Sevit Marketing

šŸ’» |Lead Generation + Nurturing
šŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ’» | Client Acquisition For Gyms

We're specialists in helping gyms and fitness clubs recruit qualified leads to be nurtured into new customers


To make a point, use actions, not words.


Are you a Fixed Mindset? Or are you a Growth Mindset?

In business you have to have a growth mindset. Having a growth mindset is having the ability to take feedback on board and implement it, the ability to stop and listen to someone else and try and learn what they are saying, the acknowledgment of not knowing something and admitting your mistakes.

A growth mindset is the being able to turn and say I need help. Admitting you canā€™t do it by yourself and trying something new if challenges appear.


REMEMBER your reason WHY YOU started. FIND it, showcase it and youā€™ll start BELIEVING in it.

Why did you get into business? Was it a passion? Was it freedom or was it the opportunity to be financially stable? We all have our own whys, but we often donā€™t remember why we started. Go find it! Tell the world šŸŒŽ and then you will start believing it.

I donā€™t know about you but all we talk about is business. To friends, family, that lady at the supermarket. Be proud of what you do and hold yourself accountable. The more you tell people the more you feel the pressure to succeed.

Business is mindset. I donā€™t care how smart you are... if you donā€™t push yourself and take risks then you wonā€™t win.


Google My Business. We often neglect google my business and donā€™t use it to our full potential. Did you know google my business is a form of SEO? And also itā€™s FREE!!!

The challenge of google my business is that people often want to share negative reviews before acknowledging the positives, and also - fake reviews can not be stopped. (Go check out my page to see that we have two!!)

Do you have a google my business strategy?


Accountability and admitting you failed is the most important skill to have in business. We see it every day. If you are not converting your leads we blame in on the quality. If opportunity is quite, we point the finger at external factors such as seasonality, competition or say it was someone else's fault.

The truth is, you are held accountable. Yes, there are certain factors which contribute to decreased results, HOWEVER - this doesn't stop you from hustling and making it work.

Get up and do outreach, find a way to make more opportunity, use your time efficiently rather than sitting around and saying results didn't come because of someone else.

Leads will come, Prospects will turn up, and long term customers will be present if you do the work.


Sales is Hustle. You know why businesses hire us? Well, a guarantee that we will get them results and do a better job than they can (of course) .. but also because the hustle.

We were born to hustle. A sales person is being able to accept rejection, fall off the horse and get back on every day, every hour, every second. We are not here to say you canā€™t learn it! You can... however imagine trying to hustle and also maintain your service quality of client and member engagement.

By doing it all...This may negatively impact your clients perception as you run around like a mad man when really a service need to look calm and collected.

Find out how we may be able to assist in sales or customer support so you can focus on what you love, what your clients wants and also how you want your brand to be perceived.


REMEMBER keep going.

Friendly reminder to all our small businesses out there. Keep hustling. We promise the reward will come!


A LOT of Fit pros are scared when it comes to investing in their business. Maybe they will never know if they will succeed or not.
This never sat well with me, people taking other people's money without being able to guarantee results. So I changed that.
More Gym Members is the ONLY Fitness Business Scaling Company that guarantees results or you don't have to pay us. Sounds good?
Check how to start with a FREE strategy call (LINK IN BIO!)


How are your business' induction process and client care program going? We'd be happy to know how we can help.


As gym owners, here are some of the things we recommend you do on a consistent basis to make your clients go WOW! šŸ¤©

šŸ˜ŠSay hello and smile!
šŸŽ‰Acknowledge birthdays, milestones, and special occasions
šŸ”§Use your VIP group for additional tools and tips to help them achieve results
šŸ‘‚Give your time to listen and converse
šŸŽ–Recognise progress and milestones

Remember, happy clients are those that are supported in achieving results and feel they are a part of something "bigger. Show that you care ā¤ļø


We've helped thousands of gyms and PT's scale their business and beat COVID. Want to join the empire?



Your staff members are the ones who carry and drive the values of your business.

