
Building Brands & Personal Brands that work together to grow your business.


Bahh, my brain!

Thankfully, most likely due to a lifetime of project management, I know and remember the big stuff. And can do my work with my eyes closed (could also be napping).

But sheesh! The little things, pahhhhhhh!

Laptop, key item for a working day, left in the car. Back I go!……

I’m not the only one, right?!

On the plus side, def getting my steps in today 🙌🏻


Kicking back with this wee guy, plotting the year. Slowly!

Finally figured out what day of the week it was, AND remembered the next day 😂 ….now time to get started on the year ahead.

Here’s to giving less f***s and getting on with it and doing more….but less (makes sense to me 🤣).

May have said this a few times before 👀

Happy New Year 🎆


// If you want it to happen, make a plan.

We can keep it circulating in our minds over and over, but until we write it out, make a plan it just takes up space in your mind and holds you back from achieving it.

👊🏻gain clarity on your specific goals
👊🏻make sure they’re achievable but also ambitious
👊🏻set a timeline against them
👊🏻break them down into quarterly and monthly goals
👊🏻define your weekly actions

All working towards your core goal.

Then it WILL happen


// My fave word this year. And one to see more positively.

Man we seem to have a habit of making most things way harder than they need to be. I say WE, as I know I’m not alone 👀 Yet no one does it intentionally. It’s how we are wired, particularly when we think, think and then overthink again. Its a complication we don’t need. And one we don’t need to have if we make a plan that empowers and clears our minds, to stop marking things harder than they need to be.

It’s not original and perhaps one of the oldest of Marketing acronyms of all time - KISS, though I’m removing the last S, as let’s not call anyone stupid. KEEP IT SIMPLE. Lame jargon, but incredibly effective and more important than ever.

👊🏻Be clear on who you are, your values and what you’re here for
👊🏻Be clear on your brand values and what it’s here for
👊🏻Know where you and your business are going and exactly what you need to achieve
👊🏻Build your focussed & simplistic plan, based on achieving just that
👊🏻Stick to the plan, say NO to EVERYTHING ELSE

Make it focussed, keep it simple.

Timeline photos 05/02/2021

// The year starts now, or whenever works for you :)

I had grand plans to launch into the year from January, but like many others I’ve been talking to, Jan became an extended break in one way or another. Greatly needed and hugely beneficial.

So I’m now refining my business & marketing plan for the year. And that’s just fine.

A business plan isn’t something that should be done once and put away anyway. And there’s no problem in getting that going at any point in the year.

So, be kind to yourself. Do plan your year, when you’re ready to. Do it because it will help you focus, which means doing less, as you’re clear and working only on the important bits. And much less over thinking 👊🏻

Less overthinking, because your key strategy is set and all work, projects and decisions are then made in context.

Before you start your biz plan, have a think first about your goals, what do you really need and want to achieve?

I have a Goal Setting framework that Im happy to share. Just DM me. (Free of course).

Timeline photos 03/02/2021

// Really it is. And you can’t do it all, or maybe you can, but at what cost?!


Some of my favourite words, and normally these thing can come together in a wee plan. Another of my favourite things 🙌🏻

A list counts also counts.

Please just be kind to yourself, so many of the conversations I’m having and have had over the last month have been honest and real, in that many have reached a breaking point.

Doesn’t mean a break down, but a turning point of realisation. And I think more of an acceptance by all, that it’s ok not to do it all.

Just pick the best bits. The most important bits. What makes you happy, what gets you paid. A good place to start :)

Be honest. Be accountable. But be kind to yourself in what your counting on 👊🏻

Timeline photos 02/02/2021

// So I started doing less.

I’ve told myself and clients this so many times and previously I’d never really seemed to learn or take my own advice. Seems maybe I finally have?! At least this time around 😂

I’ve been largely absent on here for nearly a month. Because I just had too much on and too much going on in my mind. Something had to give, and it was social media.

And the world didn’t stop, nothing broke. My pals here have still been amazing and my clients are the dream.

I prioritised my client work, my planning, my family & myself. And I’ve been able to get it all done, just not all at once. Well most of it :)

So when there’s too much to do, or challenges that hold you back, prioritise and cut some things out.

Focus on what you need to do for you. And the rest can come later.
You can do it all, just not all at once.

Photos from build.connect.grow's post 20/01/2021

// Marketing must haves for small business, members mentoring with &

This week, joined by the fab Niki Hutchinson, sharing her 6 top tips for small biz...

🤜🏼 Strengthen your brand, it’s more than a logo, ensure you think it through up front, be unique and have standout

🤜🏼 Publish content; have content that’s ready to push out. Create your anchor content consistently, eg blog, lives or a podcast. Then repurpose.

🤜🏼 Commit to social but choose wisely and don’t get overwhelmed.

