Rise to Shine Wellbeing

Hi, I am Lea, I specialise in regulating the nervous system through functional breathing and breathwork.

I empower individuals to access the innate potential of the breath to regulate, balance and support physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Rise to Shine offers a unique range of wellbeing services to super-power your personal health. Learn breathwork strategies using the Buteyko Method of breath re-education to increase energy, improve sleep and manage stress and anxiety. Rise to Shine also off

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 05/08/2024

Teachers come into your life in many different ways. They shine a light and empower you on your journey, modelling and living their dharma to guide others on their spiritual path.

Of the many teachers I have had over the years the teachings of Monica Gauci and Gregor Maehle continue to resonate so deeply. Both sharing and living the teachings with authenticity from the heart.

It was such a treat to learn that .gauci and .maehle were going to be visiting England at the same time as me. So grateful for the opportunity to attend your workshop last weekend! Thank you for sharing your wisdom, and love.

Empowered by your teachings, it is time to embody and share onward.

Namaste and I hope our paths cross again soon x


Brahma muhurta - is an auspicious time in the early hours of the morning before sunrise when our prana (life force) is at its highest.

This special, sacred time, is very conducive to yoga, breathwork and meditation, due to the state of balance that can be obtained 🙏🏻

This morning was my last brahma muhurta on Australian earth for a while - and it was truly magical 💫

I will be sure to share a few more as I journey onto new exciting adventures over the next few months 🙏🏻 ✈️🩵


As human beings, we are hardwired to seek pleasure over pain and discomfort. We seek warmth when cold, food when hungry, and company when lonely.

Finding comfort over discomfort makes physiological sense, why suffer unnecessarily? But is this stifling and stagnating our growth and ability to speak and live the truest version of ourselves?

Over recent years we have seen a huge surge in activities such as cold-water immersion, extreme sporting events, holotropic breathwork and TV survival shows, all designed to push individuals to their edge and observe what is possible.

Is this the evolutionary nature in us that craves this sense of rebelling against the comfort that we have grown accustomed to in modern-day life? Are we indeed stagnating in comfort?

The biggest changes in my life have come as a result of challenge and I now consistently seek that in my breathwork and kriya practices. Posture and breathwork such as breath of fire whilst in stretch pose (seen in the photo) has always triggered me - but I have persevered. The gold is the resilience and transformation that can come from that...

When you are face to face with a challenge, the mind will naturally begin to seek relief, then with perseverance comes adaptation, overriding the pre-set mind program (not to the point of danger but to incite a new response). We see this adaptation on a physiological, energetic, emotional and psychological level.

Discomfort has the power to change the quality of energy within and move stagnation to create a catalyst for transformation and promote more flow and ease in everyday life.

Breathing has led me on many paths of inner transformation, bringing me present in my life and breaking through limiting self-belief and energetic blockages. I do not promote adding more stress to a stressful life, but pressure does make diamonds, so learning structured and controlled bouts of adaptive stress like the dynamic breathwork I teach and practice provides us with a training ground to choose how we respond in life. From there we can question how good that makes us feel!


Communicating is one of the fundamental functions that make us human. The ability to relate with yourself and others plays a pivotal role in relationships and ultimately will have a major impact on overall wellbeing.

When we learn to communicate with the language of compassion and connection from the heart, we learn to live and respond from a deep seat of centred authenticity and empathy. This allows emotional wellbeing to be attended to by clearly being able to impartially identify feelings, needs and requirements around any given situation.

The way we communicate will imprison us or liberate us because to choose how you respond in life is the ultimate freedom. Choosing to be present in all facets of daily communication and to demonstrate both verbally and non-verbally in a way that fosters collaboration and minimises conflict and misunderstanding, helps us to live a balanced, more harmonious and aligned life. To respond with compassion is to respond from wholeness and connection, rather than fragmentation and disconnect – but how?

HINT: Nervous system regulation, breathwork and knowing yourself better...

Read the full article at the Rise to Shine Wellbeing website


Client reviews are like nuggets of gold for small businesses such as mine. If you have worked with me individually, attended classes, workshops or presentations (and feel called to do so). Please share your experiences and help increase the reach of these much-needed services to those who need it most.

In gratitude x

Review us on Google Post a review to our profile on Google


Finding contentment (grateful for what you do have and accepting of what you do not have) over time leads to unsurpassed happiness. Finding contentment comes from creating a calm mind.