Encourage them to establish good relationships with your clients in ways such as:

āœ…Memorizing and using client names
āœ…Giving high fives and encouragement
āœ…Consistently reviewing and re-setting goals

As a business owner, you may probably be wearing different hats but at some point in time you will start growing your business and you will need to train your staff and you will want them to come in and be an extension of you. šŸ‘Š


Consistently using your clients' names shows that you care!


Sales consultation Tip #1

Prospect: "Hey, I can't afford it. I can do it on my own."

You: "I completely understand. Do you think you're going to be able to achieve your goals on your own?

Prospect: "No."

You: "Great, let's make it happen."

šŸ‘Š Short, simple, very direct but effective.


Increase your members' retention using these membership rewards ideas.

Some of your members may have stayed for 3, 6, 12 or 24 months with your gym. Acknowledge them for whatever frames of time they have spent with you.

Recognise your members in terms of number of visits or sessions attended. For example, some may have attended 30, 50, 100 sessions.

Recognise your members in terms of the number of visits or sessions attended. For example, some may have attended 30, 50, 100 spent with you.hes but have an element of uniqueness when you recognise your members.

Member reward programs are wonderful ways to add to your members' experience and add more retention factor.

So legends, start thinking outside the box on ways to recognise your clients. šŸ‘Š



Challenges are great for retention and referrals!

Create a format that your business can be recognized by including workshops and seminars!

If your members are excited about participating in an upcoming CHALLENGE, they'll do the talking.


Ready to take the first step to 75+ new appointmets per month?
[Click the link in bio]


Is šŸ…°ļøClient Results or is it šŸ…±ļøClient Experience? But in what order?

If we look back, let's say 10-15 years when the industry was very one-on-one PT based, it would be an absolute given that 10 out of 10 people will tell you that RESULTS ARE KING šŸ‘‘ and results matter. That's all people are really after.

But when we look at what's happening in the industry in recent times particularly with the emergence of businesses where they placed really heavy importance on the level of experience and the support and the guidance and the accountability and coaching and support around their members really look now to suggest that experience is #1 and results are #2.

A simple way to put things would be that if your clients don't enjoy getting out of bed in the morning, or if they don't have something that they want to run to, or if they don't have something that regardless of the type of day they've had that they just can't wait to get to your business, or if they merely don't enjoy showing up. Are they going to show up in the first place? So if you've got a business that your clients don't enjoy coming to, the answer of course is No.

So one thing to ensure as a fitness business owner is that the level of customer experience that you're creating for your clients is of the utmost quality ā­ā­ā­ā­ā­.

Comment an emoji below if you agree šŸ’Ŗ


Comment YES or NO below and let us know how we can help.


SMS can be a very valuable tool for a fitness business. It allows you to communicate with both prospective and current members, and since we are all busy texting, posting and tweeting away these days it is a relevant channel that often gets you a quick response back.

If you arenā€™t using SMS as a tool yet, then consider engaging with an SMS provider so you can send mass blasts from your computer instead of manually texting from a phone. There are some very smart services out there for Gym SMS marketing that have features such as auto-respond texts, specific words that the receiver can use to trigger particular messages, multimedia sends, and much more. For now, though letā€™s just focus on the basics.

SMS allows you to chat directly with your customers or prospective customers in a very non-invasive way. There are many key times throughout the customer lifecycle when we need to educate, inform, and nurture.

So, are you using SMS as a tool for your fitness business or not? We'd like to know in the comments below.


Tip #2 Prioritise your Task List (Action List)

Prioritising your Task List provides clarity when working ON your Fitness Business and ensures that the most important items are completed first. Using a Task List such as the one below provides you with a primary focus each day and limits procrastination ā€“ the enemy of efficiency! Even if you were to only complete your #1 focus each day when working on your business, you would have completed 5 to 6 tasks each week ā€“ which is often a great deal more than those who are stuck scrolling the Facebook Newsfeed, thinking of what to do first!

