Senior Helpers Logan

Senior Helpers Logan

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Timeline photos 26/01/2022

Try this nutritious meal idea, to get a delicious daily serve of greens and protein. It’s a quick meal for a summer night, with 5 minutes of prep time and 10 minutes to cook.

Garlic butter chicken and veggies

520g chicken breast
80g butter
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 bunch broccolini, trimmed, halved
150g (1 cup) frozen peas
2 zucchini, sliced
2 tbsp baby basil leaves

1.Season chicken well. Melt 20g of the butter in a non-stick heavy-based frying pan over medium-high heat. Cook the chicken for 2-3 minutes each side or until golden. Transfer to a plate and cover to keep warm.
2.Heat remaining butter in the pan. Cook the garlic for 30 seconds. Add the vegetables and cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes until vegetables are tender. Return chicken to the pan to heat through.
3.Slice the chicken and divide among serving dishes with the vegetables. Scatter over the basil leaves and serve with freshly ground black pepper.

Timeline photos 20/01/2022

Many Australians enjoy travelling during summer, and seniors are no exception. Whether you are traveling with an elderly parent or you are a seasoned 'grey nomad', here are a few tips to help plans run smoothly!

Pack water bottles, wide-brim hats, and a high SPF sunscreen. Also avoid prolonged outdoor activities during the middle of the day, as it is the hottest time.

For medication required during the day, find a secure and accessible place to store it. Plan reminders to take medication, when out-and-about, and if you plan to be away for a while, ask your doctor about an extra supply.

Take breaks throughout the day, no matter what activity you are doing. Be sure to sit down, rehydrate and eat a snack or meal.

When planning accommodation, ask about accessibility including wheelchair access and stairs. You can request floor-level rooms and ask about accessibility rooms. Research tourist destination accessibility in advance, if need be.

Timeline photos 12/01/2022

Looking into aged and disability care can be daunting, there are many options available, making it hard to know what to choose. At Senior Helpers, we are here to help you navigate the journey.

When you first get in touch with us, our Care Consultants take the time to get to know you and your circumstances, we recognise everybody is different and we ask questions and listen to you, to understand exactly how we can help.
We explain and answer questions about your care options, from government-funded care to private in-home care, our knowledgeable team will discuss options available and help you decide which works best for you or your loved one.

If you are seeking to learn more about aged or disability care, now or in the future, contact us today for an obligation-free chat, to learn what we can do for you.

Timeline photos 06/01/2022

When a new year begins, we tend to think about changes we can make to improve our lifestyle. We are never too old to make a change towards a healthier and happier life!

Some great new year resolution ideas for seniors can include prioritising diet, exercise, and mental health. It could also include something fun, such as joining a social group.

We just enjoyed the holiday period, but it’s important to keep a balanced diet. Try finding some nutritious new recipes that could be added to lunch and dinners!

In the new year, set some exercise goals- this can include walking, aqua aerobics, even dancing! Have fun and seek out social groups that involve physical activity.

Mental health includes keeping the mind sharp, this year, make time to enjoy more puzzles or crosswords, as well as finding time for more regular visits with friends, family, or careers.

Timeline photos 30/12/2021

Eating cold food during summer will help to keep our body temperature down, and salads are a great way to get nutrients and vitamins into your diet!

Try out this simple Mediterranean Tuna Salad- the addition of fish is very helpful for omega 3 intake, helping with brain function.


1 baby cos lettuce, leaves torn
200g red grape tomatoes, halved
1 small red onion, halved, thinly sliced
1 Lebanese cucumber, cut into 2cm cubes
1 green capsicum, cut into 2cm cubes
2/3 cup feta
2/3 cup pitted kalamata olives
2 tbsp chopped fresh oregano
2 x 185g cans tuna in oil
Greek salad dressing, to serve
crusty bread, to serve


Place lettuce, tomatoes, onion, cucumber, capsicum, feta, olives and oregano in a large bowl.

Add tuna (undrained). Drizzle with dressing. Season with pepper. Toss gently to combine. Serve

Timeline photos 22/12/2021

Summers in Australia are hot and can be tough on seniors, it is important to stay cool and sun safe (no matter our age), here are some tips you can follow to help keep cool during the warmer weather.

Keep up water intake, even when you don’t feel thirsty. This regulates body temperature and replaces fluids lost through sweating, aim for 6-8 cups per day. Also opt for cool foods over hot, to keep body temperature down.

