Satori Healers

Satori Healers

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🌈 Reiki and Spinal Flow Healing
πŸ™Œ Spiritual development
πŸ‘ Mindset & Business Coaching
πŸ’œAnthing is possible πŸ’œ


Spinal Flow looks different for everyone but there is 1 thing that will be the same... healing. there is always healing in every session! such a beautiful way to allow your body to just be.


Having a coach keeps you motivated and accountable πŸ‘
Working on your mindset will bring success and abundance πŸ‘

What are you aligning with your life?


honestly I'm so thankful for my traumas and my hard times, they have made me the person I am today. it has taught me that my inner strength will always conquer, even when I wasn't sure how the hell I was going to make it through that situation, it's taught me patience, that everything happens for a reason and in devine timing, trust the universe. if your in a hard situation right now, this season to shall pass, spring is around the corner, stay strong and focus on your mindset πŸ™Œ


Welcome to Spinal Flow! one of the most amazing modalities I've come across! it's a combination of Chiropractic medicine, Kinesiology and Energy Healing and has the most incredible healing benefits to ease chronic pain, mental health and your overall way of living.
follow me for more on Spinal Flow πŸ™Œ


What's your excuse?
I don't have enough money?
I have to check with my partner?
I don't have time?
Let me think about it?

These are the 4 common excuses that I'm calling BS πŸ‘

If you want to create abundance in your life, like if you really wanted to make it work, the above excuses are popping up because you are scared and stuck in a limiting belief 😱

πŸ‘ of course you don't have money right now to invest in coaching, because your business isn't succeeding right now! SO INVEST IN A COACH AND START MAKING MONEY!
πŸ‘ oh you need to see if your partner wants to support you make more money πŸ€” I'll wait...
πŸ‘ I guess you wouldn't have time to invest in a 6 figure future cause your to busy doing the same s**t that hasn't worked
πŸ‘ you want time to think about it?? It's pretty simple, do you want to make money, YES OR YES πŸ’β€β™€οΈ

If your actually serious about building a 6-7 figure business, send me a DM
If you want to overcome the limiting belief's that are keeping you in the splash pool with these excuses, you're welcome to reach out, but only if your serious about making a change πŸ˜‰


Are you procrastinating?
What are you running from?

It's time to quit the bulls**t excuses if you really want to see change in your life, nothing changes if nothing changes πŸ‘

Comment below 😬 if your ready for the shift, are you ready to jump in?



Hey Salon Owners πŸ‘
Do you want to know how I got 80 new clients in a month?

You might be fabulous at what you do, but when it comes to creating a 6 figure salon, you may not have a clue about how to do it!

My 5 principals are essentialπŸ‘
1. Marketing
2. Mindset
3. Money Mindset
4. Branding
5. Retention and Sales/ communication

If your lacking in one of these areas, I guarantee your business isn't thriving!

I went from making $2000- $5000 a month to $250,000.00 in 6 months simply by understanding and implementing my 5 key principle's correctly.

Are you ready to build your business?

Book in a free DISCOVERY CALL and let map out what you can do to create your 6 figure business πŸ‘



Are you ready to put your exhaustion and chronic pain to rest πŸ‘
Spinal Flow is the answer you seek!

Why Spinal Flow?
πŸ™Œ An alternative way of healing that actually works!
πŸ™Œ Spinal Flow is a combination of Chiropractic medicine, Kinesiology and Energy Healing.
πŸ™Œ I will tell you exactly where your holding stress in your body, what is causing the stress and the physical effectnits having eg. Headachs, chronic pain, bloating etc...
πŸ™Œ No prescriptions, no drugs no referrals! But finally a reason to why your feeling the way you do!

Appointments available this week πŸ™Œ

Click below to make an appointment for an Initial Assessment ⬇️


You must put yourself as a first priority, no questions asked πŸ™Œ

I know for a fact, there would be a heap of women that read that and either feel completely sick or have a judgment because you always put yourself last.

I never used to put myself first because my belief was that being a good mum and wife was to look after everyone and make sure they have everything they need, without ever considering my needs.

Well that went well for a few years, until I completely burnt out, hit rock bottom and resented my family.

I signed up for a program to help with my Mindset and mental health and the biggest thing I learnt was this ⬇️

If I don't put myself as a priority and allow myself to rest, some me time and to ensure that my needs are met, no one will benefit. It was a big turning point to understand that if something happened to me and I went down, I could help no one! From that moment, I have made sure that when I'm exhausted, I rest and do me for a bit.

