Lapstone Glenbrook Netball Club, Sydney, NSW Videos

Videos by Lapstone Glenbrook Netball Club in Sydney. Lapstone Glenbrook Netball Club is a Netball Club from the Blue Mountains Netball Association. Our pl

Other Lapstone Glenbrook Netball Club videos

NetSetGo end of season disco

NSG Presentation

Introducing Gillian Scott, our 2022 Life Membership recipient. Gillian has been involved with our club for over a decade as an umpire, coach and player and has spent most of those seasons as umpires convenor. Gillian has helped to develop countless umpires at our club, in particular helping to give young girls an alternative netball pathway, first job, and career opportunity. Gillian has also spent almost half that time as umpires convener for BMNA, helping to develop umpires across the entire Blue Mountains Association, coordinating and supporting umpires at rep carnivals, and helping to badge umpires over the years. Gillian is a truly selfless individual who has devoted many hours to netball for many years, on Saturday and Sunday, and at all the meetings and events in between, not only to help support competition in the mountains but to foster it - constantly growing new umpires each year. At the start of this season a new job opportunity two hours away had us thinking we had lost our umpires convenor. What were we going to do!? But never fear. Gillian got up every Saturday at 5am and made the two hour drive to Lapstone and back, racking up over 6000 kilometres in the season. Not to mention she also supported BMNA at many representative carnivals, much to her own delight. A truly worthy recipient we were very pleased to honour Gillian for all of her efforts over the years. Thank you Gillian! 💚💜 (Deb Ansell was honoured publicly and in person for her 2020 life membership which was issued virtually due to Covid).