Chi Warriors : Wanted - Yoda


EU Recession Confirmed, Hungary Blocks $50B Ukraine Aid, Global Shipping Crisis Erupts 16/12/2023 Sean Foo

EU Recession Confirmed, Hungary Blocks $50B Ukraine Aid, Global Shipping Crisis Erupts Europe's economy continues to crash with industrial production falling to record 2020 lows. However, they are about to make a dangerous gambit while Hungary ...


Lee Kuan Yew's WARNINGS insights - Israel Palestine, US Inflation, China, Singapore

Lee Kuan Yew's BEST Life Advice & Wisdom: Careers, Wealth, Health, Relationships

The blind will see and those that see are BLIND by western insecurity!

"Framing China as a Marvel movie villain",
EU Tells China To OBEY, Europe Economy Worsens, Venezuela Threatens Invasion

Flatpack homes people can own and build themselves | A Current Affair 15/12/2023

Flatpack homes people can own and build themselves | A Current Affair Subscribe here: | Meet the Aussies making home ownership a reality with flatpack houses. (Broadcast Nov 25, 2022)Stream full epis...

3East - 7 storey apartment building in 11 days in Melbourne, Australia 15/12/2023
Housing shortage or NIMBYS? Make it happen Prefab in NSW. Find partners & visionaries!

3East - 7 storey apartment building in 11 days in Melbourne, Australia UB’s urban retreat in the heart of Richmond, Melbourne – 3:East offers 7 levels of boutique living in the heart of one of Melbourne’s most enviable inner cit...

Vic debt up $6 billion in 6 months, heading to $177.8b 15/12/2023

The state government attributes that to infrastructure investment, particularly extra funding for the North East Link, which has blown out from $10b to $26.1b, and associated freeway upgrades.

A 2023/24 budget update released on Friday by Treasurer Tim Pallas reveals net debt is expected to reach $135.5b by June next year.

Vic debt up $6 billion in 6 months, heading to $177.8b Victoria's net debt is now expected to reach more than $177.8 billion by 2027 due to infrastructure spending, which is $6.4b more than predicted six months ago.

Why Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia Was the Beginning of the End | HISTORY 13/12/2023

Epic failure.

Why Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia Was the Beginning of the End
The French emperor—intent on conquering Europe—sent 600,000 troops into Russia. Six disastrous months later, only an estimated 100,000 made it out.

Why Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia Was the Beginning of the End | HISTORY The French emperor—intent on conquering Europe—sent 600,000 troops into Russia. Six disastrous months later, only an estimated 100,000 made it out.

Major/Minor (Short 2008) | Short 12/12/2023

Attracting less attention than Cartesian Co**se, halfway along the wall between the big screen and the tilted stage, a small screen plays a film called Major / Minor. In it, , holding his own life-cast rubber head, and wearing a World War II Australian army uniform and a glued-on replica of his late father’s moustache, gazes around the grandest room at the Art Gallery of New South Wales, where nationalistic paintings by Streeton, Roberts, Ashton and Long are treated more seriously than they deserve. The camera follows Parr’s momentarily out-of-focus gaze through long vanishing trajectories, to regain consciousness perving on a woman’s neck in a strangling pink ruff, or breast cleavage, or the foreshortened naked body of Christ lifted down from the cross, or a gold-digger’s shovel, or a labourer’s co**se on a stretcher; and then the camera finally rests on a monstrous four-metre battle painting in the next room. It’s an empty bit of French salon rhetoric – Vive l’Empereur (1891), by Édouard Detaille – and a telling art-historical context for the Australian paintings. Major / Minor suggests Parr is still angry about ’s manipulative fetishisation of militarism and nationalism. ( gun confiscation)

A complex treat for art historians and theorists, Major / Minor perhaps goes over the heads of many viewers. The latter, rightly, fall for the authenticity of Parr’s strange presence observed face-to-face in Cartesian Co**se, in the same way that we are often enthralled by the strange individualities of everyday Australians on reality television. .