Sitting at the peak of Bluff Knoll last Sunday I felt a deep sense of what the yogi’s would call santosha – contentment. The feeling of humbling gratitude for the majestic presence of nature which surrounded me, helping me appreciate what I truly have. But clearly observing what I truly have would not be possible without the tools to activate peace within, so I can see this gift with clarity.

External happiness is fleeting, we may feel it and then it is gone, but internal contentment leads to a deeper, more authentic type of happiness that is sustainable, nurturing and supportive.

The search for happiness is an internal journey and begins with the search for peace and clarity (know yourself first). Contentment and happiness can be found in a calm mind because stress, fear and anxiety cannot cohabit in that space.

The more I witness the effects of my practice, the more fascinated I become. The breath has opened the door to a more sustainable happiness that I can lean into time and time again. As I withdraw my dependency on the external world and accept the things I have no control over, I begin to develop a deeper sense of trust.

There is no separation between the breath and the mind – calm the breath, calm the mind and access that deep seat of peace and happiness within.

Not sure where to start – then reach out x

Thank you to for the beautiful image and a wonderful shared experience.

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 12/06/2024

It is amazing how many people are struggling to find deep restorative rest! That feeling of complete exhaustion, accompanied by the busy and stressed mind creating sleep chaos.

If this is you, then maybe this is a sign to join Deep Rest this Friday 14 June! The last few spots are available for all those who need to nurture, to relax and to slow the disturbances of a busy mind.

Join us for a gentle breathwork session to calm the nervous system, followed by a fully guided Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) to take you on a meditative journey beyond the tired and wired reality that we so often dwell in.

Did you know that one hour of Yoga Nidra is comparable to approximately 4 hours of sleep due to the changes in brain waves experienced during the session - sounds good hey?

This will be the last monthly session for a while, so take advantage and book your spot.

Friday 14 June, 6pm
Wise Moves Yoga - Falcon


Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 03/06/2024

More tips for seasonal change...

4. Of course one of my favourite ways to cultivate heat is from the inside out is using the tools of the yogis. Practices such as Breath of Fire and other forms of Kapalabhati and Bhastrika help to harness and stoke the fire (Agni) within. Perfect for the cooler months.

5. Those with a Vata constitution will notice how the colder months can throw this into a heightened state. Ground yourself with warming, nutrient-dense foods that can support you from the inside out. Adding ginger, turmeric and of course, a little pinch of cayenne seems to be a winner for me.

6. Winter is all about retreating and drawing inward. Get cosy, invest in warm, soft clothes and cosy hats, socks and scarfs to insulate and have a weighted blanket on hand to accelerate relaxation. Melt into a state of relaxation by extending your exhale - a winner every time.

What is your favourite way to relax and lean into the colder months?

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 02/06/2024

This year I am making a conscious effort to embrace the potential of winter. Here are the first of my seasonal transition tips, that will graciously support as we move into the cooler months.

1. Rise with the sun…
In winter we see the nights get longer and the days shorter. The importance of sourcing enough daylight is vital for physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Not only does rising with the sun maximise your exposure to light but it plays an important role in balancing the circadian rhythm (your internal clock), which in turn will in turn support your sleep quality. Mirror the natural rhythm and rise with the sun, go to bed with the moon and notice the effect on your physical energy, mental alertness, and mood. I will do another post about the spiritual benefits of this sacred time of day.

2. Get out and about - spend time outdoors each day
Seasonal Affected Disorder or SAD is a mood disorder that can become symptomatic at certain times of the year. I feel this in the darker, colder months, maybe manifesting as less vital energy, or lower than normal mood. By maximising exposure to sunlight throughout the day you can have a positive impact on the natural ebbs and flow and combining it with a brisk walk or bike ride can supercharge us leaving us feeling fully invigorated. So, brave the elements, wrap up super warm and head outside, even on the most challenging of days.

3. Create heat within…
Add a pinch of cayenne pepper to your food, drink or morning smoothie. Cayenne pepper is great for creating internal heat, and improving circulation, it has a positive impact on heart health and blood pressure, not to mention metabolism and digestive health. This morning I tried a banana, avocado, dragon fruit, apple, walnuts, protein powder and coconut water smoothie, with about 1/4tspn of cayenne (beware of the fiery kick, start small and build up!). You can feel it working!

Let me know how you are working with the seasonal change – more shares to come!


How do you feel about the seasonal shift?