So mumma, I see you, I know your just trying your best but I know it's exhausting!! Please trust me when I say, you need the biggest break out of everyone in your house, so that you can give from a full cup!

So what are you doing this week, today, every day for you? What's your down time?

Make it happen, cause girl your worth it πŸ’œ



What a blessing this is to my life!! Thanks to

What do you do to reduce your mental load?


Who's ready for healing, to feel better mentally, to beat chronic pain and improve your health? πŸ‘Œ

Spinal Flow Appointments are available for the work ahead for current clients and new intakes!!

Spinal flow removes physical, chemical and emotional blockages that we hold in our body, these blockages are the cause of all your problems!! By connecting with access points within the nervous system, we increase the flow of ease through the body putting it into a healing state.

The results are INCREDIBLE πŸ‘

I've helped hundreds of people with their mental health, improve sleep patterns, reduce bloating and bowel issues, decrease painful periods, reduced chronic pain to improve mobility and so much more!!

Try Spinal Flow for yourself, book in an Initial Assessment here ⬇️

See you soon,


For anyone parenting kids with something a little extra, I feel you! I know how hard it is to face every day. When your trying to overcome your own childhood traumas and are committed to be the change, to love unconditional but still try to implement boundaries and raise respectful humans.... it's hard, it can be really fu***ng hard! you're not alone! but remember, 'you time' is so important, to regroup yourself, to fill your cup to keep going... make sure you find time for you!!


Take control ladies!!


What do you tell yourself every day? Mindset is the key to your success πŸ™Œ


Thanks for a beautiful review ❀️


Who else loves bed time πŸ˜¬πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
My daughter has started 5 hrs of gym a week, you'd think she'd be asleep in the car but noooooo its like a warm up for an all nighter!

Seriously, the battle for bed time is real in my house this week, who else is feeling me??


Are you creating positive mindset patterns for your kids?
Abundance starts with self belief πŸ‘
Confidence starts with positive affirmations πŸ‘
The ability to learn resilience and success is just by trying and learning from our mistakes.

When you support your child and teach them its OK to make mistakes and just to try their best, this is where they feel supported and unconditional love ❀️


The strongest people you know weren't always like that. They chose to overcome their trauma and not let it define them!
Are you ready to overcome your trauma and step into empowerment and abundance πŸ‘
Follow me for more or enquire about my 6 week mindset program that will help you take the next step πŸ™Œ


There's a difference between being a down right B and having healthy boundaries πŸ‘

Signs you have clear boundaries
πŸ‘ you know what you want and who you are and your happy to stand firm on that, unapologetically!
πŸ‘ you don't get walked over because you've learnt to say no and be OK with that
πŸ‘ you understand that other peoples reaction is not your concern
πŸ‘ your happy to help others out, when it's convenient for you, not just drop what important for you at the time to help someone else.

When people call you names for having fabulous boundaries, I refer to this as a tantrum in order to try and push your boundaries to get what they want. Unfortunately the 2 year olds are NOT the worst for it, it's more likely to be adults that try and push guilt on you to manipulate the situation so they get what they want because they know your a nice person and they take advantage of that!

A fabulous example of this I see all the time is in relationships. There is a rift between you and the inlaws and you are made to feel guilty and keep the peace by attending family events, even though they don't actually respect your thoughts or feelings. If theres been a situation and you feel guilted into going, It dismisses you and really makes you feel like your feelings don't matter. This is a lack of respect and only caring about the outcome for them.

A poor boundary at work might be taking clients after hours because your desperate to make a buck instead of enforcing your opening hours. If your an employee, it might be saying yes to a shift but then you cancel your personal plans because you don't want to let your boss down.

Lending money to family or friends because you feel bad. This is so common and when you say yes, it creates a pattern that they can fall back onto you to get them out of trouble but paying you back will never be the priority! You'll eventually get over supporting their spendings and crack and when you do, the relationship will be fractured because they will see that as an attack instead of understanding they have been using you. Instead of lending money, you can support them by offering to help show them how to budget their own money.