Major/Minor (Short 2008) | Short 9m

a) Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi [UnAustralian], performance, Artspace, May 2 - May 3, 2003 b) UnAustralian, performance, Artspace, May 2 - May 3, 2003, 2003 by Mike Parr 12/12/2023

Audience may choose to electric shock his face

"At 6pm on Friday May 2, in the presence of the public, an assistant will begin sewing up my face. My face is sewn into a bind. Godot has left for Iraq and the bewildered Australian amputee has followed him! I sit still facing the audience. Through Friday night, all day Saturday. A small Australian flag hangs limply from the stump of my left arm. On the wall behind me is lettered a vast field of lyrical aggression, interspersed with newspaper head-lines BLOODBATH, HUNTING PACK, FILLING HOLES IN A BULLET-RIDDLED NATION, KILLING ROOM, HUNDREDS OF VICTIMS IN COFFINS, CHILDREN WERE BURNED ALIVE, CRITICS BRANDED WITH HOT IRONS, END GAME, WE ARE CLOSER TO THE CENTRE OF THE IRAQI CAPITAL THAN MANY AMERICAN COMMUTERS ARE TO THEIR DOWNTOWN OFFICES, PLEASE DON'T HATE OUR DADS etc, etc. At 6pm on Saturday night until midnight Democratic Torture begins. By touching a hotspot on their screens the Global audience can shock my exhausted face ..."

, statement accompanying the performance at Artspace, 2-3 May 2003

a) Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi [UnAustralian], performance, Artspace, May 2 - May 3, 2003 b) UnAustralian, performance, Artspace, May 2 - May 3, 2003, 2003 by Mike Parr "At 6pm on Friday May 2, in the presence of the public, an assistant will begin sewing up my face. My face is sewn into a bind. Godot has left for Iraq and the bewildered Australian amputee has followed him! ...


Then, emerging on to the top floor, we are confronted by a large plasma screen from which gazes a severed head – live, and stern. For the 36 hours of this Cartesian Co**se performance – a Friday morning to Saturday night, last November – the screen showed real-time video of Mike Parr’s head trapped in a hole in the tilted stage at the opposite end of the great space. Now and until the exhibition and remaining installation close, at the beginning of March, those 36 hours replay on the screen, and the hole in the actual tilted stage contains a rubber life-cast of Parr’s head, wearing a military cap instead of well-groomed grey hair.

The sober non-violence of this performance offers a striking contrast to the earlier works. There are recorded sounds of ordinary footsteps, the warped ‘Esile Ruf’ floating up from downstairs, and Parr’s amplified breathing. There is minimal eye flicker, small head movements to resist drowsing, and the clearing of a dry throat. All is quiet and still.

Few visitors encountered the hourly ministration of glucose drink and face sponging by an assistant, who walked up the tilted stage to the severed head; 15 minutes was a typical viewing spell. Only art students took a great interest in the underpinnings of the stage, where you could peer at the seating arrangements and urination bucket. The idea of endurance, without sleep or proper food, “for as long as possible”, was not what seemed to interest viewers. The immediately visible facts were more than enough to enthral.

First to catch attention were the formal aesthetics. The tilted stage, a large flesh-coloured timber square (recalling Malevich’s abstract squares), filled half the end of the cathedral-like room; the other half was occupied by a scribe – the curator – seated below a small white-scrimmed square window, making notes on viewers’ responses. The jarrah wedge, beautifully carpentered and polished and very brightly lit, glowed among the rough floors and grimy walls. Above all, there was the strange subject matter, a real head separated from its body.

