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Christmas | Origin, Definition, Traditions, History, & Facts 24/12/2023

The Origin Of ''Christmas"
Why December 25 is a made-up birthday of Jesus Christ?

Christmas, Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus. The English term Christmas (“mass on Christ’s day”) is of fairly recent origin. The earlier term Yule may have derived from the Germanic jōl or the Anglo-Saxon geōl, which referred to the feast of the winter solstice. The corresponding terms in other languages—Navidad in Spanish, Natale in Italian, Noël in French—all probably denote nativity. The German word Weihnachten denotes “hallowed night.” Since the early 20th century, Christmas has also been a secular family holiday, observed by Christians and non-Christians alike, devoid of Christian elements, and marked by an increasingly elaborate exchange of gifts. In this secular Christmas celebration, a mythical figure named Santa Claus plays the pivotal role.

Origin and development
The early Christian community distinguished between the identification of the date of Jesus’ birth and the liturgical celebration of that event. The actual observance of the day of Jesus’ birth was long in coming. In particular, during the first two centuries of Christianity there was strong opposition to recognizing birthdays of martyrs or, for that matter, of Jesus. Numerous Church Fathers offered sarcastic comments about the pagan custom of celebrating birthdays when, in fact, saints and martyrs should be honoured on the days of their martyrdom—their true “birthdays,” from the church’s perspective.

The precise origin of assigning December 25 as the birth date of Jesus is unclear. The New Testament provides no clues in this regard. December 25 was first identified as the date of Jesus’ birth by Sextus Julius Africanus in 221 and later became the universally accepted date. One widespread explanation of the origin of this date is that December 25 was the Christianizing of the dies solis invicti nati (“day of the birth of the unconquered sun”), a popular holiday in the Roman Empire that celebrated the winter solstice as a symbol of the resurgence of the sun, the casting away of winter and the heralding of the rebirth of spring and summer. Indeed, after December 25 had become widely accepted as the date of Jesus’ birth, Christian writers frequently made the connection between the rebirth of the sun and the birth of the Son. One of the difficulties with this view is that it suggests a nonchalant willingness on the part of the Christian church to appropriate a pagan festival when the early church was so intent on distinguishing itself categorically from pagan beliefs and practices.

A second view suggests that December 25 became the date of Jesus’ birth by a priori reasoning that identified the spring equinox as the date of the creation of the world and the fourth day of creation, when the light was created, as the day of Jesus’ conception (i.e., March 25). December 25, nine months later, then became the date of Jesus’ birth. For a long time the celebration of Jesus’ birth was observed in conjunction with his baptism, celebrated January 6.

Christmas began to be widely celebrated with a specific liturgy in the 9th century but did not attain the liturgical importance of either Good Friday or Easter, the other two major Christian holidays. Roman Catholic churches celebrate the first Christmas mass at midnight, and Protestant churches have increasingly held Christmas candlelight services late on the evening of December 24. A special service of “lessons and carols” intertwines Christmas carols with Scripture readings narrating salvation history from the Fall in the Garden of Eden to the coming of Christ. The service, inaugurated by E.W. Benson and adopted at the University of Cambridge, has become widely popular.

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Christmas | Origin, Definition, Traditions, History, & Facts Christmas, Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus. December 25 has become widely accepted as the date of Jesus’ birth. Christmas has also become a secular family holiday that is observed by Christians and non-Christians, is marked by the exchange of gifts, and features the mythical figu...


The Nuer National Memorial Day | Dec 15, 2013!!

Ten years ago today, on December 15, 2023, the deadliest massacre of the Nuer people was carried out in Juba by the Dinka regime to eliminate Nei ti Naath on the ground, in the air, and door-to-door.

This massacre is the worst in Naath history, and we have never seen anything like this. The Dinka regime waged war against the Nuer, killing women and babies in their homes.

Dinka soldiers carried out a door-to-door genocide in Juba on this day and killed 20,000 Nuer people, including women and infants. This is the deadliest massacre that has ever happened in South Sudan.

The war continues and has spread to different parts of the country, especially in Nuerland. Nuerland was destroyed by the Dinka regime using the state military with help from other nations like Uganda and Kenya.