Tip #3 Complete one Item at a time
Are you guilty of eating your lunch while you read your emails? I was too, until I found half my lunch on my keyboard , accidentally sent an email that I hadnā€™t finished writing and spent the next 10 minutes cleaning up the mess!
Many believe that being efficient with their time means completing more than one action item at a time. This is simply not the case ā€“ in fact, itā€™s the opposite!

The most common time block that Fit Biz owners employ multi-tasking is when working their ā€œTask Listā€ (Action List) ā€“ time they allocate each day to working ON their fitness business. Multi-tasking when working your Task List is extremely inefficient and often doubles the time needed to complete items. It leads to items not being completed in full or to the level of quality you desire and can even result in some items being missed.

Why one at a time?
In order to complete your Task List to the level of professionalism, you want to uphold in your business, work on one item at a time. Completing one item at a time ensures that each item receives your 100% focus and attention ā€“ which results in each item being completed more efficiently, effectively and you having a little more time to finish your lunch!

Learn to manage your time using these 3 simple rules (Refer to Part 1 post) and avoid the dreaded ā€œburn outā€ which many gym owners. and personal trainers unfortunately succumb to in our industry.


"You can always get more money, but you can get more time!" There has been no wiser words spoken about effective time management for fitness coaches than this from one of the all-time greats in personal development, the late Jim Rohn.

Maintaining a balance of time spent working IN your fitness business, ON your fitness business, and OIT of your fitness business is crucial to your success is a business owner.

This balance enables you to work with members in sessions, maintaining focus on growth and the overall operation of your business, and gives you time to spend with family, friends, and other interests and hobbies you may have.

Here are 3 rules that when implemented will make you more exclusive as a fitness professional, more productive in growth tasks, and enjoy your business whole lot more!

TIP #1

The basic principle behind this system is to allocate blocks of time to each of your weekly responsibilities, e.g., sessions, administration, sales and marketing, family time, personal development, etc.

The key to using this system successfully is to stick to your time blocks and work only the designated task in the time you have allocated to it. This means not booking sessions in time you have allocated for administrative tasks, turning off Facebook when it comes to writing your weekly blog, and turning the phone off when it comes to spending time with your friends and family.

What does your weekly time block look like? Let us know if this system works for you or not.

(Tips #2 and #3 on our next post)


We know how it feels to get up with ideas sometimes. And we hope that our previous post helped.

Here are more gym promotion ideas to get people coming to your door:

3ļøāƒ£ Referrals

This one seems obvious, but you will be surprised at how many gym owners simply hope their members refer them to others.

You should have multiple promotions scheduled for this throughout the year. Incentivise and reward!

Here are a few ideas-
šŸ”µ 'Bring a friend' in-house party
šŸ”µ A points-based system across a set time so how much the member refers determines what price they win
šŸ”µ Family challenges
šŸ”µ Facebook check-in/picture competitions
šŸ”µ Local business partnerships

4ļøāƒ£ Surprise & Delight

Have you been eyeing of a few big corporate businesses down the road and wishing you could get inside with a megaphone to sign up new members?

Well here's an idea... send the receptionist something for the business that is sure to impress. Think fruit platters, nutritional shake, protein balls, giant balloons, t-shirts, boxing gloves... whatever it takes to get noticed

Accompany it with some special joining offer flyers and you've just infiltrated the doors and successfully won over the hearts of those inside.

Keep in mind to innovate! If you want to stand out then you have to be different.


Stuck for ideas for Gym promotions that work?

Here are some simple and budget-friendly ideas to get you started:

1ļøāƒ£ Challenge time

Yes gyms everywhere have officially killed the word Challenge... but with good reason... they still work.

For up prospective lead, the challenge idea is attractive because it gives them a lot of value up front (this is key- make sure you highlight the benefits and inclusions of the challenge), they only have to commit for a short period, They love the idea of quick results and can try out your gym/ before committing long term.

For current members challenges are a great way to up sell them into paying additional fees and it keeps them engaged whilst pushing them forward fast results.