Many viewers probably thought of witches and troublemakers confined in public stocks and left with heads, and sometimes hands and feet, emerging from holes in large planks. Or of the diagonal blade of a guillotine, or John the Baptist’s head on a dish, or Samuel Beckett’s buried-to-the-neck Winnie in his Happy Days. Parr also hoped – vainly, I suspect – that we might see the guillotine-angled stage as a monstrous version of a sixteenth-century fashion item, a neck ruff. Most viewers simply observed the reality of the situation: a disembodied head thinking. Punished for thinking. The work’s title invokes Descartes’ proposal that the human body is a machine that obeys the laws of physics; the rational mind controls the body, but the body can also influence the mind. .

Mike Parr still disturbing to a new generation 12/12/2023

It is no surprise that the millennials are impressed. Parr’s most infamous performance of 1977 saw him hack off a prosthetic arm with a meat cleaver as an audience watched in horror, and blood and minced meat spilled out.

Mike Parr, Cathartic Action: Social Gestus No. 5 (the “Armchop”) (performance photograph), Sculpture Centre, The Rocks, Sydney, 1977; Courtesy the artist, Photo John Delacour ​

Mike Parr still disturbing to a new generation More than 40 years have passed since Mike Parr first shocked with his art but his long overdue survey exhibition is no less uncomfortable.

What to expect from Australia’s weirdest festival 12/12/2023

All kinds of weird things happen at Dark M**o. Performance artist Mike Parr got the nation talking last year when he buried himself under the bitumen on Hobart’s busy Macquarie Street for three days as part of his performance for the festival. Previous years have seen a very controversial animal “sacrificial ritual” performance and an artwork that incorporated real human urine.

What to expect from Australia’s weirdest festival Australia’s most provocative winter arts festival is back — and this year promises to be as bizarre and creepy as ever.

THE MISSION Full Movie | Robert De Niro Jeremy Irons Liam Neeson | The Midnight Screening 11/12/2023

THE MISSION Full Movie | Robert De Niro Jeremy Irons Liam Neeson | The Midnight Screening A Spanish slave trader seeking redemption joins the mission founded by a Jesuit in South America for the purpose of converting natives to Christianity. Wonde...

End Times, bankruptcies 11/12/2023

Cambodia, Laos

Genocide in Gaza - Chris Hedges

Imperial Presidency

Blank cheque . Bombing Laos, Cambodia.
"Since at least 1973, when Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. published his influential book on the Imperial Presidency, scholars have excused Congressional failures to declare war by blaming external factors such as the maintenance of a large standing military, the Cold War, the atomic bomb, and America's leadership role in the modern world. But this misses a fundamental flaw in the U.S. Constitution itself. Article I, section 8 says, "The Congress shall have the power. . . to declare war." But does the power reside in making the public announcement? Or does the power reside in taking the decision?"

Genocide in Gaza - Chris Hedges

- - - -

"Secret Service records reveal that Barack ’s April 22, 2015, Earth Day trip to give a global warming speech in the Florida Everglades cost taxpayers $145,752.36, which brings the total cost of the trip to at least $1,012,367.76.
The Secret Service records for Obama’s October 2015 fundraising travel to San Diego reveal expenses totaling $180,187.09. Including the U.S. Air Force expenses, the total cost of Obama’s San Diego trip was at least $2,181,655.99."

As a scholar of political history and social movements, I find many parallels between today’s and its predecessors. Just as the John Birch Society emerged in the midst of the movement, today’s far-right movements formed as a REACTION to the election of – a milestone for .

The Birchers

The original “Birchers,” as John Birch Society supporters are known, were who believed their party had grown too moderate. Like the that arose half a century later while the nation debated expanding coverage, and reform, they objected to the federal government’s growth, and ardently opposed federal intervention into what they considered to be state and local affairs.

In their heyday, far-right groups that subscribed to “ ” propagated their views on each week ( )– with the John Birch Society alone producing a program on – and a widely circulated newsletter.

Democrap. Why are Americans doing it tough? Book tours anyone!? Act like gods but need SS.

As a result they remain huge security risks, so the was introduced in 1958 to ensure their ongoing safety.

