Ray of Divine Light - Reiki & Readings

Ray of Divine Light - Reiki & Readings

Share my passion for holistic wellbeing healing with Reiki, Astrology, Therapeutic Tarot


Good morning! Have a blessed Sunday!🙏♥️


Hello 🔵 It’s official. Don't forget tomorrow starts the new Facebook rule (aka... new name, META) where they can use your photos. Don’t forget the deadline is today!!

I therefore do not authorize META, Facebook or any entity associated with Facebook to use my photos, information, messages or posts, past or future.
With this statement, I inform Facebook that
It is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute or any other actions against me based on this profile and/or its contents. Violation of privacy can be punished by law.

This is how you do it:
Hold your finger anywhere in this message and "copy" will appear. Click on "copy". Then go to your page, create a new post and place your finger anywhere in the blank field. "Paste" will pop up and click Paste.
This will bypass the system....

He who does nothing agrees.


Have a blessed day!♥️🌻


Good morning beautiful people! Rise and shine your light! Have a wonderful day. 🙏❤️🌻


Tonight, the New Moon in Ta**us announce the start of a fresh cycle.

It invites us to commit to personal goals that align with the positive energies of the Bull. It’s a time to relish life’s simple and physical pleasures, to indulge in good food, and to engage in activities that reconnect us with nature and our bodies. It’s a time to pause, appreciate the beauty around us, and become more aware of what brings us comfort and security.

This New Moon aligns with Uranus and harmonizes with Saturn. We’re listening to our needs for change and innovation, but we’re respecting the process, the need for patience, and what’s worked for us in the past.

With this potent Ta**us energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. It’s time to make some solid and realistic plans and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks after the Full Moon occurs.


And so be it!... Cards for the day!


Have not been on this page for a long time🤔....I have left it on a back burner.
I am ready now to start it again and continue with it. A lot has changed since I opened this page me inclusive.

I am ready to be true to myself, and gather my tribe this way. If you resonate with me and this page, welcome to my tribe.

We will be embarking Ln a journey of self discovery, self love, how to find peace and how to appreciate ourselves.

I am here at your service to help you in any way I can be it through Reiki, therapeutic tarot reading, holding space for nurturing yourself to be living this life to the fulness.

Much love and gratitude 🙏❤️


Good morning beautiful souls.
May anything that has been standing in your way be healed and lifted away today 🧡

Photos from Ray of Divine Light - Reiki & Readings's post 01/10/2023

Good bye September, hello October!


Lion's Gate Portal - 08-08-2022

What is it?
What does it mean?
How to make the most of it!

On August 8, the "Lion's Gate Portal" opens... It is a VERY potent opportunity to 'manifest' and work with its positive and powerful energy.

When the Sun is in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt and Earth align. It is said that this 'line up' creates a powerful portal of energy that is potent for 'manifesting'.

The name comes from the idea that the alignment creates a "portal" and the Lion comes from the fact that the Sun is in the sign of Leo.

During the Lion's Gate Portal Sirius (the brightest star in our night sky) separates enough from the sun for it to show in the morning sky. Healers and Philosophers have said that this imbibes the Earth with extra energy and light and that the energy coming from Sirius has a special elevating and activating energy.

The double digit energy of 8 on August 8 (8/8) is auspicious. Eight is known as the powerhouse number bridging the material and spiritual realms and is also a number for power and wealth.

The number 8 is connected with achievement, goals and the intersection of the spiritual and physical dimensions, also signified by the interlocking circles of the 8, as in the infinity symbol.


I got asked what is Reiki?

Here is a little explanation about it.

Reiki, pronounced ‘ray-key’, is a Japanese form of therapy that aims to increase energy levels and promote relaxation and wellbeing. Developed in the late 19th century, reiki is applied through non-invasive, non-manipulative gentle touch.

The underlying philosophy of reiki is that if a person’s energy is low, they are more likely to be unwell or stressed. If it is high, however, they are more capable of being happy and feeling well. Reiki will not cure illnesses or disease, but it may help your body to feel more relaxed and peaceful.

Reiki is a complementary therapy in that it works alongside other medical and therapeutic techniques.

Reiki can contribute to a person’s wellbeing by making them feel:

more energetic.

