Fuzzy Bunnys

Fuzzy Bunnys

Indoor Soccer Sports Team playing in Tim Andersons sports Competition.


Fuzzy Bunnys returned to winning ways today with a close fought 6-5 win against Pink Bits. Boris had a few new faces which proved quite a challenge. Shane stupidly agreed to play against the Bunnys so settled for the near 50 year old Tim. He seems to have got his confidence back in goal but as he kept out all shots bar the screamers. The Magallanes Jaiden and Jesse were on show again today however Jaiden had an unusually off game. Lindsay and Josh were on show doing most of the work today. Some good link up play from the Bunnys and some clever finishing got them through. Good to see some regulars back.

Red card - Michael (unfortunately our old regular mr reliable, seems to have lost interest in the Bunnys. It's a real shame and hopefully he can make a few appearances. However it would help when msged or ask to reply)

Man of the match - Tim ( yes once again he'll be celebrating.... Ok maybe not celebrating but he will be having his 50th bday on the 12th of March and the old man is still going strong. He's had a career to admire both on the outdoor and indoor scene and we wouldn't even have a Fuzzy Bunnys team or a place to play if it weren't for him copping massive losses financially just to give a bunch of people who show up when they please and rarely pay up some fun. So let's all thank him from time to time and start by giving him this shout out and player of the match award. Not the first and surely not the last!)

Goal of the week - Lindsay ( back in action after a few weeks out and got himself on the score sheet with some nice Bunnys build up play complemented with a very well placed finish into the side of the net)

Goals tally - Jaiden 20 / Brent 18 / Josh 11 / Luke 5 / Lindsay 5 / Michael 2 / own goals 2 *bass tim quads

Own goals against - Dale 1 / Bass 1


Fuzzy Bunnys suffered their first defeat of the season in this game. Basically it was the young Bunnys again as Jaiden enlisted the help of all his mates.. Rick Bart Matt and younger brother Jesse all played.. However Shane was busy having his bday celebrations so the youngsters all had a go in goal. Rick was alright but the Bunnys just couldn't prevent the goals conceded. Brent and Jaiden got 2 each but the Bunnys fell from the top of the ladder with the 7-4 defeat to a Praying Mantis squad quite depleted themselves. However George needed to be tested for drugs today!. Bunnys losing momentum in the crunch end of the season. Even the best lose sometimes... Except the mighty gunners of 03/04... True Invincibles...

Red card - Fuzzy Bunnys ( the whole team as a squad gets the red card today. For the players who aren't showing up to the players responsible for the first loss. At the end of the day it's a team game and a team effort for this red card. And yes Dale that means technically you got another red card. Not Shane but... It was his birthday!)

Man of the match - Rick ( poor guy ended up playing most of his game in goal cause he was the only half decent one. Made some good saves and kept us alive but the strikers just couldn't capitalise)

Goal of the week - Jaiden ( only small positives for the day but another typical Jaiden goal. Got the ball showed some electrifying pace and slammed home with power)

Goals tally - Jaiden 19 / Brent 17 / Josh 8 / Luke 5 / Lindsay 4 / Michael 2 / Own goals 2 *bass tim (quads)

Own goals against - dale 1 / bass 1


Fuzzy Bunnys gave a second hiding to Quadtrix for the season today. Nice change from the close calls of late. Fuzzy Bunnys had a slightly more youthful set up with Jaiden bringing along two fill ins. Ricki and Bart made their Fuzzy Bunny debuts. What performances as well. Both filled in at the made and comfortably dealt with whatever Quads had to offer. Both read the game and plays really well. Ricki unlucky not to grab a goal too. Luke however on his return overshadowed the newcomers. Pumped up and ready to play again he dominated. Got 4 goals and providing goals for Brent and Jaiden too. Some of his goals were crackers and this could be Luke's year. Another good win guys. Thanks to Ben for filling in in goal under pressure.

Red card - Lindsay (was he in was he out. Couldn't make up his mind today. First he was out then said stuff it I'm in. Then last minute pulled the plug again. Lucky we had some youngsters on hand. Good thing he's only missing the easy games)

Man of the match - Luke (as mentioned before Luke came back with a bang. Had George diving all over the place helplessly. Grabbed 4 goals and some lovely assists. Great vision and accuracy today. Good to see him back playing in the bunny jersey!)