🤜🏼 Use a combined approach to a marketing. Wider than online, think flyers, posters, meeting people - when you’re can!

🤜🏼 Commit to digital. It’s more relevant than ever, but find out what will work for you and then commit to learning that one new thing eg seo. Blog, paid ads, a new format etc

🤜🏼 Streamline everything, get organised, get rid of the clutter and papers you don’t need. Strip back. Look at what you’re spending time on. What time you are wasting. Cull newsletters.

🤜🏼 Be accountable. A firm favourite and absolute necessity. Find a buddy, find a group but but make it happen.

For her download see here

Timeline photos 08/01/2021

// Reframe your focus and do only what’s absolutely necessary.

Create or revise your plan and strip out anything that can wait. And while this is particularly important at the moment, I say this at any time. We simply cannot do everything.

Do less to be more. Be clear on your vision and goals and only act and do things that will get you there.

And be kind to yourself 🙌🏻

Photos from build.connect.grow's post 07/01/2021

// A framework to help you build and focus your goals.

If you’re feeling ready to start work for the year or need to revise your priorities in the current climate, this Growth Guide will help you get there.

Here’s a step by step guide to help you structure your goals. This framework is set into overall vision, annual goal, quarterly goals and then monthly actions to reach those goals.

If you’d like my FREE framework n a format you can edit and work with, DM me and I’ll share it with you.

Timeline photos 06/01/2021

// One last walk.

Before lockdown 17.1 we took a wander & wonder through our amazing city, and my did she deliver. We’ve missed it and absolutely love every single bit, every concrete nook and cranny.

For me, the best city in the world, one I never thought I’d leave.

However, seems it’s time for a change. Let’s call it a gap year, as farewell is something I can’t bear. So, it will be see you soon.

And of course I’ll still be right here 🙌🏻

Albeit it for now, still currently in lockdown, but soon that will change a great deal for us, as I hope it does for everyone soon.

So much love.

Timeline photos 06/01/2021

// We don’t need perfection, we just need to take action.

Just start. Whether a starting up, scaling or a working on a new biz plan, just get going. And fine tune as you go.

When you’re ready you’ll likely find you need to come back to a plan in order to grow or get to take it up a level, but for now. Just start. The rest will come.

We all know I love a plan, they are vital, I’m not down playing them. But you’ll do the right thing when it’s needed. And that’s why I love this print from . Always with just the message needed. Get going. Go! Otherwise you’ll always wonder why you didn’t start sooner :)

Timeline photos 03/01/2021

// Does anyone ever get these gingerbread houses right?!

Clearly I do not. And this is nothing the first occasion 😯

It’s all in the preparation I’m sure, and I do none of it. My planning doesn’t extend to decorating.

Lesson right there for all things really 👀

And yes, I’m aware, Christmas is officially over :)

Timeline photos 02/01/2021

// Does anyone ever get these gingerbread houses right?!

Clearly I do not. And this is nothing the first occasion 😯

It’s all in the preparation I’m sure, and I do none of it. My planning doesn’t extend to decorating.

Lesson right there for all things really 👀

Photos from build.connect.grow's post 01/01/2021

// Happy New Year, here’s to making your own luck.

I stopped making resolutions a while ago, when I didn’t learn French for probably the 8th year in a row.

Goals. Achievable. Ambitious. Goals. 👊🏻

And enjoying the most simple things. Grateful to be with my favourite people, just the four of us. Plenty of family time 🥳

Happy New Year # # #

Photos from build.connect.grow's post 31/12/2020

// Looking back at this year, it would be dishonest to say most of it didn’t look or feel like this.

While there are many positives and we can make it look good, it was an utter s**t show.

Taking note from and really being open about how it was without being curated, this is the honest view.

Hair wasn’t always brushed. I failed at sourdough. I homeschooled for maybe a week, then let them run wild and dance on things they shouldn’t.

We clapped (ok drummed) on our doorsteps for our key workers, loving the distant human interaction. But one time we forgot 😳

Our living room often looked a right state, but also the joy of a den and mattress slides. 🙌🏻😱

We completely wore through our grass until we had a garden of dirt! Though am grateful we had the space the wear through and to see then play so much 🥰

Friend visits and birthdays were at the end of the path.
But at least we had them.

So it wasn’t ideal, hardly looked perfect and was hard. However, while it wasn’t something we could always see, I am beyond grateful for what we did have.

And I am grateful for the fab support I receive here and all the fab women Inhave worked with. 👊🏻

Photos from build.connect.grow's post 31/12/2020

// A founders community to help you thrive.

Love love love this human. founded - a community that supports, educates and inspires via talks, events, workshop and most of all, CONNECTION.

When starting out or growing, particularly in this isolated position we now find ourselves in, COMMUNITY & CONNECTION is essential.