In fact, between 2023 and 2018, more than 400,000 Nuer people have been killed, with more than 896,000 displaced from their homes, fleeing to refugee camps in Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Sudan, and more than 35,000 urbanized in the Western world, such as the USA, UK, Sweden, Australia, and Norway.

In 2016, the Dinka regime formulated a fake peace agreement so that Dr. Riek Machar, the former South Sudan Vice President, could come to Juba, intending to capture and kill him. This led to the second genocide of the Nuer by the Dinka military regime. Dr. Riek Machar fled to Congo by foot for 40 days with no water and food to eat, but he survived, with hundreds of Nuer killed along the way to protect him.

Right now, as you read this, Nuer are the major refugees suffering across South Sudan and are displaced from their homes. There are infants with no parents or caretakers; moms are struggling in the refugee camps because they don’t have a husband to help raise their kids together.

Naath Needs Freedom,
We are not free until every Nuer child is free!


How are you missing the Bangtigow Podcast? We are still ON and will come up with great interviews this time. We never gave up and will never will.

Stay focused my people!!
Only on Bangtigow podcast


We have missed you dearly!

Our media might reopen at any time soon. Thank you for being so patient, and see you soon!

Goa Ni Mal..🙏

Photos from Naath Broadcasting Network's post 23/07/2023

Good message
We are always family tortured and killed for no reason and yet our Nuer leaders never even care.


አንድ ሰው ምንም ሳይናገር ሲቀር, እሱ ስለፈራህ አይደለም; ሰውየው ምን እያጋጠመው እንደሆነ እየተማረ ሊሆን ይችላል።
የአንዋክ ተወላጆች በክልሉ ውስጥ ኑዌር እና ደጋ ተወላጆችን ለብዙ አመታት ሲገድሉ የቆዩ ቢሆንም በጋምቤላ አብላጫውን እየመሩ ያሉት አናሳዎች ናቸው።
ነገር ግን አብዛኛው፣ ኑዌር ነው፣ በጭራሽ ምንም አይናገርም። የኑዌር ህዝብ ዝም ብሎ ሰምቶ የፌደራል መንግስት እንዲሄድ የሚነግራቸውን መመሪያ ይከተላሉ።
በክልሉ ዲሞክራሲ የለም ማለት ነው። እንዴት ነው አናሳዎች አብላጫውን መምራት የሚችሉት?
When someone is not saying anything, it's not because he is afraid of you; the person might be learning what he or she is dealing with. The Anywak have been killing nuer and highlanders in the region for so many years, and yet they are the minority that is leading the majority in Gambella. and yet the majority, which is nuer, never say anything. Nuer people just listen and follow the direction that the federal government tells them to go. It means that there's no democracy in the region. How come the minority can lead the majority?
Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation
Eye Radio


ለማንኛውም እውነት ተናገር በነፃነት ትኖራለህ።
ያንተን ውሸቶች እና አሳሳች መረጃዎች እስከመቸ ነው የሚሰሙት። ጋምቤላ አምስት ጎሳዎች፣ ኑዌር፣ ማንኛዋክ፣ ማጃንግ፣
ኮሞ እና ኦፖ እንዲሁም ከተለያዩ የኢትዮጵያ ብሄሮች የተውጣጡ የደጋ ተወላጆች አሏት። ስለ ኑዌር ህዝብ ለምን አያማርሩም? ውሸትን የምታራምደው እና የተሳሳተ መረጃ ለኢትዮጵያ መንግስት የምታሰራጭው አንተ አንዋክ ነህ።
ሚሊሻችሁ እና ስደተኛ እና ተወላጆችን እየገደላችሁ እና እናንተ አነሳሱ እንዳልሆናችሁ ለፌደራል የተሳሳተ መረጃ ትልካላችሁ የደጋው ተወላጆች በአውቶቢስ እና በከተማ ውስጥ ንፁሀን ኑዌር እና ኦሮሞን ስትገድሉ የምታደርጉት ከንቱ ምስክር ነው።
Anywak, tell the truth and you shall live free. upto when they will be listening to your lies and misleading information. gambella have five tribes, Nuer, anywak, majang, komo, and Opo, and highlanders from different nation across Ethiopia. why don't they complain about the people of Nuer? it's you, Anywak, who are advocating lies and propagating misinformation to the Ethiopian government. your militia are killing refugees and indigenous and you send misinformation to the federal as if you are not the instigator, the highlanders are the eyewitness of your nonsense of killing innocent Nuer and Oromo on the buses and in town.
Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation
Eye Radio