Aim to stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day, 11am-3pm and when you are in the sun always wear a high SPF sunscreen and a wide brim hat. This is particularly important to protect scalps with thinning hair. Chose to complete outdoor activities, like exercise, in cooler parts of the day.

Keep your home cool by closing curtains during the hottest parts of the day, avoiding use of the oven, opening windows to allow breeze in and using air-con where available!

Timeline photos 21/12/2021

From all of us here at Senior Helpers, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas!

We hope that your holidays are full of love and cheer.

If you require care for yourself or a loved one during this time, give our Care Consultants a call on 1800 431 328.

Timeline photos 16/12/2021

Being a full or part-time career can be exhausting and you need a break at times. At Senior Helpers, we offer In-Home Respite Care, so that you can have some time to yourself, run errands, have a weekend away with other family members or take a general break.

We understand the amount of compassion and care that goes into looking after your loved ones, which is why we discuss with you all their needs and routines that are in place to ensure we are filling your shoes with just as much thought.

We aid with activities of daily living, assistance with personal care, dressing, meal preparation, light housekeeping, laundry, and companionship.

Head to our website to learn more on respite services-

Timeline photos 14/12/2021

At Senior Helpers, our Disability Support services are delivered with a person-centered approach.

Our team is experienced in helping people with acquired, developing, or lifetime conditions. We'll take the time to understand your needs and who you are as an individual, in order to pair you with a compatible Support Worker you can trust.

Head to, to find out more about our Disability Support.

Timeline photos 09/12/2021

At this busy time of year, particularly Christmas day, our elderly loved ones can become overwhelmed and exhausted- but it is also a special time with family.

Below are a couple of steps to help ensure an enjoyable day for all:
A quiet space
Show your loved ones a space indoors where they can sit and rest throughout the day, somewhere quiet and out of the way is best so they can relax and take a breather.

Help with water and meals
Christmas Day in Australia is traditionally hot and celebrated outdoors. Offer water regularly throughout the day to keep them hydrated, also help by plating up meals and ensure a comfortable space to eat.

Don’t be afraid of new traditions
If your family has always celebrated Christmas in a particular place or a particular way, have you considered if elderly relatives can still enjoy this comfortably? If not, change up the tradition! Your loved ones will be appreciative that they can still participate, and you will get to create more treasured memories with them.

Timeline photos 07/12/2021

With International Day of People with Disability just past, it's important to acknowledge that no disability is the same and comes with its own unique differences – not dissimilar to the way that all people, regardless of their ethnicity, personality, interests or disinterests, have their own unique differences.

Our Master Franchisor Leonie, gives her insights on this topic, making note that while we might recognise these differences, it's equally important to change the way we view difference and disability to help create a more inclusive Australia.

Read more of Leonie's personal message

Timeline photos 03/12/2021

With today being International Day of People with Disability, we wanted to take this chance to pay tribute to renowned Australian disability rights activist and comedian, Stella Young.

Young was an incredible spokesperson and changemaker for those with a disability in Australia, and at Senior Helpers, we too believe that life should be equal for all.

Today we challenge you to change the way you think about disability to foster inclusion and acceptance.

Visit, to get involved. Or give us a call on 1800 431 328, to learn more about our Disability Support.

Timeline photos 30/11/2021

Help make the festive season a special time for your loved ones by spending a little extra time with them and putting in some special touches.

Do you know someone who loves Christmas? Offer to help assemble and decorate their Christmas tree! There may be strength or mobility issues that mean elderly people can no longer do their own Christmas decorating- have some fun and help to spread Christmas cheer.

Depending on what your loved ones enjoy, you could spend an afternoon creating Christmas cards with simple materials such as card, glitter, coloured paper and images. It’s a simple way to get some creativity into the day and have beautiful cards at the end. As an alternative, you can offer to help buy, address and post Christmas cards, a tradition many of the elderly generation value.

Keep an eye out for local Christmas events that may be suitable for your loved ones, or events arranged specifically for seniors. Offer to be a companion to these events or provide transport- the Christmas season can be enjoyed by all!

Timeline photos 30/11/2021

Our Companion Care service can increase happiness and connection in seniors, aimed at those with limited social interaction, and those who want or need someone to accompany them with daily errands.

Not only does this service provide assistance across a vast range of household and day to day tasks, it also provides the invaluable service of friendship and conversation.

Learn more about our services through our website.

Timeline photos 25/11/2021

Swimming or aqua aerobics classes are a fantastic way for seniors to stay fit, and there are many benefits that come with it!