Why am I sharing this? Because Lara and the support from the F&F community has helped me on my journey, not to mention making lifelong friendships. Because women supporting women is one of the F&F core values, that we all align with.

AND because Lara is opening the doors from 2 Jan for new members. So check out the waitlist sign up in the bio

@ Brighton, England

Timeline photos 30/12/2020

// Easier said than done though right?!

Stay focussed on why you do what you do, even if that’s just learning how to chill and take a break!

Start and stick with why we’re doing what we’re doing, and we’ll get there. No matter what challenges are thrown our way 👊🏻

Timeline photos 29/12/2020

// Starting to think work or planning?

Before you get right into your business plan, ensure you take a step back before you step forward.

First up, ensure you look back at your successes and challenges.

Before you can plan you need to know exactly where you’re at, so you know how to priortise your objectives and resource to achieve them.

Be clear on what you’ve achieved and haven’t so that you can plan more effectively moving into the next year.

And IMPORTANTLY, celebrate yours successes. They are huge, especially against the backdrop of this year 🙌🏻

Photos from build.connect.grow's post 28/12/2020

// Show me yours?

I was just reminded by my amazing sister in law, as she demonstrated by laying under her tree. I’m a gift, I’m a gift!
- of probably my favourite post this year 😂 still love it!

So while you’ve still got your tree up, and ample beverage, show me the gift that you are 🙌🏻 😂

Mine, I’m not even able to get under! It’s not the tree nor place I’d thought I’d be, but here I am all the same! After all, are any of us where we thought we’d be this Christmas?!

Enjoying the small things the same 👉🏻 😂

Post yours and tag me, look forward to seeing you 👊🏻

*And yes Jennifer, you are, you are 😍

Timeline photos 27/12/2020

// We most certainly do not have do to everything!

A fab reminder from holiday reading.

Definitely need to do less to be more, which I know is hard with so many options, so many temptations.
but we can’t do it all.

Do less. Enjoy what you have. Blinkers on the rest.

Focus and clarity 👍🏻

Timeline photos 24/12/2020

// Merry Christmas gorgeous people.

What a year. An absolute s**t show really, but we’ve all achieved so much. Just shows what you’re capable of 🙌🏻

I have loved so many things about this year (and many more that I haven’t, but this isn’t about that :)

I am so grateful for the work I have been able to do and the amazing people I have met and worked with. Starting a business in a pandemic wasn’t what I always had in mind 😂 but I did it. And I am so pleased.

I’m going into a Christmas grateful for the family & friends I have, all I’ve learned this year and for everyone I’ve had the pleasure of working with.

Thank you all. It has meant the world to me.

Merry Christmas 💕💕

Timeline photos 23/12/2020

// Gifts in time for Christmas & support a small biz - no brainer 🙌🏻

Rather than racing out to buy ‘essentials’ passing off as a gift or relying on delivery, stay home, stay safe and get unique gifts from smaller independent businesses.

With immediate delivery - GIFT VOUCHERS 👊🏻

Just a few I know now have a voucher up....
.and.daisies .coaching

Photos from build.connect.grow's post 23/12/2020

// Niche fragrance gift set, hand delivered for Christmas.

is a fab client I worked worth from the outset, shaping her brand & story. And now, I’m so happy to share her first physical product!

Isabelle will be hand delivering (contact free) fragrance gift sets in North London (N8, N4) to be WITH YOU BY CHRISTMAS.

Les Boîtes à Parfums is a niche fragrance gift set, from small independent London perfume brands &

So, support a new, local small biz, and get your unique gift on time!

Order yours

“Je suis Isabelle, perfume stylist and niche fragrances curator. From selecting your new signature scent to helping you build your perfume wardrobe, I seek out unique frangrances, enhance & simplify your fragrance shopping experience, so that you can get on with enjoying it.

Perfume boxes, styling sessions, bespoke events, gift cards, choose which hassle-free experience works for you!”

@ North London

Photos from build.connect.grow's post 07/10/2020

// Want to grow your audience & business without the overwhelm?!

Only two spaces remaining so get in quick if you’d like to join!

This workshop & mentoring series is designed to give you clarity & direction to 👇🏻

Gain clarity & build brand foundations, so that everything you do, every post, every communication, works harder to form your brand. One that evokes emotion, as emotion leads to action.

Attract the right customers to sell more & make money. Getting to the core of your customer journey, understanding customer needs, truly knowing what makes them tick, & how to effectively sell to them, without feeling gross. And....

Get some time (& your sanity) back. Build an effective marketing & content plan and effective tools to manage your platforms giving you more confidence, knowing what to post & when - more easily.

Using my methods, you will gain confidence & clarity to build a successful business, so you can get on with enjoying it.

👀 see LINK IN BIO for more info 👆🏻

@ North London

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