ለምንድነው ንፁሀን የኑዌርና የኦሮሞ ተወላጆችን እየጨፈጨፉ ያሉት? የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት በዚህ ጉዳይ ምን እየሰራ ነው? በጋምቤላ የኑዌር እና የኦሮሞ ተወላጆች ላይ ምንም አይነት እርምጃ ሳይወሰድ በየቀኑ ተገድለዋል። የአንዋክ ፅንፈኞች የጋምቤላ መንግስት አካል ናቸውና በተዘበራረቁበት ወቅት ወጣትነታቸውን እየከፈሉ በመንገድ ላይ ንፁሃን ዜጎችን ለመግደል እና በጋምቤላ ከተማ ህዝቡን በጩቤ ይወጉታል፣ ይህ ሁሉ ሲሆን ስደተኞቹን ኑዌር ነን ብለው በማጥቃት በእርሳቸው መሪነት አንድ ሳንቲም እንኳን ማግኘት አይችሉም። ስለ ድብቅ አላማቸው ምንም ሀሳብ እንኳን በሌላቸው ሰዎች ላይ ለምን ቁጣቸውን ይጠቀማሉ?
የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ይህንን ግፍ ማውገዝ አለበት። የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት አንዋክ መንግስትን አሳሳች መረጃ እየመገበ ነው የሚለውን ውሸታም ለረጅም ጊዜ እየሰማ ነው። በጋምቤላ በኑዌር ተወላጆች ላይ ለኢትዬጲያ መንግስት እየሰጡት ያለው መረጃ መሬት ላይ ያለው እና እየሰጡት ያለው መረጃ በጣም የተለያየ ነው? ሃይላንድ የአይን እማኞች ናቸው ለምን እውነቱን አይናገሩም?

Why do they keep killing innocent Nuer and Oromo people? What is the Ethiopian government doing about that? Nuer and Oromo were killed on a daily basis in Gambella without any measures being taken against the perpetrators. The Anywak extremists are part of the Gambella government, and whenever they mess up, they pay their youth to kill innocent people on the road and stab people in Gambella town, all the while attacking refugees for being Nuer, who don't even earn a single coin under their leadership. Why do they use their anger against people who don't even have any ideas about their hidden agendas?
The Ethiopian government must condemn this atrocity. For a very long time, the Ethiopian government has been listening to the lies that the Anywak has been feeding the government with misleading information. What is actually taking place on the ground and the information they are giving to the Ethiopian government against the Nuer in Gambella are very different things? Highlanders are eyewitnesses, why don't they tell the truth?

Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation
Eye Radio


በጋምቤላ ክልል አጎራባች የኢትዮጵያ የአንኙዋክ ታጣቂ ሚሊሻዎች በድብቅ ድንበር ጥሰው ከደቡብ ሱዳን አኑዋክ ሆም ግዛት ፖቻላ በደቡብ ሱዳን የ3 ወራት መሰረታዊ ወታደራዊ ስልጠና ከወሰዱ በኋላ የጦር መሳሪያ እና ጥይት ማግኘታቸው ተዘግቧል።
ወታደራዊ ስልጠናው የተካሄደው በፖቻላ አኑዋክ ሀገር ግዛት ውስጥ በሚስጥር ቦታ በፕሬዚዳንት ኪር የታላቁ ፒቦር አስተዳደር አካባቢ (GPAA) የፕሬዝዳንት ኪር መልእክተኛ በአኮት ሉአል ቁጥጥር ስር ሲሆን ሚሊሻቸው ከቀድሞው የፒቦር ዋና አስተዳዳሪ ከጄኔራል ዴቪድ ያው ጋር በመተባበር በኢትዮጵያ ምዕራባዊ የናይል ግዛቶች እና በደቡብ ዮንግሊ ድንበር ላይ እንዲሁም በደቡብ ሱዳን የናይል ወሰን ላይ ድንበር ተሻጋሪ ወረራዎችን ከጀነራል ዴቪድ ያው ጋር በማዘጋጀት ነው።
አኮት ሉአል እና ዴቪድ ያው ያው የተባሉት ሁለቱ የንግድ አጋሮች የኢትዮጵያ አኙዋክ ታጣቂ ታጣቂዎች ከደቡብ ሱዳን ፖቻላ ወደ ጋምቤላ ክልል ኢትዮጵያ በማዘዋወር የሽብር ተግባር እንዲፈጽም በተደረገበት ወቅት እንቅስቃሴ፣ እቅድ እና ሎጅስቲክስ ድጋፍ እንዳደረጉ ተዘግቧል። ባጅ ያግኙ ወደ ጋምቤላ ከተማ 10 ኪሎ ሜትር በሚወስደው አውራ ጎዳና ላይ በሴቶች እና ህጻናት የተሞሉ ሶስት የህዝብ አውቶቡሶችን አድፍጧል።
የአሸባሪዎቹ ታጣቂዎች በህዝብ ማመላለሻ አውቶብሶች ላይ ቦንብ በመወርወር በጥይት በመተኮስ የበርካታ ንፁሀን የኑዌር ሴቶች እና ህፃናት መገደላቸውን እና በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ሁለት ንፁሀን የኦሮሞ ሲቪል ሹፌሮችን በአፈፃፀሙ መንገድ ገድለዋል። እና በዚሁ ሳምንት ውስጥ በሌላ አጋጣሚ የአሸባሪው ታጣቂዎች አምስት የኑዌር ተማሪዎችን ከአዲስ አበባ ወደ ጋምቤላ በሚመጡት አውቶብስ ላይ በማውጣት ሁሉንም በአፈጻጸም መንገድ ገድለውታል ይህ የአሸባሪዎች ጥቃት የተለመደ ነው።
በፖቻላ አካባቢ በደቡብ ሱዳን የጸጥታ ክፍል ውስጥ ሚስጥራዊ ምንጭ ለላይኛው ናይል ታዛቢ እንደገለጸው በወታደራዊ ስልጠና የተሳተፉ ሚሊሻዎች አብዛኛዎቹን ያጠቃልላል እንደ አስተያየት አጋራ
Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation
Eye Radio


Fighting it's never a solution to your problem. Peace ✌️ is the solution. And when you don't accept peace ✌️ and you are thinking that you will remove them using force, you are only going to diminish your society.


Sad indeed
You are inviting Egypt to fight Ethiopia 🇪🇹 for your failure to recognize other indigenous.
You are reducing your population. you have to see a doctor. You have issues ⚠️.

News: Fresh armed attack left 31 dead, 20 injured in Gambella, regional cabinet enacts indefinite curfew - Addis Standard 21/07/2023

Addis Abeba – An armed militia attack on Nuer village in the city of Gambella, the capital of Gambella regional state has resulted in at least 31 fatalities and 20 injuries, according to a source who spoke with Addis Standard. The informant, wishing to remain unidentified for their safety, indicated that the attack began on 18 July around 4:50 pm.

The source, who is close to the matter, said 19 people from the village and 12 from the attackers, who are alleged to be ethnic Angwa militias from Abol district, were killed during the attack, adding that among the dead is Kwang Nial Poh, a respected member of the psychology department at Gambella University.

Another anonymous source provided further details about the assailants, stating that they donned the city’s police uniforms to carry out their assault surreptitiously, thereby evading identification. This informant went on to suggest that these attackers were also responsible for a previous assault on a bus traveling from Wentawo to Gambella city.

On 13 July, Addis Standard reported that three people were killed, and 23 others were injured during a violent assault on two public buses on the outskirts of Gambella city, at a location known as Ochom.

According to the sources, following the latest attack, the city is currently under the control of the national defense forces, with public services and offices remain closed for the time being.

In response to this escalating crisis, the Gambella regional cabinet, in an emergency meeting on 19 July, has enacted an indefinite curfew, prohibiting all movement between 1:00AM and 12:00PM, except for designated security personnel. Furthermore, it has been mandated that carrying weapons, with the exception of the aforementioned security forces, is strictly forbidden, according to the regional government’s communication bureau.