Swimming is great for aging joints, as it is low impact, so perfect for those with aches and pains.

For those who suffer from stiffness, it can help improve flexibility and movement. It also helps with stability on land, which reduces the risk of falls.

Swimming offers all round improved fitness, including cardiovascular health that can be hard for some seniors to upkeep otherwise.
Plus, swimming can also be a great opportunity for some socialisation.

Many aquatic centres and pools offer classes appropriate for a senior level, so enquire at your local centre!

Timeline photos 23/11/2021

When everyday tasks and activities become more difficult to complete alone, we understand that sometimes all you need is a little hands-on assistance.

Whether you're feeling the effects from injuries, arthritis, or simply the changes of ageing, our qualified Support Workers can provide sensitive, confidential care in a way that respects your dignity and wellbeing to help you remain independent for as long as possible.

For more information on our Personal Care, visit

Timeline photos 19/11/2021

Today is World Diabetes Day, a day well worth recognising in the senior community.

Unfortunately, the risk of developing diabetes grows larger as people age. Between 2014-2015, 1 in 6 Australians aged over 65, reported having diabetes, with the highest prevalence (19%) being in those aged over 85.

The most common type of diabetes in Australian elderly is Type 2, caused by the body’s insulin resistance and impaired pancreatic islet function increasing with age.

Although it can be hard to detect symptoms of diabetes, as they have similarities to usual signs of aging, it is important to look for persistent symptoms such as excessive thirst and hunger, frequent urination, weight loss, fatigue, wounds that never heal or are slow to heal, and numbness or tingling in the feet or hands.

If you or an elderly person you know have these symptoms it is important to check in with your doctor.

Timeline photos 16/11/2021

Regardless of age, it's important to keep your mind and body active.

What you do depends on your health and lifestyle, but there are easy ways to add activity to your day.

Try swimming, cycling, aerobics or water aerobics, light weights, yoga, dancing, or tennis, or simply add some exercises to your day like standing up and sitting down on a chair while watching TV or waiting for the kettle to boil.

If you need help finding what physical activity works for you, talk to our team on 1800 431 328.

For more tips on how to build activity into your day: -activity-into-your-day.

Timeline photos 14/11/2021

As we age, it's important to keep our minds sharp and active. Sure, there may be a thing or two that we forget at times, and although that’s normal, you should take steps to keep the mind and memory in great shape.

Here are our top tips for keeping your mind active:
1. Exercise and Diet - Getting regular exercise will help increase blood flow to the brain and nutrition in your diet will help too. Making sure you are getting a balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.
2. Stay Social - Engaging in social groups such as low impact exercise groups, clubs or events that create the opportunity for social interaction.
3. Puzzles and Activities- Crosswords, card games, drawing, painting, brainteasers and jigsaw puzzles are all fantastic activities for getting the brain ticking, therefore helping to support healthy brain activity!

Timeline photos 11/11/2021

Today we remember and honour those who lost their lives or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts.

We recognise their sacrifice and the effects that those sacrifices have had on shaping our country into what it is today.

We acknowledge that we should also reflect on the past to continue to create change and positive growth.

For more information on Remembrance Day and the different ways to commemorate:

Timeline photos 07/11/2021

Did you know we offer a full service for surgery patients, from pre-surgery to recovery?

We offer a range of services, including:

Pre-hospitalisation support, including transport and accompaniment to appointments or tests, assisting with paperwork, and passing on information to nominated family members.

Day of Surgery Support, such as travelling with patients to the hospital and getting them to the point of take over from hospital staff, communicating with family members post-procedure and accompaniment home and getting settled.

Post-Hospitalisation Support including 24-hour care (if needed), at home check-ins, and accompaniment to follow up appointments.

This service is ideal for elderly who live away from family, or when family members are unable to be present. Visit our website to learn more -

Timeline photos 05/11/2021

With Remembrance Day next week, it's important to not just reflect, but also be more aware of the toll that servicing in war or conflict has on the lives of those who serve and return, and also for their families.

While there is a growing awareness of the long term emotional and physical effects of active military service, this is not a new phenomenon, and one still in need of broader awareness.

Read more about Leonie's insights:

Timeline photos 28/10/2021

When your elderly parent starts to struggle with everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning, or tending to the garden, it can be daunting. Watching them change from an active and able member of their community to someone who requires additional care or support can be overwhelming.

For adult children, you may have suddenly found yourself needing to help your parent due to a medical emergency, or you may have slowly found yourself being relied upon more and more by your adult parent.

