Offers on coffee machines from stock

Offers on coffee machines from stock

We help you find the best deals on coffee machines


Most of us make coffee to refresh ourselves after a night's sleep, for a friendly gathering or a business meeting. A Delonghi coffee machine helps to make the process even more advanced and modern.
Thanks to it, you can enjoy a beverage prepared according to a variety of recipes. Models are good for the home and for installation in offices, allowing you to significantly improve the mood of your employees during the working day.


The country of origin of coffee is believed to be Ethiopia, as it was there that the fruit of the wild coffee tree was first consumed.
Legend has it that the man who dared to taste what goats enjoyed was a shepherd who noticed that the herd became energetic and moved about the pasture for hours without fatigue after eating the dark red beans. He, too, tasted the kernels, which did not taste very pleasant, but had an invigorating effect. The shepherd shared his discovery with local monks, who began brewing coffee beans. The date of the discovery has been given as 850 A.D.
Another Ethiopian legend claims that the discoverer of coffee was Sheikh Omar, a physician and explorer. He used the fruit to treat headaches and gastrointestinal disorders.
Historians believe that coffee trees and their properties were known to the nations that inhabited what is now Ethiopia. The beans were ground and mixed with fat and milk to get a compact and nutritious dry ration for the long journey in the form of balls.
All of these theories are valid, for nature is generous to anyone who is observant and open to new things.