In an attempt to restore some normalcy, the cabinet has decreed that all government employees and service providers will recommence regular work schedules from the following day.

Ugato Ading, head of the regional communication bureau, said in a presser, human lives were lost and properties have been damaged in the wake of recent violence in the region. He added, the efforts are underway to ensure security in the region with the help of federal government forces. He said “ethno-nationalism and tribalism are threatening the region”, admitting that the violence is ethnic based. He vowed any individuals or parties including government officials contributing to the disruption of peace in the region will be held accountable.

In May, the Gambella region president, Umod Ujulu, dismissed the violence which killed nine people and injured 23 in Itang special woreda and the capital Gambella city as a dispute between individuals which later escalated into communal violence.

He also said back then that the violence has been brought under control by the coordinated efforts of the regional and federal security forces, and that the plot by what he called “elements” existing in the public who try to separate the people who have lived in solidarity and brotherhood for centuries was foiled. AS

News: Fresh armed attack left 31 dead, 20 injured in Gambella, regional cabinet enacts indefinite curfew - Addis Standard Gambella City (Photo: Gambella Region Communication Bureau/Facebook) Addis Abeba - An armed militia attack on Nuer village in the city of Gambella, the capital of Gambella regional state has resulted in at least 31 fatalities and 20 injuries, according to a source who spoke with […]


At least postpone it for a month
You can't fix this mess you have created in two days. The federal government should take serious measures against the enemy that is killing innocent people day and night.

በጋምቤላ ክልል የ12ኛ ክፍል ሀገር አቀፉ ብሔራዊ ፈተና በተያዘለት የጊዜ ሰሌዳ እንደሚሰጥ የክልሉ ትምህርት ቢሮ አስታወቀ።

ተፈታች ተማሪዎች በዩኒቨርስቲ በሚኖራቸው ቆይታ አስተማማኝ ጥበቃ እንደሚደረግላቸው ቢሮው አስታውቋል።

ከጋምቤላ ክልል የመንግስት ኮሙኒኬሽን ጉዳዮች ጽህፈት ቤት (ሐምሌ 14/2015 ዓ.ም)

በክልሉ ሰሞኑን ተከስቶ የነበረው የፀጥታ ችግር በፀጥታ አካላት የተቀናጀ ጥረት አንፃራዊ ሰላም በመስፈኑ ብሔራዊ ፈተናው እንዲሰጥ መወሰኑን ነው ቢሮው ያስታወቀው።

የክልሉ ትምህርት ቢሮ ኃላፊ አቶ ሙሴ ጋጄት እንዳሉት ሀገር አቀፉ የ12ኛ ክፍል ብሔራዊ ፈተና በተያዘለት የጊዜ ሰሌዳ ለማከናወን የሚያስችል ቅድመ ዝግጅት ተጠናቋል ብለዋል።

በዚህም መሰረት ወላጆች ተፈታች ልጆቻቸውን በወረዳ ማዕከል በተዘጋጁ የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት በመጠቀም ወደ መፈተኛ ዩኒቨርስቲ እንዲልኩ ጥሪ አቅርበዋል።

የ2015 ዓ.ም የ12ኛ ክፍል ተፈታኝ ተማሪዎችን ወደ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የማጓጓዣ ቀን የማህበራዊ ሳይንስ ተፈታኝ ተማሪዎች ሐምሌ 16--17 ሲሆን በ18 ለተማሪዎቹ ኦሬንቴሽን እንደሚሰጥ ገልፀዋል።

ለማህበራዊ ሳይንስ ተማሪዎች ከሐምሌ 19--21 ፈተናው የሚሰጥበት ቀን መሆኑን የጠቆሙት አቶ ሙሴ ሐምሌ 22--23 ወደየመጡበት ወረዳ እንደሚመለሱም አስረድተዋል።

የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ ተፈታኞች ደግሞ ሐምሌ 22_23 ወደ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሚጓጓዙበት ቀን ሲሆን ሐምሌ 24 ገለፃ እንደሚደግ አስታውቀዋል።