Goal of the week - Luke (from an acute angle hit an absolute rocket into the top right hand corner. Some decent build up play with Jaiden and nearly took the net off with this effort)

Goals tally - Jaiden 17 / Brent 15 / Josh 8 / Luke 5 / Lindsay 4 / Michael 2 / own goals 2 / bass* quads 1 / Tim* quads 1

Own goals against - Dale 1 / Bass 1


The Bunnys had another insanely close scare to their undefeated streak.. This time against Little Visitors. The Bunnys were ahead for a lengthy period of the game due to goals from Brent and Lindsay. Jaiden was too busy having boot issues to score this week. Then George deputising in goal due to all other 4 Bunny keepers being out let in a few and we went behind. Down 4-3 in the final minute the Bunnys threw everything they could into in with the record on the line and Brent scored an equaliser with about 20 seconds left. Then from the kick off his father Tim who was also filling in wound back the clock and smacked an absolute belter in for the win. Probably far from deserved but the team stayed strong and had enough heart and determination to pull out the win. Great job guys.

Red card - Jaiden (Xmas has come and gone and the superstar is in need of some boots. They were destroyed before Xmas and unfortunately Santa didn't help because this week they literally split in half. The poor guy couldn't kick the ball. He has to play with one boot one shoe for most of the game and it had a negative effect as he failed to score unusually. GET SOME BOOTS!!)

Man of the match - Lindsay (controlled the game and made some crucial plays. Some great defensive work and interventions, crucial goal and kept calm throughout when all seemed lost. Plenty of experience and leadership shown)

Goal of the week - Tim (Yes the old man finally decided to shoot rather than muck around and what a result. Grabbed the winner in the dying seconds in spectacular fashion. Nice to see a reminder of what he can be capable of when he wants to)

Goals tally - Jaiden 13 / Brent 13 / Josh 8 / Lindsay 4 / Michael 2 / Own goals 2 / Luke 1 / Bass*quads 1 / Tim *quads 1

Own goals against - Dale 1 / Bass 1


Fuzzy Bunnys used a get out of jail free card today as they escaped to beat Headhunters 6-5. Bunnys definitely got more than they bargained for as their undefeated streak for this season seemed over. Just a lethargic performance considering Bunnys had a near full strength lineup. Goals from Jaiden and Josh however saved the day and own things for the Bunnys. Close call but 3 points!.

Red card - Dale (Adding to his long lost of red card awards, Dale is moving away. Rather unfortunate circumstances however still Dale would be reluctant to show up if he lived across the road. Now he's out at Belfield?.. Or something a million miles away and he's unwilling to train and bus it.. Don't feel we'll be seeing much of the big guy anymore. Shame)

Man of the match - Jaiden (another committed performance with some crucial goals. When the Bunnys seemed out the young and fit member of the squad was there to keep us firing.)

Goal of the week - Josh (can't quite remember as I'm a few weeks behind however the league gave him best goal so we'll trust that. Copying Alexis Sanchez for his own reasons I guess he must have scored a decent goal. If not he needs something so he can have it.)

Goals tally - Jaiden 13 / Brent 10 / Josh 8 / Lindsay 3 / Michael 2 / Own goals 2 / Luke 1 / Bass*Quads 1

Own goals against - Dale 1 / Bass 1


You know you've made it big when you have Subbuteo characters made after your team..


Fuzzy Bunnys played a very intense rivalry game against Eggdix, the team that knocked them out of the finals last season.. The Bunnys had to borrow a Ducks player and technically we still count Shane as part of the Bunnys squad. Extreme down pour of rain from start to finish and a lot of niggly fouls from both teams.. Lindsay playing without boots did fantastically well in a defensive effort which almost saw The Bunnys come through.. Josh who unbelievably returned for the game in the rain put the Bunnys ahead with a low drive early on and the Bunnys went FIFA 15 tactics and tried parking the bus the whole game.. Control and shots were poor all throughout but the Bunnys held strong and Shane had an absolute blinder!!.. To keep like that in those conditions deserved a clean sheet which unfortunately didn't eventuate due to a great impossible angle goal from the rivals.. Brent and Jaiden had late chances and almost scored had it not been for the post.. However a draw was a fair result in an overall fun competitive game.. Unlucky guys..

