Sara Douglass, Official Fan Page

Sara Douglass, Official Fan Page

This is the official fan page for Sara Douglass on Facebook. News, info, comment, contact, irrelevan

Photos from Sara Douglass, Official Fan Page's post 27/09/2021

It's been a long time since I've posted anything on this page and for that, I'm sorry. I even struggled with whether or not say anything today. You see, as many of you will realise, today it is 10 years since Sara died. Ten years - can you believe it? I know I can because, each year, I wake on this date with dread. This day is gut-wrenching as I recall the last weeks, days and, especially her last one when I not only received the awful (but, sadly, expected) news but then spent my last hours with her - and remained for a long, long time after she died (leaving her would have made it real...). Forgive me for being so blunt, but I don't want to remember this day anymore - only the 364 others - the ones that alternate between sadness that she's no longer here, yes, but also great joy and gratitude for our friendship and love, for the gift of her imagination, wisdom and wit, and her wonderful books (which we still have). So, this will be my last post commemorating her death - from here on in, I will, like you all, only remember her rich and amazing life and what she added to ours. I know she meant so much to you all here, and I am also grateful to each and everyone of you for carrying Sara in your hearts (and bookshelves!) and for sharing with me and each other what she meant to you. Tonight, in Tasmania, my wonderful partner and I will raise a glass or two to Sara - her life - and the beauty and wonder she still brings into mine each and every day. For those of you reading this, wherever you are, I hope you're safe and well and that you too are able to find solace in books (and TV shows, art, films, music and dreams) and each other to get through these strange and unsettling and oft sad times. Sending much love - and sharing with you a few photos of Sara - some are my favourites (and not sure if I have shared them before; I love the one of her in her riding helmet. And yes, those are my hands around her, squeezing her tight in a hug. I also love the one of us together in her glorious garden. And they are some of my many bookshelves dedicated to Sara's worlds ). Thanks for understanding and being here. Take care. Much love, Karen # #


As some of you have already noted, today is a Sara's b'day. You have been so lovely to remember. Thank you. I'm sorry I haven't said anything until now. Frankly, I've just been devastated by first Covid-19 and its impact - globally, nationally, on my community, including local, friends, family and personally, but also what is happening in the USA which is just awful. And it keeps going from bad to beyond worse. I can't help but think what Sara might say! I do hope wherever you are, you and yours are safe, well physically, mentally and emotionally (or on the mend). That you are not hurting too much. For those of you who have lost loved ones, my heart breaks for you. 😔 Sending you all love as I remember one of my best and most beloved friends. # # #


Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you and your friends and family. May your day be filled with kindness - to yourselves and others. With love, from Tasmania # # #


Hi everyone. I know it's been a long time between posts and for that I am very sorry. I've been extremely busy (which isn't a good enough excuse, I know), and not too well, but I also have some not great news to share regarding the website Sara Douglass Worlds (I haven't written it here correctly and there's a reason for that - I don't want it to look like a link). Basically, it's been hacked AGAIN. I am in the process of paying for it to be fixed, but it is a time-consuming, onerous and expensive task. Oliver, my web guy, is great and, hopefully, will have it fixed before Xmas. It was designed to be there as a memorial site for Sara so we, her fans - new and old - can enjoy returning to or coming to some of her posts, news about her books, inspirations, read her "voice" and be with her whenever we chose etc. The Nonsuch Kitchen Gardens site is one I am able to modify and upload things to when necessary - it is fine (for now). The problem is, because my email address is attached to the first site (the hacked one) it has greatly impacted my ability to work. Emails are bouncing back (because they were believed to be spam - emails to my colleagues, publicists, agent and publisher - many with work-related attachments and most where deadlines are concerned - not good) and some were finding it hard to contact me. I will work around it. However, and here's the kicker: I cannot afford to keep having the memorial site "repaired" every time it's hacked (three times in, what? 2-3 years?). I don't understand these morons who do this, I really don't. What I will do, if it happens again (and I am signalling this now just in case), is remove the site altogether and perhaps put some of the information on FB or some other platform? I will discuss it with my web guy. But just to let you know, we are working on it, but this, sadly, will be the last time. I hope you understand and felt I should share my decision with you. I am so deeply saddened by this mindless, pointless attacking and frustrated as well. Sara doesn't deserve this and neither do you. On another note, I hope you are all really well, reading great books, dreaming big and small, enjoying life, your significant others (even the fur kind) and this time of year (if you can and if you can't, here's a giant hug). I send my love and wishes for a kind and loving New Year to you all. Karen # #