ከሐምሌ 25--28 የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ ፈተና የሚሰጥበት ቀን መሆኑንና ሐምሌ 29--30 ተማሪዎች ወደ መጡበት አካባቢ በሚዘጋጅላቸው የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት እንደሚመለሱ አመላክተዋል።

አቶ ሙሴ አክለውም ተፈታች ተማሪዎች በዩኒቨርስቲ በሚኖራቸው ቆይታ የፌዴራል ፖሊስ ሙሉ ኃላፊነት እንደሚወስድ እና አስተማማኝ ጥበቃ እንደሚደረግላቸው ተናግረዋል።


*Breaking News:*

The Ethiopian Anyuak armed militias in the neighboring Gambella Regional State of Ethiopia reportedly have secretly crossed the border and acquired arms and ammunitions from the South Sudanese Anyuak home region of Pochalla in South Sudan after undergoing 3-months basic military training in the region.

The military training was conducted in a secret site within Anyuak home County of Pochalla under the supervision of Akot Lual, President Kiir’s envoy on the Greater Pibor Administrative Area ( GPAA), in concert with General David Yaw Yaw, former Pibor Chief Administrator, a Murle, whose militia frequently launches a cross border raids on the Ethiopian western frontier territory and as well as Jonglei and Upper Nile states in South Sudan.

Akot Lual and David Yaw Yaw, the two business partners reportedly facilitated the movement, planning and logistical support of the Ethiopian Anyuak armed militias as they transferred them from Pochalla, South Sudan to the Gambella region of Ethiopia to specifically carry out a kind of terrorism activities to target a particular rival community, the Nuer, by conducting specific activities of terror as recently as last week, they ambushed three public buses full of women and children along the highway about 10km to the Gambella city.

The terrorist militants threw bombs at the public transport buses and sprayed them with the bullets, resulting in the killing of many innocent Nuer women and children and meanwhile killed two innocent Oromo civilian drivers in the ex*****on style.
And in another incident within the same week, the terrorist militants pulled off five Nuer students from the bus coming from Addis Ababa to Gambella and killed them all in an ex*****on style as well, this is a typical of a terrorists violence act.

A confidential source within the South Sudan security unit in Pochalla area revealed to the Upper Nile Observer that the militia who participated in the military training included majority of the former Gambella special forces unit of Anyuak and police forces as well.
Plus additional forces of South Sudanese Anyuak, who were selected and released from various units within South Sudan security forces to form a larger force with the Ethiopian Anyuak so that they can launch a sustainable operation to destabilize the Gambella region.

The source confirmed that the Anyuak political-military grand ambition and objective is to primarily destabilize the Gambella Regional state by staging an act of terror in the region in aims of weakening the peace and security, further weakening the state structures and developments and then in the process entering into a political-military alliance with the Amhara armed militia based in the Amhara region, which is much bigger than Anyuak group.

A highly-placed source in Gambella expressed that the mastermind behind all this crisis is none other than the Anyuak regional government president Omod Ojulu, who is secretly collaborating with the Anyuak rebel militias to form the future alliances with the Amhara Fano militia, based in the Amhara region.

The source continued to pinpoint that the whole Anyuak community in diaspora from both South Sudan and Ethiopia forms a shared political vision and objective as they are now deploy a well-coordinated social media campaign propaganda and disinformation warfare as they engage in a fake news campaigns in the predominantly Amharic news to play the victim card while they are the real perpetrators who engage in the terrorism activities in the Gambella region and therefore, the truth will catch up with them after the facts.

*~By: Upper Nile Observer.*


What are you fighting for, what are you going to achieve and what have you achieved so far using fighting.


Defamation is any that the reputation of a , business, or organization. Defamation includes both libel and slander.


situation it’s not new, and we are not surprised about it. The people that can put an end to all of these sad news are leaders. But they are not willing to change that. God have mercy on innocent.


Weakness is disunity
With unity come peace


Nobody can bring you peace but yourself


Your life was Poetic itself
Rest In Peace legen Khor Chuol the founding father of Naath Hiphop.
South Sudan 🇸🇸 and Ethiopia 🇪🇹 will miss you.
Rest In Peace


The peace that the world 🌎 needs
We miss that smile 😃
May the peace reign

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