Red card - Jaiden (the captain went home and feared he'd lost his shirt last week only to found out the young maestro had pinched it.. I'm sure the captain appreciates having a fan but Jaiden your jersey is probably already more valuable anyways.. Haha)

Man of the match - Shane (no doubt whatsoever about this one.. Don't think there has been a better keeping performance all season if not ever at that place.. Horrible conditions and single handedly kept the Bunnys undefeated.. Appreciate the help buddy! :) )

Goal of the week - Josh (kind of by default since there was only one, however a very precisely driven effort which had far too much power for any keeper to prevent.. So had there been another goal this one probably would've held up)

Goals tally - Jaiden 10 / Brent 9 / Josh 6 / Lindsay 3 / Michael 2 / Own goals 2 / Luke 1 / Bass(quad) 1

Own goals against - Dale - 1
/ Bass (quads) 1


Fuzzy Bunnys won a tight affair against Praying Mantis.. The game stayed close all the way through until the Bunnys pulled away at the end.. It finished 5-2 and perhaps has Stelios been in for the opposition it would've been harder but the Bunnys took the points to remain in the top places on the ladder.. Dale was back in for today's game and showed a good account.. Only embarrassing moment was Bass' own goal.. Bass made up for it however with a fine display and scoring a goal in the right net as well.. Jaiden again on point and Brent grabbing a hattrick.. Michael couldn't score again this week but who knows.. Maybe within the next 100 games..

Red card - Slade (where was mr. Man of the match for today's game??.. Slade will unfortunately be out of action for an extended period of time and is running out of games for guest star appearances.. The Bunnys team however would like to wish you well on your travels and hope it's a safe and happy journey ahead)

Man of the match - Lindsay (on point throughout the game tonight and provided plenty of key passes and a few assists.. Defensively outstanding as well to push the Bunnys towards another win for the season)

Goal of the week - Brent (great Bunnys team move which started from the back before a couple of tricky cut backs from Jaiden onto Bass then to Brent for an easy tap in past his Dad.. Who of course can't admit he got a hattrick scored against him by his son :p)

Goals tally - Jaiden 10 / Brent 9 / Josh 5 / Lindsay 3 / Michael 2 / Own Goals 2 / Luke 1 / Bass(Quad) 1

Own goals against - Dale 1 / Bass(Quad) 1


Fuzzy Bunnys received a forfeit win today as on the 8 balls failed to show. But the Bunnys played a game against a few randoms and won 9-5. Stats weren't going to count but Dale finally appeared for once and Michael scored so had to count them. Luke didn't make it, Jackson went awol, and Josh showed up late so wasn't needed. Luckily Slade was on hand again and everywhere as usual. A 3 minute cameo turned into a full game (haha). Jaiden also back in scoring form realising it's probably best having shots a bit outside the circle to avoid going in. Dale made a shocker on one occasion and managed to get another own goal down on his career achievements. Can always look to Dale for unbelievable entertaining moments. Lindz a lot calmer today as well and played well too.

Red card - Dale (adding yet another red card to his name, this time Dale gets it for letting the ball crash off the side net, then the back net, before letting it hit him to concede the own goal. Better awareness to avoid those situations Dale. Good seeing you there though, wasted all his focus playing with the footy earlier)

Man of the match - Slade (continues his 100% record of being man of the match whenever he plays. Again was the only player trying. All over the place, few assists and would've scored had the half time whistle not put him off, then got pushed to concede a penalty. More 3 minute cameos please!)

Goal of the week - Michael (hasn't scored since opening day last season, yet Michael rocketed one home to break the drought. Then with the goal scoring confidence grabbed the goal of the week when played through to use the time he had, not panic and cooly touch home. Brilliant un-Michael like finish. 2 goals well deserved buddy)

Goals tally - Jaiden 9 / Brent 6 / Josh 5 / Lindsay 3 / Michael 2 / Own goals 2 / Luke 1...