Under the act, former Presidents receive:

1. lifetime Secret Service protection (Bill Clinton in 1994 reduced it to 10 years, but Obammy undid it)
2. pension
3. staff
4. office expenses
5. medical care
6. health insurance
Former Presidents can receive a pension of US $219,200 per year as of 2020, beginning immediately after a President leaves office.

That's the equivalent to around £162,233. (A$ 287,831 todays exchange)

End Times, bankruptcies 11/12/2023

World Economic Forum

European banks exposed to emerging markets are now part of the problem.

End Times, bankruptcies 11/12/2023

World Economic Forum

Debt jubilees have been going on for 5,000 years, as far back as the .

End Times, bankruptcies 11/12/2023

Leonardo DiCaprio climate change

Mobile uploads 11/12/2023

Mark 13.17

Pentagon campaign to recruit Vietnam as military ally against China exposed delusions of US war strategy - Gareth Porter

The word Lord in Latin means Christian DOMINATOR.

Spirit lives 11/12/2023

To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee

How Long - Ace

How Oppression and War Will Cease on Earth

The Genocide in Gaza - Chris Hedges

Spirit lives 11/12/2023

How Oppression and War Will Cease on Earth

The Genocide in Gaza - Chris Hedges

Oh what a night. Late December 1963 ...
Artists are HERE to DISTURB the peace ... Stirring the void of dormant memory hormones ...

Doors of Perception. Heaven AND hell.
How Oppression and War Will Cease on Earth

Why did JFK, Huxley and C.S. Lewis die on 22 Dec 1963?

Then, six years later, turned all of this upside down. He headed West, to Hollywood, the newest of the New World, where he took a stab at writing screenplays (with not much luck) and started experimenting with and psychedelics -- first mescaline in 1953, then L*D in 1955. This puts Huxley at the forefront of the counterculture's experimentation with drugs, something he documented in his 1954 book, The Doors of Perception.

Fidel Castro radicals declared, “Tourism is whorism.” The economy sank, lawlessness rose, and tourists and capital took flight.
Covid decimated tourism - Batman.

told you about the in United Kingdom.
How many Pacific islands are exploited?

Sir Julian Huxley is a brother of Aldous Huxley (Heaven and Hell).
English evolutionary biologist, EUGENICIST, and internationalist. He was a proponent of natural selection. He was secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935–1942), the first Director of UNESCO, a FOUNDING MEMBER of the 🐼 and the first President of the Association.

- , money and the court
Remedy to end wars for good. (CORRECTION, admonish the ignorant. Learn to CONSUME THEM with divine law over their Vatican canon law (become competent) that's the hallmark of the & )

Discovered in the 19th century, the uses “alien” characters that have long puzzled cryptographers and historians. Now, however, computing scientists at the University of Alberta say they are decoding the mysterious 15th-century text.

Spirit lives 11/12/2023

That phrase, “pursuit of the almighty dollar.” It’s interesting because it actually comes from Bulwer-Lytton’s 1871 , the Power of the Coming Race, otherwise known simply as .

Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton GCB GCSI GCIE PC was an English statesman and poet. He served as Viceroy of India between 1876 and 1880, during which time was proclaimed Empress of India. Wikipedia

It’s a short book, very much like Willis George Emerson’s 1908 novel The Smoky God. It tells of an adventure into the cavernous , where an antediluvian civilization lives peacefully, driven by a mysterious source of power called vril.


Extraterrestrial ET with deer-like eyes entity, electromagnetic field touched Steven Geer

"The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code," a documentary on Pagans in the Promised Land by Newcomb . Sheldon Wolfchild (Dakota) is the Director of the documentary and Newcomb is the Co-Producer.

, Why did the CCP did not trust the Imperialists colonisers?

Mathew 10.34-36 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.

