Main Street Financial Solutions, Hobart, TAS Videos

Videos by Main Street Financial Solutions in Hobart. Main Street Financial Solutions is an Australian boutique financial advisory business which was foun

Last night Scott Ciscon was one of the lead singers at the Carols by Candlelight at the Botanical Gardens . Prior to his move to Tasmania and his move into financial planning he was an internationally recognised opera singer . As an example in 2012 he provided the half time entertainment at the FA Cup Final at Wemberly !

Next year he could even be on our TV screens at the Melbourne or Sydney Christmas Carols .

Enjoy the festive season everyone !

Below is Scott singing the First Noel !

Other Main Street Financial Solutions videos

Last night Scott Ciscon was one of the lead singers at the Carols by Candlelight at the Botanical Gardens . Prior to his move to Tasmania and his move into financial planning he was an internationally recognised opera singer . As an example in 2012 he provided the half time entertainment at the FA Cup Final at Wemberly ! Next year he could even be on our TV screens at the Melbourne or Sydney Christmas Carols . Enjoy the festive season everyone ! Below is Scott singing the First Noel !

One of our staff recently travelled to Port Lincoln to dive with Great White Sharks as a "Bucket List" item. As a business, we were a little concerned as to whether their income protection policy would cover them in the event of an injury. We are pleased to report that they returned with limbs, fingers and toes intact.

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