Hawthorn Physiotherapy Clinic, Melbourne, VIC Videos

Videos by Hawthorn Physiotherapy Clinic in Melbourne. Hawthorn Physiotherapy Clinic has been committed to providing quality physiotherapy services to Hawth

Ice skaters are such a useful exercise in our fit to ski program - they’re great for building stability in the knee as you land, and really engage the muscles through the upper leg and glutes. Keep an eye on Charlie’s hip and knee alignment as he moves through this exercise, aiming to keep his knee from rolling in and to keep his hips level.
#hawthornphysio #iceskaters #physio #fittoski #aclprevention #wintersports #skiing #skiinjuryprevention #skiinjury

Other Hawthorn Physiotherapy Clinic videos

Ice skaters are such a useful exercise in our fit to ski program - they’re great for building stability in the knee as you land, and really engage the muscles through the upper leg and glutes. Keep an eye on Charlie’s hip and knee alignment as he moves through this exercise, aiming to keep his knee from rolling in and to keep his hips level. #hawthornphysio #iceskaters #physio #fittoski #aclprevention #wintersports #skiing #skiinjuryprevention #skiinjury

Only two days left to register for our fit to ski workshop! Here @tmadgey is demonstrating one of the exercises included in our fit to ski circuit - great for building up your leg strength! #skiinjury #fittoski #hawthornphysio #physiotherapy #aclrehab #snowsports #injuryprevention

There’s only one week left until our Fit to Ski Workshop! It’s completely free to attend, all you have to do is join our loyalty program and register your interest! Charlie will be running through a circuit of exercises that are specifically designed to improve your ski technique with a focus on fitness and injury prevention, and discussing some other ways that you can stay safe on the slopes. If you’re planning on heading to the snow this one can’t be missed! #fittoski #hawthornphysio #physio #workshop #freeevent #wintersports #skiinjury #injuryprevention #snowsports

Holding a squat position on a bosu ball is great for building strength, stability and balance. We use it in ACL rehab, but it’s actually also fantastic training when you’re gearing up to ski! We’re sure you can see why - it mimics the position you’re in while skiing, but by adding in the balance factor with the bosu ball, it works your quads and glutes even harder, helping to prepare you for the snow! Thanks to @tmadgey for modelling this one perfectly 💪 #hawthornphysio #physiotherapy #aclrehab #fittoski #injuryprevention #skiinjury #wintersports #snowsports

Charlie’s only got 2 weeks before he hits the snow - here he’s using the ski fitter to warm up & practice his control. Are you fit to ski this snow season? Stay tuned as we share some exercises and tips to stay safe in the snow. 🎿 #fittoski #hawthornphysio #ski #snow #wintersports #injuryprevention #snowsports #skiing #physio #physiotherapy #skiinjury

A huge congrats to @tmadgey on being named in the @basketballaus Opals side that’s headed over to China in a few weeks time! Tess has been working hard in the gym while recovering from an ACL tear. We think she looks ready to take on whatever the court throws at her 🏀💪 #hawthornphysio #goopals #australianbasketball #aclinjury #aclrehab

Here’s a video demonstration of one of the exercises from our latest blog post! The skater requires full body strength, balance and coordination in order to create a smooth and controlled movement! Why not give it a go? #physio #clinicalpilates #pilates #physiotherapy #hawthornphysio #skater #magiccircle #reformerpilates

We’re warming up our abs for a busy week! Here’s Elsa demonstrating the Teaser on the Trapeze Table. 💪