Winter has always been a challenge for me (why do you think I left the UK?) and as we begin to transition into this winter, I notice the resistance arise yet again. The seizing up physically, and feeling tighter in my physical body than usual, which of course feeds into my mind, creativity can come to a grinding halt and a feeling of being stuck in the snow can often descend! I want to do better this year, to work with and not against these special seasonal shifts.

One of the ways we can observe this shift is to watch the way nature responds to the change in the seasonal cycle and honour it in a similar way.

- The animals go into hibernation and rest

- The plants and trees shed and go peacefully dormant

These cyclic lessons highlight rest, a key time to renew. The shorter days and longer nights provide time to dive into the shadows and identify what areas of life require more or less attention. Do you honour this?

This year I am ready and I am looking forward to sharing with you my top tips for transitioning the season with ease and grace! With my beanie at the ready, let's go!!

Are you ready to embrace the cooler months with me?


Reflect on this quote for just a moment and identify what it is you are zooming in on in your life right now! What we focus on grows in size, strength and stature and that includes issues, challenges, obstacles and stressors.

When we take a moment to step away, zoom out and look from a slightly altered perspective, opportunity has permission to enter.

Whatever challenges you are dealing with right now, see how it feels to zoom out, use a larger lens, and expand your peripheral vision.

From a physiological point of view, when we are stressed our vision becomes narrower and ultimately we find it difficult to perceive anything but the issue at hand. By expanding our peripheral vision and changing how we are looking, we can physically relax the stress response and change our state and response.

How about adding a soft inhale and a slow, gentle and long exhale as you shift and widen your gaze and - boom - double the impact!

When the stress response lessens we can shift our perspective to the more positive energies of gratitude, compassion, love and allow the grace and flow of life to re-enter and solutions to make themselves known.

Go on relinquish the blinkers and zoom out, we may not quite find comedy but there is an alternative option for sure!

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 23/05/2024

Ok, so now I have your attention, let’s dive in! Sexual performance is definitely part of the conversation when reflecting on overall health and wellbeing, with performance between the sheets being one of the key indicators of specific health challenges we may be facing.

The body is always providing biofeedback regarding its current physiological state, although whether we are paying attention to it is quite another matter. But the writing is on the wall when it comes to performance, satisfaction and of course enjoyment in this intimate part of relationships. Are there messages that you are ignoring in this area of your life?

Sexual activity can be physically demanding exercise and the connection between heart health, respiratory health and s*xual function has a very ‘intimate’ link. Those who have been working with me for a while know that I advocate in favour of breathing functionality and its effect on the nervous system and thus health. Why would s*xual performance not be included in this aspect of wellbeing?

Long-term, chronic stress will impact the nervous system and the way we breathe will mirror and impact that. In a state of sympathetic drive, the body is not interested in s*x, there is no time to ‘reproduce’ when the main priority is safety and survival. If the body is signalling distress, certain systems will switch to a more conservative mode or simply shut down - they are not required to survive at this time (say goodbye to your digestion, regular menstrual cycle, and libido).

Could nervous system regulation and breathwork give you that bedtime boost?

Keep reading - find the link to the full post in bio.

*xualperformance *xandbreathing


Just a reminder that this month's Yoga Nidra offering is TOMORROW!!

If you are tired, run-down or just are feeling overwhelmed by the busyness of life - this is for you! Gift yourself the opportunity to rest, get still, and quiet and go on a journey inward.

Combining with the energy of this week's new moon we will set our 'Sankalpa' (intention) and access the deep state of the subconscious to initiate the change we want to see in our life.

Would you like to join us on this journey?

Friday 10th May - 6pm
Wise Moves Yoga Studio, Falcon

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 08/05/2024

Well done to all those who have taken the step to bring functional breathing for health into their daily life!

Finding time and creating a routine is usually the main obstacle for most people when embarking on a new practice. So here are a few suggestions to keep you on track.

You can pause throughout your day and consciously breathe, even piggybacking existing habits to ensure you find time to bring attention to your breathing, slow it down and take a quick nervous system reset!

Starting/ending your day with this practice is ideal, but there are ample opportunities throughout the day to pause - in the shower, on the toilet, at the traffic lights, before lunch *great for digestion), whilst watching TV, and of course, whilst scrolling on social media - literally do it NOW!

There are no shortcuts to creating a sustainable practice, you just have to start - this is the perfect way. Only 5 minutes a day for 30 days!

Let me know where are you finding your 5 minutes a day?

This challenge is self-paced, so never too late to start!! Please DM me your email address to receive the 5-minute audio download and start TODAY!

