TULA Healing

Ayurveda is a holistic living philosophy reaching back some 5000 years in India. It understands that wrong digestion is at the root of all disease.

Food can be your medicine. Finding and living your purpose. I have always had a deep, inherent knowing that all we need in this life occurs in nature. I had this vague understanding that we are part of nature and there is a balance to be found within each of us, mind and body. As my understanding deepened, I came to realise that what we experience- see, and feel- and the way we interpret it, is a


Skin Dryness in Winter

Many of us find our skin and hair becoming dry in Winter. This is largely due to the bodily intelligence of Vata (a Sanskrit word). Vata is governed by the elements of air and space and is responsible for all movement in our body. The season of Winter is also governed by Vata- dry and rough wind and cold temperatures which are drying.

Excess Vata can show up as thinner blood, dry and rough skin, dry mucus, chapped lips, reduced electrolytes in the body, earaches, insomnia, bloating, gas, confusion, restlessness, anxiety, and inflammation.

To counter these effects, we should find remedies which possess the opposite qualities like warmth, unctuousness, softness, or thickness. You can use Vata pacifying oils such as rosewood, sandalwood, jasmine, ylang-ylang, sesame, almond, lemon, or orange.

At Tula Healing I offer the Abhyanga massage using Vata oil which contains 23 herbs including Dashmoola, Ashwagandha and Bala in a cold pressed black sesame oil base. The effect is pacifying to the nervous system, nourishing to the skin and cleansing to the bodily tissues.

It is also very helpful to eat warm, nourishing and moist foods such as soups (home-made of course), warm milk at night with cinnamon, cardamom and a little honey or raw sugar. Herbs/spices help to warm and cleans the body.

For further information, see www.tulaayurveda.com.au or message Jane on 0411864041



Meditation Classes
for beginners and intermediate.
Learn how to still the mind and find inner peace so you are able to cope better in this fast, busy world we live in.
Experienced teacher- Jane Leeming Phone or text on 0411864041 to register
Starting on Tuesday 6th Aug. for 6 weeks. 7pm - 8pm. $10 per session.


I have a cancellation for tomorrow morning if anyone is interested in a treatment- massage of other. Please call or message Jane on 0411864041. www.tulaayurveda.com.au



I will be at this event this weekend


The Transition into Autumn

Our bodies change with the seasons. By understanding what those changes are, we can counter the effects to avoid any imbalances.

Autumn brings cooler weather (thank goodness!), windy and often dry conditions. These qualities relate to the Vata intelligence governed by air and space, or ether. It is responsible for all movement within our body- nerve conduction, circulation, digestive movement and more. It also brings dryness and roughness.

In our bodies we may experience stiffness in our joints, spine and muscles. You may experience constipation, anxiety, dry skin, and joint pain.

To counter these symptoms, we could ensure there is adequate oil in our food, that is good oil such as ghee, coconut oil and rice bran oils for cooking. Avoid dry, cold and rough foods and drinks. Good fruits that are fresh and in season are grapes, apricots, avocado, cherries, dates, figs (not dried), mango, papaya, peaches, pomegranate, berries, pineapple, persimmons and pears. Vata reducing vegies are beetroot (excellent for blood), carrot, eggplant, okra, onion, sweet potato, and pumpkin. Moong dal is the best legume. Natural sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, raw sugar. (White sugar will leach out minerals from the body and weaken the immune system).

Self-massage using warmed oil will also help nourish the skin. Water intake should be 1.5 litres daily. Remember- not cold.


I am looking for case study subjects for a SHOULDER TREATMENT, so if you have a problem with your shoulder such as frozen shoulder, bursitis, tight muscles, or bone damage, contact me, Jane on 0411864041 or message me


Eye Care for Summer

Our eyes are governed by the element of fire. Therefore, to maintain good eye health it is important to make sure they don’t over heat. Overheating can be caused by hot weather, sun and wind exposure, and excess screen time (looking at computer and phone screens). It is important to cool the eyes to minimise eye degeneration. Two simple practises will help maintain eye health –
1. Moisten two make-up removal pads with cool rose water and place over your eyes. It won’t take long to feel the eye pads become warm as it draws out heat from your eyes. Do this for 10 minutes, replacing the eye pads as required.
2. Ayurvedic eye drops are a gentle formulation using rose and tulsi extracts known for their powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Use these drops before you go to bed. Both these products are available from Tula Healing- Rose water - $12, eye drops - $15.

