Mornington Moggie Rescue, Tyabb, VIC Videos

Videos by Mornington Moggie Rescue in Tyabb. We are a cat rescue on the Mornington Peninsula specialising in rescuing abandoned kittens & mum cats

Other Mornington Moggie Rescue videos

Stores for Paws! Come down and support the cats and kittens in care! Bunnings Hastings 10th August 10am to 2pm

Look at these 2 gorgeous sisters💗 We would absolutely love to find these girls a home together. They are bonded, and as you can see and hear they adore each other! Why not adopt 2? Twice the love! Bessy and Bubbles deserve a forever home. Will it be yours? You would never be alone and the love they share with each other they would share with you too! ❤️ Located Somerville DOB 19/09/2023 MC# 978142000116024 MC# 978142000116108 RE197309 Adoption fee $300 for the pair You can check their profiles out below #kittens #kittenlife #kittensforadoption #kittenplay #kittenlove #adoptdontshop

Feel Good Story Tuesday! This is a match made in heaven! Meet Whisky the resident (Black Cat) and Midori the rescue (Tortie Cat formerly Quinn) Whisky was suffering from separation anxiety and in need of a friend. His humans decided to take a chance and adopt Quinn, one of our mum cats. She was the one and only cat they applied for, with a few set backs of meet and greets being moved due to family, kids and work, it paid off! These 2 are now inseparable! Their humans did everything right, seperate rooms, swap of blankets and then slow introductions. They read the room on how both were feeling and kept watch, and then it happened! These two just hit it off! Whiskey found a fur friend who just got him and his anxiety. He found his best friend and she absolutely loves being his number one! He treats her like a Queen, giving her the sunny spot, letting her choose which bowl of food she will eat from. He is a pure gentleman! If you are wanting a second cat, but unsure how your resident fur child will react, talk to your local rescue. We all want best for our fosters and your resident and we know our fosters best! This could be your story 🥰 Whiskey and Midori’s humans are very much in love with the two of them and how she has helped him with his anxiety.

#kittens #kittenlife #kittensforadoption #kittenplay #kittenlove

Learning to play!! These are our 2 scaredy cats who have started to come out of their shells. Both have the ability to love, just require reassurance. 💗💗 #kittens #kittenlife #kittensforadoption #kittenplay #kittenlove #kitten #lady #kittenlady

Our newest rescue is very cheeky! #fosterkitten #kittens #kittenlife #kittensforadoption #kittenplay #kittenlove

Meet Lady, she is looking for her forever home.

Don’t forget to head down to Bunnings Hastings for National Pet Day Looking for something to do with the kids? Come down to Bunnings Hastings Thursday 11th April between 10am and 1pm and meet the volunteers and some of the kittens in care looking for forever homes. Come have a chat to see how you can make a difference and help. Just 2 hours a month can make a big difference. We will have some homemade jam, stickers, badges, small gifts for sale to raise money. Money raised goes towards vet bills, litter, food etc…

Looking for something to do with the kids? Come down to Bunnings Hastings Thursday 11th April between 10am and 1pm and meet the volunteers and some of the kittens in care looking for forever homes. Come have a chat to see how you can make a difference and help. Just 2 hours a month can make a big difference. We will have some homemade jam, stickers, badges, small gifts for sale to raise money. Money raised goes towards vet bills, litter, food etc…

#fosterkitten #kittenrescue #kittenlife

Stormi is an amazing biscuit maker!!! Message us for a meet and greet!

Harley loves to get up front when the footy is on! Best seat in the house he thinks! While Lemmy sits beside his foster mum to get lots of pats and cuddles! #fosterkitten #kitten #catrescue #morningtonpeninsula #catlover #kittenrescue #rescue #catlife #adoptdontshop #kittenlife #fosterkittens

#adoptdontshop #kittens #morningtonmoggierescue

#bottlebabies #kittens #adoptdontshop #orphankittens #morningtonmoggierescue

Congrats Gail, Mal H, Jemma, Michaela S and Melsy B.

Bundy, one of our amazing and beautiful ex foster babies (adopted) makes funny noises when he sees the birds 😂 What funny noises do your cats make?