Own goals against - Dale 1


Fuzzy Bunnys continues their rivalry with the Ducks with another hotly contested draw.. Again the sides couldn't be split and momentum swung numerous times.. Bunnys got off to another quick start with goals from Brent.. Then frustration kicked in at the back and heads dropped as they came back and took the lead.. Michael on fire in goals however and Jackson again providing much needed size and of course those genius one liners.. Very physical game but perhaps players going down a bit easy.. All throughout the came Jaiden scoring but losing balance which could've provided the difference.. Another bizarre own goal and a hit from Josh levelled the match again.. Both sides rattled every post about twice each and the final whistle blew. Another great game with the Ducks.. Shane perhaps going a bit easy with a tiny allegiance to the Bunnys..

Red card - Jaiden (dangerous all throughout the game and has played long enough to keep himself out of the circle!.. Robbed himself of a hattrick tonight by losing his balance and falling in to have every goal cancelled out.. Even more depressing when those goals could've given us the win)

Man of the match - Michael (again having to step in for Dale who apparently only plays golf these days.. Michael was copping hits point blank and keeping us alive when momentum was against us.. Not an easy position to play but got us a positive result in the end)

Goal of the week - Brent (tempting to give it to the own goal again this week as it was another funny one but we'll go the one which levelled things up and just snuck in at Shane's near post.. Got enough on it from the left footed shot to trickle through the defence and spin away from the keepers dive..)

Goal tally - Jaiden 5 / Josh 5 / Brent 5 / Own goals 2 / Lindsay 1 / Luke 1


Results and appearances


v Little Visitors.. W 3-2 (Jaiden 3)

v Quadtrix.. W 11-1 (Josh 4, Jaiden 2, Brent 2, Lindsay 1, Luke 1, Own goal (bass) 1)

v Silent Duck.. D 5-5 (Brent 3, Josh 1, Own goal (tom) 1)

v On The 8 Balls.. W 9-5 *registered as Forfeit 10-0 (Jaiden 4, Lindsay 2, Michael 2, Brent 1)

v Praying Mantis.. W 5-2 (Brent 3, Jaiden 1, Bass 1)

v Eggdix.. D 1-1 (Josh)

v Headhunter.. W 6-5 (Jaiden 3, Josh 2, Brent 1)

v Little Visitors.. W 5-4 (Brent 3, Lindsay 1, Tim*quads 1)

v Quadtrix.. W 10-2 (Luke 4, Jaiden 4, Brent 2)

Jaiden - 9
Brent - 9
Lindsay - 8
Michael - 5
Josh - 4
Shane - 3
Jackson - 2
Dale - 2
Luke - 2
Christian - 1
Slade - 1
Ricki - 1
Bart - 1
George - 1
Bass*Quadtrix - 1
Tim*Quadtrix - 1
Steve*Ducks - 1
Ben* Little Visitors - 1


Fuzzy Bunnys took a bonus point off a depleted Quadtrix side.. Obviously Brent choosing the Bunnys much to the disgust of the Quads.. He is the Bunnys captain however guys so calm your farms.. Robbin cooper even threw in a headbutt.. But anyways.. Bunnys dominated against the old and tired legs of the Quads players in the heat.. Michael in goal for Dale saved everything when he needed to.. Except one cracker from a kick off.. There goes that clean sheet idea.. Bunnys just had too many options in attack and everyone wanted a piece of the action.. 11 goals and a bonus point.. Plenty of good goals and teamwork.. Michael coming out of goals to try and score at the end just couldn't quite happen.. Great performance but Bunnys

Red card - Brent (this is what happens when you have more than one team you play for.. Got to p**s someone off at some stage and the Quads might refuse to allow me back after this result)

Man of the match - Luke (despite the heat was all over the place on the pitch.. Tracking back and causing problems every attack.. A few assists including a lovely controlled bring down for Jaiden to finish.. And even rattled the bar a few times himself with powerful drives)

Goal of the week - Bass O.G (have to go for the own goal this week.. 10 of our own to choose but this one was just funny.. Luke drilled a shot which deflected off a foot then into Bass at lightning pace and was in the net before anyone had a clue what had happened..)