For more serious eye ailments such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, conjunctivitis, squint and prolonged eye aggravation, I can offer another treatment called Netra Basti. This treatment involves submerging the eye in medicated (with herbs) ghee. Even in healthy eyes, this treatment is carried out to protect the eyes from aging degeneration and to improve eyesight.

I have gift vouchers available for Christmas gifts to the value of your choice. Call or message me on 0411864041 or email to [email protected]
Wishing everyone a happy Christmas season from Tula Healing.


What is Your Tongue Telling You?

Did you know that your tongue mirrors the state of your organs? The coating on your tongue every morning reflects the toxins being excreted from your body while you sleep. In fact, the coating itself is waste product and should be removed before you swallow it back into your system Use a tongue scraper or at the very least, a spoon. Try not to use a tooth brush as it prickles the organs.

Your bowel and intestines are at the back central tongue, either side at the back are your kidneys, central is the stomach, lateral centre is the liver (right side), spleen (left side). Towards the front on the sides are your lungs and between them, running down to the tip is your heart.

A deep line at the centre can reflect deep emotional imbalances. Transverse cuts or lines across the central line can indicate spinal problems. Front is cervical vertebrae, centre is thoracic and back is lumbar.

Smooth sides can show depleted organs, while teeth impressions on the sides can indicate digestion imbalances. Red spots can indicate excess heat in that organ. Lack of taste buds in a particular area can also indicate organ depletion.

A tongue examination is one of the diagnostic indicators I use in a consultation along with examining the lines of the face, nails, skin health and muscle tone. If you would like to find out the state of your health before disease manifests, please make an appointment for a consultation by visiting www.tulaayurveda.com.au or calling Jane on 0411864041. I am in Northam


Massage and the Detoxifying Process

Toxins build up in our body due to insufficiently digested foods entering our blood stream and being deposited in the smaller channels in our organs, muscles and other tissues. Toxins can also be formed due to mental factors such as stress, anxiety, anger, fear, jealousy etc. These emotions affect our digestion causing indigestion.

We can correct our diet and the way we eat. We can learn to control our emotions. All this will greatly improve our health, yet our busy way of life will inevitably result in some toxic build up. Hereditary factors can also influence where toxic build up collects in our body and eventually causes disease.

Ayurvedic massage is a very effective way to clear away toxins from our tissues. The oils used in this 90-minute massage are selected specifically to suit your individual requirement, whether you are stressed, overheated, overweight, etc. The seven different strokes used are designed to wake-up, activate, pacify, persuade, knead, squeeze and wring the toxins out. The warm, medicated (herbal) oils pe*****te the tissues adding a further dimension to this treatment. The energetic nature of the Abhyanga massage will calm and relax mind and body. It is really quite different from other massages.

The final process is a head massage which helps to release trapped energy, eliminates drowsiness allowing you to drive home safely. For added affect, I can offer a steam treatment to conclude. This helps to further carry the healing herbs into the tissues.

Call me or book online. Jane Leeming 0411864041. wwwtulaayurveda.com.au


The Skin We Live in

Our skin is the largest organ in the body. It has 7 layers, the epidermis is the thin external layer comprised of dead skin cells, while the dermis (the thick internal portion), continually forms new skin cells. A vast network of blood vessels, lymphatic channels and nerve fibres nourish and support the dermis. Normally skin cells are replaced every four weeks.

Skin diseases almost all come from within, yet people want to treat skin problems from the outside. This is treating the symptom, not the cause, so invariably the disease will return if the cause is not addressed.

Poor diet and lifestyle choices lead to toxins in the blood. These toxins end up in the smallest vessels in the skin and cause corrupted messages to be sent through the nervous system resulting in various diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. This is a very simplified explanation, but you get the idea.

In children the same is true, however the diet and lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy and before, will have affected the child’s ability to resist the imbalance.

Through proper understanding of a person’s constitution and making the right changes to diet and lifestyle, together with medicinal herbal formulas to purify the blood and topical creams to relieve dryness, pain and itching, the skin diseases will begin to disappear.

