Enlightened Perspective

Enlightened Perspective

Looking for honest, caring advice? Love Nellie xo Go outside and look at nature. See the beauty all around you and stop and listen for a while...what do you hear?

If you are seeking a resolution to your anxiety, or just want to know an answer to a question that is troubling you, let the Tarot & Guides help you find direction & peace. "Healing takes place change to .... in your life when you can ignore the past and avoid thinking about the future and just live in the moment - Try it! Don't think the moment is good or bad...just enjoy." ~ Eckhart Tolle

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As a Reiki Master, for every reading I will also direct to you, loving healing energy, to help you find peace within.

To book or for more information, please visit my website www.enlightenedperspective.com.au or email me on [email protected]

Love Nellie xo


"Healing takes place change to .... in your life when you can ignore the past and avoid thinking about the future and just live in the moment - Try it! Go outside and look at nature. See the beauty all around you and stop and listen for a while...what do you hear? Don't think the moment is good or bad...just enjoy."

~ Eckhart Tolle


Here are some examples of a good Tarot question:

What do I need to know about, so-and-so?

Or what role do I play in, so-and-so’s life?

What can I change to bring about….

How will my ………..work out or potential be for?

What do I need to do to improve my……………….in the next 6 months.

Plus your details about what you want to know, why or what led you to seek answers of the Tarot. Think about what it is you really need to know, be clear about this.

Remember: Our Guides want nothing more than to help you.

To book or for more information, please visit my website www.enlightenedperspective.com.au or email me on [email protected]

Love Nellie xo


“We are not meant to be tossed by the conscious mind, worrying about the past or future, but we should aim to just be present in the moment. This moment, the only moment that ever is.."

~ Eckhart Tolle, Author of ‘A New Earth’: Create A Better Life.



• Try to ask open ended questions, so it leaves your spirit guides options to provide you with positive solutions you may not of thought of
• Ask the question from your perspective, not someone else’s, so you can make necessary changes, or take responsibility, to create your own path or use your free will.
• Provide as much feedback as to why the issue has come about
• Spirit Guides advice is usually always provided, so if you have a path you think you can take, the tarot can advise you on this, or provide other options to you. Sometimes that may just be ‘wait’ and sometimes not what you want to hear, as we can be a little impatient sometimes.

To book or for more information, please visit my website www.enlightenedperspective.com.au or email me on [email protected]

Love Nellie xo


Tarot Readings By Nellie

Looking for honest, caring advice?

If you are seeking a resolution to your anxiety, or just want to know an answer to a question that is troubling you, let the Tarot and Guides help you find direction and peace

You can ask up to 3 questions.

Answers to your questions will be sent within 24 hours or as soon as able upon receipt of question/s.

To book or for more information, please visit my website www.enlightenedperspective.com.au or email me on [email protected]

Love Nellie xo


Tarot Readings By Nellie

Looking for honest, caring advice?

If you are seeking a resolution to your anxiety, or just want to know an answer to a question that is troubling you, let the Tarot and Guides help you find direction and peace

You can ask up to 3 questions.

Answers to your questions will be sent via email within 24 hours or as soon as able upon receipt of question/s.

To book or for more information, please visit my website www.enlightenedperspective.com.au or email me on [email protected]

Love Nellie xo