No matter what your situation or involvement may be, we know assuming the responsibility of your parents needs can be difficult and confusing.
That’s why we are here to help – we offer a range of in-home services to support your loved one in remaining happy, healthy, and independent at home.

Visit our website to find out more information -

Timeline photos 24/10/2021

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Before you or your loved one are discharged from hospital, it's important to ask some key questions to aid in your recovery:
1 - Understand the discharge plan. Read the plan or have a family member review it for you so that you fully understand what is required when you are back home.
2 - Diet restrictions. Write a list of all dietary restrictions to follow.
3 - Activity restrictions. Understand activity restrictions, such as not driving or lifting heavy objects, and remember not to push your limits too soon!
4 - Body movements. Listen to your body, takes things slow, and know it will take time to regain the level of endurance you had before hospitalisation.
5 - Home environment. Ensure you have family, friends, or a carer to help before you leave the hospital with odd jobs. this includes doing laundry, washing up, stocking the house with food, and preparing ready-made meals.
6 - Consider help. If you need help managing your daily life once home, contact our team. We can assist with shopping, meal planning, bathing, driving to appointments and much more.

Find out more about our services -

Timeline photos 18/10/2021

Kick off this year's Veterans' Health Week by getting active!

Use this week as motivation to get out and about to support your health and wellbeing. Organise some fun social and active activities like a golf day, dance class, pilates session, or outdoor walk.

Please also be mindful of current COVID-19 restrictions in your state when planning activities.

For more information on Veterans’ Health Week, head to, or give us a call on 1800 431 328 to see how we can help facilitate these activities.

Timeline photos 13/10/2021

It's no question that, regardless of their ability, many of our elderly Australians would like to remain living in their own home for as long as possible. One of the many ways you can support them to do so is by providing them with healthy, nutritious, balanced meals for dinner.

Try this quick and easy one-pan salmon and vegetable dish - we think it's a real winner!
- 1 cup of green beans
- 1/2 onion, cut into wedges
- 1 cup cherry tomatoes
- 3 tablespoons of olive oil
- a pinch or salt and pepper
- 2 medium size salmon fillets
- 1 lemon

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, and line a baking tray with baking paper.
2. In a large bowl, toss the vegetables with the oil and seasoning/ salt and pepper. Spread into a single layer on the baking tray.
3. Roast for 10 minutes, then add your salmon. Top with thinly sliced lemon.
4. Roast for 12-15 minutes, until the salmon is opaque. Now serve!

Timeline photos 12/10/2021

For our Master Franchisor Leonie, the saying 'life's a journey not a destination' couldn't be more applicable to her career pathway.

Having found her passion in her 60s after retiring from a 25-year career in academia and embarking on a new journey, Leonie knows how much more she has to learn, to teach and to share, irrespective of her age. But for many older Australians who look to re-enter the workforce, overarching ageism can prevent them from employment, even if they have the skills and ability to perform the roles required.

So how does this affect not only our older generation but our community at large?

Read more about Leonie's insights:

Timeline photos 09/10/2021

Today is World Mental Health Day; a day to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (SDS), over 20% of adults aged 55 and above are more sensitive to mental illness. Older people are also less likely to seek treatment for mental illness.

To help our elderly relatives improve their mental health, we need to ensure our elderly have:
- Access to trained healthcare professionals to help care for them;
- Prevention measures in place for age-associated illnesses, such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s;
- Emotional and social support; and
- An age-friendly living environment.

At Senior Helpers, we can provide a range of in-home support. Simply contact us to discuss your options.

Timeline photos 05/10/2021

Our mission is to ensure a better quality of life by providing dependable care and support. As a trusted and respected organisation, we take a responsible role in supporting our clients, their families, our employees and community.

To learn more about who we are and what we stand for, visit

Timeline photos 01/10/2021

International Day of Older Persons is an opportunity to highlight the important contribution that older people in Australia (and abroad) make to society, and raise awareness around the issues and challenges of ageing in today’s world.

An example of a prevalent issue that older Australians face on a day-to-day basis is ageism (age discrimination). This type of behaviour devalues the worth and positive affect that older people can continue to have on our communities and our lives, regardless of age.

Make today (and hopefully many more!) the day you reach out to the older loved ones, family members and friends in your life, organise a catch-up or simply take the time to phone and chat - let them know they're valued and appreciated for all that they've done and still do!

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24 Blackwood Road
Logan Central, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5am
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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Registered Nurses from All Family Nursing Care have extensive experience in the community and mental