Aspire Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic, Sydney, NSW Videos

Videos by Aspire Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic in Sydney. Aspire Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic specialises in musculoskeletal & sports physiotherapy. We aspire to get you moving and feeling better.

Other Aspire Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic videos

Do you like sitting down? How about standing up? How about both? It’s important to stay active and keep moving so here’s an exercise that you can do at home or outdoors - sit to stands - working the muscles in your legs. There’s a progression included in this video so try it out! Stay safe - #physiotherapy #aspirephysio #aspire #exercise #sitting #standing #outdoors #legstrength #strength

Spending too much time indoors? Is your posture starting to lose form? Well we have some exercises to help you with that! Keep an eye out on our page for more exercises for posture improvement, lower body and upper body strengthening. Stay safe - #physiotherapy #aspirephysio #aspire #exercise #posture #shoulder #outdoors

We all know the importance of exercise for our mental and physical health. What I like to do is go for a walk and tackle some stairs during my lunch break. I find this help to get me through the day. What do you like doing?

Open Saturday!
Just a friendly reminder we are now open on Saturday mornings. Book yourself an appointment online or give us a call on 8798 6991.

New equipment alert 🚨 These stepping stones, also sometimes called river stones, are now available at the clinic to use for rehabilitation! . . . #physio #physiotherapy #rehab #exercise #balance #steppingstones #riverstones #strength #sydney #coordination #aspire #aspirephysiotherapy

Sitting too long at your desk? Do you have poor posture? Try this exercise to strengthen the muscles in your upper back . . . #physiotherapy #aspire #aspirephysiotherapy #liverpool #back #neck #exercise #row #posture #painrelief #physio #sydney #sydneyphysio

Abdominal separation post-pregnancy
An introduction on how to assess and treat abdominal seperation following pregnancy. The increased distance between the bellies of abdominal muscles to allow for the growing uterus. A very natural part of pregnancy but can be targeted with varying levels of deep core stability, control exercises and some activity modifications. If you think you may have this, book an appointment with one of our Physiotherapists to implement a management program tailored for you.

Tennis Elbow Treatment

Have you been told you have osteoarthritis in your knees and are unsure what to do 🤷🏻‍♀️? Not only is it important to keep moving but it is also so important to exercise 💪🏽! Exercise not only helps decrease pain but it also helps to increase overall function, getting you back to doing the things you love… pain free! Exercise can help to strengthen the muscles that surround the joint and help to decrease pain and improve function 💃🏻. For those who have high levels of pain at the beginning, a non-weight bearing exercise program may be advised. From there, weight bearing lower limb strengthening exercises will be introduced to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint. Aerobic exercises, such as walking is also super beneficial in helping reduce joint pain🏃🏻‍♀️! EXERCISES 1️⃣ Side Step Up- Take a step up onto the step while making sure you keep your knee straight and that it does not come inward. Take a step back down. 2️⃣Sit to Stand: Sit on the edge of a chair with feet and knees facing forward and slightly apart. With your arms across your chest, slowly stand up nice and tall. Sit back down while your arms stay up. If you have difficulty standing up with your arms across your chest, push through your thighs. Once able, then 3️⃣Standing Hip Abduction: Standing nice and tall, hold onto a supportive object and raise your leg out to the side (away from your body). Complete this movement nice and slowly while keeping a good posture. 4️⃣Calf Raises: Stand up straight, then push through the balls of your feet and raise your heel until you are standing on your toes. Then lower slowly back to the start. 5️⃣Single Leg Balance: Have something near by for support if you feel unsteady and need to hold on. Lift one foot off the ground, keeping good posture and try and hold this position in a controlled manner. ASPIRE PHYSIOTHERAPY: Supporting you to good health and well-being. The information provided is not intended as medical advice. A full physiotherapy asses

Neck pain is an annoying condition that affects the best of us. Increased muscle tension around your neck and shoulders can be a contributing factor to your neck pain. You can stretch and massage these muscles all day long but your neck pain won't go away if you don't address the underlying cause. And most of the time (unless you've had a direct injury), the cause is long periods of stagnant and still postures and positions like hunching or slumping over your desk. This can cause muscular imbalances and weakness which tend to put strain on your postural muscles around your shoulders and neck leading to increased tension and thus increased neck pain. To reduce the strain on your neck and shoulder muscles, it is best to 'balance' out your movements and return to a more 'neutral' position every now and then. Below are some exercise progressions that you can easily do at your desk to reset your posture, balance your movements and take control of your neck pain 💪 These exercises should be performed in a gentle manner and there should be no over-straining of your muscles. 1️⃣Chin Tucks: Start off with 5s holds x 10 repetitions and then progress to 20 second holds x 5 repetitions. 2️⃣Chin Tucks + Scapular Setting: To set your scapular, draw your shoulders back slowly, making sure you are not hitching your shoulders up or squeezing your arms too hard. 3️⃣Scapular squeezes: Perform the scapular setting and then progress by rotating your shoulders outwards as shown. 3 sets x 10 repetitions. 4️⃣Scapular squeezes w/ theraband: As above but hold the theraband with palms facing up and pull outwards. 3 sets x 10 repetitions. _____________________________________________ ASPIRE PHYSIOTHERAPY: Supporting you to good health and well-being. The information provided is not intended as medical advice. A full physiotherapy assessment is ideal to identify your impairments, and from there an individualised rehab plan and program will help you return to full function. Please lik

SITTING MOVES & GROOVES Find yourself sitting for long periods of time? Whether it be sitting in the office all day or driving for long periods of time it can be hard to follow the golden rule of “taking regular breaks”. Due to being stuck in that seated position for hours on end it is common to develop tightness and stiffness in the muscles and joints in the neck, shoulders, back and hips. - Hence, it’s important for our bodies to move and groove in different positions to avoid becoming tense and stiff. Not only is it important to incorporate movement strategies but it is also important to strengthen the muscles that support the neck, back, shoulders and hips. These stretches shown are quick and easy movements that you can do at your desk or after a long drive to help you movin’ and groovin’. Stay tunned…next week we will post a video to show you some good easy strengthening exercises! - 1⃣ THORACIC EXTENSION- hands behind head, lean back from your chair 2⃣ THORACIC ROTATION- hold onto chair with opposite hand and turn whole body to feel a stretch. Make sure you also turn your neck as if you are looking over your shoulder. 3⃣ LUMBAR FLEXION- starting nice and tall reach forward toward the floor slowly and come back up to an upright position. 4⃣ CERVICAL EXTENSOR STRETCH- tuck chin and bring head down with your other hand so you feel a stretch on the top of the neck. 5⃣ HIP FLEXOR STRETCH- Don’t arch back, keep back neutral and lunge forward until you feel a stretch - This video demonstration is in FAST FORWARD so please do them in a slow and relaxed manor!!! Remember throughout all of these movements to keep breathing throughout. Disclaimer The information presented on this page is for general information purposes and does not in any way replace the need to individual medical and therapeutic examination - always consult a qualified medical professional before commencing any of the exercises or protocols outlined on this page