A quick remedy to relieve the effects of eczema is to mix equal quantities of linseed oil and lime juice and apply to enflamed area. Relief is immediate.

Jane Leeming. 0411864041. [email protected]


The Hidden Digestion Epidemic

It has come to my attention that there are many seemingly healthy people, that is, no obvious health issues, that are quietly suffering with serious digestion issues. Some of these people may have made poor food and drink choices in the past, or may have inherited a digestive weakness due to the symptoms not being addressed in the lives of their passed family members, so it is genetically recorded and passed forward in their DNA. However, the people I’m noticing are more likely to be dealing with stress. They outwardly appear to be in control and relaxed, capable and successful, yet they are holding fears, anxiety and pressure from overworking, on the inside.
In Ayurveda we understand that we shouldn’t eat when we are emotionally upset because our nervous system is adversely affecting digestion (the fight or flight thing). The intelligences responsible for the peristaltic movement and the digestive process are affected. This will result in toxins being formed by the poorly digested food. These toxins can begin to build up in various areas and more serious diseases will manifest if they are not cleaned out.
What happens in the head and the stomach are closely linked. If you would like to discuss ways of coping with your thoughts and your diet to live a happier, healthier life, please call me on 0411864041 for an appointment, or book at www.tulaayurveda.com.au


Menopause, and the Wisdom of the Crone

Some years ago I was invited to take part in a retreat which ended with a Croning ceremony.

It was a celebration of this stage in a woman’s life when having and raising children was completed and the age of feminine wisdom was entered. This celebration was about respecting and reflecting upon what had passed, coming to terms with what this busy period of life had taught us, and becoming a source of knowledge to be drawn upon by younger women. While having a tribal feel to it, I came away with a feeling of achievement and knowing that mothering duties could take a back step and new freedoms were at hand. I felt dignity in who I now am. The wise Crone.

Many women going through the menopause today talk about the physical symptoms they are enduring- hot flushes, mood swings, fatigue, unwanted weight gain, heart palpitations, thinning hair and other hormone related symptoms. They talk about being older while not enjoying their entry into this new phase of their lives which should be celebrated.

Ayurveda can offer women natural ways to cope with the physical and mental changes without resorting to artificial hormone therapies which can have adverse long-term consequences. The treatments I offer will not only slow the aging process often associated with menopause, but enhance feelings of wellbeing so that this natural process of womanhood can be enjoyed.

Tula Healing www.tulaayurveda.com.au Ring or message Jane Leeming on 0411864041



As we venture into 2023 many of us want to commit to being healthier and make changes to achieve that goal. Perhaps you'd like a few signposts to point you in the right direction. Well here it is:


Book a Ayurvedic massage with me and receive a 1/2 price consultation (save$50)

Go to www.tulaayurveda.com.au or ring Jane on 0411864041

Northam Women in Business


Why Ayurveda?

👉 Most of us don’t think much about our health until something goes wrong either physically or mentally. Then we go to the doctor with symptoms of some imbalance causing a disease.

👉 What if you could head off the symptoms before they happen?

👉 Many of us think we are being healthy according to information that may come to us in advertising on TV (where someone is trying to sell us something) or very general health advice.

👉 Often, we may get good results initially, then symptoms start to return, or new symptoms become apparent.

👉 Almost all illness starts in our gut. This may be the result of our diet not suiting our constitution and/or our mental state (stress, anxiety, shock, over work, emotional upheaval etc).

👉 Even inherited disease can be reduced or halted with the right plan.

👉 Ayurveda is a science that has accumulated information about the human body and mind by observation and questioning of people over many thousands of years. The laboratory is the human body, not an airconditioned room using test animals with induced diseases, but real people in real situations. This wealth of knowledge has been documented into an understanding of disease and how to counter it using the foods and herbs that are available from nature, and administered in the right way. Just as important is the way we live, our use of senses, our thought processes and understanding our place in the universe.

👉 A consultation at Tula Healing will identify your constitution and help you to understand what changes you could make to live a healthy fulfilled life. You will receive diet and lifestyle advice that is tailored to you. Remember, if you desire change in your life, you must be prepared to make changes in how you live it.

👉 👉 See tulaayurveda.com.au


Spring health care
👉 Spring is a period where everything is in change including us. Our bodies start to feel more energetic after the dullness of winter. The negative side of Spring brings ailments such as hay fever, sinus congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, migraine and diarrhoea. The organs that are affected in Spring are the nose, eyes, lungs and sinus area. The following suggestions will help you to avoid these problems.