StarMan (The Axis Trilogy Book 3) 09/11/2019

For those of you who haven’t read the amazing trilogy that started it all for Sara (and so much reading pleasure for the rest of us), or want to introduce new readers to her fantastic work, Kindle have a special on the Battleaxe books at the moment. At least, I just saw Book Three, Starman, is available for $2.99! Spread the word! From what I can gather this special continues until Nove 18th. Hope you’re all well and happy too. 🙂

StarMan (The Axis Trilogy Book 3) Weakened by their terrible encounter with Borneheld's men, Axis and his army are forced to march north as Gorgrael breaks through Jervois Landing and invades tencendor with ice and terror. But under a sky black with Gryphon, Axis discovers that he's confronting a seemingly invincible enemy.As the...

Battleaxe (The Axis Trilogy Book 1) 08/07/2019

For those of you in Australia and New Zealand who haven't yet read Battleaxe, and/or wish to own a digital copy, it's on sale at the moment via Amazon for $4.99 AUS. Please share with anyone you know who might be interested!

Battleaxe (The Axis Trilogy Book 1) A stunning epic fantasy in the tradition of David Eddings, Janny Wurts and Robert Jordan. A thousand years ago the Acharites drove the Forbidden from their land. Now strange sightings along Achar's northern border foreshadow their return. the barbaric tribes of the Ravensbund are pouring south wi...

Photos from Sara Douglass, Official Fan Page's post 01/06/2019

Commemorating Sara’s Birthday today. If you feel inclined, please raise a glass of bubbles or whisky and think of her and her wonderful legacy - her words and that powerful imagination - as well as her kindness and wisdom. She also exists (for me, anyhow) in the cheeky spirit of three of her cats (two have since passed). One of whom, Claude (we call him Claudey - he is like the Cowardly Lion from the Wizard of Oz - ferociously loving and brave even though he doesn’t think so), when your back is turned, gets up to mischief. Will share a photo of him being loving and then in action with you. He loves the damn kitchen sink!!!! Oh, and the plates we left stacked ready to go in dishwasher - he decided he’d do the pre-rinse cycle! LOL! Sara adored him too... # #


Just letting you know, Sara's website has been hacked... again. The malware is pretty bad and, for the moment, I'm suspending the account as we try and clear it so it doesn't affect the other sites I manage and that my web guru does as well. I am so sorry about this but also tired and cross that yet again, some ar****le is doing this. I will let you know as soon as it's repaired/resolved. Thanks for your support and understanding! You're all lovely # #


Just wanted to wish each and everyone of you a wonderful, challenging, loving and healthy New Year, filled with kindness and adventures. Here's to 2019! Karen # # #
PS. If I don't immediately respond at the moment, forgive me! I am working 14 hour days at a big festival here in Tasmania, serving beer and spirits for my husband's brewery and distillery, Captain Bligh's. Sneaking in a message before work. Cheers to you! xx

The Troy Game - Google My Maps 16/12/2018

Hi everyone. I am trying to share a message sent to me by Menora Tse, who has done the most amazing thing. Basically, she has mapped the routes/places taken by characters in The Troy Game as they ventured throughout London. Better still, she is very generously sharing her work for those of you (like me) who love this kind of thing. I explained to Menora I am not at all surprised this can be (accurately) traced because I know Sara not only did intensive on the ground research and walked in her characters' footsteps, but was also an avid collector of old London maps from different eras, so pored over these too in an effort to be authentic. She used to tell us we could walk the same places and see the same things (that still existed) if we went to London. I have, when I went there, and I know many of you also have. Well, now Menora makes it even easier. Thank you so much for sharing this, Menora. :)

From Menora: Hi guys, I just finished the Troy Game quartet and was blown away by the intimacy of the details when she was describing London.