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 05/05/2024

Have you been wanting to start a breathwork practice, but feel unsure where to begin? There is so much information out there - so where to start?

How about HERE! I have just released a FREE audio download to the Rise community, challenging them to commit to a 30-day practice for only 5 minutes a day. Would you like to join us?

This Ground & Reset practice focuses on the extended exhale. Encouraging functional breathing by breathing in through the nose, slow and low and prolonging the exhale. This practice can be done at any time, ideal before sleep and when amid a stressful situation.

By practicing extending exhale you will calm and slow the breath, regulating the nervous system and improving your day-to-day breathing to support wellbeing.

If you would like to receive this FREE audio download, simply DM me with your name and email and I will send you the link.

Be sure to let me know how you are doing as you journey through.

This challenge is self-paced, so pick a date in your diary and start to benefit from a dedicated daily practice, I promise you, 5 minutes a day is just the start - but that is all we need - to start!

DM me today for the link!

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 02/05/2024

The nervous system navigates how we respond to the world around us. It is constantly working behind the scenes to create balance and homeostasis within the body.

The state of our nervous system will dictate our thoughts, feelings, behaviours, actions and ability to make balanced decisions - it is literally the captain of our ship!

The body is constantly sending us messages that help us to understand if and when we are moving into a state of dysregulation, making it difficult for it to continue doing its job effectively. This is when we need to intervene and lend the captain a hand.

What is your nervous system saying to you? Are you listening? What are your methods of intervention?


Next month is approaching and so is Deep Rest - Yoga Nidra. I invite you to step off of the hamster wheel of life and immerse yourself in some deep restorative rest and rejuvenation. Give yourself the ultimate gift - time to restore.

Be guided through some nurturing breathwork to bring you to the place of stillness and then surrender and let yourself journey through the layers of being with a fully guided Yoga Nidra meditation.

Yoga Nidra will allow you to experience a change in brain wave state, guiding you gently into the alpha state of peace and then deeper into the realms of delta waves. This mirrors the state you reach in a deep healing sleep, but you are conscious. A magical time to begin implementing new intentions into the subconscious mind and releasing what no longer serves.

No experience is necessary, just come along and experience this beautiful practice.

Friday 10 May, 6pm
Wise Moves Yoga Studio, Falcon.

Book your spot at risetoshinewellbeing.com.au


Fear of judgment and fear of rejection often means we hide our true nature, or fail to speak our truth.

Through the practice of self-study, introspection, reflection, love and meeting yourself exactly where you are, the bo***ge associated with this mind pattern lessens.

Consider where in your life you are judging others? This is your mirror reflecting back what is needing to be worked on within.

For today, go sing like the birds (and dance with joy) - when you stop judging yourself and just allow your truth, then that same mirror will reflect that back out onto others.

Wishing you a beautiful day x

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 23/04/2024

Providing an authentic visual representation of service, with concise flow, and a positive user experience definitely has it's share of challenges, but here is the story so far!

My offerings spread graciously between the corporate and educational world to the spiritual centre of yoga - but they all have something in common. They are connected by the breath and so are we.

Huge gratitude to the expert team who collaboratively guided me on this journey to step into Lea - the colours, logo, design and layout are a true representation of my service, thank you.

Just like me it will be ever-evolving, so please stop by and check out my latest offerings, presentations, one-to-one sessions, classes, courses and blog. Thank you for being here.

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 21/04/2024

Introducing the NEW Rise to Shine logo! Inspired by the Bayu symbol, which represents air and breath. I am loving the simplicity of the spiral and the inter-relationship between life force (prana), breath and flow. This symbol resonates very deeply with me and I am so pleased to finally have it as a representation of my service.

Symbolic of the three aspects of life force (prana), breath and flow. This symbol represents introspection and self-discovery through connection. The spiral helps guide us on a journey of growth in this life, with the breath providing the bridge between our inner and outer worlds.

This was the first addition to the fresh new look on the website. So excited to share more with you.

Thank you


In partnership with ACHPER WA, I am delighted to announce that this Thursday I will be presenting Regulate to Educate - an online workshop suitable for teachers, parents, and anyone interested in understanding more about optimising the nervous system for young people - to support learning and concentration, whilst managing the impact of stress.

For learning to take place effectively, we often ask or demand that students pay attention. We state the importance of concentrating, but who is teaching us how?

Young people are learning to navigate a huge variety of different physical, mental and emotional states, and this may mean that the ability to concentrate is just not accessible, often resulting in disruptive behaviour and defiance.