👉 Wake up before 6am. Getting up between 4 – 6am will help us to feel energetic and alert. Getting up after 6am will leave you feeling sluggish and slow and more prone to Spring dominant imbalances compared to those getting up earlier.
👉 Brush teeth and scrape tongue. Removing the plaque (toxic waste)on your tongue and teeth within the first 3 minutes of waking will reduce mucus in the nose, throat, lungs and stop the fluid in our lymph glands from becoming thick and sluggish.
👉 Morning detox drink. Add to a glass of warm water
¼ tsn grated ginger
¼ tsn fenugreek powder
¼ tsn fennel powder
½ tsn lemon juice
½ tsn unheated raw honey
This helps to flush out toxins from the gut before they are reabsorbed

👉 Care of Nose. Warm a little cold pressed black sesame oil or Ayurvedic nose drops and put 3 drops into each nostril and sniff it back. This will ease the dryness and roughness caused by inhaling pollens and dust and protect the nasal area. At the same time, it will clear the sinus area and the heavy dull feeling behind the eyes and front part of the forehead thus minimising the suffering from migraine headaches.
👉 Care of Eyes. Soak eye pads in rose water and place over the eyes for at least 2 minutes. Put a couple of drops of rose water in each eye. Do this twice a day to counter itchy, dry red eyes.
👉 Deep breathing. Our breathing can be affected by cold, damp qualities that hamper free flow of Prana into the channels. This can make us feel tired and sluggish and impacts on our nervous system. This leads to mental fatigue and disturbed sleep. Take 10 – 15 long, deep breaths 3 – 4 times a day, especially in the afternoon.
👉 Snack. A healthy snack of 15 soaked, peeled almonds and raisin eaten between meals. This is great brain food and stops cravings for processed sweet snacks such as cake and chocolate which will eventually slow you down further.
👉 Steam inhalations. Congestion in our nose, lungs, sinuses can be cleared making breathing easier. Boil 2 litres of water and add to a large bowl, add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil. Place the bowl on the floor at your feet while you sit in a chair. Lean over the bowl and cover your head with a towel, take long, deep breaths (it’s difficult at first but you get used to it). Do this for 5 minutes, dry your face and go to bed.
👉 There are more things that can be done, so if you need further help contact me via tulaayurveda.com.au

Love & Care,
Jane Leeming


Ayurveda considers a woman’s period to be a wonderful opportunity for the body to balance and heal as it cleans out the accumulated waste of the body. Many women see it as an inconvenience, a nuisance, and try to carry on with their life basically ignoring what is happening in their body.

👉 Women today experience many imbalances and in their menstrual cycle and suffer much pain and discomfort.
👉This is due largely due to interference with the cycle and/or wrong diet. If caught in the early stages these diseases such as PMS, endometriosis, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea and leucorrhoea, can be reversed.
👉 If left and just managed with pain killers, the disease will evolve and may cause infertility and perhaps require surgery which is very sad for the person.

👉 The Ayurvedic treatment for these symptoms includes a diet appropriate for the client’s constitution, regular eating patterns, particular herbs targeting the reproductive system and due consideration to the event of the period.
👉 These considerations may include restricted exercise, extra rest, special oils and heat applied to the lower abdominal area.
👉 It’s important not have hot showers specially on the head, this overheating causes imbalance in the pituitary gland and as a result upsets the hormonal balance causing anger, over emotional reactions, tiredness, pain and so on.
👉 Allowing unobstructed flow of the menstrual blood is highly recommended, so using pads instead of tampons, and limited use of contraceptive methods if symptoms are severe.
👉 Massage is also very helpful.

