun again and it’s beautiful. My clients have loved the sessions, and I love it too!
I combine Shiatsu with Reiki and energy healing.
It is like a deep meditation for the body, where the parts of yourself are somehow put back together, and you are gently guided back into your body, and energy flow is corrected. Muscle and energy tension is released.
You will feel more relaxed, more invigorated and more connected to you.
Call me if you would like to ask about this, or to book a session.
Healesville location.

x Fiona
0401 021800


Happy Easter!! πŸ’–
However you are spending your day,
I hope you have a beautiful day !


Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas time and New Year.
Its been a big year for everyone,
Take this time to reflect, relax, and nourish yourself.
Much love and blessings to you all


Today I sold my very last 2 copies of my meditation book.

Recently I had a big pile remaining… but they have all sold recently to new clients and for Christmas.

The cover design on the right was the last remaining first edition, and on the left the updated second edition.

Hopefully it’s not too late to order more from the publishing house, ready for orders for Christmas!!

πŸŽ„ βœ¨πŸŒŸπŸ˜‡πŸ’–



Every day I am getting better.
I am loving and caring for myself every day.
I can feel comfort and safety in my body.
I call on my higher self for support.
I am ready to heal.
I protect myself and my boundaries like a mother lion protects her cub.

Take care of you,
x Fiona


I have a new online booking system.
The link to make a booking is in the blue
Contact Us button.

I am available for 1 hour or 1.5 hour appointments
Shiastu Massage
Energy Healing

Please contact me if you have any issues with the booking link.
Blessings, x Fiona

Photos from Fiona Tate - Holistic Psychotherapist & Healer's post 09/11/2021

I have a number of different resources in my clinic room, including this beautiful set of cards, which are images intended to use for reflection conversation and insight.

Today I worked with a new child, a boy who was struggling- very withdrawn and depressed.

We used the cards as a point of conversation and reflection which helped him to open.
We also found the cards are great for building card houses, dominoes and mazes.
I always use play as an avenue for building rapport and comfort with children.

During our play time we gently chatted and reflected. At the end of our session he was smiling chatting and looking forward to our next session together.


Last night while I was sleeping I became an
International Bestselling Author!!
Soul Warrior is ranking a Best Seller in
Australia, US, Canada !

Amazon Best Seller in the multiple categories :
Consciousness and Thought, Mind Body Connection, Holistic Medicine, Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Self Help, Mysticism, Personal Growth, Energy Healing


Soul Warrior: Accessing Realms Beyond the Veil 05/11/2021

🌿 This is my author bio for the book
Soul Warrior ~
accessing realms beyond the veil.
"Fiona is a registered psychotherapist, healer, and meditation teacher, based in the Yarra Valley, Victoria, Australia. She has previously published a children's meditation book The Magic Tree, and other meditations to Help Children Sleep.

Drawing on a wealth of experience from over 20 years studying and practicing mind/body therapy, intuition, consciousness, psychology and psychotherapy, she uses an integrated approach, drawing on evidence based clinical interventions, and intuitive energy medicine, traditional wisdom and spiritual practices.

Fiona aims to empower her clients, resolving conflicts and trauma, inner child healing, and through the lens of embodiment, helping to regulate her clients nervous system.

In her chapter Weaving ourselves back together, Awakening the Light Within, Fiona explains her
awakening journey, beginning from a young child when she had a near death experience.

We all have an inner light, and the spiritual journey is to awaken it. Psychotherapy is a gentle art, weaving back together the parts of ourselves that have been fragmented along the way.
Fiona draws upon a wealth of experience and wisdom to explain the essence of the spiritual journey and her psychotherapy practice.

Fiona has a BSc (psychology), Graduate Diploma Counselling and completed all coursework for her Masters in Psychotherapy.”


Here is the purchase link
x Fiona

Soul Warrior: Accessing Realms Beyond the Veil Soul Warrior: Accessing Realms Beyond the Veil eBook : Verrill, Jessica , Oslie, Pamala, Huitt, Linda Anzelc, Joy, Sandra, Griffiths, Carole, St. Clair, Karen O. , London, Rina-fay, Elkins, Sarah, Sisley, Penny, Tate, Fiona, Becky Payne, Alexandra Hanly, Kinsey Kahlo, Sierra Grana, Nisha Ukani Ve...


Launch Day Today!
"Soul Warrior, Accessing Realms Beyond the Veil"

I feel honoured to have been asked to contribute a chapter to this amazing book. Twenty inspiring women share their stories on how they were moved to carry out their amazing work.

It is now available on Amazon at a low introductory price of $0.99 Australia:

All proceeds will go to Operation Underground Railroad, a very worthy cause whose mission is in the rescue of human trafficking and s*x trafficking victims, with a special focus on children, with the wider goal of eliminating s*x trafficking worldwide.
SOUL WARRIOR, Accessing Realms Beyond the Veil
'A Soul Warrior continues on their mission regardless of the circumstances or challenges set before them. They overcome countless trials, initiations and deep soul lessons, always moving toward wholeness and elevation of personal and collective consciousness. In Accessing Realms Beyond the Veil, the energetic, spiritual and subconscious are utilized to facilitate deeper connection, healing and purpose.'