In general, a reiki session will involve:

You will be asked to lie on a reiki table or sit in a chair.
The practitioner places their hands on or just above your body in sequences of positions.
Unlike massage, a reiki session does not involve any form of physical manipulation.
You do not need to remove any clothing and no private parts of your body are touched.
During a session, you may feel warmth or cold, a tingling sensation, slight twitching or a rumbling tummy, or you may feel absolutely nothing.
A complete reiki session can last from 60 to 90 minutes.

Reiki is a complementary therapy. In Australia, it is currently being provided in many hospitals, nursing homes, palliative care hospices and community service settings. The system of reiki works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to support the relief of side effects, reduce pain and promote wellness.

I hope this helped.

Many blessings!


Happy New Moon blessings to you! The new moon in Leo was 28 July (moon energy is strong for about 3 days before and after a lunar event).
This lunar month, we’ll be working with a new moon in the 9th House of beliefs and expanded consciousness. The new moon are conjoined loosely by Mercury (planet of communication) in Leo which expresses itself proudly and without reserve, sometimes exaggerating the truth; that all can be found in the 9th House tells us that we need to express our higher truths right now.

On the other side of Mercury and the new moon, we have Saturn in Aquarius. When Saturn (the planet of responsibility, structure, and authority) is in Aquarius (the sign of independence, rebellion, and innovation), the stars ask us to contemplate the structures we want to build for a better future

And then we have Mars (the planet of will and action), coming right up behind — also known as being conjunct — Uranus (planet of disruption), next to the North Node of fate and what we’re moving towards. This is then all set in Ta**us, the sign of stability, maintaining the status quo, and building structure. Mars, the North Node, Uranus, and Ta**us are all at a 90-degree angle to Saturn and the Mercury, sun, and moon. In astrology, we call this a T-square, when two or more planets oppose each other and a third planet or group of planets is squaring them.

Let's look at each component of this T-square, starting with the squaring planets. We have explosive anger and impulsive action with Uranus and Mars in Ta**us. Ta**us is a "feminine" sign (also called a "yin," or receptive, sign), ruled by Venus, which often deals with the body and the way things physically feel in a very tangible way.

These are next to the North Node of fate, which tells us that action is necessary to move forward and to learn spiritual lessons. This looks like righteousness and rebellion — a blast, a boom, a bang. Then, we have Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Leo in the 9th House. We see people shouting their truths, sharing their stories, and creating art to express their indignation toward existing power structures, injustices, and inequalities in the world.

Finally, opposite to that, we have Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, which asks big questions: Are the structures we’re building (or reimagining) for the good of everyone? What can we do as individuals, groups, and whole communities? While these are by no means easy questions to answer, they are sure to continue swirling around amidst the many, many difficult issues facing our world today.

Some aspects of astrology are subtle, often expressing themselves through internal experiences or our relationships with other people and the world. Others are less so and instead can manifest in very physical (i.e. concrete) events. I expect this new moon in Leo will be the latter; this is an aspect that demands our attention and creates a lot of energy — energy that wishes to be expressed. It may even portend the volatility of the upcoming lunar cycle. This will likely not be a quiet feeling in your soul so much as an outward manifestation. Something in your life will feel this explosive energy. The chart is ruled by Mars in Ta**us, which wants to project a calm, grounded exterior even as unconscious rage and even anguish festers below the surface.
By Emily Newhouse


This is happening for today.

Apr 24, 2022 - Mercury and Saturn square off this morning, which could create emotional and mental havoc. When these two planets create a harsh aspect, it tends not to be favorable for all involved. The reason is that Saturn is in its dignity in Aquarius and so is the stronger planet here. Mercury is peregrine in Ta**us, neither debilitated nor dignified. It’s like a lost wanderer in the cosmos.

We can expect a lot of harsh communication today, which could cause some conflict later in the week. Saturn’s negative vibes make Mercury feel like it’s doing everything wrong, indicating that a dominant force in your life could be giving you a lot of flak, making you feel like your efforts aren’t good enough and cutting you off when you want to discuss the situation. This is a censoring energy, so be aware that you might not have the chance to express yourself freely.

Mercury also connects with Neptune today, which could make you run away from a frustrating situation and just live in your imagination for the rest of the day. This is a time of heightened emotions, which could lead to a bout of crying after all of the day’s earlier drama.

