Videos by Gen X & Y Anti Wrinkle Clinic in Parramatta. We are the new Gen X, Y and Z. clinic. We restore, enhance, relax and contour facial features. Bookings:0403966831 (prefer text)
Safe Easter everyone. Little things keep us all safe. It's actually the little things that count, my opinion.
1. Sleeping and 2. Love When you sleep well knowing you did the right thing/ gave love and got it back, you get the glow and everything else's will flow. Happy Sunday everyone!
Cogged threads are one of many aesthetic devices to lift sagging skin without adding volume ( fillers). It is an affordable treatment to have mini face lift without the down time. Thanking Ms C for her trust in our hands and being a long time client. And of course, for her permission to post her photo. We give extensive consultation at no obligation. Dm us here or text 0403 966 831.
Some information regarding cosmetic injectables for providers and clients. #tga #genxandyantiwrinkleclinic #parramattacosmeticinjector #policy #safetyfirst #safety #cosmeticinjectables #cosmetics #aesthetics #aesthetic #aesthetic #rules #security
Anti wrinkle injection at Gen X and Y clinic. Thank you Angela for the video. #neuromodular #genxandyantiwrinkleclinic #antiwrinkle #cosmetics #aesthetics #aesthetic #parramattainjector #parramatta #injections #beauty #dermalfillers #prp #hairrestoration
I moonlight as a female MJ. I miss Michael Jackson. #michaeljackson #genxandyantiwrinkleclinic #bday #parramattacosmeticinjector #aesthetics #cosmeticinjectables #dermalfillers #lipinjections #cheekfillers #chinfiller
One week end conference with Galderma.
Week end learning with Donna. We are constantly learning and evolving. Thanking Galderma, distributor of anti wrinkle and fillers for inviting us to their biggest conference ever.