The Denisovans were unknown until 2010, when researchers described a fragment of a girl’s finger bone found in Denisova Cave in . Soon afterwards, researchers sequenced its genome from the surviving DNA. The DNA did not belong to any known hominins, such as Neanderthals, so it had to be something new.
What’s more, around 5 per cent of the DNA of some Australasians – particularly people from – is Denisovan. Humans evidently mated with Denisovans 50,000 or more years ago.

Hidden in the genes
Browning’s team used a new technique to trawl for segments of ancient DNA in the genomes of 5600 living humans from Europe, Asia, America and Oceania. The chunks of older DNA stand out because they are unusually (PURE BRED OR UNIQUELY ORIGINAL?) , which would have built up for hundreds of thousands of years in the genomes of Denisovans, but would not have been present in the human lineage. So when humans and Denisovans mated, their children would inherit these mutation-rich regions of DNA.
After Browning had isolated the ancient DNA, she then used the reference genomes of Denisovans and Neanderthals to establish where it came from. She found that some East Asians carry Denisovan DNA, especially Han Chinese, Chinese Dai and Japanese people.

have significant ancestry, with about 4–6% of the DNA of (South East Asians), Native Aboriginal Australians and Aboriginal Filipinos, and around 7-8% in Papuan New Guinea highlanders.



Why China won't attack Taiwan - John Mearsheimer

Spanish Crown sins of the fathers .
Why Catholic Vatican City interested in recognising Taiwan? UNFORGIVENESS of communism. No longer communism but SOCIALISM with Asian traits. these are Deep State/ military mouth pieces. Along with Johnny Harris map guy journalist will implant mistruths .

- a graduate student at ’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs and a former social media manager and speechwriter for Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen.

- national security advisor to the Institute for Security and Technology and an adjunct at the .

Russia & Saudi Drops Sudden BOMBSHELL, "The GLOBAL Economy Will Suffer" - OPEC+

Liars - Revelation 22:15.
"For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and , and , and whosoever loveth and maketh a ."

Hisgalus 22:15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
15 “Outside are the kelevim (dogs) and the mekhashfim (sorcerers, ; [T.N. the original language “pharmakoi” is where we derive the word for “drugs”; sorcerers often abused drugs to or induce a passive state when they worked their magic and witchcraft; see Ga 5:20 and Rv 21:8] and the zonim (sexually ) and the rotzkhim ( ) and the ovdei haelilim ( ) and everyone loving and practicing sheker.

1. More than five years into the global breakdown of western capitalism that began with the financial crisis of 2008, the has somehow been able to has been . In response to global economic stagnation and the ever-present threat of the eruption of another financial crisis, the have integrated itself into the war preparations of and launched a social counter-revolution AGAINST the working class.

2. The unprecedented coup of June 23–24, 2010 was the starting point for this offensive. The entire political establishment responded to the ousting of former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd by a handful of Labor and , later revealed in cables to be “protected sources” of the US embassy, by lurching sharply to the right. Behind the backs of the population, Australia has now been completely integrated into the US “pivot to Asia,” a diplomatic, economic and military offensive aimed at subordinating China to American imperialism. So close is the integration, that any US military action — from Europe and the Middle East to Asia — directly involves Australian-based military and communications facilities, which daily function as a vital component of the American war machine. Marching in lockstep with the Pentagon and , Australian government ministers will not even comment on foreign policy issues without first consulting the US.

3. The Australian ruling class, however, is no passive victim of American military and foreign policy. On the contrary, it has incorporated itself into the “pivot” to prosecute the substantial predatory interests of Australian imperialism in the Asia-Pacific region. Furthermore, the financialisation of the Australian economy over the past three decades is inextricably bound up with Wall Street and rests on the continued economic and strategic dominance of US imperialism in Asia and the world. As a result, the country has been drawn directly into the maelstrom of geo-political rivalries, which are inexorably propelling humanity towards a Third World War.