👉 My website is now live and I can take appointments. A consultation is always the best way to start. My practise is in Northam, but I can do consultations online. Go to
👉 tulaayurveda.com.au

Love & Care

Jane Leeming


This is the Abhyanga massage, wonderful for removing toxins from muscles, joints and organs. Deeply relaxing and therapeutic. I use the right oil to suit your constitution.
Thanks to Angie Roe Photography for creating this video


Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic treatment for mental, emotional and physical ailments.
👉 Warm Shirodhara oil runs in a constant stream onto the client forehead for around 30 minutes.
👉 The treatment is done in complete silence. Deep seated emotional blocks and suppressed emotions are released, anger and frustration is calmed, best treatment for stress and anxiety.
👉 Done under the expert hands of an Ayurvedic practitioner, and in conjunction with Ayurvedic routines and a proper diet, Shirodhara is a very powerful balancing treatment.
👉 As well as the benefits already mentioned, it is good for insomnia, it improves heart function, brings hormonal balance, helps with eye disorders and improves eyesight, it nourishes the blood, treats migraines and chronic headaches, helps with schizophrenia, neurotic states, paranoia, depression, loss of memory, fatigue, tiredness, mental exhaustion and obesity.

Tula Healing will be open soon, in the meantime contact me by messenger

Love & care,

Jane Leeming


Our spine is like a tree with its many branches at the top and roots at the bottom. Many of use experience back and nerve pain from time to time. The causes can be many and varied, usually it’s the lower back or neck region.
👉 The Ayurvedic treatment known as Kati Basti can give great relief to these problems whether it is stress related, an injury, bone or muscular.

👉 The treatment starts by placing a dough perimeter around the vertebrae being treated. This is sealed to the skin to prevent leakage. The dough walls are shaped high and according to the curve of the spine.
👉 The reservoir is then filled with very warm oil which has the ability to pe*****te the skin and deliver the warmth deeply to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and bone in that area.
👉 This relieves the muscular pressure on the nerves and blood vessels allowing healing to take place. The treatment is concluded with a full back massage.
👉Many patients have reported that they can feel release and relief take place in different parts of the body which have been affected by the pressure on the nerves.

👉 Kati Basti is delivered as a series of 5 treatments one week apart. The placing of the dough is different each time and according to the problem being experienced by the client. There is also some homework to do between treatments. This treatment is very effective for lower back pain, sciatica, stiff neck and shoulder pain, herniated disc and any nerve related disease.

This treatment will be available in Northam at Tula Healing very soon

With love and care,



Why is Ayurvedic Massage so good for your body and mind?

👉 Abhyanga is Ayurvedic massage developed over millennia, performed using warmed, penetrating oil infused with herbs according to your constitution.
👉 It is performed in silence so the client can be centred and aware of what is happening in their body.
👉 There are 7 different strokes used on every limb, front and back, back, chest, abdomen and head.
👉 These strokes act to wake up the body, break up toxins that have lodged in the muscles, joints and organs, and persuade them to leave the body.
👉 Energy points on the body are balanced.
👉 This massage is firm, but not painful and you will feel relaxed yet alert at the conclusion.

Tula Healing will be open in a couple of weeks. Till then

With love and care,

Jane Leeming


Many of us spend a large part of our day looking at a screen. It may be a computer, a television or a mobile phone. They all induce heat in our eyes as we intently stare at the screen sometime without a break for hours. Over time we may experience deterioration in our eyesight as well as the daily soreness and redness.

There are a few things you can do to alleviate this.
👉 The most obvious thing is to give yourself regular breaks.
👉. To draw the heat from your eyes, get two makeup remover pads or similar, soak them in cool rosewater and place over closed eyes while laying down. You will notice quite quickly, that the heat has warmed the pads, so reapply cool rosewater and place over your eyes. Leave the pads in place for around 7 minutes. This practise will help preserve your eyesight too.

👉 Another eye related Ayurvedic practise, especially in Summer, is to get up early in the morning just as the sun is rising and go outside barefooted. Find some cool grass, preferably with dew on it and walk around on it for 7 minutes. This aids your eyesight and your heart. Wisdom from the ages, give it a try! Gazing at the yellow glow of the rising sun (not the hot white sun itself) aids the mind too.

Love and care,

Jane Leeming

Photos from TULA Healing's post 24/08/2022

Blood Booster
Our blood carries oxygen and nutrients all around our body. The condition of our blood dictates the condition of our organs. So, it’s vital to keep our blood in good condition. These foods and herbs are specifically good for our blood.

👉 Dates, grapes (black), beans, beetroot, broccoli, carrot (cooked), onion, peas, spinach and sunflower seeds.