Since the word challenge is overused, you might like to also try giving your challenge another name instead like a program, an initiative, a game, etc. Just make sure you highlight the period, the value and, the incentive upfront in your marketing.

2ļøāƒ£ Train for Free Week

Attracting interest in your gym or PT studio is normally the easy part and getting people through the doors and in 1:1 environment to make the sale is where things can start to fall short.

If you have a lot of old leads that haven't been in for a consult or haven't answered your calls, then promoting a week where anyone can come in and train for free is a great way to get an influx of people to experience everything you have to offer

Ensure you have the systems in place to support this week so once you have the people through the doors you can offer them the best possible experience...and of course convince them that their life will fall apart if they don't sign up on a long-term membership.

Incentivizing the membership so they take swift action is the way to go.

Drop an emoji if you want to know more promotion ideasšŸ”½


Fitness Sales Tip!

1. Ease of Mind - Implementing sales tracking daily can help reduce stress. It allows you to know exactly where you are for the month and what you need to achieve.

2. Patterns and Projections - Sales is a numbers game that we can ultimately hack to make us win. We just need to know the data and then we can predict the outcome.

3. Prevention - If you know December is a s**t time of year in your business then make it up in the months prior or double down in the new year, which funnily enough is the best time.


Most of our clients tell us that the sales consultations are one of the things they hate doing the most! šŸ˜”ā£
Well, say hello to The Prestigious Acquisition Process - Sales , one of the world's most effective fitness sales systems in the world! Drop us a DM and we'll shoot it over!


One thing Gym Owners consistently misinterpret about their fitness marketing is their Return On Investment when scaling quickly, and fail to measure their two SEPARATE engines of growth accordingly.ā£
If you expect to outperform 90% of the marketplace, you canā€™t take a short-sighted approach miss-managing numbers, failing to track data, or making uncalculated ad-hoc decisions that ultimately steer you AWAY from your objective. You need a solid lead generation plan that includes smart fitness marketing, a valuable service to up-sell, and knowing where to spend your money for maximum growth.ā£
Being in the top 10% literally means you must beat 90%. There are no shortcuts.ā£
The way I look at growing a gym quickly is with two separate engines ā€“ front end (FE), and back end (BE).ā£
Your front end is a super sexy, no-brainer offer designed only to attract a cold prospect to the business. This is typically a 21-day, 28-day, or 6-weekā€˜ challengeā€™ (insert whatever name you feel suits).ā£
Your back end is the long-term, higher-ticket offer which produces the sustained life-changing results.ā£
From a monetary standpoint, the front end offer has no other function than to pay for the cost of acquisition of that client.ā£
Engine #1 ā€“ Client Financed Acquisition Engineā£
Basically, sell 10 x 21-day challenges for a total of $2,990, and that full $2,990 should be spent on paid ads, sales and fitness marketing teams or activities, and fulfillment on getting that ā€˜challengerā€™ to sign onto the back end.ā£
You are NOT supposed to make a profit here. If you are, youā€™re either not spending enough on growth, are exceptionally great at signing new people, or youā€™re already full.ā£
Engine #2 ā€“ Your Profit Engineā£
If you deliver a valuable service and implement the 4 key backend upsell stages correctly, there is no reason you shouldnā€™t convert 60-80+ % of these ā€˜challengersā€™ into a back end offer.ā£
Those 4 upsell stages are:ā£
Day 0ā£
End of challengeā£
Selling 70% of those 10 challengers on the back end, at $50/w x 52 weeks = $18,200.

Send us a DM if you want to know more.


Keep at it! šŸ˜Ž
Tag a friend who needs reminding


When you hire a professional service for your digital marketing needs, you gain several benefits. First and foremost, it allows you to launch your campaigns quickly, freeing up your time and energy to focus on running your company. By entrusting your marketing efforts to a digital marketing firm, you can rest assured that your marketing needs will be taken care of, enabling you to take control of other crucial aspects of your business.

We are here to help you. With our guaranteed result-oriented approach, we can assist you in achieving your desired outcomes. Contact us now for more details on how we can support your business.

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