Goal tally - Jaiden 5 / Josh 4 / Brent 2 / Luke 1 / Lindsay 1 / Own Goals 1(bass) /


New season has begun and the Bunnys are going again.. 1 game 1 win.. Same old Bunnys.. Plenty of absentees for the opening day game.. But luckily Jackson was back in after a disappointing 0 appearances last season!. Michael, Dale, Luke and Josh all out today. Christian and Shane came into the lineup as Dale opted to help out in goal against us.. A very hot day today and all players were exhausted.. Shane copped a couple of goals being blinded by the sun.. Luckily Jaiden was up and firing with a hattrick to turn around a two goal deficit and win us the opener.

Red card - Dale (not coming just so you can watch cats drive around a track. I know you want to quit and everything Dale but just accept you're a bunny forever and TURN UP!!!!)

Man of the match - Jackson (perhaps had an offseason of pure training cause he was back and showing off his skills in today's game.. Had a few efforts on goal that actually went on target but more importantly held the line.. Finally giving the Bunnys some height and size advantage and cleaned up almost everything at the back, out shading Jaidens heroics for man of the match)

Goal of the week - Jaiden (hot day and Minimal energy throughout until Jaiden popped up with a hattrick of goals to choose from, but very hard to go passed the winner which was smashed past Daniel at the near post and gives us plenty of momentum for the new season)

Goal tally - Jaiden 3


Because the Bunnys crashed out of the main finals they played a much more lighthearted match against Little Visitors in the consolation finals.. Most of the team were devastated they had to hang around for another one and everyone just tried to have fun with it.. Back and forth game which finished 8-8.. Defence was not an option as it was just all out attack on both ends.. Jaiden and Luke unusually quiet and Dale copping goals everywhere.. Michael tried to get the last goal like he got the first but it was Josh Brent and Lindz doing the damage.. However ironically all 3 of them missed their penalties against Daniel in goal.. Dale should've stepped up like the olden days!!

Red card - Jaiden (leading the golden boot by 2 all he needed was a couple again to wrap up but he choose the final game of the season to have a shocker in front of goal.. Perhaps it was all the knocks and bruises from the main final)

Man of the match - Lindsay (lacklustre performance from the whole team but he was the only one who really tried the whole game)

Goal of the week - Lindsay (down in the dying stages a great team effort led to an equaliser that not only saved us losing straight but p**sed off Tim as well for taking it to a penalty shoutout.. Haha)

Goal tally - Brent 19 / Jaiden 18 / Josh 14 / Lindsay 5 / Luke 3 / Lenox 3 / Shane 2 / Michael 1 / Joel 1 / Daniel 1


Since I missed the last few weeks out of laziness I'll catch up all at once.. Sort of.. Hopefully.. Anyways we'll start with the finals.. Fuzzy Bunnys unfortunately couldn't bring the championship home on their first attempt back.. They lost 7-4 to Eggdix after a huge collapse.. Up 4-0 and seemingly cruising the Bunnys just again got tired and crashed out of the main finals.. Very unfortunate way to go out but an impressive first half display at least.. It was good to be back playing and come third anyways..
Red card - Lenox (clearly needed him for these finals series!!)
Man of the match - Dale (had a very decent first half and kept a clean sheet until his defence collapsed and he couldn't keep out the onslaught)
Goal of the week - Brent (counter attacking goal.. Held off a challenge and ran up the middle and finished well.. For once)
Goal tally - Jaiden 18 / Brent 16 / Josh 12 / Lenox 3 / Lindsay 2 / Shane 2 / Michael 1 / Joel 1 / Daniel 1


So.. When we said we wanted the Bunnys to win.. Wasn't exactly what we had in mind....


Fuzzy Bunnys had an important game against Pink Bits tonight. Crucial for the final table standings and after a few weeks out good to get back into it. Again a lot of players missing and I'm already thinking we won't be around next season. People can't control their nights out and come game day nobody shows. Luckily Daniel hung around to produce a blinder in goals which was much needed against an energetic team with rocket shots. Michael throwing himself at a few as well, finally back out onto the field after winning the mixed finals (congrats to IcortFire by the way). Josh holding them off and well and grabbed an earlier hattrick to give us much needed breathing space. The Bunnys legs were tiring and they were coming into the game a bit more but a hattrick from Brent as well and then a goal from Jaiden right at the end sealed the win. Thanks to Scotty as well for much needed defensive cover.