Being an urban geography major, I had to map it all out, of course. Here's the finished map....thought you guys might be interested 😊

The Troy Game - Google My Maps The Troy Game


Funny, I still struggle with this day every year. I remember so clearly what happened. How the day unfolded and even how those leading up to it did as well. Spending those last moments with her, what we talked about; how we laughed and then... Even though it’s been seven years since she died - can you believe it? - I don’t think it will get any easier. I still miss her so much as I know you all do as well. Thinking about you, Sara, thinking about you all and sending love. It’s truly what the world needs now. # # #


Raising a glass tonight and cheering Sara and all the wonderful stories she left us and the fabulous memories as well. Join me, please, wherever you are in the world, and let’s wish her a happy birthday while we’re at it. :) Love to you all. Karen


I am letting you all know that both my website and the website that was painstakingly built about Sara after she died has been maliciously attacked. It's hard not to see the attack as anything but personal (against me :( ) as all my files were deleted and if my web developer hadn't found it when he did, then all would have been lost. As it is, he's managed to restore mine, only to discover that some bastard has done the same to Sara's beautiful website. Please bear with us as we work hard to mitigate the damage. Thanks so much for your support. Really appreciate it. Hope you're all well. I really do. Karen xx


Sara would have been 60 today. I keep thinking of all the stories she would have told... that we would have relished. Happy birthday wherever you are - apart from in our hearts. Thank you for the joy, breath-taking moments, thrills, horror and wonder you continue to give us with your words. And for memories of your love and friendship. Will raise a glass of bubbles to her and all of you tonight. Happy birthday, Sara. X # # #


The Silence of the Dying | The Worlds of Sara Douglass

I have had a request for Saras Silence of the Dying post to be made available here. It is such a powerful and moving piece, written with such raw emotion and erudition. Here is the link. To all of you suffering through cancer - as patients, survivors, family and friends of those with varying prognoses, this is for you. xx Many years ago I did an hour long interview on Adelaide radio (with Jeremy Cordeaux, I think, but my memory may be wrong). The interview was supposed to pr...


Remembering Sara's rich and amazing life today, especially her imaginative one. Her wonderful stories, characters, her ability to transport us to faraway and exotic, dangerous, places with words. I was wondering who, out of all her creations was my favourite person? What was my favourite place?... Hard to pick, but I have. Who or what are yours? Celebrating rather than being sad today (trying!) while I recall a beautiful friend and dreamer whom I still miss more than ever. X # # #


It is Sara's birthday today. She would have been 59. I lay awake last night and this morning thinking of her and the many, many fun times we had before recalling each of her fantastic books and the marvellous characters that populate them as well as the incredible imagination behind them. I will raise a glass (or two!) of bubbles and maybe even her favourite whisky tonight/over the weekend and toast not only her, but all of you here, her readers everywhere, all of whom help keep her memory alive. Thank you - and happy birthday to Sara!!! Wish she was here....


Aurealis Awards

The wonderful Aurealis Awards, which are an annual series of awards presented in recognition of speculative fiction in Australia, are for the first time presenting a Sara Douglass Book Series/Collection Award, which is so exciting. They asked me last year if this would be all right. All right? It was more than all right. I was thrilled Sara was going to be given such wonderful recognition as are the writers who, like her, give us such delight with their world-building over a series and such marvellous sustained plots and characters. The short-list in her category are sensational. Check out all the fabulous finalists in each category here: Premier Australian speculative fiction awards


Sorry I have been quiet for a while. Am writing my next novel and in those final harried stages and lost in another time and place. Do hope you're all well and happy! :) What are you reading? I am reading The Beasts's Garden by Kate Forsyth and re-reading Everything you wanted to know about the Tudors but were too afraid to ask by Terry Breverton. Both fabulous!


Sara Douglass, Official Fan Page's cover photo


Today is Sara's birthday. Please, raise a glass of bubbles wherever you are in the world this evening and toast the beautiful person she was, the life she had and the legacy she has left us with her wonderful words. We still get to enjoy these every day. Miss you my darling friend. # #


Behind the Medieval Historian a Speculative Fiction Novelist by Ian Irvine | Sara Douglass

Just uploaded the third part of Ian Irvine's introduction to Sara's lectures, plus prepared her lectures on medieval sport and leisure, sexuality and marriage for you to enjoy! They are brilliant. This is the third part of Dr Ian Irvine's wonderful introduction to Sara's lectures. Hope you enjoy reading it as much I have. Karen It was during the pre-...


The Best of Sara Douglass Fan Art ( SPOILERS!)

Did you guys see this on Voyager Harper Collins page? Fan art of Sara's books. Wonderful stuff! If you have any, or favourites not here, please post and share! There’s more than 150 pieces of Sara Douglass inspired fan art on DeviantART, so as part of our BattleAxe 20th Anniversary celebrations we’ve selected our top 10 favourites! Send in your own fan ar...