If you need help to work on your boundaries, book a mindset session with me πŸ™Œ

I hope this resonates with some of you and you understand that your thoughts and feeling matter, you are enough and you deserve to be happy πŸ™ŒπŸ‘

Mandy πŸ’œ


This truly made my day!
I had a 1:1 call with someone a few weeks ago about how to reach her business goals. I told her about my Satori Method and how important working on your mindset is and how it can and will change your life. This is her feedback she sent me today which i am so grateful for, thank you πŸ’œπŸ™Œβ¬‡οΈ

I hope my mere words can fully express how grateful and humble I feel, having received the wisdom and experience Mandy has enabled me with. Taking Mandy's lead, I began listening to the suggested meditations on abundance and affirmations. I also took on board thoughts around success and abundance in all areas of my life. I naturally am mindful and grateful, which also helps with life. Having now understood about various blocks, why they are present in my life and how to break through them has made a huge difference in my business. A brave but slight change in my business has reaped huge rewards. It takes courage to make a change but Mandy's encouragement to embrace change and new found self belief and confidence, my weekly takings are $100s of dollars a week higher. If Mandy comes into your life, you are already blessed. Mandy's services are wide and varied. If you are stuck in your business or any aspect of life, Mandy has come into your life for a purpose. Accept Mandy and work together. Your future self will be grateful you did.

This is proof that my method works πŸ‘
This is proof that your mindset will bring abundance πŸ‘

If you want access to my Satori Method comment abundance!

Mandy πŸ’œ


Who else does this for their husband 🀣🀣🀣🀣


Some people just can't handle the truth πŸ˜… sorry not sorry fellas, I don't take back what I said πŸ‘


No, asking us what needs to be done IS NOT HELPFUL πŸ‘


Spinal Flow, Healing Touch, Reiki and Coaching sessions available this coming week πŸ™Œ

πŸ‘‰ Spinal Flow reduces chemical, physcial and emotional blockages. Highly recommended to treat chronic pain, improve your mental health, help with poor sleeping pattern, reduce headaches improve gut health, helps with constipation or ibs, reduce painful period and clear brain fog.
Available in person only.

πŸ‘‰ Reiki is energy healing, amazing to help balance your chakras and rebalance your energy. Reiki can help remove deep trauma, reduce pain, increase body movement, help with fertility and can be deeply relaxing.
Available in person or via distance.

πŸ‘‰ my Healing Touch is a combination of a variety if Massage and includes hot stones, Spinal Flow, Reiki and a chakra balance. My Healing Touch is extremely popular when you need some TLC or just can't decide between my services.
Available in person only.

πŸ‘‰ Mindset Coaching is a holistic approach to councilling. I connect with your subconscious mind and help for you to raise your frequency in order to support you on a journey to let go of negative emotions like anxiety, anger, guilt, fear, sadness or limiting belief's, like I'm not enough, I'm not loved or troubled relationship with money or a partner, that is currently effecting your life.
Available in person or via distance

πŸ‘‰ You can also book a free call to find out how I can help support you create abundance in your business and grow it to 6 figures.

Here's my booking link below⬇️

See you soon,.
Mandy πŸ’œ

Photos from Satori Healers's post 27/07/2024

3 tips to support your mental health πŸ’œ


Last call πŸ“’
We start tomorrow!!!

Join the group from 7 day Free Business Coaching and start creating your abundance πŸ‘

Are you wanting to grow your business and increase your income??

Join me for a 7 day Introductory business coaching for FREE πŸ‘

πŸ‘‰ Get clarity on your path forward
πŸ‘‰ Overcome the hurdles that are holding you back
πŸ‘‰ Implement a great deal to gain new clients
πŸ‘‰ Get access to my Satori Method- my main tool on how to create abundance πŸ™Œ

Im going to show you how i created 2 x 6 figure businesses!!
We start Sunday, click the link below to join us⬇️

Mandy πŸ’œ

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Spinal Flow looks different for everyone but there is 1 thing that will be the same... healing. there is always healing ...
Spinal Flow looks different for everyone but there is 1 thing that will be the same... healing. there is always healing ...
honestly I'm so thankful for my traumas and my hard times, they have made me the person I am today. it has taught me tha...
honestly I'm so thankful for my traumas and my hard times, they have made me the person I am today. it has taught me tha...
Welcome to Spinal Flow! one of the most amazing modalities I've come across! it's a combination of Chiropractic medicine...
Welcome to Spinal Flow! one of the most amazing modalities I've come across! it's a combination of Chiropractic medicine...
Having a coach keeps you motivated and accountable πŸ‘Working on your mindset will bring success and abundance πŸ‘What are y...
Are you procrastinating? What are you running from? It's time to quit the bullshit excuses if you really want to see cha...
Are you procrastinating? What are you running from? It's time to quit the bullshit excuses if you really want to see cha...
What a blessing this is to my life!! Thanks to #woolworths What do you do to reduce your mental load?#mentalload #parent...
For anyone parenting kids with something a little extra, I feel you! I know how hard it is to face every day. When your ...


Unit 1 106-107 Kable Avenue
Tamworth, NSW

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm

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