If you feel called, Please support this cause and help get these beautiful stories out into the world.
blessings, x Fiona


I also work with children.
I use a creative evidence based approach to help them to understand, integrate and cope with the world, and their experience of it.

Working with children is a specialised area, and distinctly different from working with adults.

This is because of the developing brain, and the lack of mature reflective awareness of their experience.

I have studied child developmental
Psychology, creative therapies, expressive therapies and neurodivergence, within the context of a psychotherapeutic approach.

I work with a number of children who are on the autism spectrum, have an ADHD diagnosis, or who don’t fit in somehow, and maybe struggle internally.

This can lead to difficulty transitioning, behaviour difficulties, meltdowns or social challenges.

Many of these are pronounced at the moment as we transition back to school.

You are welcome to call me and have a chat if you feel your little one needs some extra support at the moment

🌿 x Fiona, 0401021800


I am now officially open again to see clients face to face.

I see clients to help with their inner wellbeing; to helps clients to feel more empowered, embodied and integrated, peeling back the layers of old emotions, conditioning and traumas.

I have mainly been promoting my services of counselling and psychotherapy; working as a mental health professional.

However I am aware that these times are challenging on so many levels, and the disharmony we are feeling may not manifest as 'mental health', but may be more of a soulful calling for wholeness, for integration, and for deeper healing.

As many of you are aware, as well as having a psychology degree, my background is very holistic and spiritually based, and I am also a shiatsu therapist.

In addition to the services that fall under the banner of my capacity as a professional mental health service provider, I have clients now asking me for a broader spectrum of services- shiatsu therapy, energy balancing, intuitive readings, and spiritual wellbeing coaching.

In our quest for wholeness, health, wellbeing and integration, we have different needs at various stages of our journey.

Some align more with the clinical model, using evidence based interventions; and I am fully qualified to meet those needs.

However some want a more energetic approach, less talking and a more nourishing body or energetic healing.

To meet the needs of my clients I am broadening the range of services I offer.

Please call me to discuss your needs, and to see how I can help you to feel more calm, centered and integrated during these turbulent times.
0401 021800

Much love to you all
xo Fiona

I see clients face to face in Healesville- or online.


Beautiful advice πŸ’–πŸŒΏ

As someone who writes often, I naturally appreciate epic writing when I see it. This morning, I came across this written piece of art and it moved me deeply, so I had to share it with all of you! Not only are these words true theatre, they also act as sound advice ❀️

my brain and
heart divorced

a decade ago

over who was
to blame about
how big of a mess
I have become

they couldn't be
in the same room
with each other

now my head and heart
share custody of me

I stay with my brain
during the week

and my heart
gets me on weekends

they never speak to one another

- instead, they give me
the same note to pass
to each other every week

and their notes they
send to one another always
says the same thing:

"This is all your fault"

on Sundays
my heart complains
about how my
head has let me down
in the past

and on Wednesday
my head lists all
of the times my
heart has screwed
things up for me
in the future

they blame each
other for the
state of my life

there's been a lot
of yelling - and crying


lately, I've been
spending a lot of
time with my gut

who serves as my
unofficial therapist

most nights, I sneak out of the
window in my ribcage

and slide down my spine
and collapse on my
gut's plush leather chair
that's always open for me

~ and I just sit sit sit sit
until the sun comes up

last evening,
my gut asked me
if I was having a hard
time being caught
between my heart
and my head

I nodded

I said I didn't know
if I could live with
either of them anymore

"my heart is always sad about
something that happened yesterday
while my head is always worried
about something that may happen tomorrow,"
I lamented

my gut squeezed my hand

"I just can't live with
my mistakes of the past
or my anxiety about the future,"
I sighed

my gut smiled and said:

"in that case,
you should
go stay with your
lungs for a while,"

I was confused
- the look on my face gave it away

"if you are exhausted about
your heart's obsession with
the fixed past and your mind's focus
on the uncertain future

your lungs are the perfect place for you

there is no yesterday in your lungs
there is no tomorrow there either

there is only now
there is only inhale
there is only exhale
there is only this moment

there is only breath

and in that breath
you can rest while your
heart and head work
their relationship out."

this morning,
while my brain
was busy reading
tea leaves

and while my
heart was staring
at old photographs

I packed a little
bag and walked
to the door of
my lungs

before I could even knock
she opened the door
with a smile and as
a gust of air embraced me
she said

"what took you so long?"

~ John Roedel (

4 reasons craft is good for your mental health 07/09/2021

4 reasons craft is good for your mental health The benefits of craft for wellbeing and in relieving stress, anxiety, depression and cognitive functioning


These lockdowns, and the uncertainty and fear that many people are experiencing can really take its toll on mental health.

There is no shame in needing support.
These numbers are for people just like you - not those who are in β€œworse off situations.”

If you are struggling at the moment- symptoms of anxiety, overwhelm, not sleeping, unable to settle, not coping, these numbers can help.

I am also still seeing clients, if you want to reach out
take care,
x Fiona


During the last months we have been under considerable extra stress and pressure- in addition to whatever we are juggling and managing in our personal lives.

I am still available for appointments
for counselling, psychotherapy and healing πŸ’–

Take care,
x Fiona

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