4. The dangers are all too evident in Ukraine, where the United States has recklessly plunged Europe into its worst crisis since the end of World War II. In February, the Obama administration, in league with the German government, deliberately provoked a confrontation with Russia by engineering a fascist-led coup in Ukraine. Washington is exploiting Russia’s predictable response — the annexation of Crimea in order to protect its strategic naval base in Sevastopol — to hypocritically denounce “Russian expansionism,” impose sanctions and justify a rapid American military build-up in Eastern Europe. This campaign is setting the stage for new US interventions, not only in the former Soviet republics, but in the Russian Federation itself, with the aim of reducing this vast geographical expanse to a series of American semi-colonies, even at the risk of nuclear war.

5. The Australian political establishment — the Abbott government, the Labor opposition, the Greens and the pseudo-left organisations, such as Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance — has extended its full support to the US intervention in Ukraine and the fascist-dominated puppet regime in Kiev. It has joined the chorus of condemnation of Russia not only because of Canberra’s ongoing alliance with Washington, but also because US intervention in Ukraine is intimately connected to the Obama administration’s “pivot to Asia.” Ever since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, US imperialist strategies have centred on establishing US hegemony in Eurasia by bringing both the Russian Federation and China — areas of the globe excluded for decades from its direct domination by the Russian and Chinese revolutions — under US control.

1 John 2.6
When you HEAR his voice, HARDEN not Your heart.

12 things your feet tells you about your liver


No one enters the kingdom unless they become like a child

Photos from CHANEL's post 09/12/2023
Photos from InStyle's post 09/12/2023
Photos from Iris van Herpen's post 09/12/2023


Orders of Chivalry - We start with Denmark 09/12/2023

The Order of the Elephant

Birthdate: August 11, 1924
Birthplace: Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Death: January 13, 2010 (85)
Wien, Österreich (Austria)
Place of Burial: Wien, Österreich
Immediate Family:
Son of William Thomas Manley and Frances Blanche Madar
Husband of Private
Father of Alexandra Christina, Countess of Frederiksborg; Private and Private
Brother of Geoffrey Ronald Manley

Orders of Chivalry - We start with Denmark We start the New Year with a bit of a twist and begin to take a look at Orders of Chivlary. ​Most countries, with or without a constitutional sovereign, have an honours system which seeks to reward...

Mobile uploads 07/12/2023

Reign Of Terror: The Vicious Rule Of King Richard II - Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty
Ruling the country for over three hundred years, ruthlessly crushing all competition, The Plantagenet story is more shocking, more brutal and more astonishing than anything you’ll find in Game of Thrones.

Britain's Invisible Empire
The Origins of the Deep State in North America
Gaiaism, World Wildlife Fund, British Crown Oligarchy, Privy Council

You are Gold, Solomon Islands!
Solomon Islands is not stupid to Central bankers debt traps. US

Everybody has a PRICE - that was what fiat dollars provided. GOLD IS A MUCH SHINING SYMBOL OF WEALTH.


Rising debt risk - Danger Warning

Origins of violence - Wilhelm Reich

What's the link of / myths Mr. Wolf?
Defending religious beliefs.
My god is better than your god. One god many names. Angels and demonic reptilian hindbrain, dopamine fix.

Mr Rauf said such videos could be extremely damaging, pointing to the mass murder of 50 people at mosques in in March.

"Videos and materials such as these, which vilify and demonise Australian Muslims and their religion and beliefs, are seriously harmful," Rauf said.

"They also embolden those who harbour hateful views and potentially encourage them to act on those views to cause injury and harm." ( , marrying cousins, poor educational standards, DNA)

China's Forgotten Fleet: Rule Over Asia 07/12/2023

Spratly Islands who am I?