Red Card - Lindsay, Dale, Luke (you can all share it this week, one too many big nights and in all seriousness if that's what you all prefer to do then we don't need to play next season. Supposed to be a fun catch up but when we get so many no shows there's not much point huh?. Dale was a complete no show.. Not a call or msg. That's bu****it Dale)

Man of the match - Daniel (pulled off some incredible saves when we needed it most and all after playing a few men's games and mixed finals. Needed focus and was the difference tonight)

Goal of the week - Josh (another right footer and this one came from a Michael assist so that's even more rare. Pretty decent goals all round but this is the slight standout)

Goals tally - Jaiden 16 / Brent 15 / Josh 11 / Lenox 3 / Luke 3 / Lindsay 2 / Shane 2 / Michael 1 / Joel 1 / Daniel 1


Fuzzy Bunnys suffered their first defeat of the new era. It was a poor performance overall in tough conditions. The ground was very slippery and the Bunnys couldn't really get control of the ball to play their way. It was another goalkeeping nightmare as Dale and Michael were both out. As was Daniel as another option. Shane was the go to man but he completely forgot to return so Rolf from Quadtrix assisted. Unfortunately Brent, Joel and Lindsay had communication issues and struggled to help him out. Bunnys showed great character to come back twice with great goals from Jaiden. But too many near misses from Luke, Brent and Lindsay made us pay in the end. Unfortunate but I'm sure we can bounce back from an odd bad outing. Poor Joel can't even use his boots that he owns cause Lindsay took them!.

Red card - Shane (Shane has to get it this week as he agreed to show up in goals for the Bunnys today. But after his game completely forgot and went home. Only to realise again when it was too late. As I said goalkeeping disaster yet again)

Man of the match - Joel (Guest appearance from Joel and he definitely didn't disappoint. He was everywhere throughout and the only thing that hindered his performance was the shoes. Plenty of running despite the turning restrictions and even sliding into the fence didn't put him off)

Goal of the week - Joel (Traditional Joel cracker that we've seen plenty of times in the past. Tearing down the right side, wound up and unleashed a rocket that went straight through the keepers hands and into the bottom corner. Classic moment)

Goals tally - Jaiden 15 / Brent 12 / Josh 8 / Lenox 3 / Luke 3 / Lindsay 2 / Shane 2 / Michael 1 / Joel 1 / Daniel 1


Fuzzy Bunnys played Dodgers for the second time today and came out with a much needed bonus point. Won 10-5 in the end and looked comfortable throughout. Luke finally scored his first goal this season and once the first went it they all came. Grabbed a hattrick today as did Jaiden and Josh. All of which were too good for George, however George stopped Brent again. Not that many of his went on target. Lindsay grabbed another goal and Michael pushed up as everybody tried looking for the 10th bonus point goal. Dale made the game a lot easier with his distribution pin point today. Another good win for the Bunnys and the main team all showing up. Good stuff guys!.

Red card - Brent (absolute terrible, horrible, disgusting, etc. shooting today. Couldn't even hit the target today. Everything was off!. Where he should've stayed.)

Man of the match - Luke (Luke back with a bang today, started shooting and when he wasn't smashing them in he was setting them up. Great to see Lukey back at his best and ensured the bonus point, great stuff)

Goal of the week - Josh (ball was laid off from a kick-off and Josh obviously from in his own half caught the keeper off guard with an extremely precise bottom corner drive!. Very impressive)

Goals tally - Jaiden 12 / Brent 10 / Josh 8 / Lenox 3 / Luke 3 / Lindsay 2 / Shane 2 / Michael 1 / Daniel 1


Fuzzy Bunnys played another very tough game today against Banana Reno. Unfortunately came away with 1 point after a dubious 5-5 result. Dale came late but stepped and and pulled off some remarkable saves, one of which he stopped the ball crossing the line but a goal was given against us anyways. Oh well it happens and we move on. Dale also flicked a save up onto his face but you could see his rivalry with George heating up. The rejected shake at half time was a statement. Lindsay scored an amazing right footed volley and looks back in scoring form. Luke was a bit unlucky not to grab a goal as well but he tracked back every time to shut down their main threats. Michael again solid and much needed, but a few mistakes from the Bunnys cost us in the end. George was the first keeper Brent couldn't score past this season but couldn't stop Jaiden who was pumped up today and on fire belting in 4 great goals. Huge thanks to Daniel subbing in when legs were tiring!. Great game Bunnys.