Regulate to Educate explores how nervous system dysregulation is impacting focus, concentration and behaviour, and how functional breathing will assist in providing young people with simple to implement skills to balance and calm their nervous system, to help regulate emotions and create a more optimal environment for learning to occur.

You will leave this presentation, with an understanding of the science of breathing and some immediately actionable breathing exercises to help regulate the nervous system, balance the mind and optimise concentration, as well as calming strategies to help regulate emotions and overcome the impact of stress. This is not only good news for all young people, but for you too!

ONLINE (link provided in booking confirmation)

ACHPER members - FREE
Non-members - $30

Register at achperwa.org.au or copy the booking link into your browser https://www.trybooking.com/CPYIA


Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself. We are often guilty of harshly judging ourselves for past hurts at such a deep level!! Is it your time to forgive, release and step into this life with both feet? 🙏🏻

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 12/04/2024

As you will often hear me say "Breathing affects everything and everything affects the breath".

Functional breathing (breathing to meet your metabolic needs) harnesses carbon dioxide which is an essential vasodilator. Dilation of the blood vessels is essential to optimise circulation and to ensure adequate oxygen is being delivered to the working muscles and the brain.

Dysfunctional breathing (breathing above your metabolic needs) offloads too much carbon dioxide causing the vessels to constrict, thus reducing blood flow to the muscles and the brain.

Breathe through your nose, breathe slow and breathe low.

Optimise the functionality of your breathing - your body and brain will thank you for it.

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 11/04/2024

Learning techniques to quieten and settle the mind helps us to lessen the constant 'noise' that occupies our internal world and develop a deeper sense of focus and sustained concentration.

Instead of using counts for your breath rate ratio/length, ceremoniously slide one mala bead through your fingers to represent each count. For example, breathing in for 5 counts (slide 5 beads), hold the breath for five counts (slide 5 beads), exhale for 5 counts (slide 5 beads, and hold for 5 counts (slide 5 beads).

Breathing in this ratio not only balances the nervous system but also the mind and, by combining the use of mala beads (or similar), you amplify the depth of focus through the awareness of the sensation or tactile aspect that each bead brings.

This practice will assist you in deepening your focus in preparation for meditation, whilst improving mindfulness, clarity and increasing overall peace within.

Let's get out of our heads and back in our body!

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 09/04/2024

Hi, I am Lea

I specialise in regulating the nervous system through functional breathing and breathwork.

I facilitate workshops, presentations, private and group sessions.

Empowering individuals to access the innate potential of the breath to regulate, balance and support physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

My background stems from sports science, health and physical education, graduating with honours before moving into teaching and leadership.

My ongoing personal challenges with pain management, high-level anxiety and nervous system dysregulation led me to take a deep dive into the realms of yoga, which led me to pranayama and the potential of the breath. It’s here my journey began.

Breathwork was transformative on my path to optimal health and I now dedicate my life’s work to sharing this gift with others.

I am a qualified and experienced Buteyko Method and Oxygen Advantage instructor, Yoga teacher and Wellness coach.

I combine all aspects of breathwork modalities into a unique ‘Lea recipe’ that supports and guides individuals to tap into the potential of the breath, positively impacting all facets of health.

For more details about my services, offerings and booking information
To book a FREE 15-minute discovery call:
Or send me a DM.

Photos from Rise to Shine Wellbeing's post 08/04/2024

Are you craving deep rest?

Are you in need of time to restore, rejuvenate & heal from the challenges of a busy life?

Would you like to join me this Friday?

Deep Rest - Gentle Breathwork & Yoga Nidra

Friday 12 April, 6pm

Wise Moves Yoga Studio, Falcon


Book online risetoshinewellbeing.com.au

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To retreat is to withdraw and gift yourself time to reflect and reset! By consciously bringing mini ‘retreats’ into your...
Loving life ❤️🩵 World Yoga Festival, Henley, UK xx
Another day and many more reasons to be grateful 🙏🏻 Sending so much love 🩵  #basel #baselswitzerland #soulwisdom #gratit...
The smallest gesture can make all the difference in someone's life...The last couple of weeks have been challenging and ...
Just making the last few changes before the newly refreshed Rise to Shine website is up and running!! Almost ready to la...
Forgive Me…
Forgive Me…
Breathe with Lea x
A poem that asks us to question our inner narrative and the limiting self- beliefs that we tell ourselves. Written and r...
The Intruder


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