Videos by Sew Rainey Sew in Townsville. Energy is everything. Focus your intention and create what you love. #instantsacredspace
Card 7 of 50 4in x 5.5in Acrylic paint on card I'm growing myself in many ways artistically. Right now I'm in a selfdriven painting challenge to uplevel my skills. This is my 7th painting ever. I'm going for 50. This improved skill will bring untold elements to my creative works. I'm so excited to grow what's happening for you? 💚Rainey #bizarrequilter #LorraineMLoweart #LorraineMLoweartist #LorraineMLowe #paintedcards Reference image from instagram challenge #potterypaintchallenge
Card 6 of 50 4in x 5.5in Acrylic paint on card I love the tiles in the background, and the composition including the corner of the bench. Reference photo from an instagram art challenge. Thank you #potterypaintchallenge #LorraineMLoweart #LorraineMLoweartist #LorraineMLowe #paintedcards #australianartist
Card 4 of 50 Acrylic paint on card 4in x 5.5in I've committed to creating 50 cards to grow my skills fast. Already I can see the progression. And there's another 46 to go!! I'm using reference photos from instagram art challenges. This one is from #tuesdaysartclub Anyone can join the instagram challenges. 💜Rainey #bizarrequilter #LorraineMLoweart #LorraineMLoweartist #LorraineMLowe
Card 3 of 50 Acrylic paint on card 4in x 5.5in I'm growing my painting skills as quickly as possible by creating lots of small paintings using instagrqm art challenge prompts. This photo was provided by #mugsandmoreart for the challenge. Anyone can join on instagram. ♥️Rainey #bizarrequilter #LorraineMLoweart #LorraineMLoweartist #LorraineMLowe #paintedcards
Card 2 of 50 #josonja acrylic paint on card 4in x 5.5in I'm starting with what I have - small tubes of Jo Sonja paints and card stock. I want to improve my painting skills as fast as I can, so I'm painting small images, that take less time. Follow my journey. Instagram art prompt #mugshotmondayart #LorraineMLoweart #LorraineMLoweartist #LorraineMLowe #bizarrequilter
Card 1 of 50 Acrylic paint on card 4in x 5.5in I've committed to painting 50 cards in order to refine my skills. I'm starting with what I have. Follow to see painting progression. ♥️Rainey #australianartist #australianart #mugshotmondayart #lorrainemlowe #LorraineMLoweart #LorraineMLoweartist #bizarrequilter
Are you called to connect to the earth, to observe it in the best possible way, to shape the earth's bloom into being? This altar cloth is for you! Amplify intentions, focus awareness, set daily reminders. One of a kind sacred textile art. #bizarrequilter #SewIntuitivebyRainey #sewraineysew #altarcloth #Sewraineysew #instantsacredspace
Thank you Charlibelle Parties and Willows Shopping Centre for this amazing free Kids activity as part of your holidays schedule. I don't wear stockings anymore, so my kiddo wouldn't get yo make a chia pet without you! We look forward to gnome painting tomorrow! 💚Rainey
5 ways to use an altar cloth. Thoth now available at #SewIntuitivebyRainey #sewraineysew #instantsacredspace
What's in your house that you can't explain? I'll go first. I've be3n tea total for 13 years but there's a rum scarf in my 8yo son's dress up box. Tell me yours.👇
Unboxing the $5,149 sewing machine I won from Brother Australia Thank you so much for sharing the joy with me! The squeals of excitement are real. 💜Rainey #SewIntuitivebyRainey #sewraineysew #lorrainemlowe #lorrainemloweart #lorrainemloweartist