Red Card - Dale (he was pumped up all week with this George rivalry, the most motivated he's been all season to play and yet when the day comes he crashes and falls asleep and rocks up late, that's bu****it Dale)

Man of the match - Jaiden (real stand out today tracking back and pressing forward. Put away most of his chances and put us in a good position to win. Best individual performance all season)

Goal of the week - Lindsay (right footed volley!. Enough said haha. As another one of our leftys on the team anytime he gets a right footer it should be goal of the season but this one. Wow...)

Goals tally - Brent 10 / Jaiden 9 / Josh 5 / Lenox 3 / Shane 2 / Lindsay 1 / Michael 1 / Daniel 1.


Fuzzy Bunnys were week 2 into the collapse of the team. Again just scraped through with 6. We had an array of keepers to choose from, but Dale retained his spot as 1st choice over Michael, Shane and Daniel. Michael held the defence throughout the game as he often does but did make a few runs until he tired himself out. Daniel ran up and down all game helping out at the back and eventually grabbed the final goal. But before then Brent and Jaiden scored to keep the Bunnys in it. Then Jaiden scored an apparent controversial goal which the ref somehow missed. Before Brent's solo effort and Shanes lovely brace finished the game off. Another good win for the Bunnys and did it without a black guy this week!. Haha.

Red Card - Lindsay (again a few too many options but even though Lindz gave notice a week prior, the fact he's at a camp out festival probably playing s**t music and he gave up his 100% attendance for it gets him the unwanted accolade)

Man of the match - Shane (Shane was clearly desperate for a challenge since his Ducks are cruising at the top so decided to help out today. He's got the number 1 shirt for a reason and he held the ball up and was often Dales only option. Also grabbed a couple of cheeky goals as well)

Goal of the week - Brent (couple of decent options including Jaidens cracker from close range, but when you take on most of the team from your own half and one of the opposition players calls out 'great goal' before you even shoot you have to get goal of the week.

Goals tally - Brent 10 / Jaiden 5 / Josh 5 / Lenox 3 / Shane 2 / Michael 1 / Daniel 1..


Appearances - FINAL season ending September 2014
Brent - 10
Jaiden - 10
Lindsay - 8
Michael - 8
Dale - 7
Luke - 7
Josh - 6
Daniel - 4
Lenox - 1
Joel - 1
Slade - 1
Shane - 1
Rolf - 1 (Quadtrix)
Scotty - 1 (Headhunters)
Jackson - 0


Fuzzy Bunnys played another tough fixture today. The collapse of the team again has already begun. Dale at a dinner. Then back up keeper Michael couldn't handle his hangover. Birthday boy Luke turns 24 and does his back. No Lenny twenny and where the f**k is Jackson!. Josh even lost his wallet to come play today. Daniel stepped in goal and Slade made his Bunnys debut. Lindsay on a mission to not score a goal all season so turned provider as Brent, Josh and Jaiden sharing the goals amongst themselves. Eggdix had to use 2 of their mixed girls to make a full team. Daniel making some great saves but we still want Dale back next week. Sorry Dale.

Red card - Michael (Couple of candidates today but we'll let Dale off with the dinner, and Luke still showed despite his injury. Michael on the other hand clearly wussed out. Learn to cure a hangover)

Man of the match - Slade (making his debut appearance today and made a case for a regular spot. Often got left at the back and threw himself at everything. Definitely saved a few himself with his tackling and managed to stay out of the circle the whole game. Great effort)

Goal of the week - Jaiden (very well worked counter attack by the Bunnys going through just about every player before Jaiden placed a beauty into the bottom corner)

Goals tally - Brent 7 / Josh 5 / Lenox 3 / Jaiden 3 / Michael 1


Matraville Sports High School
Sydney, NSW