BattleAxe, The Axis Trilogy and Sara's Women: Re-reading Sara Douglass with Karen Brooks

I was asked by Sara's lovely publishers, Harper Voyager to reflect upon reading Battleaxe, now and 20 years ago, as well as my friendship with Sara. Here it is, hope you like it: It’s hard to believe it’s been two decades since Battleaxe first hit Australian shelves and entered readers’ imaginations. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of this game-changing novel, other writer...


Wonderful writer, Fiona McIntosh, remembers Sara... This is lovely.


Part Two: Introduction to Sara’s Lectures by Ian Irvine | Sara Douglass

I have just uploaded Part two of the introduction to Sara's lectures by Ian Irvine, along with the next three lectures by Sara which are on early and medieval religion. They are fabulous! ‘Writing Lectures Week After Week is Good Training for Novelists’ When I first met Sara in 1993 she'd been a History lecturer at La Trobe’s Bendigo ...


The Synopsis Treasury: A Landmark Collection of Actual Proposals Submitted to Publishers...

Did you know that Gorgrael was once called "Sathanas" and that there were meant to be 4 books in the original Axis trilogy? The fourth called "Wolfstar." How do I know? it's all in a new book by Christopher Sirmons Haviland, the Synopsis treasury, which is an anthology of successful writers' letters to agents and publishers and their synopses including some of Sara's! It's a great book for would-be writers, readers and fans. It's available as hardback or Kindle. Have you ever wondered what successful authors submitted to publishers? Ever wanted to peek over their shoulders and see their synopses or outlines, the ones that landed a book contract (and maybe even the ones that were rejected)? Now’s your chance. Contained within these pages are never-...


20 Years of BattleAxe

Tomorrow is the official release date of the 20th anniversary edition of Battleaxe in Australia. Voyager are hosting a blog where they've invited various writers to contribute and I'll try and post each one as they come. But here's a lovely start - remembering the different editions... do you recall the first? LOL! Earlier this week we were pretty excited to finally get finished copies of a very special book- the upcoming 20th Anniversary edition of Sara Douglass's original breakthrough bestseller and, arguab...


Smash Dragons: Book Review - Battleaxe (20th Anniversary Ed.) by Sara Douglass

Wonderful review of the 20th anniversary edition of Battleaxe from smashdragons. Thank you. I read it a very long time ago (as The Wayfarer Redemption), and don't remember it well, but I went on to read all 6 books, so it must have been pretty good. :)


Coming soon to a store near YOU! (I hope!). It looks good doesn't it?


Historian | Sara Douglass

OK. I have some more exciting news. Since late-ish last year, along with the wonderful Gina (website guru), I've been working on a new element to Sara's website. As you know, Sara was not only an amazing writer of novels, non-fiction and an erudite and funny blogger, she was also a marvellous historian and teacher. Well, through the wonderful auspices and generosity of a former student and colleague, Ian Irvine, I now have all Sara's history lectures and notes. I am slowly going to release them over the following months so others can discover what a terrific knowledge she possessed and what an amazing teacher she was. But, for now, please feel free to go the new page on her website (link below) and enjoy the story behind the lectures - mine and part one of Ian's wonderful account and the first three of Sara's medieval history lectures. Hope you enjoy them as much as we have bringing them to you. Karen xx Introduction to Sara The Historian and Academic Hello everyone. I have something new and wonderful to share with you. But before I do, let me provide you ...


Wonderful news to start 2015 | Sara Douglass

Here is a blog post on Sara's website about the re-release of Battleaxe and the lovely new cover. I am absolutely thrilled to announce that Sara's publishers, Voyager, are releasing a special 20th anniversary edition of Sara's very first novel, Battleax...


Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2015 is a terrific one for you and that you manage to achieve goals, fulfil dreams and set and imagine some more. I have some lovely news to share with you. 2015 is also the 20th anniversary of the release of Sara's very first novel: Battleaxe. I know! It really has been that long. In order to commemorate such a milestone, her publisher, Voyager, are releasing a special edition for which I was privileged enough to be asked to write the foreward. So, without further ado, here is a sneak peek of the cover. The book is due out in March.


I wanted to wish everyone of you a very Happy New Year however and wherever you are spending it. I hope 2015 is a year of joy and love and wishes fulfilled for you. Thank you so much for your support this year and I look forward to sharing some very exciting news with you regarding Sara's books in the new year. Till then stay safe and well. I will raise a glass of bubbles to you all tonight. Karen # # #


It's three years today since Sara died. I am going to raise a glass as I watch the Grand Final here in Australia and remember her wonderful life, her love and how much I damn well miss her. What will you be doing? How will you remember her? With love, Karen # # #

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