👉 Cinnamon, cumin, ginger, long pepper or pippali, and cloves purifies the blood, coriander, onion and fenugreek counter cholesterol, fennel works on blood disorders, turmeric helps formation of blood.

With love and care,

Jane Leeming


The food we eat provides nourishment for the mind.
👉 Through our senses we gather various impressions from the external world- colours, shapes, sounds, all that surrounds us.
👉 Through our emotions we absorb various feelings- love and hate, attraction and repulsion, happiness and sadness and so on.
👉 Through the ego we take in various ideas about ourselves- who we are and what we can do.
👉 Through the intelligence we receive various ideas and beliefs about the nature of reality- those practices or behaviours in society that are good or bad, real or unreal.
Each level of the mind has its own form of nutrition. The inner levels of the mind are nourished by the outer world and interchanges with people.

Various tastes can have an impact on our minds-
👉 Bitter taste can help increase our functional capacity, open our mind and evolve our consciousness. It is beneficial in conditions where there is dullness and heaviness of the mind.
👉 Pungent taste helps bring clarity. Helps heal depression and negative thinking, suicidal tendencies and paranoia.
👉 Sweet taste helps counter feelings of loneliness, fear, anxiety, nervousness and restlessness. It helps to ground us.
👉 Astringent taste is useful in countering hysteria and aggravation. It brings calmness.
👉 Salty taste helps with instability, ungroundedness and removes dullness.
👉 Sour taste again is helps clear away dullness.

So take a moment to consider your mental state and see if you can adjust you diet to achieve a more balanced mind.

Love and care,

Jane Leeming


We are all aware of the consequences of not drinking enough water- dehydration, urinary and kidney problems, headaches, low blood volume etc., but have you considered the consequences of drinking too much water? So what is too much water?
Unless you are physically working very hard and therefore sweating profusely due to heat, you don’t need any more than
👉 1.5litres of water in a day.
These days, people seem to be drinking very large volumes of water (anything over 2 litres) thinking they are being healthy. I can almost guarantee that these people will be experiencing one or all of these symptoms:
1. Dry mouth feeling thirsty
2. Fatigue
3. Dry skin
4. Lower back pain
This is why-
👉 1. That much water going through the stomach is constantly diluting the hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes required for digestion. Therefore, when we eat our food is not properly digested and not absorbed, so now the body is not getting the nutrition it needs. We become malnourished.
👉 2. The malnourished tissues signal the mouth and stimulate hunger to get more food. This intelligence is corrupted by this stress and signals thirst instead.
👉 3. Kidneys are overworked by flushing out all this excess water. The adrenal glands are affected. This causes fatigue and lower back pain.
The body will eventually show signs of malnourishment such as dry skin, darkness around the eyes, dull hair, nerve problems and other imbalances.

So don’t drink anymore than 1.5 litres of water daily unless you are overheated and sweating excessively.
Water is best taken warm, not cold, for the benefit of digestive juices.

Love & care,

Jane Leeming


It is the season for coughs and colds and other respiratory ailments. Herbs such as these can make a difference when used along with a few other treatments that you can implement yourself.
👉 Cardamom- has an expectorant affect (removes mucus), it’s also helpful for motion sickness.
👉 Black Pepper- helpful for asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis.
👉 Cinnamon – also has an expectorant affect
👉 Turmeric- An expectorant
👉 Onion- An expectorant
👉 Ajwain- Expectorant and removes cholesterol
👉 Ginger- helps expel mucus
👉 Garlic- helps with chronic cough and asthma
👉 Fenugreek- Reduces phlegm in bronchitis and asthma.

👉 You can use a steam inhalation, add a teaspoon of eucalyptus oil to a bowl with 2 litres of very hot water. Place the bowl on the floor at your feet, place a towel over your head and move your face over the steaming bowl. Breathe in the steam for as long as you can, say 1-2 minutes.

👉 Gargle warm water with 1 teaspoon of black salt if you have it or regular salt will help. Do this every few hours if you have a sore throat.

Keeping foods such as cheese and any cold food or drinks out of your diet as they will cause more mucus formation and inhibit the digestive process. Alcohol will also inhibit healing.

👉 Plenty of rest is essential to allow the body to heal.

Love & care,

Jane Leeming

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This is the Abhyanga massage, wonderful for removing toxins from muscles, joints and organs. Deeply relaxing and therape...


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