Four periods of Philippine history:
Spanish rule (1521–1898) 377 yrs
American rule (1898–1946) 48 yrs
Japanese occupation (1941–1946) 5yrs
Philippine self rule (1946–present)

1521 - The Philippines are discovered by Europe, Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan
1571 - Regular trade was established between the Spaniards and the Chinese (South China Sea)
1762 - The early Spanish colonization period Spanish Crown

China's Forgotten Fleet: Rule Over Asia How was the forgotten Fleet of China found? And what was the aim of the expeditions of the Chinese fleet? Exactly 600 years ago, in the summer of 1405, a hug...

A journey is like marriage, Steinbeck 07/12/2023

Was Christopher Columbus' ship DWARFED by Chinese Muslim Admiral Explorer Zheng He?

Islands in South China Seas.

Characteristics of the Tea Leaf, 1653 A.D.
Martino Martini of the Society of Jesus

Martino Martini (simplified Chinese: 卫匡国; traditional Chinese: 衛匡國; pinyin: Wèi Kuāngguó) (20 September 1614 – 6 June 1661) was an Italian Jesuit missionary, cartographer and historian, mainly working on ancient Imperial China.

Early years
Martini was born in Trento, in the Bishopric of Trent. After finishing high school studies in Trent in 1631, he entered the province of the Society of Jesus, from where he was sent to study classical letters and philosophy at the Roman College, Rome (1634–37). However his interest was more in and which he studied under . His request to be sent as a missionary to China had already been granted by Mutius Vitelleschi, the then Superior General of the Jesuits. He did his theological studies in (1637–39)—already on his way to China—where he was ordained priest (1639, in Lisbon).

In the Chinese Empire
He set out for China in 1640, and arrived in Portuguese Macau in 1642 where he studied Chinese for some time. In 1643 he crossed the border and settled in , Zhejiang Province, from where he did much travelling in view of gathering scientific information, especially on the geography of the Chinese empire: he visited several provinces, as well as Peking and the Great Wall. He made great use of his talents as MISSIONARY, SCHOLAR, WRITER and SUPERIOR.

Frontpage of Novus Atlas sinensis, by Martino Martini, Amsterdam, 1655.

Soon after Martini's arrival to China, the Ming capital Beijing fell to Li Zicheng's rebels (April, 1644) and then to the , and the last legitimate Ming emperor, the , HANGED himself.

Down in Zhenjiang, Martini continued working with the short-lived regime of Zhu Yujian, Prince of Tang, who SET HIMSELF UP up as the (Southern) Ming Longwu Emperor. Soon enough, the Manchu troops reached Zhejiang. According to Martini's own report (which appeared in some editions of his De bello tartarico), the was able to SWITCH his ALLEGIANCE to China's new masters in an easy enough, but BOLD, way. When Wenzhou, in southern Zhejiang, where Martini happened to be on a mission for Zhu Yujian, was besieged by the Manchus and was about to fall, the Jesuit DECORATED the HOUSE where he was staying with a LARGE RED POSTER with seven characters saying, "HERE LIVES a DOCTOR of the DIVINE LAW WHO HAS COME FROM the GREAT WEST". Under the poster he set up tables with EUROPEAN BOOKS, ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTS, etc., surrounding an altar with an IMAGE of . (Power in his name).

When the Manchu troops arrived, their commander was SUFFICIENTLY IMPRESSED with the DISPLAY to approach Martini POLITELY and ask if he'd like to switch his LOYALTY to the NEW . Martini agreed, and had his head shaved in the Manchu way, and his Chinese dress and hat replaced with Manchu-styles ones. The Manchus then allowed him to return to his Hangzhou church, and provided him and the Hangzhou Christian community with necessary protection.

Was Christopher Columbus' ship DWARFED by Chinese Muslim Admiral Explorer ?

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On the journey to restore heaven on earth through UCADIA, the Covenant of One-Heaven - Pactum de Singularis Caelum.

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Circular Quay from Contemporary Art Museum at 4.20pm 22 July 2022
Taiga Wentworth Point




Sydney, NSW

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